Saturday, July 20, 2024

Ken Cannan Citizen of the Year

 ILTB June 10 2024

Ken Cannan Citizen of the Year


INDIAN LAKE—The Indian Lake Town Board held a regular monthly meeting on June 10.

Prior to the beginning of the meeting, Supervisor Brian Wells recognized our 2024 Citizen of the Year, Mr. Ken Cannan. As Cannan had a baccalaureate service to attend at 7pm, we will hopefully have to opportunity to give him a proper acknowledgement at our next board meeting on July 8, 2024.

Supervisor Wells brought the meeting to order, all said the pledge of allegiance. Deputy Clerk Zahray called roll with the following answering:

Councilman Jake Mahoney, Here; Councilwoman Kristina Eldridge, Here; Supervisor Wells, Here; Councilman John Rathbun, Here; Councilwoman Pam Howard, Here.


Supervisor Wells asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the May 13, 2024 meeting, Councilwoman Howard asked for a correction on a typo, Councilman Rathbun made a motion to approve the minutes with the correction and Councilman Mahoney seconded. All in favor.


Supervisor Wells thanked Patrick Mahoney, Water and Sewer Department, for his quick work of taking care of an issue that had come up with the EPA.

Councilman Rathbun thanked all the Department Heads for their help and work with the History Reenactment that was held at the Townsend Property in May. It was a successful event and the people in attendance were well pleased. There was a bit of concern among some people about the noise from the cannons. Mary Prusko questioned if there was a possibility of having a schedule for future events that involve loud noises (cannons, fireworks).


Andy Coney questioned whether the beaches would be open this year. We currently have 2 potential lifeguards which would give us alternating beach days. There is a shortage of people who want to be lifeguards.

The Blue Mt Lake Association has a plaque to be put on the phone booth that is in Blue Mountain, with a thank you to Bill LaPrairie, Head of the Parks and Rec Department, for his hard work taking 4 broken phone booths to make one functioning one.

Mary Leach wanted to let everyone know that the Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts is open for the season and a couple of upcoming events are an Open Mic and Karaoke Night and a monarch craft with Lauren Walker.

Mary Prusko shared information about the Indian Lake Boater's Guide which offers a very detailed map for navigating Indian Lake and it is available for purchase at Pines and the Indian Lake Marina for $10.


The Town Chamber of Commerce has requested the use of the Beach Pavilion on Lake Abanakee for signup of the people who will be participating in the Poker Paddle in July, they would be launching from an area further down the lake. The Board approves the request.


The town clerk audit was completed and approved.


Supervisor Wells mentioned that the Hometown Heroes Banner committee will have a Family Fun Day fundraiser on July 15 behind the Axes and Irons Building, they would like to have port a potties, the town will be looking into whether we are able to assist them with this request.

The decision was made to continue utilizing Decals at the town hall to provide people with the service of getting their Fishing and Hunting licenses.

A short-term rental law has been passed by both houses and has gone to the Governor for her approval.

There will be a meeting with FEMA for the funding for Water Plant Road, due to the change in highway supervisor and accountant, we had fallen behind, but the project will be back on track.

Elderwood Nursing Home in North Creek has applied for the Vital Access Provider Grant. Covid 19 made things very difficult for them in providing essential service and the rising costs. We support Elderwood and the service that they provide.

The Highway Department has a Grader that needs attention. A lot of money has been put into it, it's old and may need replacing. We have been waiting for a new transmission.

There is a NYS law that only particular fireworks are allowed in New York State. The loud noises are disturbing to the public and it's not as exciting for most as it is for some. Perhaps it is time for a resolution to ban them altogether.


Councilman Mahoney shared his thoughts that the Black Fly Challenge was a very well-done event and thanked everyone for their hard work.

Councilwoman Howard asked if we were accepting the Adirondack Generators Bid? The decision was made at the May meeting to accept the bids as presented and turn them over to Bill LaPrairie, Parks and Rec Department, to look over the specifications to be sure everything was as needed and to make the final decision, this was included in the motion at that meeting.

Supervisor Wells made a motion to pay bills, Councilman Mahoney seconded. All in favor.


Supervisor Wells made a motion to enter executive session at 7:20 pm. Councilman Mahoney seconded.

Supervisor Wells made a motion to exit executive session at 8:25 pm. Councilwoman Eldridge seconded.

No action was taken during the executive session.

Councilwoman Howard made a motion to start the process of going to an Appointed Highway Supervisor position, seconded by Councilman Rathbun. All in favor.

Councilman Rathbun made a motion to declare the former Townsend property as surplus, with the possibility of subdivision to be discussed, this decision was made due to the lack of New York State funding SAM Grant #6948 of $300,000, seconded by Councilwoman Eldridge. All in favor.

Councilwoman Howard made a motion to pay the Snowarriors for trail grooming during the 23/24 Snowmobile Season in the amount of $1,654.08, seconded by councilwoman Eldridge. All in favor.

A motion to adjourn was made by Supervisor Wells at 8:55 pm, seconded by Councilwoman Howard.

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