Monday, August 22, 2022

Double drowning in the Town of Hope

 State Police investigate double drowning in the Town of Hope


On August 19, 2022, State Police of Mayfield responded to reports of two deceased people located in the water of Tenant Creek off Hope Falls Road in the town of Hope, NY.

Troopers have identified the people found as Kaydee B. Lyons, 24, of Albany, NY, and Matthew A. Bank, 28, of Scotia, NY. The deaths are still under investigation, but the drownings appear to be accidental.

State Police were assisted by the New York State Forest Rangers, Department of Environmental Conservation and the Hamilton County Sheriff’s office at the scene

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Fatal accident in Long Lake, NY

 State Police investigate fatal industrial accident

The investigation revealed a 47-year-old male was standing near the loading container when a cable snapped, causing the container to roll back towards the trash compactor pinning the victim between the two.

The victim was pronounced deceased at the scene.

The investigation is continuing, however foul play was not suspected.

 State Police were assisted at the scene by Long Lake EMS and fire personal.

Recognizing the need for greater access to rural and agricultural media programming

 We need rural news in the Adirondacks and throughout the country. And I am not talking about NCPR.

We need our legislator in Hamilton county, Albany, and in the US Senate and House to adopt the following resolution.

Shown Here:

Introduced in Senate (07/14/2022)


2d Session

S. RES. 712

Recognizing the need for greater access to rural and agricultural media programming.


July 14, 2022

Mrs. Hyde-Smith (for herself, Ms. Klobuchar, Mr. Grassley, Mr. Moran, and Mr. Daines) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry


Recognizing the need for greater access to rural and agricultural media programming.

Whereas individuals living in rural areas in the United States need access to media content that is relevant to their daily lives;

Whereas rural and agricultural programming includes agricultural weather, agribusiness news, commodity market news, and western sports, and this programming is important to the farmers and ranchers of the United States for their way of life and making a living;

Whereas rural and agricultural programming covers matters that affect all individuals in the United States;

Whereas all individuals in the United States need to be exposed to, and informed about, what is occurring outside of the major cities and suburbs of the United States;

Whereas all individuals in the United States feel the effects of inflation and supply chain shortages, and rural and agricultural programming is in a unique position to inform viewers of the roots of these issues;

Whereas the population of the world is projected to grow from 7,000,000,000 to approximately 9,000,000,000 by 2050, and agricultural productivity will need to increase to meet the growing demand for food and the projected increase in consumption;

Whereas a decrease in investment in agricultural research and development would result in a negative shock to agricultural productivity;

Whereas an informed public is key to supporting the proper level of investment in agricultural research and development;

Whereas significant consolidation in the media market and prioritization of consolidated media has had a negative impact on access to rural and agricultural programming; and

Whereas multichannel video programming distributors and providers of digital and streaming media should make delivery of rural and agricultural programming, including agricultural news and western lifestyle content, a priority: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Senate recognizes the importance of rural and agricultural programming and the need for greater access to rural and agricultural media programming.

Monday, August 8, 2022

County moves to improve emergency communications

 Supervisor August 4 2022

County moves to improve emergency communications




BE IT RESOLVED, that proposed Local Law No. 11 of the year 2022 entitled respectively, “LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING LEASE AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF COMMUNICATION TOWER IN TOWN OF ARIETTA” be and the same are hereby introduced to the Board of Supervisors, and be it further

RESOLVED, that a copy of the aforesaid proposed Local Law be laid upon the desks of each member of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors shall hold a public hearing on said proposed Local Law at the County Office Complex, Route 8, Lake Pleasant, New York, on the 1st day of September 2022, at 11:00 AM, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors publish or cause to be published a public notice in the official newspaper of the County of said public hearing at least five (5) days prior thereto.


WHEREAS, in the Town of Arietta certain lands owned by Almina Rogers Baker have been determined to be appropriate for installation of a communications tower, and

WHEREAS Hamilton County wishes to install such communications tower to enhance existing emergency management communications, and

WHEREAS, said property owner is willing to enter into a 99-year lease agreement allowing Hamilton County to enhance said communications, now, therefore,


Section 1. Almina Rogers Baker is the owner of premises in the Town of Arietta, said real property more particularly described as set forth in a certain deed dated October 1, 1947 and recorded in the Hamilton County Clerk’s Office October 2, 1947 at Liber 86, Page 6.

