Saturday, July 20, 2024

Indian Lake School Board gets organized

 ILCS BOE July 8 2024

Indian Lake School Board gets organized


INDIAN LAKE—The Indian Lake Central School Board of Education met on July 8 and began with its yearly Reorganizational Meeting, which was then followed by its regular monthly meeting.


Laurie Wells and Peter Farrell newly elected Board Member were sworn in.

The District Clerk called for nominations for President of the Board of Education for the year 2024- 2025. Jason Scott moved, seconded by Allison LaPrairie to nominate David Harrington for president. No other nominations were placed. David Harrington was declared president. Motion 3 aye 1 nay Motion Carried.

The District Clerk Dianna Wilder called for nominations for Vice-President of the Board of Education for the year 2024-2025 Ms. LaPrairie moved, seconded by Harrington, to nominate Jason Scott for vice-president. No other nominations were placed; Mr. Jason Scott was declared vice-president. Motion Carried.

The Oaths of Office for president and vice-president and other Board Members were sworn in for the year 2024-2025.

Farrell moved, seconded by Laprairie, to approve the following appointments for the year July 1, 2024 to June 30 2025. Motion Carried.

District Clerk - Dianna Wilder, Assistant Clerk - Mellissa Mulvey, District Treasurer - Elizabeth Federspiel, Census Enumerator - Dianna Wilder, Tax Collector - Cynthia Burgess, Central Treasurer - Cynthia Burgess (Class Funds), School Physician - Dr. Thomas Portuese, School Attorney - Girvin & Ferlazzo, PC, School Auditor - Scott Preusser, CPA, Purchasing Agent - Mellissa Mulvey, Payroll Officer - Mellissa Mulvey, Record Management - Elizabeth Federspiel Officer, Records Access - Dianna Wilder Officer.

LaPrairie, seconded by Scott to appoint CSE/CPSE Nikki Wonders & CSE/CPSE Sub-committee members as recommended. Motion, 3 aye, 2 nay Motion Carried.

Appointed District Clerk and District Treasurer were sworn in for the year 2024-2025. Mrs. Wells moved, seconded by Scott, to approve the following resolution.

RESOLVED that the bonds shall be posted in ample form and sufficiently for the District Treasurer - $1,000,000.00; Tax Collector - $1,000,000.00 and all other employees $100,000.00. Motion carried.

Scott moved, seconded by LaPrairie to approve the following resolution.

RESOLVED that Community Bank NA, Indian Lake Branch, be the official bank for 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried.

Wells moved, seconded by Scott to approve the following resolution.

RESOLVED that the Hamilton County Express be designated as the official newspaper of the Indian Lake Central School District. Motion carried.

Scott moved, seconded by Wells to approve the following Board meeting dates:

August 20, 2024, September 17, 2024, October 15, 2024, November 19, 2024, December 17, 2024, January 21, 2025, February 25, 2025, March 18, 2025, April 22, 2025, May 6, 2025 (Annual District Meeting and Regular Board Meeting), May 13, 2025 (Budget Vote), June 17, 2025, July 8, 2025 (Re-Organizational meeting followed by Regular Board Mtg). Motion carried.

Farrell moved, seconded by Ms. Laprairie to approve the following resolution.

RESOLVED that Mrs. Elizabeth Federspiel, District Treasurer be authorized to sign checks and in the absence of the treasurer, Ms. Dianna Wilder-Clawson, District Clerk be authorized to sign checks. Motion carried.

Scott moved, seconded by Farrell to approve the following resolution.

RESOLVED that the sum of $100.00 be established for petty cash fund for General Fund and School Lunch Fund $25.00. Motion carried.

Scott moved, seconded by Farrell to approve the following resolution.

RESOLVED that all current Board of Education Policies and Code of Ethics be readopted by the Board of Education. Motion carried.

Farrell moved, seconded by Wells to approve the following resolution.

RESOLVED that the mileage reimbursement rate for the 2024-2025 school year for all District personnel and Board of Education members, shall be authorized at the mileage reimbursement of $.65 car and truck mileage. Motion carried. Mileage Reimbursement is the mileage reimbursement rate to coincide with the IRS determined rate for the 2024-2025 school year.

