Saturday, September 14, 2019

New Indian Lake Codes Enforcement Officer

ILTB September 9 2019

New Indian Lake Codes Enforcement Officer
By Pete Klein
INDIAN LAKE--The Indian Lake Town Board held a very long meeting on September 9, starting at 7 p.m. and lasting to just a few minutes before 10 p.m.
The meeting included passing several resolutions, starting with the following.
Supervisor Brian Wells reported all applications for the Codes Enforcement Officer were in and interviews were done. He thanked Peter Ghostlaw and Meade Hutchins for their help during the process.
Councilwoman Patricia Curry made a motion to appoint Tyler Monthony to the position of Building Codes Enforcement Officer. Seconded by, Councilman John Rathbun, and the appointment was endorsed by all.
The board passed the following resolution as written here: “Whereas in 2017 the Town Board of the Town of Indian Lake hired Steve Ovitt of Wilderness Property Management Inc. Consulting Services to create a recreational assessment and feasibility study of the Town of Indian Lake Ski Hill and adjoining Indian Lake Central School Properties for outdoor recreation/sports activities;
“Whereas the project evaluated the potential for developing quality mountain biking, trail running for potential cross-country race training, snowshoeing, and hiking on the publicly owned Crow Hill Properties; and
“Whereas the proposed trails would serve as a valuable resource to the students of Indian Lake Central School, town residents, and seasonal visitors; now,
“Therefore, be it Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Indian Lake supports the concept of a shared recreational trail system and allocates the Town of Indian Lake lands described in the May 1, 2017 recreation assessment submitted by Wilderness Property Management Inc. for trail system development.”
The board passed the following resolution as written here: “WHEREAS; New York General Municipal Law Article 5-G, § 119-o empowers municipal corporations to enter into, amend, cancel and terminate agreements for the performance among themselves or one for the other of their respective functions, powers and duties on a contract basis, AND
“WHEREAS; the Town of Indian Lake wishes to invest certain of its available investment funds in cooperation and/or district in accordance with a municipal cooperation agreement, AND
“WHEREAS; the Town Board wishes to assure the safety and liquidity of its funds,
“NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLOVED; that the Indian Lake Town Board hereby authorizes the Cooperative Investment Agreement in the name of and on behalf of the Town of Indian Lake and the Town's participation in the New York Cooperative Liquid Asset Securities System (NYCLASS) and authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to execute and deliver the Agreement as well as any other needed documentation,
“AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Town Counsel and/or Town Budget Officer to take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution”
The board passed the following resolution as written here: “Whereas: The Residents and Business of Blue Mountain Lake wish to update the existing gateway signage:
“And Whereas the Town Board of the Town of Indian Lake passed Resolution #5 of 2019 "Resolution to replace gateway signs in Blue Mt. Lake" Hereby appoints the Town of Indian Lake as Lead Applicant for SEQR determination and all other permits required to complete this project.”
The board passed the following resolution as written here: “WHEREAS, the Town of Indian Lake (Town) is proposing revisions to the Towns Zoning Ordinance, and the proposed revisions have been drafted under the guidance of Steering Committee and are consistent with the Town's Comprehensive Plan; and
“WHEREAS, the proposed zoning revisions have been prepared with the input of the Adirondack Park Agency; and
“WHEREAS, the proposed revisions are subject to the review of Lake George/ Lake Champlain Regional Planning Board under GML 239.
“WHEREAS, the proposed action has been determined to be a Type I Action, pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR Part 617.4. and a coordinated environmental review will be conducted
“WHEREAS, The Town Board is the most appropriate agency to perform this review and desires to establish itself as the lead agency under SEQRA;
“NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, pursuant to the applicable standards of SEQRA 6 NYCRR Part 617.6, the Town Board of the Town of Indian Lake concludes that it is the appropriate agency to serve as Lead Agency for the coordinated environmental review of the proposed Action; and
“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the Town Board hereby declares its intent to be Lead Agency for the coordinated SEQRA evaluation; and
