Supervisors July 7 2022
County seeks money for workforce housing
LAKE PLEASANT—When the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors met on July 7, it approved submitting the following grant application resolution requesting funds for workforce housing.
WHEREAS the NYS Department of State (DOS) is accepting grant applications through the 2022 Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) process for the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP), and
WHEREAS, the Region’s tourism economy has been especially impacted by the lack of available workforce housing, and
WHEREAS Adirondack Experience: The Museum on Blue Mountain Lake located in Indian Lake is partnering with Hamilton County to develop a regional work force housing facility that would creatively accommodate employees for several local businesses, and
WHEREAS, Adirondack Experience has identified and begun collaborating with a wide variety of possible partners in order to quantify workforce housing needs, identify possible solutions, and develop a working model that may accommodate 30 plus dormitory style housing units in a multi-family structure, and
WHEREAS the creation of a regional work force housing facility is supported by the recommendations of the Raquette River Corridor Blueway Trail Plan an LWRP component plan and is identified as a priority recommendation in the Forward Together -Economic Recovery and Resiliency Plan prepared by the region’s Economic Development Organization: Lake Champlain/Lake George Regional Planning Board, and
WHEREAS Hamilton County is now seeking LWRP funding through the 2022 CFA process to advance the pre-development and design of a regional workforce housing facility that will provide numerous economic benefits to the local and regional community, and
WHEREAS, the grant application process recommends that the governing body of the applicant authorize submission of the application and related actions, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Hamilton hereby authorizes and directs the Supervisor to apply to DOS through the 2022 CFA process and to act in connection with the submission of the application, including execution of all required certifications and forms and to provide such additional information as may be required.
WHEREAS, in the Town of Indian Lake at Blue Mountain on lands leased by New York State Electric and Gas Corporation (NYSEG) exists a communications tower, and
WHEREAS Hamilton County wishes to utilize such communications tower to enhance existing emergency management communications, and
WHEREAS NYSEG is willing to enter into a 25-year sublease agreement allowing Hamilton County to utilize such tower as to enhance its emergency management communications, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Hamilton authorizes the Chairman, with the approval of the County Attorney, to enter into a sublease agreement with NYSEG for use of the existing tower at Blue Mountain in the Town of Indian Lake so as to enhance emergency management communications within Hamilton County.
RESOLVED, that Hamilton County will, effective July 1, 2022, compensate auto mileage incurred by employees on behalf of the County at the rate of $.625 per mile and the County Treasurer be so authorized.
WHEREAS three invoices have been received from Tyler Technologies for the new financial/personnel software being implemented, and
WHEREAS, per Resolution No. 288-21 dated November 10, 2021 the Board created the ARP Act accounts to cover the expenses of this implementation, be it
RESOLVED, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to fund Account No. A1325.0412 – ARP Act Financial Software in the amount of $3,185 to be offset by funding Revenue Account No. A4089.0200 – American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) in the amount of $3,185, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay Tyler Technologies $3,185 for Invoice No. 025-379177 ($260), Invoice No. 025-382229 ($2,535) and Invoice No. 025-385443 ($390) from Account No. A1325.0412 ARP Act, Financial Software.
WHEREAS, through a mutual understanding between the Town of Morehouse and the Hamilton County Treasurer’s Office, it has been agreed that terminating the 2022 Town of Morehouse Financial Services Intermunicipal Agreement between the Town of Morehouse and the County Treasurer’s Office is in the best interest of both parties, and
WHEREAS, the Morehouse Town Board have approved Resolutions to move in this direction, and
WHEREAS, both parties agree to waive the 90-day written notice of termination (Section E of agreement) due to the fact that a June 30, 2022 end day is most effective for a smooth transition being it is the end of the quarter and half year mark, be it
RESOLVED, that the Intermunicipal Agreement between Town of Morehouse and Hamilton County created by Resolution No. 303-21, dated December 2, 2021 be terminated as of June 30, 2022, and be it further
RESOLVED, that an invoice for the end of the second quarter services has been submitted and will be the final payment due the County from the Town of Morehouse for services to June 30, 2022.
WHEREAS, Hamilton County has contracted with My Techs Global, Inc. for IT managed services for maintenance and security, and
WHEREAS, My Techs has completed a county-wide Email Upgrade to Microsoft 365, and
WHEREAS My Techs continues to work on multiple projects in different departments, be it
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to transfer $12,000 from Account No. A1990.0401 Contingent to Account No. A1040.0410 Computer Maintenance for IT services.