LaPrairie, seconded by Scott to approve the following resolution.

RESOLVED that the Board of Education grant approval for attendance at workshops, conferences and conventions for Board members, administrators, teachers and staff with expenses to be paid as follows: 1) Attendance of each teacher to be approved by the Superintendent; 2) Expenses are to be reimbursed as costs are incurred and 3) Expenses may be paid in advance, if necessary, with valid approval of claims. The school van/car should be used for conferences if available. Motion carried.

Wells moved, seconded by Scott o approve the following resolution.

RESOLVED that the Board of Education will provide caps and gowns for senior graduation and 25 announcements for each senior. Motion carried.

Wells moved, seconded by Farrell to approve the following resolution.

RESOLVED that the Board of Education authorizes the sum of $450 for the Senior Prom. Motion carried.

Wells moved, seconded by Farrell to approve the following resolution.

RESOLVED that the Indian Lake Central School District Board of Education resolve to comply with all regulations and rules of the Commissioner of Education and the Board of Regents. Motion carried.

Scott moved, seconded by LaPrairie to approve the following resolution.

RESOLVED that the Indian Lake Central School District Board of Education resolve to comply with all special rules and regulations for management of extra-classroom activities as per State Education guidelines. Motion carried.

Farrell moved, seconded by Laprairie to approve the following resolution.

RESOLVED that the Indian Lake Central School District set tuition for out of District students is $2,000 per year. Motion carried.

LaPrairie, seconded by Scott to approve the following resolution.

RESOLVED that the Indian Lake Central School District set tuition for international students for the 2023-24 school year is $9,100. Motion carried.

Scott moved, seconded by Wells to approve the following resolution.

RESOLVED that all certified coaches will be able to cover coaching emergencies. Motion carried.

With no other business being presented, LaPrairie moved, seconded by Scott to adjourn the Reorganizational meeting at 6:35 P.M. Carried.


Harrington called the regular meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.


LaPrairie moved, seconded by Farrell to approve June 18, 2024 regular board meeting minutes. Carried.

The Board reviewed the warrants for June 2024.


Mulvey presented the Superintendent/Principal Report. 4 students graduated this year. Capital project began July 1, The Summer Progam is going well, Drivers Ed has begun with John Rathbun, youth soccer.


Scott moved, seconded by LaPrairie to approve treasurer to pay costs as they occur. Carried.

Scott moved, seconded by Farrell to approve claims audit for June 1-30, 2024. Carried.

LaPrairie moved, seconded by Scott to approve the Student Transportation Cooperative Agreement. Carried.

LaPrairie moved, seconded by Scott to approve Carrissa Lance, Christopher Ciembroniewicz, and Greyson Knight for out of district tuition. Carried

Wells moved, seconded by LaPrairie to approve disposal of Elementary Jouney’s reading program. Carried. CSE Recommendations tabled to executive session.

Scott moved, seconded by LaPrairie to approve confidential/management contracts per non –instructional contracts at 4.5% increases. Carried.

LaPrairie moved, seconded by Scott to approve the school safety specialist contract for 2024-25 school year. Carried. Scott moved, seconded by LaPrairie to approve extra-curricular positions for 2024-25 school year. Carried.


Josh Wells inquired what the stipend was for the Dean of students for the 2024-25 school year McCauliffe will be receiving, the Superintendent answered question.

LaPrairie moved, seconded by Scott to approve extension of superintendent’s contract. 4 aye, 1 nay.

Scott moved, seconded by Wells to approve Catherine Clark summer bus aide at a rate of $20.00 per hour. Carried. Farrell moved, seconded by Scott to adjourn regular session at 7:07 pm. Carried.

LaPriairie off of google meet.

EXECUTIVE SESSION was called to order at 7:08 pm. Regular session reopened at 8:21 pm.

Scott moved, seconded by Harrington to approve CSE recommendations. 2 aye, 2 nay.