Section 2. Said property owner has agreed to lease to the County of Hamilton the said property as more particularly set forth in the said lease agreement.

Section 3. The term of the proposed lease is ninety-nine (99) years.

Section 4. An analysis of the potential environmental impacts of the said aforesaid lease, if any, has been done under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) with Hamilton County acting as lead agency; this legislative body determines that the proposed action constitutes a Type II action, and accordingly adopts a Negative Declaration, with a determination of no significant effect on the environment.

Section 5. This Local Law is enacted to amend and supersede County Law Section 215(3) so as to authorize the County of Hamilton to enter into a lease of private property identified and as set forth hereinbefore, the purpose of superseding County Law Section 215 is to authorize the County to enter into a lease for a term exceeding five (5) years.

Section 6. The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is authorized to enter into any and all agreements and execute all documents deemed necessary by the County Attorney for the lease of the above-described property from said landowner for a period of ninety-nine (99) years.

Section 7. This Local Law shall take effect upon filing in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Home Rule Law of the State of New York


BE IT RESOLVED, that proposed Local Law No. 12 of the year 2022 entitled respectively, “LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING LEASE AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF COMMUNICATION TOWER IN TOWN OF MOREHOUSE” be and the same are hereby introduced to the Board of Supervisors, and be it further

RESOLVED, that a copy of the aforesaid proposed Local Law be laid upon the desks of each member of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors shall hold a public hearing on said proposed Local Law at the County Office Complex, Route 8, Lake Pleasant, New York, on the 1st day of September 2022, at 11:15 AM, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors publish or cause to be published a public notice in the official newspaper of the County of said public hearing at least five (5) days prior thereto.


WHEREAS, in the Town of Morehouse certain lands owned by Daniel and Rebecca Virgil have been determined to be appropriate for installation of a communications tower, and

WHEREAS Hamilton County wishes to install such communications tower to enhance existing emergency management communications, and

WHEREAS, said property owner is willing to enter into a 99-year lease agreement allowing Hamilton County to enhance said communications, now, therefore,


Section 1. Daniel and Rebecca Virgil are the owners of premises in the Town of Morehouse, said real property more particularly described as set forth in a certain deed dated December 12, 2004 and recorded in the Hamilton County Clerk’s Office December 14, 2004 at Book 232, Page 829.

Section 2. Said property owner has agreed to lease to the County of Hamilton the said property as more particularly set forth in the said lease agreement.

Section 3. The term of the proposed lease is ninety-nine (99) years.

Section 4. An analysis of the potential environmental impacts of the said aforesaid lease, if any, has been done under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) with Hamilton County acting as lead agency; this legislative body determines that the proposed action constitutes a Type II action, and accordingly adopts a Negative Declaration, with a determination of no significant effect on the environment.

Section 5. This Local Law is enacted to amend and supersede County Law Section 215(3) so as to authorize the County of Hamilton to enter into a lease of private property identified and as set forth hereinbefore, the purpose of superseding County Law Section 215 is to authorize the County to enter into a lease for a term exceeding five (5) years.

Section 6. The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is authorized to enter into any and all agreements and execute all documents deemed necessary by the County Attorney for the lease of the above-described property from said landowner for a period of ninety-nine (99) years.

Section 7. This Local Law shall take effect upon filing in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Home Rule Law of the State of New York


WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Emergency Management Department has been awarded the NYS 2019 Statewide Interoperable Communications Formula Grant SI19-1010-E00 in the amount of $540,451, and

WHEREAS, the funds have not been spent, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be authorized to fund Account No. A3645.0422 Statewide Communications Grant SI19-1010-E00 at $540,451 to be totally offset by funding Revenue Account No. A3389.0126 Statewide Communications Grant SI19-1010-E00 at $540,451 and the Director of Emergency Management and Sheriff be so notified.