“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the Town Board hereby authorizes the circulation of the Lead Agency request to the other Involved and Interested Agencies, indicating the Board of Trustees intention to serve as Lead Agency, including circulating Part 1 of the Full Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) and associated materials; and
“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the Town Board hereby authorizes referral to the County Planning Board for their review and recommendation; and
“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the Town Board hereby authorizes referral to the Adirondack Park Agency for their review and recommendation; and
“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to take any necessary actions to effect the terms of this resolution
Robin Hill, Executer Director of CAP 21 gave an over view of the different scopes of work her company does such as Economic Development, Social Concerns, Feasibility Studies on building homes to keep young people in our area as second time homeowners are creating a shortage on property and creating a Regional Economic Plan among numerous other endeavors.. Robin was asking the Board to consider joining CAP 21 with a monetary membership. This will be discussed during the upcoming Budget Workshops.
Josh Wells approached the Board with concerns that the Ambulance has concerning their soft billing practice as well as the numerous runs that are being made to Blue Mt. Lake with the Indian Lake taxpayers paying the cost for these runs. Josh Well's letter of concerns is attached herein. Rosie Goliber, President of the Board for the Ambulance Corp. also spoke of the hardship the Corp. is facing. The Ambulance Board was asking for the Town's support as they change their billing practices and for continued support in finding a solution for the numerous runs to Blue Mt. Lake.
The Board thanked the Corp. for coming in and bringing this to their attention. Councilwoman Curry stated that due to our proximity to emergency health care, what the Corp. provide is invaluable to the community.
Pam Howard, Treasurer for the Ambulance Corp. stated that the Ambulance Board are also looking for support from the Town Board NOT to do soft billing anymore as it is illegal to do so.
Supervisor Wells reported to all that the ADHOC Committee (Adirondack Homeowners Committee) has recently sent in resumes and they were gone through and a new Weed District Board had been approved. The new Board will be Glenn Sullivan, Dave Caruso, Lenore Reber, Brad Fisher and Ernie Pollman. Supervisor Wells stated that a meeting would be forth coming and at that time the ADHOC Committee would be choosing the President and Deputy President. At that time rules will be established. Discussion was held on what would be done with the bogs.
Supervisor Wells stated that it will probably be put out to bid and that is something that will be discussed at the meeting with the Weed District Board and ADHOC Committee.
Supervisor Wells thanked Kevin King, Department Head of Sewer and Water, and his crew for their work in Blue Mountain during the 4 water main breaks. Supervisor Wells told all that a letter of thanks had been written by Sheri Nemmer.
Kevin King also thanked the Park and Rec. Crew, Highway Crew and Blue Mt. Lake Fire Company for their help as well.
Bill Laprairie, Department Head of Parks and Rec approached the Board stating he had given them all information on a new bigger groomer that he would like to purchase and discuss during the Budget Workshop. He stated that this groomer would be for the Moose River Planes only. He stated that the little groomers do not keep up on the trail and a bigger one is needed.
Pam Howard, Budget Officer, explained that this needs to be decided on immediately as the funds are in a Reserve and it takes a very long time to get the funds as it must go through the Comptroller's Office.
Supervisor Wells thanked Bill Laprairie and Crew for once again going to Glens Falls and picking up the food for Community Action.
Kevin King stated that there is asphalt and a lot of concrete that needs to be cleaned up in Blue Mt. due to the water main breaks.
Supervisor Wells stated that he would call Rick at D.O.T. to see how the State would like to deal with that. Councilwoman Curry asked if our Insurance would cover this. Supervisor Wells will call on that.
The board accepted the Budget Workshop Dates as follows:
The Indian Lake Town Board will be holding the 2019 Budget Workshops for the
2020 Budget on the following dates: October 10 (Thursday) 7 p.m. Budget Begins: Landfill, Weed District, Water 1 & 2 Districts, General Fund,