Wells moved, seconded by Farrell to adjourn the regular session at 8:23pm.

Minutes provided by Dianna M. Wilder-Clawson, District Clerk.

Ken Cannan Citizen of the Year

 ILTB June 10 2024

Ken Cannan Citizen of the Year


INDIAN LAKE—The Indian Lake Town Board held a regular monthly meeting on June 10.

Prior to the beginning of the meeting, Supervisor Brian Wells recognized our 2024 Citizen of the Year, Mr. Ken Cannan. As Cannan had a baccalaureate service to attend at 7pm, we will hopefully have to opportunity to give him a proper acknowledgement at our next board meeting on July 8, 2024.

Supervisor Wells brought the meeting to order, all said the pledge of allegiance. Deputy Clerk Zahray called roll with the following answering:

Councilman Jake Mahoney, Here; Councilwoman Kristina Eldridge, Here; Supervisor Wells, Here; Councilman John Rathbun, Here; Councilwoman Pam Howard, Here.


Supervisor Wells asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the May 13, 2024 meeting, Councilwoman Howard asked for a correction on a typo, Councilman Rathbun made a motion to approve the minutes with the correction and Councilman Mahoney seconded. All in favor.


Supervisor Wells thanked Patrick Mahoney, Water and Sewer Department, for his quick work of taking care of an issue that had come up with the EPA.

Councilman Rathbun thanked all the Department Heads for their help and work with the History Reenactment that was held at the Townsend Property in May. It was a successful event and the people in attendance were well pleased. There was a bit of concern among some people about the noise from the cannons. Mary Prusko questioned if there was a possibility of having a schedule for future events that involve loud noises (cannons, fireworks).


Andy Coney questioned whether the beaches would be open this year. We currently have 2 potential lifeguards which would give us alternating beach days. There is a shortage of people who want to be lifeguards.

The Blue Mt Lake Association has a plaque to be put on the phone booth that is in Blue Mountain, with a thank you to Bill LaPrairie, Head of the Parks and Rec Department, for his hard work taking 4 broken phone booths to make one functioning one.

Mary Leach wanted to let everyone know that the Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts is open for the season and a couple of upcoming events are an Open Mic and Karaoke Night and a monarch craft with Lauren Walker.

Mary Prusko shared information about the Indian Lake Boater's Guide which offers a very detailed map for navigating Indian Lake and it is available for purchase at Pines and the Indian Lake Marina for $10.


The Town Chamber of Commerce has requested the use of the Beach Pavilion on Lake Abanakee for signup of the people who will be participating in the Poker Paddle in July, they would be launching from an area further down the lake. The Board approves the request.


The town clerk audit was completed and approved.


Supervisor Wells mentioned that the Hometown Heroes Banner committee will have a Family Fun Day fundraiser on July 15 behind the Axes and Irons Building, they would like to have port a potties, the town will be looking into whether we are able to assist them with this request.

The decision was made to continue utilizing Decals at the town hall to provide people with the service of getting their Fishing and Hunting licenses.

A short-term rental law has been passed by both houses and has gone to the Governor for her approval.

There will be a meeting with FEMA for the funding for Water Plant Road, due to the change in highway supervisor and accountant, we had fallen behind, but the project will be back on track.

Elderwood Nursing Home in North Creek has applied for the Vital Access Provider Grant. Covid 19 made things very difficult for them in providing essential service and the rising costs. We support Elderwood and the service that they provide.

The Highway Department has a Grader that needs attention. A lot of money has been put into it, it's old and may need replacing. We have been waiting for a new transmission.

There is a NYS law that only particular fireworks are allowed in New York State. The loud noises are disturbing to the public and it's not as exciting for most as it is for some. Perhaps it is time for a resolution to ban them altogether.


Councilman Mahoney shared his thoughts that the Black Fly Challenge was a very well-done event and thanked everyone for their hard work.

Councilwoman Howard asked if we were accepting the Adirondack Generators Bid? The decision was made at the May meeting to accept the bids as presented and turn them over to Bill LaPrairie, Parks and Rec Department, to look over the specifications to be sure everything was as needed and to make the final decision, this was included in the motion at that meeting.