WHEREAS, with Resolution No. 236-19, Hamilton County retained the professional services of RSTelecom for microwave service and maintenance for the Lake Pleasant, Oak Mt, East Mt., and Blue Mt. sites for a two-year period, and

WHEREAS RSTelecom issued a proposal for a 1-year extension to that contract under the same rate and terms for the period August 1, 2021 to July 31, 2022, and

WHEREAS Resolution No. 217-21 extended that period from August 1, 2021 to July 31, 2022, and

WHEREAS, the County has not yet been able to further expand our system, so it is necessary to authorize another one-year extension with no change, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that upon approval of Homeland Security and the County Attorney, the Chairman be authorized to sign the contract for the one-year extension for RSTelecom, and that the Emergency Services Director be so notified.


WHEREAS the County of Hamilton held the annual foreclosure auction on-line on July 13, 2022, and

WHEREAS, attached hereto and made part hereof is Schedule “A” which contains the names of the high bidder, the tax parcel number, and the bid price for each parcel, and

WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Treasurer has reviewed the bids for each tax parcel and recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve the bids and sale of said parcels to the high bidders and

WHEREAS one parcel bid at the auction is under review and is not included in this Resolution for approval at this time and will be brought forward at the next Board meeting, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors, pursuant to Section 116 of the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York, does hereby approve the bid price for each map parcel shown on “Schedule A” and does hereby authorize the transfer of said property to the named high bidder subject to receipt of the entire bid amount along with associated transfer costs and the approval of the County Attorney, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors does hereby authorize the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors to execute Quit Claim Deeds for said tax map parcels to the high bidder and to execute all other necessary documents to transfer said tax map parcels to the high bidder.


WHEREAS Josh Troxel is presently the Account Clerk/Computer Support Aide in the Treasurer’s Office, and

WHEREAS Josh has been steadily taking on added responsibilities and managing more complex tasks and performing them at a high level, and

WHEREAS Josh has recently taken and passed the exam for Senior Account Clerk and is reachable from the list, and

WHEREAS there is funding currently available in the Treasurer’s budget due to a budgeted step for Josh and from the Account Clerk position being vacant for a period of time, be it

RESOLVED, that Josh Troxell be promoted to the position of Senior Account Clerk in the Treasurer’s Office at a Grade 8, Step 1, at $21.221 per hour effective August 7, 2022, and be it further

RESOLVED, that $1,000 be transferred from Account No. A1325.0104 Account Clerk to A1325.0105 Senior Account Clerk to cover the promotion and the County Treasurer be so authorized and the Personnel Officer and Clerk of the Board be so advised.


WHEREAS the County Treasurer’s Office is in the process of implementing the new Accounting/Personnel software purchased through Tyler Technologies, and

WHEREAS, in the process of inputting the general ledger accounts, we find it necessary to have separate data bases for the County and Town accounts that the County Treasurer maintains through contract, and

WHEREAS, to avoid additional expense in asking for these separate data bases, it was determined that a “Purchasing” module was included in the original contract and it is not a product we wish to utilize at this time and could be interchanged to add the separate data bases at the same price quote as the Purchasing module, be it

RESOLVED, that the Purchasing module be removed from the agreement and the data bases be added at the same cost of $4,145, which results in no additional monetary change, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors does hereby authorize the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to sign the amended agreement after review by the County Attorney and the Personnel Officer, Clerk of the Board and Treasurer be so notified.


WHEREAS, according to Real Property Tax Law Section 578, the County has the right to enter into a contract with a school district for the collection of school taxes, and

WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Treasurer’s Office has had a contract with the Lake Pleasant Central School to collect the school taxes for the district since 2011, and

WHEREAS the Lake Pleasant Central School Board agreed at its Annual Reorganizational meeting held on July 13, 2022 to enter into a school tax collection contract with Hamilton County for the collection year July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023 for $10,150, and

WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Treasurer has agreed to be the tax collecting officer for the 2022-2023 school year for the Lake Pleasant Central School during its normal school tax collection period of September 1 to October 31 with the collection office being the Hamilton County Treasurer’s Office, be it

RESOLVED, that Beth Hunt, Hamilton County Treasurer, is authorized to collect the Lake Pleasant Central School District taxes for the School Tax year 2022-23 at the Hamilton County Treasurer’s Office for an agreed amount of $10,150.00 for school tax year to be paid by the Lake Pleasant Central School District, and be it further

RESOLVED, that upon the approval of the County Attorney, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is authorized to enter into a contract with Lake Pleasant Central School to provide school tax collection services for the school year 2022-2023 for $10,150 and the County Treasurer be so notified.


