Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Wells Central hopes it has money for a generator

WCS BOE July 15 2020

Wells Central hopes it has money for a generator
WELLS--At the July 15 meeting of the Wells Central School Board of Education, school superintendent Thomas Sincavage reported on the Capital Project. He discussed with the Board the best use for any leftover contingency funds and said if there are enough contingency funds remaining, then Mosaic Associates will get a quote for a whole building generator for the district. The district is having an issue with one of the contractors who are not following the plans as provided by Mosaic Associates. We are currently working with Mosaic to resolve the issue.
Projected enrollment for the Fall is 130. This year there was a large graduating class and only 5 new incoming students.
Sincavage discussed the projected Fund Balance Report. The accountant is still working on the final number. The district will use the fund balance to offset the capital project.
The last item was the NYSED Regional Re-Opening Task Force. The district is currently reviewing all the documents and guidelines regarding the re-opening from both State Ed. and the Department of Health.
The district has put together a reopening committee and will submit the reopening plan to NYSED by the deadline of July 31.
Principal Jeremy Siddon reported he has been working on a new contract with Ricoh for copier services. The new contract will save the distinct $14,000 over the five year lease. The district is still working on collecting Chromebooks and has received 85% back. The district is currently offering a six week online summer enrichment program. The program runs from July 6 through August 16. Mrs. Enders is running the program and currently there are 11 participants.
Siddon has participated in the regional meeting for the Harvard Proving Ground Grant. The district is working on postcards to mail out about chronic absenteeism. Lastly, the district has a new Computer Coordinator, Don Gifford from NERIC.
NERIC services and technical support will be available to the district three days per week instead of two.
The Wells Central School Board of Education accepted the recommendations of the CSE/CPSE Chair for the classifications, recommendations and programs for the following students: 982420546, 982420312, 982420381, and 982420299 on a motion made by Dorman Reese, seconded by Rachel Lauria, and carried 5-0.
The Wells Central School Board of Education approved the following Consent Agenda Items on a motion made by Dorman Reese, seconded by Kenneth Hoffman and carried 5-0.: Approval of the June 17, 2020 Minutes; June Treasurer’s Report; June Warrant 1-30, 2020 General fund - $138,221.95 Federal – $0.00, School Lunch $1,500.54 and T and A - $590,571.41; Appropriation Status Report; Revenue Budget Status Report.
The Wells Central School Board of Education approved the Self Evaluation performed on June 17, 2020 on a motion made by Ken Hoffman, seconded by Dorman Reese, and carried 5-0.
The Board accepted the recommendation of the District Treasurer to transfer the funds listed on the A-5 report for the 2019/2020 school year on a motion made by Dorman Reese, seconded by Kenneth Hoffman, and carried unanimously.
The Board approved the Data Privacy and Security Policy on a motion made by William Stuart, seconded by Rachel Lauria, and carried 5-0.
The Wells Central School Board of Education recessed to Executive Session at 5:54p.m. for the purpose of discussing specific personnel matters and/or negotiations on a motion made by William Stuart, seconded by Rachel Lauria, and carried 5-0.
The Wells Central School Board of Education returned to Open Session at 6:15p.m. on a motion made by Dorman Reese, seconded by Rachel Lauria, and carried 5-0.
The Board appointed Marguerite Welch to a 6 month probationary position as Cafeteria Manager effective September 1, 2020 on a motion made by Dorman Reese, seconded by Rachel Lauria, and carried 5-0.
The Board appointed Jaret Welch to a 6 month probationary position as Bus Driver effective September 1, 2020 on a motion made by William Stuart, seconded by Dorman Reese, and carried 5-0.

This article is based upon the minutes provided by Rachelle Dwyer, District Clerk.

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