Supervisor Wells made a motion to pay bills, Councilman Mahoney seconded. All in favor.


Supervisor Wells made a motion to enter executive session at 7:20 pm. Councilman Mahoney seconded.

Supervisor Wells made a motion to exit executive session at 8:25 pm. Councilwoman Eldridge seconded.

No action was taken during the executive session.

Councilwoman Howard made a motion to start the process of going to an Appointed Highway Supervisor position, seconded by Councilman Rathbun. All in favor.

Councilman Rathbun made a motion to declare the former Townsend property as surplus, with the possibility of subdivision to be discussed, this decision was made due to the lack of New York State funding SAM Grant #6948 of $300,000, seconded by Councilwoman Eldridge. All in favor.

Councilwoman Howard made a motion to pay the Snowarriors for trail grooming during the 23/24 Snowmobile Season in the amount of $1,654.08, seconded by councilwoman Eldridge. All in favor.

A motion to adjourn was made by Supervisor Wells at 8:55 pm, seconded by Councilwoman Howard.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

New Public Health Director

 Supervisors July 10 2024

New Public Health Director

By Pete Klein

LAKE PLEASANT—The Hamilton County Board of Supervisors held a special meeting on July 10, during which they appointed an Interim Public Health Director to replace Erica Tomlinson who recently resigned.

The resolution making the appointment reads as follows:

WHEREAS, the Public Health Director has resigned effective July 14, 2024, and WHEREAS, New York State requires Hamilton County to have a Public Health Director and will allow a current Hamilton County employee to be named Interim Public Health Director until a qualified replacement is appointed, and

WHEREAS, the Director of Community Services is willing and able to be the Interim Public Health Director, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Health Committee recommends the appointment of Lynette Greene as Interim Public Health Director for three months effective July 15, 2024 until October 14, 2024, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the hourly rate of Lynette Greene will be increased by $6.841/hour and that her hours be increased to 40-hours per week for the additional duties and responsibilities added as Interim Public Health Director, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Personnel Officer is permitted to advertise for a new Public Health Director and at which time a qualified candidate is found and appointed, the additional duties of Public Health Director will be removed from Lynette Greene and she will return to her prior hourly rate and 35-hour work week regardless of her temporary term coming to fruition, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Personnel Officer and Treasurer be so notified.

Monday, July 8, 2024

ILCSD Budget approved


ILCSD JUNE 18 2024


ILCSD Budget approved

By Pete Klein

INDIAN LAKE—When the Indian Lake Central School Board of Education met on June 18, according to the minutes posted by Dianna M. Wilder, District Clerk, the vote on the budget in May saw164 votes cast, the budget of $8,040,156 approved with 111 yes, 53 no votes; the bus purchase-proposition passed with 112 yes, 52 no votes. Board Member Seat: 3-year term approved with Laurie Wells, 152 yes votes, 12 others. Board Member Seat, 4-year term, Peter Farrell, 128 yes, 36 other; Board Member Seat, 5-year term-Jason Scott, 147 Yes, 17 other.


Superintendent/Principal Mulvey presented the superintendent/principal report. Summer program beginning July 8, Athletic discussion regarding numbers for fall sports teams. The moose was voted as the new mascot for Indian Lake CSD.

Board retreat will be August 1, 2024 with Dr. Turina Parker at ILCS

Re-Organizational meeting and Regular Bd Meeting is July 9 2024


Abigail Hall, Alana Naubereit, Morgan Scofield, and Kaitlyn Cannan provided a presentation about their trip to Montreal.


Librarian Julie Wolfe presented the Board with some ideas she had and changes that were and will be implemented in the library. Weeding out the old and bringing in some new books is part of the plan.


Allison LaPrairie moved, seconded by Laurie Wells to approve May 14, 2024 regular Board Meeting Minutes and District Annual Budget Mtg May 14, 2024. Carried.

Laurie Wells moved, seconded by Allison LaPrairie to approve May treasurer report. Carried.

