ILCS BOE Nov 17 2020
Winters sports could start January 4
INDIAN LAKE—When the Indian Lake Central Board of Education met on November 17, Superintendent Dave Snide presented the Superintendent's/Principal report and said NYSSPHA winter sport tentative start date is January 4, 2021.
He went on to say the Virtual open house went well. Parent and teacher conferences through google classroom were scheduled for December 9.
Jon Voorhees moved, seconded by Jodie Seymour to approve budget calendar for 2020-21. Carried.
Seymour moved, seconded by Voorhees to approve claims audit for October 1-30, 2020. Carried.
Seymour moved, seconded by Voorhees to approve Travis Howe for modified boys’ basketball coach, Eric McCauliffe varsity girls’ basketball coach, Kathryn Connell (LL) varsity boys’ basketball coach and Hannah Klossner modified girls basketball coach. Carried.
Bob Lewin moved, seconded by Seymour to approve policy #5676 w/ revisions to policy. Carried.
Seymour moved, seconded by Lewin to approve board goals 2020-2021. Carried.
Lewin moved, seconded by Seymour to approve School House Construction as Clerk of the Works for the bid of $49,500. Carried.
Lewin moved, seconded by Voorhees to adjourn the regular meeting at 6:50 pm. Carried.
This article is based upon the minutes of Dianna Wilder, District Clerk.
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