WHEREAS the County of Hamilton held the annual foreclosure auction on-line on July 13, 2022, and

WHEREAS, attached hereto and made part hereof is Schedule “A” which contains the names of the high bidder, the tax parcel number, and the bid price for each parcel, and

WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Treasurer has reviewed the bids for each tax parcel and recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve the bids and sale of said parcels to the high bidders, now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors, pursuant to Section 116 of the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York, does hereby approve the bid price for each map parcel shown on “Schedule A” and does hereby authorize the transfer of said property to the named high bidder subject to receipt of the entire bid amount along with associated transfer costs and the approval of the County Attorney, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors does hereby authorize the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors to execute Quit Claim Deeds for said tax map parcels to the high bidder and to execute all other necessary documents to transfer said tax map parcels to the high bidder.

SCHEDULE “A” Town of Hope: Bidder: Harry Downing Parcel: 148.018-1-3.100 Bid Price: $67,000.

Town of Lake Pleasant: Bidder: Summer Barnhart Parcel: 113.032-1-2 Bid Price: $46,000; Summer Barnhart Parcel: 113.006-1-16 Bid Price: $28,000; Ryan Smith Parcel: 113.006-1-17 Bid Price: $16,000.

Town of Wells: Bidder: Michael Mell Parcel: 130.018-2-11.110 Bid Price: $8,500.


WHEREAS, Hamilton County has received the 2023 budget and salary schedule for the Lake Champlain-Lake George Regional Planning Board, be it

RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby approves said 2023 LCLGRPB budget and salary schedule.


WHEREAS the Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service currently uses KanTime Software as their electronic medical record (EMR) vendor, and

WHEREAS the monthly fee is Eight Hundred Dollars ($800) for census 1-23, Twelve Hundred Fifty dollars ($1,250) for a census of 25-50, or Seventeen Hundred Fifty Dollars for a census of 51-100, and

WHEREAS the Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) is one hundred dollars ($100) per month, plus $0.06 per clock-in and $0.06 per clock-out, and

WHEREAS the current contract with KanTime is due for renewal, and

WHEREAS the renewal term shall be for a period of two years and will commence upon the date the Renewal Agreement is signed, be it

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is authorized to sign the KanTime Software Subscription Renewal Agreement.


WHEREAS the Hamilton County Community Services is the sole provider of behavioral health service in Hamilton County, and

WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Community Services Board (CSB) has identified the impact on Hamilton County of recent healthcare transformation initiatives by the State of New York as representing significant challenge to its ability to continue to provide adequate behavioral health services to all of its residents, and

WHEREAS, the Hamilton CSB has recommended that a regional meeting be held with other counties in the North Country that would include each counties Director of Community Services, CSB Chair and relevant CSB members to develop both regional and local strategies to ensure that behavioral health services can continued to be provided to all Hamilton County residents, and

WHEREAS representatives of the NYS Office of Mental Health’s Central Office, the NYS Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services Central Office, the NYS Office of People with Developmental Disabilities, the NYS Office of Children and Family Services, the NYS Department of Health, representation from associated Regional Field Offices, and representatives of the regions state operated Psychiatric Hospitals would also participate in this meeting, and

WHEREAS the Hamilton County CSB would support this meeting in Hamilton County, be it

RESOLVED, that a meeting be held at the Minnowbrook Conference Center in Blue Mt. Lake, NY on the 29th and 30th of September, 2022, for the purpose stated above, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Hamilton County Community Services will cover the cost of Hamilton County participants at an amount not to exceed $700 to be charged to Mental Health Account No. A4320.0407 Outreach.


