Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Hamilton County Board of Supervisors July 3 2019

Supervisors July 3 2019

Hamilton County Board of Supervisors take action
The Hamilton County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on July 3 and passed the following resolutions.
WHEREAS, there has been appropriated in the 2019 highway budget the sum of
$815,000.00 for the construction of County Road Fund Projects for 2019 and these funds are 100% reimbursed through the Consolidation Highway Improvement Program (CHIP’s), and WHEREAS, the County Highway Superintendent has recommended the expenditure of $175,000 for the construction of the following project: COUNTY ROAD PROJECT NO. 5 Town of Wells
Co. Rd. No. 16 – Gilmantown Road, improve drainage, recycle base and pave @ 20 ft. Approx. 1.0 miles - $175,000.
WHEREAS, the above designated road is on a completed system of the Hamilton County road map adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Hamilton County and approved by the Commissioner of Transportation, be it
RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Hamilton does allot and appropriate from Account No. D5112.202 Capital Projects, the sum of $175,000.00, for the construction of the above designated project as recommended by the County Highway Superintendent and the County Treasurer and Clerk of the Board be so advised.
WHEREAS, the Petroleum Bulk Storage (PBS) 5-year registration renewal fee is due, and WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation will not accept vouchers for the renewal of the registration, be it
RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors do hereby authorize payment for registration renewal fees of $500 for the county’s PBS #5-492841 located at the Long Lake DPW Facility, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make a check payable to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in the amount of $500 for the said PBS renewal and the funds be taken out of Account No. DM5130.405 Gas & Diesel and the County Highway Superintendent and Clerk of the Board be so notified.
WHEREAS, the County of Hamilton has a total 2018-2019 CHIPS Capital Apportionment Balance at the closing of the 2018 fiscal year of $82,509.76 which is due to the County from the New York State Department of Transportation upon submission of the appropriate claims, and WHEREAS, the County Highway Superintendent has determined that the following County Road Capital Project Account will need to be increased in funding per this 2018-2019 CHIPS Capital Cumulative Rollover Balance to help fund projects in 2019, and WHEREAS, the State Legislature has also recently passed a law that reauthorizes the Extreme Winter Recovery (EWR) funding through the CHIP’s program and Hamilton County’s portion of that funding is $90,999, be it
RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes that Account No. D5112.202 Capital Projects be increased by $173,508.76, and Revenue Account No. D3501-Consolidated Highway State Aid-Chips be increased by $176,308.76, per the request of the County Highway Superintendent, and the County Treasurer be so authorized and the County Highway Superintendent and Clerk of the Board be so notified.
WHEREAS, the County is in need of containers for the storage of electronic recyclables at several locations in the County at transfer stations, and WHEREAS, the DPW Superintendent has received written quotes from three vendors that sell 20’ x 8’ used shipping that will work for this purpose, and WHEREAS, the Superintendent met with the Public Works Committee in regards to the purchase of the containers and the committee approves of the purchase, and WHEREAS, Conexwest of San Francisco was the lowest price at $9,200 for four (4) containers delivered, be it
RESOLVED, the DPW Superintendent is hereby authorized to purchase the four (4) containers from Conexwest at a cost of $9,200 and the funds be taken out of Account No. A8189.401 Solid Waste Reserve and the Clerk of the Board, County Treasurer and DPW Superintendent be so notified.
WHEREAS, because of the severity of the winter during 2018/2019 the County was over the estimated expenditure for the 2018/19 season, and WHEREAS, Hamilton County requests that the Municipal Snow & Ice Agreement estimated expenditure be revised to reflect the additional miles of state roads that were plowed/treated during the winter season, and WHEREAS, all the terms and conditions of the original contract extension remain in effect except as follows:
Original Estimated Expenditures - Final Snow & Ice Voucher – Adjustment – From $857,254.99 to $1,098,147.04 – Total adjustment up $240,892.05.
WHEREAS, this agreement has been executed by the State, acting by and through the duly authorized representative of the Commissioner of Transportation and the Municipality, which has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized officer on the date and year first written in the original contract extension, be it
RESOLVED, the Chairman of the Board be so authorized to sign Amendment B of the State Snow & Ice Agreement as stated above and the County Treasurer, the Clerk of the Board and Highway Superintendent be so notified.
WHEREAS, a grant was awarded by the New York State Archives (“Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund, ID No. 0580-19-7584”) to the County Historian in the amount of $60,043 to improve the management of the County collection of historic records, and WHEREAS, a portion of this grant has been used to create a manual to improve and standardize the management of the archive of historical records maintained by the County Historian, and WHEREAS, this document contains formal policies and procedures recommended by the New York State Archives for the management of historical records, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors approves the policies and procedures
WHEREAS, Hamilton County Office of Emergency Services is in receipt of grants from the New York State Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES) in the amounts of $471,640.00, $540,339.00, $544,803.00, and $6,000,000.00 totaling $7,556,782.00 for the purpose of improved, enhanced, and interoperable communications, and WHEREAS, through the RFP process, Hamilton County has chosen C & S Companies as the consultant/engineering firm to accomplish the communications project authorized under the aforementioned grants, and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 117-19 of April 9, 2019 Hamilton County awarded this professional service to C&S Companies, and WHEREAS, C & S Companies has submitted Appendix A, B, & C to Hamilton County in the amount of $657,610.00 to plan and manage the project to completion as set forth in an agreed to scope of work, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors authorize the County Chairman to initial the C & S Company’s scope of work fees (Appendix, A, B & C) in the amount of $657,610.00, and that the County Treasurer and the County Director of Emergency Services be so notified.
