Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Indian Lake Town Board meeting June 10 2019

THE INDIAN LAKE TOWN BOARD meeting was held on June 10, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. The location was the Town of Indian Lake Theater, State of New York, County of Hamilton.
Supervisor Wells thanked the Sue Montgomery Corey, Executor Director of the Town Theater, for hosting the Town Board meeting for a second time. Supervisor Wells stated that it is the perfect venue for presentations. He also thanked the Town's Engineer's, Trampoline, for attending tonight's meeting.
Trampoline Presentation
Derek Slayton and Oliver DeRosier of Trampoline Design, gave a presentation to all in attendance concerning the work they have been doing for the Town. Trampoline, along with the Town of Indian Lake's Implementation Committee, have been working on a "Brand" for the Town. Derek Slayton spoke of the different Branding options that had been discussed. He showed all the "Brand" that is being considered. Brand Guidelines and Logo are attached herein.
Discussion was held as to how the winter activities would be portrayed.
Discussion was held on once the Logo has been decided upon should the Town have it Trade Marked. This will be discussed with the Towns Attorney.
Supervisor Wells did want to make it known that the Town's Indian Head was not being taken away and that would still be the Town's Municipal Brand. Supervisor Wells also stated that the Branding effort was still in process and has not been decided upon yet. He stated that he would like to get a consensus from the residence before making any decisions. Supervisor Wells thanked Derek and Oliver for coming.
Department Head Reports
PARKS & REC Monthly report for May 2019 by Bill LaPrairie
This month found Parks and Rec busy with some of our summer projects, we removed the dump truck and, old ford truck behind the Townsend property and cut the trees that were growing up through the building. The old laundromat was removed and hauled to the transfer site. We were able to save all the steel from the roof and the trusses, after the roof was off, we were able to take down the walls and save many of the precut studs. The old restaurant was a different story, we saved all the steel but were not able to save the trusses, water damage and heat had them in poor shape, however we did save many studs and 2x12 floor joists. We put all materials in storage to be used on future projects.
After everything was cleaned up Paul Strain from the highway hauled 13 loads of gravel to fill in the foundation, we covered the hole and will grade the yard later this summer after everything has a chance to settle.
Together between the two buildings we had 199-man hours on site, hauled 31 loads of debris with a total of 36,000 lbs. in our dump trailer, and 2 trailer loads of steel.
We turned the water on to our beaches, museum and Byron Park, cleaned the restrooms, restocked the paper and changed all batteries in the dispensers. Cleaned up three trees that had fallen before civil war re-enactment, blew out pavilion and turned on power to courts and road lights. Replaced two broken windows on the back restroom at Byron where they were hit by a basketball.
Put up the swings and tennis nets at the rec lot and swings at chain lakes beach.
During community pride day we collected 460 lbs. garbage, 120 lbs. less than last year’s total, weather played a big part this year with rain most of the day.
Made a trip to Glens Falls to pick up food for community action, we took two trucks and trailers for 7,000 lbs. of food. When we returned, we unloaded and took food inside with the help of two volunteers. We cleaned out the shop in preparation for Winchip overhead door company, they came and took down old doors and installed new in 5 hours. We put the old doors in storage for use in future pole barn. Made our garbage runs to Blue on Tuesday and Friday restocking the restrooms and checking the dam, regulating as needed.
Put out all flower barrels after garden club and Elsa finished prepping them.
Continued BTI, with all the rain we are having a lot of flies We will need a few hot days in a row to burn off the early hatches.
Mowing has started and everything has been done on the first go around, parts came in for our weed eaters and repairs were made.
We would like to thank the American legion for breakfast on the 22nd we appreciate all they do for us and the community.
WATER AND WASTEWATER REPORT FOR MAY 2019 by Kevin King/Water and Sewer Superintendent.
Testing was completed at all plants daily.
Samples required by DEC and DOH were submitted to the lab.
There was a water main leaking between the Meal Site and the Legion Hall that we had to dig up and repair.
P & T Supply came to the Indian Lake Water Plant to work on our wells that were out of service. They pulled one well pump and fixed a broken wire between the disconnect and the well pump. The other well that was out of service needed a new pump and motor which was put in. During the work they did at the Water Plant there was problem with one of the drives that run the well pumps and the drive for one well is currently out of service. We are waiting for them to come back to fix the drive.
Several spots in Indian Lake and Blue Mt. Lake had to be cleaned up from where we had to dig throughout the winter. We cleaned them up and put on topsoil, seed, and hay.
There was a water main break in Blue Mt. near Booth's Marina that we dug up and fixed.
All the seasonal water services were turned on in both water districts. Meters were read for businesses in both water districts.
We put in the U.V. lights at the Sewer Plant for the summer.
Ross Valve came up to rebuild our Ross valves. There are three at the Indian Lake Water Plant and one in the pressure reducing pit in Blue Mt. These valves are very important, and it is crucial that they work correctly.
Burg-Schoenberg came to calibrate our flow meter at the Sewer Plant to make sure it was measuring the flow accurately.