WHEREAS, the current Director of Community Services (DCS) is retiring on August 26th, and

WHEREAS there are no candidates at this time for the DCS position and it’s not expected that an individual will be appointed and in place by August 26th, and

WHEREAS a DCS is necessary to perform the regulatory responsibilities of a Community Services Department under NYS Article 41 Mental Hygiene Law, and

WHEREAS Noni Irish who is currently the Clinical Supervisor for Community Services and has agreed to become the Acting DCS until such time as a permanent DCS can be appointed, and

WHEREAS approval to appoint Ms. Irish as the Acting DCS is pending expected approval by the Inter-Office Coordinating Council (IOCC) of the NYS Department of Mental Hygiene, and

WHEREAS the additional duties that Ms. Irish would assume merit an increase in salary while in the position of Acting DCS and still providing clinical supervision, be it

RESOLVED, that Ms. Irish be temporarily appointed Acting DCS for Hamilton County Community Services given anticipated IOCC approval effective August 29, 2022, and be it further

RESOLVED, that an amount not to exceed $2,782.08 be transferred when necessary from Account No. A4310.0102 Director to Account No. A4310.0113 Supervising Clinical Social Worker when needed to fully fund her position while Acting DCS, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Ms. Irish will resume her Clinical Supervisor position at the salary for that position when a permanent DCS is in place.


WHEREAS, the current Director of Community Services (DCS) is retiring on August 26th, and

WHEREAS there are no candidates at this time for the DCS position and it’s not expected that an individual will be appointed and in place by August 26th, and

WHEREAS it is expected that a temporary Acting DCS will be appointed as it is necessary to have a DCS for the Community Services Department in order to perform the regulatory responsibilities of the Department under NYS Article 41 Mental Hygiene Law, and

WHEREAS, it has been recommended by the Hamilton County Community Services Board that the Acting DCS have qualified supervision for the position until such time as permanently appointed DCS is in place, and

WHEREAS the current Director of Community Services Robert Kleppang is willing to provide supervision to the Acting DCS for up to four (4) hours a week at a rate of Seventy-five Dollars ($75) per hour for a period not to exceed three (3) months, be it

RESOLVED, that Robert Kleppang will be appointed on a temporary basis to provide no more than four (4) hours per week of supervision effective August 29, 2022 at a rate of Seventy-five Dollars ($75) per hour, and be it further

RESOLVED, that an amount not to exceed Three Thousand Nine Hundred Dollars ($3,900) be transferred, as necessary, from Account No. A4310.0102 Director to Account No. A4310.0109 Temporary to fund this position.


WHEREAS CCETA and HCSS offers Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) training services to eligible candidates in their respective counties, and

WHEREAS HCSS caseworkers are charged with the WIOA training of Hamilton County residents work with few trainees because of the small population of Hamilton County and the modest amount of funding allocated to the County for that purpose, and

WHEREAS the Department of Labor’s WIOA data collection program OSOS (OneStop Operating System) is lengthy, complicated, and continuously changing, and errors result in negative performance outcomes which can lead to reduced funding, and

WHEREAS CCETA staff operates WIOA Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth Programing, on a full-time or semi full-time basis and they are proficient with the OSOS system, and

WHEREAS HCSS staff requires continued OSOS training and guidance because of their limited amount of exposure to the system, and

WHEREAS HCSS desires to enter into an agreement with CCETA to process HCSS customer data into the OSOS system making this process more efficient, be it

RESOLVED, that upon approval of the County Attorney, the Commissioner of the Department of Social Services is hereby authorized to sign an MOU with Clinton County Employment and Training Administration to process HCSS customer data into the OSOS system.


WHEREAS Resolution No. 119-18 adopted April 5, 2018 authorized the April 1, 2018- March 31, 2023 Child & Family Services Plan, and

WHEREAS Roberta A Bly has provided the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors with the April 1, 2022- March 31, 2023 Child & Family Services Plan Annual Update, be it

RESOLVED, that Roberta A Bly, Commissioner of Social Services; Robert Kleppang, Executive Director of the County Youth Bureau; Amy Granger, Probation Director and the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors are authorized to sign.


WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP), administered by the Hamilton County Department of Social Services, has been awarded the amount of Eleven Thousand Eight Hundred Seventeen-four Dollars ($11,874) for the administration of the 2022 SYEP, and

WHEREAS the amount to be awarded for SYEP was not known at the time the 2022 budget was adopted, no amount was put in the 2022 Hamilton County budget for Account No. A6290.0103, Job Training Participating Summer Youth, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that Account No. A6290.0103, Job Training Participating Summer Youth, be increased by Eleven Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-four Dollars ($11,874) to be totally offset by increasing Revenue Account No. A4089.0100, Federal Aid, WIA, by same amount and the County Treasurer be so authorized.


WHEREAS the budget appropriation amount for Gas and Diesel for 2022 was set and duly adopted for $700,000 for Account No. DM5130.0405 for the purchase of Gas and Diesel Fuel, and

WHEREAS the budget revenue amount for the sale of Gas and Diesel for 2022 was set and duly adopted for $450,000 for Account No. DM2655.0000 and $50,000 for Account No. DM2801.0000 for sale of fuel, and

WHEREAS the said amounts mentioned herein are estimated by the County Highway Superintendent based on the previous year’s expenditures and gallons used, and

WHEREAS, because of the steep price increases in fuel costs the adjustments need to be made to the 2022 appropriations and revenues as follows:

Appropriations - DM5130.405 Gas and Diesel Increased - $600,000.

Revenue – DM2655.000 Sale of Fuel Increased - $350,000

DM2801.000 Interfund Sale of Fuel Increased - $ 50,000, and

WHEREAS the Superintendent recommends $200,000 be transferred out the County Machinery Fund balance to accomplish the adjustments stated hereon, be it

RESOLVED, that hereby the County Board of Supervisors approves the above mentioned amendments to appropriation and revenues and that $200,000 be transferred out of the Unappropriated County Machinery Fund Balance in accordance with Section 366 Subdivision 1 of the County Law to Account No. DM5130.405 Gas and Diesel and the County Treasurer be so authorized and the Clerk of the Board and DPW Superintendent be so notified.


WHEREAS, the DPW Superintendent has met with the Public Works Committee and Internal Management Committee to recommend the promotion of the following employee:

Daniel Saltis – From MEO to Maintenance Mechanic, Grade 20, to be paid from Account No. A1620.0111 Maintenance Mechanic and

WHEREAS Daniel has completed the Civil Service job scope information application and the Personnel Office has approved that he meets the requirements of Maintenance Mechanic job scope, and

WHEREAS, the DPW Superintendent recommends this provisional promotion, be it

RESOLVED, that hereby the Personnel Officer is authorized to promote the above mentioned employee as stated hereon at Step 1 at $24.186 per hour effective August 8, 2022 and the DPW Superintendent, County Treasurer and Clerk of the Board be so notified.


WHEREAS, Resolution No. 138-21 Authorizes the Burnham Mill Bridge Project, and

WHEREAS, the said bridge project is substantially complete except for paving and guide rail, and

WHEREAS the Superintendent recommends the transfer of $90,791.02 from D5112.0203 Bridge Projects to Account No. D5120.2008 Burnham Mill Bridge Project to cover current costs and the paving and guide rail costs, be it

RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Hamilton does approve the transfer of $90,791.02 from Account No. D5112.0203 Bridge Projects to Account No. D5120.2008 Burnham Mill Bridge Project as recommended by the DPW Superintendent, and the County Treasurer be so authorized to make the transfer and Superintendent and Clerk of the Board be so advised.


WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Treasurer’s Office each year has stub searches performed on delinquent properties that are part of the foreclosure procedure, and

WHEREAS, last year this was successfully performed by Mountain Abstract Company, Inc., and

WHEREAS Mountain Abstract Company, Inc. is able to provide the abstracting services we need at the same price as last year’s services; that being $125 per new search and $50 per two-year update search, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to enter into an abstracting agreement with Mountain Abstract Company, Inc., PO Box 140, Chestertown, NY 12817 under the same terms and conditions as was done last year, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Treasurer and Clerk of the Board be so notified.