The Board reviewed the Warrants, Manual Check, General Fund Budget and Revenue status reports, School Lunch status reports for May 2024.

Allison LaPrairie moved, seconded by Laurie Farrell to approve removal of local graduation requirements, personal finance, and parenting (classes will still be offered just not a requirement to graduate) 3 ayes, 1 nay.

Laurie. Wells moved, seconded by Peter Farrell to approve claims audit for May 1-31, 2024. Carried

Allison LaPrairie moved, seconded by Laurie Wells to approve CSE Recommendations # 11282018, 000092010, 091940100, 091940024, 091940058, 000092088, 091940101,000092004,091940046, 091940128, 091940135, 00092009, Carried.

Allison LaPrairie moved, seconded by Peter Farrell to approve Cooperative bidding 2024-25. Carried

Allison LaPrairie moved, seconded by Laurie Wells to approve excess fund balance resolution. Carried.

Peter Farrell moved, seconded by Allison LaPrairie to approve Ben Strader as volunteer boys’ varsity soccer coach pending fingerprints. Carried.

Peter Farrell moved, seconded by Allison LaPrairie to approve 2024-25 extracurricular advisors. Carried.

Allison LaPrairie moved, seconded by Peter Farrell to approve agreement between Indian Lake CSD and Long Lake CSD for evaluation/re-evaluation of CSE students.

Peter Farrell moved, seconded by Allison LaPrairie to approve Natasha West request for maternity leave. Carried.

Peter Farrell moved, seconded by Allison LaPrairie to approve selling of weight room and flat bench and decline bench on Auction’s International. Carried.

Allison LaPrairie moved, seconded by Laurie Wells to adjourn the regular session at 7:15pm. Carried.

Friday, July 5, 2024

County Board of Supervisors has scheduled a public hearing

 Supervisors July 3 2024

County Board of Supervisors has scheduled a public hearing

By Pete Klein

Lake Pleasant— When the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors met on July 3, a PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 2 OF 2024 – A LOCAL LAW TO PROVIDE AN INCREASE IN THE COMPENSATION OF THE COUNTY PERSONNEL OFFICER was presented as follows.

BE IT RESOLVED, that proposed Local Law No. 2 of the year 2024 entitled, “A Local Law to Provide an Increase in the Compensation of the County Personnel Officer” be and the same is hereby introduced to the Board of Supervisors, and be it further

RESOLVED, that a copy of the aforesaid proposed Local Law be laid upon the desks of each member of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors shall hold a public hearing on the said proposed Local Law at the County Office Complex, Route 8, Lake Pleasant, New York, on the 1st day of August 2024, at 10:45 AM, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors publish or cause to be published a public notice in the official newspaper of the County of said public hearing at least five (5) days prior thereto.



BE IT ENACTED, by the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors as follows:

SECTION 1. As per Section 201 of County Law, the Board of Supervisors can only increase the salary of a county officer who is elected for a fixed term or appointed for a fixed term, in the middle of that term of office, if Section 24 (2)(h) of the Municipal Home Rule Law is complied with. In keeping with that compliance, Local Law No. 2 of 2024 is hereby enacted setting the annual salary for the County Personnel Officer at $62,290.92 effective July 1, 2024.

SECTION 2. This Local Law shall take effect forty-five (45) days from the date of adoption by the Board of Supervisors unless a petition is filed in accordance with Municipal Home Rule law, and after filing with the Secretary of State.


WHEREAS Hamilton County entered into an agreement with Fulton County for providing server and support services for the Hamilton County Board of Elections, and other services as necessary/mutually agreeable for Hamilton County Board of Elections, and

WHEREAS the Board of Elections is recommending continuing to contract with Fulton County for IT Services, and

WHEREAS, Fulton County has made a proposal for a new contract for the server support services which includes: Operation and maintenance of the BOE server(s), Remote access to BOE systems in the event of an emergency, Regular backup of BOE Data, Remote and, if necessary on- site support for PC’s to access BOE software, Assistance with certifying compliance with NY State Cybersecurity regulations for $8,500.00 annually for support, server operation, and backups, billed immediately and on-site of $60.00 per hour, plus mileage at the current IRS mileage reimbursement rate at the time of service, and

WHEREAS, the majority of the associated cost is hereby determined to be a professional service, now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors does hereby authorize the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to enter into contract with Fulton County, for said services for a term of January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.