Councilwoman Curry stated that she would like the minutes to reflect that she is appreciative of a real nice letter in the Hamilton County news acknowledging Keven King, Water and Sewer Department Head, for his work beyond hours and beyond duties and she stated that it is nice to see that our Employees are willing to do that to keep the Town running. She stated that is was a nice acknowledgment of some quality people the Town has working for them.
Public Comments
Andy Coney, President of the Blue Mt. Lake Association, approached the Board, showing all a new map that was made of the Blue Mt. Lake that depicts the lake underneath showing where the deep water is and where it is shallow. He also showed all another map that depicts where there are stumps and rocks that need to be avoided. He stated that they are available at the Art Center as well as the corner store. Bill Murphy mentioned the Kids Fishing Derby, Adirondack Challenge and the Poker Paddle Events that are coming up.
Supervisor Wells stated that the Challenge events are coming together and that the Challenge will be held Sunday July 215 at Byron Park.
Donation/Thank You Letter - North Country Crafters.
Supervisor Wells read a thank you letter from the North Country Crafters Thanking the Town for allowing them to use the Byron Park Building with a donation of $200.00. Letter attached herein.
Thank You Letter- Lt. Col. Scott Wilson
Supervisor read a letter of thanks from Lt. Col. Scott Wilson, thanking the Town for the use of the Byron Park facilities. Councilman Rathbun stated that they had used the Park for an opening weekend to get prepared for a National that was being held in Virginia. He stated that it was a success and thanked Bill Laprairie, Department Head of Parks and Rec., and crew as well as Josselyn Bennett, activities Coordinator, for their work getting the grounds ready. He stated this was the first year holding this here and is hoping to expand on it.
Supervisor Comments
Supervisor Wells told all present that the Town had picked up 20,420 pounds of trash on trash day. He thanked all Departments for their work on this.
Supervisor Wells reported to the Board as an FYI that he would be bringing a Resolution before the Board at the July meeting concerning support for EMS services. A Resolution that has being passed by other Towns is attached herein. He stated how important it was to have an EMS service. He stated that volunteers are not able to do this anymore and this must become a paid position and deserves the Town's support. He stated that we have EMT's working in two to three locations just to make ends meet and this is unfortunate. This will be presented at next month's meeting.
Supervisor Wells also thanked the Indian Lake Central School garden club and its advisors. He stated that they have been working on the Memorial Park and it looks fantastic. He told all that he had written a letter of thanks on behalf of the Town Board. Letter attached herein.
Supervisor Wells also reported to all that he had sent a letter out to Kim Mitchell, Chairman of the Indian Lake Fire Commissioners, requesting use of the old grand union parking lot, for a live band event to be held during the Adirondack Challenge weekend. He stated that the Commissioners have a meeting on July 1st and it will be put before the Board. Supervisor Wells also reported to all that the Town would carry all the costs and insurances to hold this event on the Fire Commissioners property.
Supervisor Wells reported to all that the Town had a company come a while back during a Board Meeting and had a Web Site Presentation done by Tom Williams from Paradox Consulting Group. He stated that Tom had been passing through and had dropped off information for Supervisor Wells to look over of what he had done for the Town of Horicon and the Town of North Hudson. He told the Board Members if they want to look it over it would be in his office. He stated that the Town does need to improve our website. He stated that he would be looking into prices and getting information together concerning this.
Supervisor Wells gave an update on the new Zoning Regulations. He thanked Deputy Supervisor Meade Hutchins, John Hutchins, Pete Ghostlaw and Al Pouch for their work on this project. Supervisor Wells stated it is very close to being complete.
Supervisor Wells told all that the summer events schedule was out and on the web site. He thanked Josselyn Bennett for getting it to him.
Supervisor Wells reported to the Board that he had gotten a quote for a Chain Saw Certification Course. He told the Board that cost is $135.00 per person and they will come here to give the certification. He stated that he would be looking into this and checking with the State to see if this would be accepted. Supervisor Wells also reported to the Board that he has been going through the Town's Building and Facility Use Policy. He stated that some changes need to be made and would be reviewing the policy and updating it soon.
Supervisor Wells told all that the Senator and Assemblymen will be in Speculator on Saturday June 22nd at the Republican Picnic. He stated that it does not matter what your party line is, you can meet them and talk to them about your concerns. It stated this will be held from noon to four.
Supervisor Wells reported to the Board that he had received a request from Kimberly Comisky, Respite Program Coordinator, who is part of the Alzheimer's Disease Caregiver Support Initiative, asking for permission to hold a drop-in respite program at the Meal Site once a month. She stated it would run about two to four hours. Supervisor Wells made a motion to approve the request. Seconded by, Councilwoman Stanton and approved by all.
Councilman Rathbun made a motion to release bond to Matt Townsend concerning clean-up at former Townsend Garage. Seconded by, Councilwoman Curry. All in favor. Motion carried.
Councilman Rathbun made a motion to select Terry DeArmas as 2019 Town of Indian Lake citizen of the year. Seconded by, Councilwoman Stanton. All in favor. Motion carried.

Editor’s note: This story is based upon the minutes provided by Indian Lake Town Clerk Julie Clawson

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