WHEREAS the 2020 Chevy Silverado VIN #LZ252662 was involved in an accident and the repairs for the damage were completed by Warrensburg Collision Center, Inc., and

WHEREAS, the Fleet Coordinator recommends the payment of said repairs of the 2020 Chevy Silverado, be it

RESOLVED, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to increase Account No. A1910.0402 Repairs to Vehicles-Insurance by $10,200.77 to be totally offset by increasing Revenue Account No. A2680.0000 Insurance Recoveries by $10,200.77, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make a check payable to: Warrensburg Collision Center, Inc. For Invoice #4461 in the amount of $9,958.91 and Invoice #4539 in the amount of $741.86 for a total of $10,700.77 and the funds be taken out of Account No. A1910.0402 Repairs to Vehicles-Insurance and the Fleet Coordinator and Clerk of the Board be so notified.


WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Health, Agency # 12000, requests the renewal of the Contract No. DOH01-C35458GG-3450000 with Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service to provide Women, Infant and Children Program (WIC) Services, for the period of October 1, 2022– September 30, 2023, and

WHEREAS, the grant year overlaps the 2022- 2023 County Budgeted fiscal year, and

WHEREAS, the total grant contract is for Fifty-two Thousand Four Hundred Seventy-five Dollars ($52,475), and

WHEREAS the necessary funds have been appropriated in the 2022 Municipal Budget and the remainder will be proposed for the 2023 Municipal Budget, be it

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors be authorized to sign the Contract with the NYS WIC Program, and the County Treasurer be so notified.


WHEREAS there has been a vacancy for a Registered Professional Nurse for the past year, and this position has been difficult to fill historically, and

WHEREAS there are several upcoming retirements of current Registered Professional Nurses within the Public Health Department, and

WHEREAS we are hiring registered nurses and crediting them for their years of experience, and

WHEREAS Gail Monthony was hired at the step hire rate with 16 years of experience, and

WHEREAS the Public Health Director requests that this employee be credited for her years of experience, be it

RESOLVED, that Gail Monthony be increased to a Grade 17 Step 6, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Personnel Office be authorized to make this change effective August 7, 2022, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Treasurer be authorized to make the following transfer to cover said step increase:

FROM: Account No. A4010.0404 Public Health Contracts $4,000 TO: Account No. A4050.0124 RP Nurse #3 $4,000.


WHEREAS the Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service is required to provide for Related Services (Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapy Services) for children aged 3-5, who reside within Hamilton County and have a developmental delay as defined through a comprehensive evaluation, through the Committee on Pre-School Special Education (CPSE) process, and

WHEREAS, Indian Lake Central School District can provide these related services through the New York State Department of Education, and

WHEREAS the frequency and duration of services for each child is based on the findings of the comprehensive evaluation and rules applying to section 4410 of the NYS Education Law, as determined by the CPSE committee in preparing an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), and

WHEREAS the compensation for related services is set at rates in conjunction with the Rate Setting Unit of the NYS Department of Education, be it

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors is authorized to enter into a contract with said provider to provide the aforesaid services for the period of September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023 pursuant to an aforesaid IEP for each eligible child, with compensation for services rendered at the current approved rates set forth for Hamilton County by the Rate Setting Unit of the NYS Education Department, upon approval of the County Attorney, and the County Treasurer be so notified.


WHEREAS the Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service is required to provide for special education and related services for children aged 3-5, who reside within Hamilton County and have a developmental delay as defined through a comprehensive evaluation, through the Committee on Pre-School Special Education (CPSE) process, and

WHEREAS Lake Pleasant Central School District is an approved provider of special education and related services through the New York State Department of Education, and

WHEREAS the frequency and duration of services for each child is based on the findings of the comprehensive evaluation and rules applying to section 4410 of the NYS Education Law, as determined by the CPSE committee in preparing an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), and

WHEREAS the compensation for special education and related services are set at rates in conjunction with the Rate Setting Unit of the NYS Department of Education, be it

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors is authorized to enter into a contract with said provider to provide the aforesaid services for the period of September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023 pursuant to an aforesaid IEP for each eligible child, with compensation for services rendered at the current approved rates set forth for Hamilton County by the Rate Setting Unit of the NYS Education Department, upon approval of the County Attorney and the County Treasurer be so notified.