IN OTHER BUSINESS the following resolutions were approved.


WHEREAS, the Personnel Officer has found an overpayment of Healthcare Worker Bonus funds received in 2023, and

WHEREAS it was required to complete a Healthcare Worker Bonus Overpayment Self- Disclosure report to the New York State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General, and

WHEREAS, the New York State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General has issued a Remittance Advice in the amount of the overpayment, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is authorized to create Account No. A1325.0413 Healthcare Worker Bonus Overpayment and fund said account by transferring $1,614.75 from the Unappropriated General Fund Balance in accordance with Section 366 Subdivision 1 of the County Law and be it further.

RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be authorized to make payment in the amount of $1,614.75 from Account No. A1325.0413 Healthcare Worker Bonus Overpayment to: NYS Office of the Medicaid Inspector General Bureau of Collections Management 800 North Pearl Street Albany, NY 12204 and the Personnel Officer so notified.


WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Board of Elections has been awarded the Technology Innovation and Election Resource (TIER) Grant BOE01 – T004363 – 1110000 in 2021, for an amount up to $6,850.77, term of contract 04/07/2021 to 01/27/2023, and

WHEREAS this grant has been amended and extended from 04/07/2021 to 03/31/2025, for the amount up to $26,824.62, and

WHEREAS this grant is reimbursable for actual costs per the Work Plan submitted by the Hamilton County Board of Elections, and

WHEREAS, both Commissioners have agreed to and signed off on said Work Plan, now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to sign the original Master Grant and the term extension of the Technology Innovation and Election Resource (TIER) Grant BOE01 – T004363 – 1110000, and be it further

RESOLVED, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to create Revenue Account No. A3089.1000 BOE TIER Grant.


WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Board of Elections has been awarded the Absentee Ballot Pre-Paid Postage Grant BOE01 – T004588 – 1110000, in 2022 for an amount up to

$11,201.75, term of contact 07/01/2022 to 12/31/2022, and

WHEREAS this grant has been amended and extended from 01/28/23 to 03/31/2025, for the amount up to $22,403.50, and

WHEREAS this grant is reimbursable for actual costs per the Work Plan submitted by the Hamilton County Board of Elections, and

WHEREAS, both Commissioners have agreed to and signed off on said Work Plan, now, therefore, be it.

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to sign the original Master Grant, and the term extension of the Absentee Ballot Pre- Paid Postage Grant BOE01 – T004588 – 1110000, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to create Revenue Account No. A3089.1100 BOE Absentee Ballot Pre-Paid Postage.


WHEREAS, Hamilton County has received a new 5-year agreement from the Unified Court System for security services to the courts of Hamilton, and

WHEREAS, the contract begins on April 1, 2024 and ends on March 31, 2029, and

WHEREAS, the contract stated in pertinent part, “All subsequent periods of the contract, the maximum compensation and where necessary new staffing schedule for that period are to be established by mutual written agreement of the parties.,” and

WHEREAS, the State Unified Court System has provided a proposal wherein the period of the contract begins on April 1, 2024 and ends on March 31, 2025, the maximum compensation for the period is Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) and the Hamilton County Sheriff provides an attendant staffing schedule, and

WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Sheriff has provided an Attendant Staffing Schedule to the State Court System,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors is authorized to execute an agreement with the New York State Unified Court System to provide Court Attendant Staffing by the Hamilton County Sheriff for the maximum compensation of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) for the period of time beginning on April 1, 2024 and ending on March 31, 2025.