Sewer District, Library, Ambulance, Fire Districts, Debt Services, Cash Reserves. October 15 - Regular Board Meeting, October 17 (Thursday) 7 P.M., Continuation From October 10th A Public Hearing For The Weed And Sewer Districts, October 24 (Thursday) 7 p.m., October 31 (Thursday) 7 p.m., Highway Budget Final Review November 7 - (Thursday) 7 p.m. Public Hearing Preliminary Budget, Public Hearing Local Law Override Tax Cap, Pass Local Law if needed, Adopt 2020 Budget.
Supervisor Wells stated that he is working on the LED lighting for Blue Mt. Lake.
Supervisor Wells told all that the abandoned vehicle on Cedar River Road has been taken care of. Supervisor Wells questioned Jamie Roblee concerning the Chip Seal on Cedar River Rd. Jamie stated that Gormen has not shown up. Supervisor Wells will call them.
Supervisor Wells reported to all that the Diver that has been working on the Abanakee Dam has been in the hospital, so the project has been on hold. He stated that Rozell is looking for another company to take over if he can't come back. Supervisor Wells also stated that the timeline schedule through D.E.C. is running out. He told all that the Town has paid double what the original cost was, but he did reiterate that we would be getting that money back.
Supervisor Wells told all that he had a proposal from Chazen to finish the work on "The Commons" formally the Townsend property. He told all this is still under the Grant received for this project.
Supervisor Wells stated he was looking into Broad Ban Funding and is trying to get cable into Blue Mt. and Indian Lake. He gave the proposal to the Board to look over.
Supervisor Wells reported to the Board that he would like to get rid of the water fountain at the Town Hall and replace it with a VersaI Water Filter. This would allow visitors to fill water bottles much easier. Supervisor Wells reported that he is working on the Grant for the Blue Mt. Lake Water Project.
Councilwoman Stanton reported to all that the Implementation Committee has been working very hard and that Chazen would soon be setting up public meetings.
Christine Pouch, Director of Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts, gave the monthly report. Darrin Harr, Director of the Chamber of Commerce, gave the Chamber report.
Brenda Valentine reminded all that the Moose Festival was coming up. She also reported that there are two individuals who would like to revitalize the old Grand Union building.
Sheri Rowe asked the Board if it was possible to get a speed sign put up on Adirondack Lake Road. Supervisor Wells stated that this had to go through the County and a DO.T. Engineer.
Supervisor Wells told all present once again, if they have any complaints against Frontier to get them to him. He told all that the NYS Public Service Commission are checking into the complaints against the company.
Irene Hutchins, Secretary of the Planning and Zoning Boards, approached the Board stating that Bill Seymour had passed away. She wanted to thank Bill for his many years of service. She told all that Neil Johnson would step up as Chairman. Supervisor Wells extended his sympathies to Bills family stating he was an asset to the Town, and he will be missed.
Darrin Harr asked about possibly using "The Commons" for parking during Rustic Furniture. Supervisor Wells stated that vendors would be setting up there, but we could put up parking signs were the old Jane and Cathy's Restaurant was.
Richard Wooley approached the Board thanking the Town Highway Department for their work on the school parking lot. Meade Hutchins also thanked them for the new parking lot at the Health Center and the Town Hall.
Councilwoman Stanton reported to the Board that the Town was applying for a Historic Marker Grant. She stated that with the help of Wayne Blanchard, Town Historian, Mr. Brooks was decided upon. She stated that the marker would be placed at the Indian Lake museum as this is the oldest house in Indian Lake. She stated that Mr. Brooks was a Civil War Veteran. Mr. Brooks also gave land to the School and the Town. She was asking the Boards permission to place the plaque on Town Property. Jack Valentine requested that there be community input when the time comes to have a say on what goes on the plaque.
Supervisor Wells called for an Executive Session at 8:55 p.m. for the purpose of discussing Contractual and Litigation. Seconded by Councilwoman Stanton. All in favor. Motion carried.
Councilman Rathbun made a motion to exit Executive Session at 9:50 p.m. Seconded by, Councilman Clawson. All in favor. Motion carried.
Councilman Rathbun made a motion to pursue outstanding C&D debt from two companies, Three Brothers Roofing and Mike Andrews, through small claims court. Seconded by, Councilman Clawson. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next regular town board meeting will be held on Tuesday October 15, at 7 P.M. at the Town Hall.

Editor’s Note: This story is based upon the minutes of Town Clerk Julie Clawson.

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