WHEREAS the Affordable Care Act imposes a fee on HRA plan sponsors to help fund the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), and
WHEREAS the PCORI Fee, required to be reported only once a year on the second quarter FORM 720 and paid by July 31, is based on the average number of lives covered under the plan for the twelve months of the previous plan year, and
WHEREAS, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors has the authority to authorize said payments on an annual basis upon completion of Tax Form 720 by the County Treasurer, and
WHEREAS the applicable dollar amount is $2.79 per covered life on an annual basis, and
WHEREAS, the Personnel Officer has determined the average number of covered lives for the Hamilton County 2021 plan year is 44, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors do hereby authorize payment of $122.76 made payable to the United States Treasury, Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, Ogden, UT 84201-0009, out of Account No. A9060.0801, for the required 2021 PCORI Fee and the County Treasurer be so authorized, and the Personnel Officer be so advised.
WHEREAS Hamilton County Public Health is required to provide services for children aged 3-5 who reside within Hamilton County and have a developmental delay as defined through a comprehensive evaluation, through the Committee on Pre-School Special Education (CPSE) process, and
WHEREAS transportation is required for a child from Lake Pleasant Central School to Arietta, NY, from July 5, 2022 through August 12, 2022, and
WHEREAS, the family will provide transportation to school, and
WHEREAS, the Wells Central School District has a bus and a driver available, and is able to fill this transportation need at a rate of $22.20 per hour, be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors is authorized to sign a contract with Wells Central School District to transport the preschool child from Lake Pleasant Central School to their home as recommended by the CPSE committee, and that the County Attorney and the County Treasurer be so notified.
WHEREAS Hamilton County Public Health is required to provide services for children aged 3-5 who reside within Hamilton County and have a developmental delay as defined through a comprehensive evaluation, through the Committee on Pre-School Special Education (CPSE) process, and
WHEREAS round trip transportation is required for a child to participate in services at Lake Pleasant Central School from July 5, 2022 through August 12, 2022, and
WHEREAS, the child is located in Wells, NY, and
WHEREAS, the Wells Central School District has a bus and a driver available, and is able to fill this transportation need at a rate of $22.20 per hour, be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors is authorized to sign a contract with Wells Central School District to transport the preschool child from Lake Pleasant Central School to their home as recommended by the CPSE committee, and that the County Attorney and the County Treasurer be so notified.
WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Health through Health Research, Inc. (HRI) has been awarded a grant from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and has contracted with Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service for Public Health Emergency Preparedness and School ELC COVID-19 Enhanced Detection Response, and
WHEREAS Resolution No. 247-21 created the Appropriation Account No. A4189.4105 Supplies & Miscellaneous, and
WHEREAS the budget for the 2021-2022 HRI School ELC Grant included funding for each school district to purchase health screening equipment and supplies, and
WHEREAS the funding will be split between the four school districts in Hamilton County, be it
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be so authorized to write four checks, each in the amount of $5,560, and issue one to each of the four following school districts: Indian Lake Central School District, Long Lake Central School District, Lake Pleasant Central School District, Wells Central School District.
WHEREAS the County of Hamilton is in receipt of the Resource Allocation Plan for the County’s Youth Board funding provided by the Office of Children and Family Services for 2022, and
WHEREAS the plan identifies the program and project applications as part of the required components of the County’s Comprehensive Youth Service Plan as approved by the Office of Children and Family Services, and
WHEREAS this plan will qualify the County for State reimbursement in the amount of $2,677 for the program year, be it
RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby approves the 2022 Resource Allocation Plan and authorizes the Chairman to sign, and be it further
RESOLVED, that Special Delinquency Revenue Account No. A3820.0000 be increased from $2,000 by $677 to $2,677 and its corresponding expense Account No. A7310.0401 be increased from $2,500 by $177 to $2,677 and the County Treasurer be so authorized.
WHEREAS, Hamilton County Community Services (HCCS) currently has an opening for a clinical social worker that has been open since the summer of 2021, and
WHEREAS the Director of Community Services is retiring on August 26th of this year and his position needs to be filled in a timely manner, and
WHEREAS the Coordinated Care Services Inc. (CCSI) located in Rochester NY is a qualified provider of support services to behavioral health programs including human resources development, and
WHEREAS, CCSI has provided a proposal to assist in the recruitment of a clinical social worker and the Director of Community Services at a cost equal to twenty-three percent of the annualized cost of these positions, and
WHEREAS, Hamilton County Community Services has funding to cover the projected costs through the use of unused funds currently in its budget for staffing, be it
RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes the Chairman to sign an agreement with CCSI to assist in recruiting the two positions.
WHEREAS the DPW owns two (2) All Traffic Solutions (ATS) Speed Alert Message trailers that are used for speed study’s, warnings, traffic counts and other speed related uses on county routes, and
WHEREAS the current trailers aren’t enough to meet demand and the DPW Superintendent recommends the purchase of two (2) more speed alert trailers, and
WHEREAS the Superintendent received a written quote for two additional trailers at a delivered cost of $20,462.44 under GSA Contract GS-07F-6092R, and
WHEREAS ATS is the sole source for these trailers, be it
RESOLVED, that the Fleet Coordinator is hereby authorized to order two (2) All Traffic Solutions Speed Alert 18 Radar Message Sign Trailers for the DPW as mentioned here on for a total of $20,462.44 delivered from All Traffic Solutions, 14201 Sullyfield Circle, Ste 300, Chantilly, VA 201151 and the County Treasurer, Fleet Coordinator and the Clerk of the Board be so notified.
