Friday, October 25, 2019

WCS building project bids due this month

WCS BOE Oct 16 2019

WCS building project bids due this month
WELLS—Wells Central School Superintendent Thomas Sincavage gave an update on the capital project at the October 16 meeting of the School Board of Education.
The Contractor pre bid walk through was held last Friday during the Superintendent’s conference day. Bids are due and will be opened on October 30 at the school.
Sincavage said that in November the Harvard Proving Ground Grant Conference will be held in Syracuse. Sincavage and Mrs. Richardson will be attending.
The School Resource Officer/School Speed Zone was discussed. The Board would like to revisit the idea of having a designated school zone in front of the school. It was noted that all other districts in the area have a school zone with a reduction in speed. The Board felt that a 45mph zone would be more appropriate. The Board will reach out to the Sheriff Karl Abrams to request a letter of support. The Board will also submit a letter to the State requesting the school zone designation.
Jeremy Siddon gave the Athletic Director’s Report. The Fall sports season for Varsity and Modified finished up today. The Elementary team was to have their last game on Monday. New York State has changed the dates of the Winter sports season and it will start on Tuesday, November 11. Mr. Siddon is considering merging teams with Lake Pleasant for the basketball season.
There were several presentations provided to the board by visitors to the meeting.
First, HFM BOCES District Superintendent, Dr. David Ziskin, introduced himself to the Board. He discussed the mission of HFM BOCES; Partnering with schools, industry, and community agencies to prepare student for future success. Dr. Ziskin noted that there will be a Mohawk Valley School Board Association meeting in late November where they will be focusing on the topic of immunizations.
Next up was Undersheriff Kevin Braunius who introduced the new Hamilton County School Resource Officer, Deputy Sean O’Brien. Undersheriff Braunius thanked the Board for partnering with the County to provide this service to the students of Wells.
The third presentation was from Jim Amell of Marvin & Company with the audit presentation. Mr. Amell reviewed the audit with the Board and noted that the district had an unmodified clean audit.
The board reviewed Information and Correspondence. The October Enrollment Report by Jessica Damphier listed current enrollment as 146. Mr. Sincavage noted that we received another student this week from Lake Pleasant and we are currently at 147.
The Wells Central School Board of Education approved the classifications, recommendations and programs for the following students: 982420091, 982420512, and 982420180.
The board accepted the Audit report of the 2018/2019 school year as presented by Marvin and Company.
The board approved the School Resource Officer Agreement for Services Contract between the Wells Central School District and Hamilton County from October 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 as presented.
During the review of the calendar of events, Mr. Sincavage noted that the Veteran’s Day breakfast which is open to the public will be held on Friday, November 8.
After holding an executive session, the board appointed, at the will of the Board, Sue Williamsen, Boys Basketball Time/Scorekeeper and William Stuart, Girls Volunteer Assistant Coach. William Stuart abstained.
The board accepted the Consulting agreement between the Wells Central School District and Mark Ellis commencing October 11, 2019 in the amount of $54,750 as presented.
The board accepted the resignation of Steve Stofelano as Class of 2021 Advisor effective September 30, 2019.
The board appointed Brian Richards as Class of 2021 Advisor effective October 1, 2019.

Editor’s note: This story is based upon the minutes as provided by District Clerk Rachelle Dwyer.

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