Monday, September 21, 2020

Wells Central capital project almost completed

 WCS BOE September 16 2020

Wells Central capital project almost completed


WELLS—When the Wells Central Board of Education met on September 16, Superintendent Thomas D. Sincavage reported the Capital Project is almost complete. A contracting firm came in to powerwash and clean up the sidewalks in front of the building. The contractors are working on finishing the final punch list. The district will file the certificate of substantial completion for state aid. Enrollment is currently at 142 and we have 3 new students expected to register this week. Mr. Sincavage reviewed the fund balance report as well as the future debt service and building aid revenues. The district maintains a very healthy financial position and intends to pay for the current capital project in full by utilizing the 2 capital reserve funds established by the voters. The district was awarded a cafeteria equipment grant in the amount of $10,396. The district will use the grant money to purchase a new stove for the kitchen.  Mr. Sincavage gave an update on Wells Reopening. The first 6 days of school have been amazing, and we have had 100% of students and staff wearing masks.


Principal Jeremy J. Siddon reported on the resiliency of the students and staff all adhering to the protocols. He has been fine tuning some of procedures in place like the morning bus pick up times and the morning breakfast. All students in grades 3-12 have received a Chromebook from the district. The district will be getting another shipment of Chromebooks within the next 2 weeks and plans on distributing them to students in grades K-2.

The Harvard Proving Ground Grant continues and starting on September 25 students in grades 1, 3, & 5 will receive weekly attendance postcards. The rest of the grades will receive weekly attendance postcards starting in January. Finally, Mr. Siddon spoke about Section VII sports. Currently the only school districts who are having sports are Willsboro and Chazy.

They are the 2 farthest schools that we can compete against. Mr. Siddon made a recommendation to the Board that we not participate in league sanctioned sports this fall. Safety of our students is our number one priority. He said the school could offer an in house intramurals soccer program. The program would be a 3 week skills based program for students in grades 7-12. The district is also looking into the possibility of an afterschool art program for students in grades 3-6.


The Board of Education approved the Annual CSE report on a motion by Ken Hoffman, seconded by Dorman Reese, and carried 4-0.

The Wells Central School Board of Education approved the classifications, recommendations, and programs for the following student: 982420555 on a motion by Dorman Reese, seconded by Rachel Lauria, and carried 4-0.

Under New Business the Board approved transfer of funds.

The Board of Education of the Wells Central School District appropriates $566,287.79 of the 2019/20 unassigned fund balance toward the Capital Project that was brought before the taxpayers and approved in May 2018. The $566,287.79 shall be transferred to the Capital Fund.


The Wells Central School District Board of Education authorizes a General Fund budget increase of $566,287.79 with appropriated 2019/20 fund balance for use toward the Capital Project approved by the voters in May 2018.

On a motion made by Ken Hoffman, seconded by Dorman Reese, and carried 4-0.

The Wells Central School Board of Education approved an increase to the employee benefit accrued liability reserve for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020 by $45,742.00 to reflect the actual accrued liability on a motion made by Rachel Lauria, seconded by Ken Hoffman, and carried 4-0.

The WCS BOE approved the Emergency Response Plan, as presented on a motion made by Dorman Reese, seconded by Ken Hoffman, and carried 4-0.

There was one comment during Public Access. Mr. Steve Stofelano wanted to commend the district administration for their hard work on the reopening plan and for their work on the capital project.


The Wells Central School Board of Education recessed to Executive Session at 6:23p.m. for the purpose of discussing specific personnel matters and/or negotiations on a motion made by Rachel Lauria, seconded by Dorman Reese, and carried 4-0.

The Wells Central School Board of Education returned to Open Session at 7:05p.m. on a motion by Dorman Reese, seconded by Ken Hoffman, and carried 4-0.

Resolved that the Board of Education of the Wells Central School District hereby approved the amendment to the employment agreement of Thomas D. Sincavage, as Superintendent, dated September 16, 2020 setting forth the revised terms and conditions of his employment and approved the payment of money provided therein on a motion made by Dorman Reese, seconded by Rachel Lauria, and carried 4-0.

This article was based upon minutes provided by Rachelle Dwyer, District Clerk.

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