Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Indian Lake wins $999,178 in grants

ILTB Dec 27 2019

Indian Lake wins $999,178 in grants
INDIAN LAKE—The Indian Lake Town Board held its "End Of Year" meeting on December 27, 2019 at 4 p.m.
Supervisor Brain Wells reported to the Board that the Town had been awarded a NYS Water Infrastructure Improvement Act Grant in the amount of $909,178 from the Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC). Supervisor Wells did have one question concerning the statement that if the Board proceeds with this they are also confirming that they will do this without applying for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund assistance. He stated he had a call into the Grant writer, but everyone was out due to the holiday.
What follows is the letter from the EFC, notifying the town of the grant.
“Blue Mountain Lake WO Upgrades Town of Indian Lake
“Hamilton County Dear Supervisor Wells:
“On behalf of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, I am pleased to inform you that your community has been awarded a NYS Water Infrastructure Improvement Act {WIIA) grant for the above referenced project.
“Your WIIA grant has been awarded in an amount not to exceed $909,178, based on information provided in your application, including total estimated eligible project costs. The Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC) will determine the actual amount of your grant when the project is complete, and EFC confirms the final project costs. Your grant may be reduced if total project costs are less than anticipated, or if your project receives grant from another source.
“Please confirm your acceptance of the grant award and intent to proceed with this project by completing and signing the enclosed form and a-matting it to nyswatergrants@efc.ny.gov no later than January 17, 2020. Without your confirmation, we may bypass your project and award these grant funds to another community.
If you choose to proceed with entering into a grant agreement with EFC, unless otherwise notified by the Corporation, the Town must execute a grant agreement no later than June 25, 2021 or the grant award may be forfeited. We request that all required items be submitted to EFC by January 31, 2021 in order to execute an agreement by this date. By confirming your intent to accept this grant, you are also confirming your intent to proceed without Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) financial assistance. As means of advancing this project towards an executed agreement, members of our EFC and DOH team will contact you to guide you through the program requirements and grant process and to answer any of your questions.
“We appreciate your interest in the WIIA program. We look forward to working with you on your water quality improvement project.
“Maureen A Coleman Acting President & CEO and General Counsel
“cc.: Cedarwood Engineering - Jessica Leerkes.”
Supervisor Wells reported to all that we had also received a $90,000 Grant for Web development.
Supervisor Wells reported that the paperwork was handed in to FEMA and we did reach the amount to be declared a disaster area. He stated we would be moving forward on this and working with Don Purdy and Lisa Johnson and there would be site visits happening soon.
Supervisor Wells told all that Governor Cuomo vetoed a full time DA. He told all the Board of Supervisors will be working on the salary negotiations.
Supervisor Wells offered Resolution# 19. Resolution of thanks for Councilman Richard Clawson.
Resolution# 19 reads as follows: “WHEREAS Richard Clawson was elected into the Office of Town Councilman beginning in the year 2016, AND
“WHEREAS: Rich has served four years in that capacity, AND WHEREAS: Rich dedicated many hours to the position, AND
“WHEREAS: the Town Board of the Town of Indian Lake would like to thank Rich for his years of service,
“THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLOVED: that the Town Board of the Town of Indian Lake due hereby thank and commend Richard Clawson Senior for his dedication and service to the Town of Indian Lake, AND BE IT FURTHER
RESOLOVED: that this Resolution# 19, dated December 27, 2019, be put in the Official Minutes/Resolution Book of the Town of Indian Lake.”
In other business, bills were paid and some end of the year budget transfers were made.
This article is based upon minutes provided by Julie A. Clawson/Town Clerk

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