Friday, February 21, 2020

LPTB January 21 2020 Snowmobile trails have problems

LPTB January 21 2020

Snowmobile trails have problems
LAKE PLEASANT—It was at the January 21 meeting of the Lake Pleasant Town Board that Highway Superintendent Randy Lavarnway reported the river trail is in bad shape with open water and machines are getting stuck. The crew did groom about 5 inches of snow in Perkins Clearing. The new snowmobile trail in the Village is being used, he said, and Lyme Timber has reported they have had no issues with snowmobiles.
Lavarnway said last weekend’s storms brought no major problems or break downs with trucks.
He said no contracts have been signed with Snowmobile Club Presidents.
Supervisor Bain, Highway Superintendent Lavarnway and former Supervisor Wilt did find the high-water mark on 175 Golf Course Road. A drilled hole in the rock at the shoreline and a yellow ribbon on the power pole. Supervisor Bain asked Councilperson Meixner, who has done many hours of research on the right of way, if she would compose a letter to the ROW owners about removing their items from the Town’s property, with a deadline Monday of Memorial Day Weekend. Supervisor Bain asked if this letter be reviewed by all Council before sending it out.
Councilperson Meixner said she would draft the letter.
Councilperson Meixner suggested putting up a No Trespassing Sign, Councilperson McGovern suggested a Use by ROW owner’s only, no further discussion on that sign.
The situation with the dock is a different issue, Supervisor Bain said she would call DEC to see if they had any information on this issue. Jaime Laczko name was given to Bain and a phone number.
Supervisor Bain and Highway Superintendent met with Verizon on site about the new small towers. Verizon met with the Town, Village and County. Councilperson McGovern said that the towers are really repeaters with a 1,000-foot range. Supervisor Bain and Superintendent Lavarnway agreed that putting the tower up by the salt shed there can be power run there and the generator will be able to help during future storms. Supervisor Bain said this is a start there is no cost to us at this point in time.
Highway Superintendent Lavarnway had a meeting with NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services. All the paperwork has been sent in, DHSES will be at the County tomorrow to start showing how to use the grant portal. This group wants to move on this without FEMA. Councilperson McGovern said that FEMA is expected to reimburse 75% of approved costs for storm damage repairs and the State will reimburse 12.5%. Smaller projects will get paid out straight where larger ones will in stages. Better to break down the large ones into smaller projects if possible, to get paid more easily.
Supervisor Bain said her computer is up and running.
The board passed a resolution to change the mileage reimbursement rate from $0.575 per mile to $0.58 per mile to agree with the County mileage rate.
The board approved the members of the Planning Board, Board of Assessment Review, Zoning Board of Appeals and the Consolidated Health District.
The board approved for Supervisor Bain To sign an agreement for Cornell Cooperation Extension to use the Library for their meetings if needed.
The board approved the standard workday as 6 hours for New York State Pensions.
Code Enforcement Officer Bob Benkovich gave his report for 2019 on permits that he issued There was a total of 88 building permits issued in the Town of Lake Pleasant in 2019. In comparison, there were 86 permits issued in 2018.
The board authorized the Town Clerk to advertise for a senior mechanic.
Town is looking to hire someone by March, to work with Malcolm Cooke for 6 months before he retires.
Town Clerk/Tax Collector Deborah O’Rourke reported on the tax money that has been turned over to the Supervisor so far over $300,000.
Councilperson Don Braunius has concerns about the new cell towers we are living in the 21-Century.
Councilperson McGovern said he is looking into the possible mistake of co-pays at the Primary Care. McGovern is still going strong trying to get SPARC up and running again. He informed the Board that Caitlin Stewart is willing to chair it.
Supervisor Bain let the board know that she attended the Lake Pleasant Fire Dept. meeting and she and the Town Clerk attended the Village Board Meeting.

This story is based upon minutes provided by Deborah O’Rourke, Town Clerk

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