Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Supervisors July 27 2020

Supervisors July 27 2020

Emergency communications to improve
LAKE PLEASANT—On July 27, the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors held a special session to authorize the purchase of antenna equipment.
A resolution to authorize the purchase was approved and reads as follows.
“WHEREAS, Resolution No. 242-19 authorized the Hamilton County Office of Emergency Services to submit a purchase order to Capital Digitronics for the purchase of Harris Simulcast radios for Lake Pleasant, Oak Mt., and Blue Mountain, and
“WHEREAS, the radios have been installed at all 3 locations, and
“WHEREAS, antenna space is limited at both Oak Mt. and Blue Mt, so that there cannot be separate antenna systems for the Law channel, the Fire channel, and the EMS channel, and
“WHEREAS, by the use of a single pair of antennas at each location which are connected together through an antenna combiner system, all three entities will be able to be dispatched over the single pairs of antennas, and
“WHEREAS, Capital Digitronics, under State Contract # PT68714, has submitted a quote for a total of $100,680.00 which includes the combiner systems at both Oak Mt. and Blue Mt. as well as the installation costs, and
“WHEREAS, with the lead time of delivery at 10 weeks and the difficulty of winter access at both sites, therefore, be it
“RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Office of Emergency Management be authorized to submit a purchase order to Capital Digitronics for $100,680.00 for said equipment and installation with funding for said project coming from Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Formula Grant SI17-1003-D00, contract # C198204, and the Hamilton County Treasurer be so informed.”

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