Saturday, November 21, 2020

Arietta approves 2021 budget


Arietta TB November 2 2020



Arietta approves 2021 budget


ARIETTA—When the Arietta Town Board met on November 2, it held public hearings on its 2021 budget and the Fire Department Contract, then acted on them in the following sequence.


The board closed the public hearings on the Town budget and the Fire Department


The board then made changes to the Town of Arietta 2021 Tentative budget.

The board then passed the following resolution.

WHEREAS: the Town of Arietta Town Board has accepted the 2020 Preliminary Budget at the October Town Board Meeting, and

WHEREAS: at the October workshop meeting’s, there was discussion of the Town Board, and a motion made to bring to resolution an increase in the amounts of the following accounts: A0-7145.100 Joint Recreation Personal from $0 to $6,000; DA-2300 Services to other Governments from $80,000 to $90,000; DA-2665 Sales of Equipment from $15,000 to $32,000.

THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED: that the Town Board, Town of Arietta increase the above amounts in the 2020 Budget.

Approved by all.


The board then passed the following resolution.

WHEREAS: the Town Board, Town of Arietta held a Public Hearing for public comment on the Budget for 2021, and

WHEREAS: public comment was heard at the Public Hearing held during the regular Town Board Meeting at 5 pm on Monday, November 2, 2020 at the Piseco Common School, 1722 State Route 8, Piseco, NY, and

THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED: the Town Board of Arietta will adopt the Town Budget for the year 2021.

Approved by all.


WHEREAS: there has been established in the Town of Arietta a Fire Protection District known as the “Piseco Fire Protection District”: embracing the territory in said Town wholly outside of any City or Village as such territory and is more fully described establishing such district duly adopted by this Town

Board on June 1, 1998; and

WHEREAS: it is necessary to enter a contract for the furnishing of fire protection to the said fire protection district; and

WHEREAS: due notice has been given a public hearing to be held in the Piseco Common School, in the Town of Arietta, on November 2, 2020, at 5:00pm, to consider a contract for the furnishing of fire protection to the said fire protection district, the notice duly specifying the time and place of the hearing as aforesaid, and giving in general terms the proposed contract, and the said hearing having been held, and all persons interested in appearing having been heard,

THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED: after a Public Hearing held on November 2, 2020 the Town of Arietta will contract with the Piseco Volunteer Fire Department for the furnishing of fire protection and ambulance service to the Piseco Fire Protection District more fully described and plotted in the map referred to and adopted at the June 1, 1998 Board Meeting; that the contract to be enter into aforesaid be in the following for, to wit: Attached Fire Contract and that such contract be executed on behalf of the Town of Arietta by the Town Supervisor.

Resolution was approved by all.


WHEREAS: the Town of Arietta Animal Control Officer, on various occasions, has a need to take stray, unclaimed dogs to a Humane Society, and

WHEREAS: in order to use this service when needed, it is necessary to enter into an agreement with an agency, and

WHEREAS: an annual Agreement for the James A. Brennan Memorial Humane Society has been reviewed by the Town of Arietta Town Board in the amount $600 to be paid out of #A3520.400 Animal Control Contractual Expense Account, and

THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED: the Arietta Town Board will give the Supervisor permission to sign the annual agreement for 2020 with James A. Brennan Memorial Humane Society.

The resolution was approved by all.


WHEREAS: the Town of Arietta has been presented with an agreement for municipal snow and ice control with Hamilton County for the winter season of 2020-2021, and

WHEREAS: it is necessary that we review this agreement on an annual basis

THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED: the Town Board, Town of Arietta will accept this agreement and shall comply with its obligations pursuant to said agreement.

Resolution approved by all.



Jacqui Grier reported that the highway superintendent and she are working together on fixing snowmobile bridges. Craig Small said that poles should be here by the end of this week to fix the Fall Stream bridge. The bridge by Piseco Lake Lodge needs to be fixed or the trail needs to be changed.

Mike Knapp talked with John DeSantis from DEC about moving the trail and he thought it was the best option for everybody, but there is a lawsuit before the State that is stopping any tree cutting so it can’t be done.


Supervisor Rick Wilt reported the lighting project at the airport is finished and closed out finally.


Wilt reported that he will work with the Zoning officer to write up an informational letter to put in the tax bills in January for the boards review at the next meeting.


Wilt asked the workers of the Foxy Brown trail. Brian Rudes gave the history of the trail and Bob Erickson gave a presentation of the work that was done during the summer.

Jacqui Grier asked if there was still money in the budget to replace the security camera system at the highway garage. Craig Small will talk to Brian Macintosh the town’s IT person to get pricing.

Grier reported she met with Small, the highway superintendent, about how to create a Parks and Recreation department and how to handle personal. They realized that there is a lot of discussion on the subject before anything can be done.

Motion was offered by: J. Grier

Mike Knapp said that John DeSantis put the moving of the snowmobile trail near Piseco Lake Lodge in the plan and it could be presented to the State after the lawsuit against the State was over. Grier will call DeSantis and get more information.

Next regular meeting will be December 7, 2020.

This article is based upon the minutes of Kenneth Parslow, Town Clerk.

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