WHEREAS the budget appropriation amount for Account No. A8320.401 Water System for 2022 was set and duly adopted for $6,000.00, and
WHEREAS the water system had problems and the pumps needed to be pulled out and repaired, and
WHEREAS the 2022 appropriation is now over expended by $3,629.97, and
WHEREAS the County receives 67% reimbursement of yearly expenditures for the water system through the NYSDOT snow & ice contract, be it
RESOLVED, the County Board of Supervisors authorize that $5,000 be transferred from Unappropriated County General Fund Balance in accordance with Section 366 Subdivision 1 of the County Law to Account No. A8320.401 Water System and that hereby the County Treasurer be so authorized, and the Highway Superintendent and Clerk of the Board be so notified.
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 132-21 Awarded D. H. Smith Co., Inc. the contract for the construction of the Oxbow Culvert project in the amount of $466,342.43, and
WHEREAS Account No. D5112.2022 Oxbow Outlet Culvert project was only funded for construction and not engineering, and
WHEREAS Greenman –Pedersen, Inc. consulting firm for Hamilton County on this Bridge NY project fees to date are $69,308.78, and
WHEREAS, the County Highway Superintendent recommends the consulting services be included in this account, be it
RESOLVED, the County Board of Supervisors authorize that $69,308.78 be transferred from Unappropriated County Road Fund Balance in accordance with Section 366 Subdivision 1 of the County Law to Account No. D5112.2022 Oxbow Outlet Culvert project and that hereby the County Treasurer be so authorized, and the Highway Superintendent and Clerk of the Board be so notified.
WHEREAS, the Oxbow Culvert Project is substantially complete, and
WHEREAS, the second payment application and certification has been approved by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. for this project in the amount of $224,864.09, be it
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make a check payable to D. H. Smith, Inc., PO Box 293, Clayville, NY 13322 in the amount of $224,864.09 for the second payment, and the funds be taken out of Account D5112.2022 Oxbow Culvert Project and the Highway Superintendent and Clerk of the Board be so notified.
WHEREAS, the DPW Superintendent has met with the Public Works Committee to discuss installing a security system for the courthouse and county jail complexes and
WHEREAS the DPW Superintendent received a written quote for the full purchase and installation from LINSTAR, Inc. under New York State Contract No. PT68825 in the amount of $36,903.75 which includes a one-year maintenance agreement, and
WHEREAS, the Emergency Services Department has grant funding for this project in the amount $26,781 and the Superintendent recommends the security system be purchased and installed, and
WHEREAS the Superintendent recommends to transfer the remaining funds necessary to complete the said security system, be it
RESOLVED, the DPW Superintendent is authorized to move forward with the purchase and installation of the security system for the County Courthouse and Jail at a cost of $36,903.75 from LINSTAR, Inc., 430 Lawrence bell Drive, Buffalo, NY 14221, be it further
RESOLVED, the County Board of Supervisors authorize that $10,122.75 be transferred from Unappropriated County General Fund Balance in accordance with Section 366 Subdivision 1 of the County Law to Account No. A1620.0413 IL & LP Building Projects and that hereby the County Treasurer be so authorized, and the Highway Superintendent and Clerk of the Board be so notified.
DATED: JULY 7, 2022
WHEREAS, the 2022 Emergency Management budget did not anticipate the cost of the Emergency Services Director having a vehicle, and
WHEREAS there is a shortage of funds in Emergency Management Account No. A3640.0402 Travel/Office Expense, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be hereby authorized to make the following transfer:
FROM: A1990.0401 Contingent $5,000.00
TO: A3640.0402 Travel/Office Expense $5,000.00
RESOLVED, that the assessment rolls with proposed rates as set up by the Equalization Committee be adopted for the year 2022 as follows:
Arietta – 90, Benson – 80, Hope – 80, Indian Lake – 90, Inlet – 100, Lake Pleasant – 90, Long Lake – 90, Morehouse – 90, Wells – 80.
WHEREAS, Hamilton County has received the Annual Renewal Letter and Budget for the Court Cleaning Contract #C-300407 authorized by Resolution No. 301-18 adopted October 4, 2018, and
WHEREAS, said Renewal Letter covers State Fiscal Year 2022-2023 with a budget of $150,033, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Letter of Renewal and Budget is hereby approved for State Fiscal Year 2022-2023, and the Chairman is authorized to sign the necessary documents and the County Treasurer be so notified.
