Saturday, August 31, 2019

Benson highway work continues

Benson TB Aug 20 2019

Benson highway work continues
By Pete Klein
BENSON--Highway Superintendent George Blowers reported at the August 20 meeting of the Benson Town Board that paving has been completed on River Rd. for this year.
He said the County will be grinding that part of Benson Rd. it just paved and put another base coat on top of it.
Blowers reported he has received all his WEX cards for fuel.
The possibility of hiring a third worker for the highway department, either full or part time was brought up, but no action was taken.
In response to questions asked in a letter from resident Frank Fernandez, the board responded with a letter stating that Supervisor John Stortecky did not tell Superintendent Blowers to clean up the yard behind the town barn. Neither he (Stortecky) nor any board member has the authority to tell the elected highway superintendent of a town to do anything.
Also, Blowers did request permission of the board to dispose of a tractor and the board gave its permission.
Fernandez wanted to know the legal procedure of town for sending things for scrap.
He was given the paper trail in hard copy of the transactions referred to.
Councilman David Pincombe discussed comparing Health Insurance Companies regarding costs and coverage.
All archived town records have been moved to upstairs room at the Town Barn on Town Barn Road.
In the case of the 2018 Justice Court Grant, $4,000 will be returned as it was not used before Aug, 31, 2019.
NYMIR’S report on non-mandatory street signs (children at play, etc.) was discussed.
A question remains on the amount of the 2019 attorney retainer used and the amount of that remaining.
Pincombe reported on gathering information on the Reed Family, including photos, etc.

Editor’s note: This story is based upon the minutes provided by Benson Town Clerk Jeanne Cox.

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