WHEREAS Hamilton County is required to provide for Comprehensive evaluations for children aged 3-5, who reside within Hamilton County and have a suspected developmental delay through the Committee on Pre-School Special Education (CPSE) process, and

WHEREAS Hamilton County is required to provide for any combination of Center-Based itinerant or related professional services including: Special Education Itinerant (SEIT) Services; skilled Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy Related services; Counseling and/or one-on-one Aide services for children determined to have an eligible level of developmental delay and require center-based services to fully meet their needs; as defined through the CPSE Process, and

WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 4410 of the New York State Education Law, the County is required to maintain contracts with several providers for the provision of comprehensive Evaluation and specialized center-based services as described above; in order to provide parents with a choice for service provision, and

WHEREAS reimbursement for comprehensive evaluation and subsequent center-based services is determined by the extent of the evaluation and results, and based on rates set in conjunction with the Rate Setting Unit of the New York State Education Department, and

WHEREAS Comprehensive Evaluations may be requested at any time and/or professional related service provision may be requested at any time through the regular school year and/or the 30-day summer session, and

WHEREAS the Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service represents Hamilton County as administrator of this program, be it

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to sign contracts, upon approval of the County Attorney, for Comprehensive Evaluation and Center-Based professional service provision for children residing within Hamilton County at rates set by the New York State Department of Education, for the period of September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023 between the Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service and, not limited to but including, the following center-based preschool service providers:

NYSARC, Inc. a/k/a The Children’s Corner – The Adirondack ARC, Tupper Lake, NY; Center for Disability Services (No evaluations), Dba Prospect Center, Queensbury, NY; Upstate Cerebral Palsy, Inc, Utica, NY; Kelberman Center, Inc, Utica, NY.


WHEREAS the Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service is required to provide for Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapy Services for children aged 3-5, who reside within Hamilton County and have a developmental delay as defined through a comprehensive evaluation, through the Committee on Pre-School Special Education (CPSE) process, and

WHEREAS, Wells Central School District can provide these related services through the New York State Department of Education, and

WHEREAS the frequency and duration of services for each child is based on the findings of the comprehensive evaluation and rules applying to section 4410 of the NYS Education Law, as determined by the CPSE committee in preparing an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), and

WHEREAS the compensation for related services is set at rates in conjunction with the Rate Setting Unit of the NYS Department of Education, be it

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors is authorized to enter into a contract with said provider to provide the aforesaid services for the period of September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023 pursuant to an aforesaid IEP for each eligible child, with compensation for services rendered at the current approved rates set forth for Hamilton County by the Rate Setting Unit of the NYS Education Department, upon approval of the County Attorney, and the County Treasurer be so notified.


WHEREAS, the Oxbow Culvert Project is complete, and

WHEREAS the original contract amount for construction awarded was $466,817.63, and

WHEREAS, the final amount of the construction cost is $455,507.13, and

WHEREAS, to date D.H. Smith has been paid $438,178.69, and

WHEREAS there is one Change Order that needed to be completed that included minor light stone fill around the abutments and extra embankment for the guide rails that wasn’t included in the original contract, and

WHEREAS the final amount to be paid to D. H. Smith, Inc. is $17,328.44 which bring the total for construction to $455,507.13 and this figure is ($11,310.50) under the original contract amount for construction, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Board of Supervisors authorizes Change Order #1 and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make a check payable to D. H. Smith, Inc., PO Box 293, Clayville, NY 13322 in the amount of $17,328.44 for the final payment for the Oxbow Outlet Culvert Project, and the funds be taken out of Account D5112.2022 Oxbow Outlet Culvert Project and the Highway Superintendent and Clerk of the Board be so notified.