WHEREAS, with SICG grant funding from the New York State Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES), Office of Interoperable Communications (OIEC) of
$2,530,385.00, Hamilton County has purchased and installed a Nokia microwave system for communication between Lake Pleasant Dispatch and Blue Mountain, with connectivity into the Adirondack Regional Interoperable Communications Consortium, and WHEREAS, the afore mentioned microwave system is also fundamental to the back-up coverage for the Hamilton County Dispatch provided by the Fulton County Dispatch, and WHEREAS, in order to rely on the microwave system being always in working order, an on-going service and maintenance program performed by a qualified service and maintenance provider needs to be put in place, and WHEREAS, funding for this service is an allowable charge to the several Formula and Targeted Interoperability grants currently issued to the County through DHSES OIEC, and WHEREAS, Hamilton County must go through the RFP process is engage the services of said service and maintenance provider, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that Emergency Services Director be authorized to advertise for a qualified microwave service and maintenance provider for the Hamilton County microwave system beginning on July 5, 2019 with responses for that ad to be submitted to the Clerk of the Hamilton Board of Supervisors by 11:00 AM on July 26, 2019.
WHEREAS, John Boya has been employed by the Hamilton County Probation Department for one year, which would move him to step one on his anniversary date, and WHEREAS, John Boya has the knowledge and experience from his prior five years’ service with Hamilton County as a Probation Officer to warrant special consideration, and WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Probation Director has recommended to the Internal Management Committee that John Boya’s Step be increased from Step One to Step Two on his anniversary date, and WHEREAS, the Internal Management Committee agrees with this recommendation, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that John Boya’s Step will become Step Two at Grade 12 effective on his anniversary date, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Probation Director, Personnel Officer and County Treasurer be so authorized.
WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Health, Agency # 12000, requests the renewal of the Contract No. C-025751 with Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service to provide Women, Infant and Children Program (WIC) Services, for the period of October 1, 2019– September 30, 2020, and WHEREAS, the grant year overlaps the 2019- 2020 County Budgeted fiscal year, and WHEREAS, the total grant contract is for Sixty Three Thousand Three Hundred Twenty
Dollars ($63,320), and WHEREAS, the necessary funds have been appropriated in the 2019 Municipal Budget and the remainder will be proposed for the 2020 Municipal Budget, be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors be authorized to sign the Contract with the NYS WIC Program, and the County Treasurer be so notified.
WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service currently uses KanTime Software as their electronic medical record (EMR) vendor, and WHEREAS, the current contract with KanTime is due for renewal, and WHEREAS, the Director of Public Health has recommended KanTime as the best vendor to meet the needs of the agency with a monthly fee of eight hundred dollars ($800) for census 1- 25, twelve hundred fifty dollars ($1,250) for a census of 25-50, or seventeen hundred fifty dollars for a census of 51-100, and WHEREAS, the renewal term shall be for a period of two years starting June 14, 2019 through June 13, 2021, be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is authorized to sign the KanTime Software Subscription Renewal Agreement.
WHEREAS, Hamilton County Board of Supervisors Memorandum dated March 31, 2016, authorized an agreement for the purpose of acting as one entity in the creation and functioning of a Point of Entry Long Term Care Service for residents of Warren and Hamilton County with the Warren County Office for the Aging to serve as lead agency, and WHEREAS, the Director of the Warren-Hamilton Office of the Aging has recommended the memorandum of understanding be amended to include reimbursement for salary and fringe benefits to employees providing such services, in an amount not to exceed Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000) , for a term commencing January 1, 2019 and terminating upon thirty (30) days written notice, and by mutual agreement these written modifications will be duly noted and a new Interagency agreement be updated, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors, be and hereby is, authorized to amend the Interagency Agreement to include reimbursement for salary and fringe benefits to employees providing such services, in an amount not to exceed Forty Thousand ($40,000), for a term commencing January 1, 2019 and terminating upon (30) days written notice, in a form approved by the County Attorney, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Director of Public Health and the Commissioner of Social Services are authorized to sign and execute the updated Interagency Agreement.
WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service maintains an agreement with Warren/Hamilton Office for the Aging, and WHEREAS, Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service provides services for Hamilton County residents under a Community Services Contract code A.6780 10 470, and WHEREAS, this contract has been submitted for renewal for the period April 1, 2019 – March 31, 2020 in the full amount of $3,313 be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to sign the agreement between the Public Health Nursing Service and Warren/Hamilton Office for the Aging, upon approval of the County Attorney, on behalf of the Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service.

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