WHEREAS the Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service maintains an agreement between Warren/Hamilton Office for the Aging to provide services for Hamilton County residents under a Community Services Contract code A.6780 10 470, and

WHEREAS this contract has been submitted for renewal for the period August 1, 2024 – July 31, 2025 in the full amount of $3,313.00, and

WHEREAS Michelle Kelly of 219 Lake Snow Road, Indian Lake, NY is a certified Yoga Instructor and wishes to contract with Hamilton County to instruct Yoga Classes, and

WHEREAS the term of this contract shall be from August 1, 2024 through July 31, 2025 and compensated at a rate of $40.00 per class plus mileage at the current county rate, be it

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is authorized to enter into a contract with Michelle Kelly to instruct Yoga classes to the residents of Hamilton County, for the period August 1, 2024 through July 31, 2025 at a rate of $40.00 per class plus mileage upon approval of the County Attorney and the County Treasurer be so notified.


WHEREAS, $5,000.00 was budgeted for Early Intervention program services in the 2024 budget, and

WHEREAS there has been an increase in the Early Intervention caseload causing a budget shortage, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to increase Account No. A4059.0401 EI Program Fees by $5,000.00 to be totally offset by increasing Revenue Account No. A1621 EI Fees for Svs-3rd Prt by $5,000.00.


WHEREAS funds will be exhausted in the Hamilton County Department of Social Services Appropriation Account No. A6119.0401, Foster Care, during the month of July, 2024 due to a residential foster care placement, and

WHEREAS funds will be exhausted in the Hamilton County Department of Social Services Appropriation Account No. A6070.0402, Services for Recipients, before the end of the 2024 Budget year, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the following transfers be made: From: A6109.401 Family Assistance $ 100,000.00 To: A6119.401 Foster Care $ 80,000.00 To: A6070.402 Services for Recipients$ 20,000.00 and the County Treasurer be so authorized.


WHEREAS the Hamilton County Probation Department began contracting with the Fulton County Information Services Department to provide hosting and IT services for their Caseload Explorer Program on October 1, 2013, and

WHEREAS, the Probation Department wishes to continue receiving this service, and WHEREAS, the Fulton County IT Department is willing to continue this service at the same rate of $2,800.00 per year, be it

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to sign a contract between Hamilton County Probation Department and the Fulton County Information Services Department for $2,800.00 per year, effective January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024.


WHEREAS Resolution No. 83-23 was adopted by the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors awarding a bid for and authorizing the contract for Bridge/Building Repair & Pneumatically Projected Concrete with R & B Construction LLC, and

WHEREAS the Board of Ethics received a complaint regarding certain projects under said contract, and

WHEREAS, the Board of Ethics has recommended the contract be ratified by the Board of Supervisors in a public meeting in accordance with Section 14 of the Code of Ethics, be it

RESOLVED, that the bid for Specification No. 1-2023 Bridge/Building Repair & Pneumatically Projected Concrete be awarded to R & B Construction LLC at the following amounts for all locations as per the requirements of the Hamilton County Highway Superintendent: Randy J. Bascom, Owner, R & B Construction, L.L.C. 1094 Bulls Head Rd., Amsterdam, N.Y. 12010

A. Foreman W/equipped field truck $100.00; B. Carpenter/Iron Worker $90.00; C. Laborer $ 98.00 - Total $288.00 and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Highway Superintendent, County Attorney and Clerk of the Board be so notified.


WHEREAS Vehicle #120 – 2015 Mack Granite was involved in an accident and the repairs for the damage were completed by Adirondack Truck Repair, LLC, and

WHEREAS, the Fleet Coordinator recommends the payment of said repairs of the 2015 Mack Granite, be it

RESOLVED, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to increase Account No. A1910.0402 Repairs to Vehicles-Insurance by $41,381.06 to be totally offset by increasing Revenue Account No. A2680.0000 Insurance Recoveries by $41,381.06, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make a check payable to: Adirondack Truck Repair, LLC, 375 Big Bay Rd., Queensbury, NY for Invoice #39595 in the amount of $41,381.06 and the funds be taken out of Account No. A1910.0402 Repairs to Vehicles-Insurance and the Fleet Coordinator and Clerk of the Board be so notified.