WHEREAS Hamilton County Community Services (HCCS) participates in the Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP) grant with Citizens Advocates, Inc., and the Hudson Mohawk Area Health Education Center (HM AHEC) who is the recipient of the grant, and
WHEREAS Citizens Advocates, Inc. receives funding from the grant from the HM AHEC as they hold the certification for substance use disorder treatment services provided by HCCS, and
WHEREAS an agreement has been authorized by Hamilton County and Citizens Advocates that will allow Citizens Advocates, Inc. to pass through funding from the grant over the next three years from the HM AHEC to HCCS to provide local services, trainings and support identified in the RCORP grant, and
WHEREAS the amount for 2022 is $3,333, be it
RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes the County Treasurer to fund Revenue Account No. A2280.0300 CS RCORP Grant in the amount of $3,333 to be totally offset by funding Expenditure Account No. A4310.0413 CS RCORP Grant in the amount of $3.333 as to allow utilization of this funding by Hamilton County Community Services.
WHEREAS, Hamilton County has an annual State Aid Agreement with NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services, and
WHEREAS, said agreement needs to be renewed, and
WHEREAS the agreement is proposed for $30,200, the contract period will be for 12 months, be it
RESOLVED, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to sign Aid To Prosecution Grant Project ID No. AP21-1020-D00, Contract No. T445250 for the period of April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022 in the amount of $30,200 on behalf of the County of Hamilton and the County Treasurer be so advised.
WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Board of Elections has been awarded the Early Voting Expansion Grant BOE01-T004421-1110000 for an amount up to $15,366.52, and
WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Board of Elections was previously awarded this grant however acceptance was not completed before expiration and the extension has been granted, and
WHEREAS, this grant provides reimbursements for actual costs associated with previous early voting expenses, be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to sign NYS Board of Elections Grant Contract No. BOE01-T004421-1110000.
WHEREAS, portions of Hamilton County are located in the Upper Hudson River Watershed, and
WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District is a member of the Upper Hudson River Watershed Coalition, and
WHEREAS the Upper Hudson River Watershed Revitalization Plan identifies erosion and aquatic organism passage as priority water quality issues in the watershed and identifies culverts in Hamilton County for repair or replacement, and
WHEREAS the Lake Champlain Lake George Regional Planning Bord and the Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District are applying for a Local Waterfront Revitalization Program grant for culvert replacement and implementation projects throughout Hamilton County, and
WHEREAS the Lake Champlain Lake George Regional Planning Board will author and administer this grant and the Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District will provide project management and oversight to ensure the grant is completed, and
WHEREAS the grant designates eligible applicants as a village, town, city, or county, be it
RESOLVED, that Hamilton County is designated as the applicant of the Lake Champlain Lake George Regional Planning Board’s and Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Program grant for culvert replacement and implementation projects.
WHEREAS Resolution No. 335-19 authorized appropriations for repairs of damage from the Halloween Storm of 2019, and
WHEREAS all the repairs have been completed except for the Fayle Road Bridge project, which is currently in construction, and
WHEREAS the DPW Superintendent recommends the transfer of $1,200,000 from the County Road Fund balance to fund this bridge project, be it
RESOLVED, that $1,200,000 be transferred from the Unappropriated County Road Fund Balance in accordance with Section 366 Subdivision 1 of the County Law to Capital Account No. H7.8760.401 Halloween Storm 2019 and that hereby the County Treasurer is authorized to make the said transfer and the Clerk of the Board and County DPW Superintendent be so notified.
WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Fleet Management Policy was duly adopted by Resolution No. 162-10 on June 3, 2010, and
WHEREAS, the Fleet Management Policy was revised by Resolution on March 6, 2014 and April 7, 2017, and
WHEREAS, the Fleet Management Policy needs annual review and needs revisions periodically, be it
RESOLVED, the Hamilton County Fleet Management Policy Revision is hereby adopted as recommended by the County Fleet Coordinator and is on file in the Clerk of the Board’s Office.
WHEREAS, the DPW Superintendent has met with the Public Works Committee and Internal Management Committee to recommend the promotion of the following employees: Christopher Gallagher – Custodian to Sr. Custodian, Andrew Wilt – Laborer to Custodian and
WHEREAS these employees have both passed their respective Civil Service Examinations and were in the top 3 scores, and
WHEREAS, they have both completed the Civil Service job scope information application and the Personnel Office has approved that both meet the requirements of Sr. Custodian and Custodian descriptions respectively, and
WHEREAS the DPW Superintendent recommends these promotion, be it
RESOLVED, that hereby the Personnel Officer is authorized to promote the above-mentioned employees as stated hereon at their current Step effective July 10, 2022 and the DPW Superintendent, County Treasurer and Clerk of the Board be so notified.
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