WHEREAS the budget appropriation amount for Capital Road Projects for 2024 was set and adopted for $1,300,000.00 for Account No. D5112.0202 Capital Projects, and

WHEREAS, that amount is estimated by the County Highway Superintendent in September of the previous year based on previous allocations of State CHIPS funding for highway projects and the actual amount is set after the State Budget is adopted, and

WHEREAS the actual adopted State Budget for 2024-2025 for Hamilton County from the state CHIPS, Pave NY, Extreme Weather Recovery (EWR) and Pave Our Potholes (POP) funds for the State fiscal year 2024-2025 is set at $1,388,367.24 including rollover funds, and

WHEREAS the County Highway Superintendent recommends that the County Board of Supervisors amend the 2024 appropriation for capital projects from $1,300,000.00 to $1,388,367.24 for 2024 County Highway Projects, be it

RESOLVED, that the 2024 budget appropriation for Capital Road Projects Account No. D5112.0202 be amended from $1,300,000.00 to $1,388,367.24 and also increase Revenue Account No. D3501.0000 Consolidated Highway Aid from $1,300,000.00 to $1,388,367.24 and the County Treasurer be so authorized and Clerk of the Board and County DPW Superintendent be so notified.


WHEREAS there has been appropriated in the 2024 highway budget the sum of $1,300,000.00 for the construction of County Road Fund Projects for 2024 and these funds are 100% reimbursed through the Consolidation Highway Improvement Program (CHIP’s), and

WHEREAS, the County Highway Superintendent has recommended the expenditure of

$40,000.00 for the construction of the following project:


Co. Rd. No. 6A – W. Stony Creek Rd., HMA Base @ 20 ft.; Approx. 0.15-mile $40,000.00 Account No. D5112.2544 and

WHEREAS the above designated roads and bridge are on a completed system of the Hamilton County road map adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Hamilton County and approved by the Commissioner of Transportation, be it

RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Hamilton does allot and appropriate from Account No. D5112.202 Capital Projects, the sum of $40,000.00, for the construction of the above designated projects as recommended by the County Highway Superintendent and the County Treasurer and Clerk of the Board be so advised.


WHEREAS, the DPW Superintendent has met with the Public Works Committee and Internal Management Committee to recommend an hourly rate adjustment for DPW employees licensed to use explosives for blasting as follows -

Christopher Mitchell, - from $5.00 per hour to $10.00 per hour when performing blasting projects William Rehm – from $5.00 per hour to $10.00 per hour when performing blasting projects and

WHEREAS, the Public Works and Internal Management Committees recommend these adjustments, be it

RESOLVED, that hereby the Personnel Officer is authorized to adjust the employees as stated hereon effective immediately and the DPW Superintendent, County Treasurer and Clerk of the Board be so notified.


WHEREAS the Public Works department has had a tandem truck with plow equipment ordered since December of 2022, and

WHEREAS this said truck will not be delivered in 2024 and the Superintendent has located a tandem truck that will be available in a few months from TENCO Industries under Sourcewell Contract Pricing #062222-AGI-5, and

WHEREAS, the Superintendent has met with the Public Works committee to discuss the need to purchase a tandem in 2024, and

WHEREAS the Superintendent and the Public Works recommends purchasing the said vehicle as follows – 1 – 2024 Western Star 49X with Tenco plow equipment and Beau-Roc Stainless Dump body - $313,765.00 delivered be it

RESOLVED, that the Public Works Superintendent is hereby authorized to issue a purchase order for the said 2024 Western Star 49X from TENCO Industries, 5700 South Lima Road, Lakeville, NY for a total of $313,765.00 delivered, and the Clerk of the Board, County Treasurer, and Public Works Superintendent be so notified.


WHEREAS Chris D. Rhodes, Supervisors’ Representative has resigned, therefore creating a vacancy, and

WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors has received from the Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District a recommendation that Beth Hunt be appointed as Supervisor Representative to the Board of Directors of the Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District, be it

RESOLVED, that Beth Hunt be appointed as Supervisors’ Representative to the Board of Directors for the remaining term commencing July 3, 2024 terminating December 31, 2024.