Monday, November 23, 2020

County has performed over 2,600 Covid tests

 Speculator Village Board October 26 2020

County has performed over 2,600 Covid tests


SPECULATOR--Mayor Jeannette Barrett reported at the October 26 meeting of the Speculator Village Board of Trustees that Hamilton County Department of Public Health trialed their new RAPID COVID testing policy and procedures and reported it went well. One person tested positive so contact tracing and additional testing is under way. This brings the positive cases in the county to 20, with 19 cases recovered. Over 2,600 tests have been performed in the county. The total county population is less than 5,000.

The Marion Avenue Culvert repair and mitigation needed from the Halloween storm has been approved. The approval amount is $15,711.45. We will receive $11,783.59 from FEMA and are still waiting to hear if NYS will be contributing 12.5%. There has been some discussion regarding the Beach and Osborne Point Site Inspection plan and hopefully this will be resolved soon so we are able to move forward.

The construction of the small cell towers will most likely begin early next year.

Mayor Barrett thanked Trustee Rebecca Smith and Roger Blanchard for completing the streetlight census and she will be contacting National Grid for the next steps.


Mayor Barrett presented Resolution No. 16 for 2020-2021 Budget Adjustments for Emergency Backhoe Repairs and Adjustments for CHIPS to the board for approval.

Trustee Mark Donecker made a motion to accept Resolution No. 16 for 2020-2021 Budget Adjustments for Emergency Backhoe Repairs and Adjustments for CHIPS. Trustee Mark Crary seconded, and the motion passed with the following vote: aye – Barrett, Crary, Donecker, Smith, Cindy Rumsey; nays – none.

Due to Chapter 108 of the Laws of 2020 municipalities are prohibited from terminating public utilities to customers failing to pay service charges and overdue fees during the COVID-19 state of emergency. If a customer is experiencing a change in their financial circumstances due to the COVID-19 state of emergency, the municipality is required to offer a deferred payment agreement. A policy must be submitted to the state and a notice must be sent to all customers. Mayor Barrett presented a draft policy for the deferred payment of water rents due to COVID-19 state of emergency. With help from the Village Attorney, there was discussion on the policy and notice to consumers and Attorney Kati Smith asked for additional time to better word two sections for clarity. The Board agreed to have Smith look over the policy and will address it at the next meeting. The Village will include this deferred payment agreement notice with the next water bill to be mailed next week (November 1).

Trustee Donecker made a motion to approve the draft notification to residential water customers regarding water service termination moratorium. Trustee Smith seconded, and the motion passed with the following vote: aye – Barrett, Crary, Donecker, Smith, Rumsey; nays – none.

The schedules for retention and disposition of files for local government are being consolidated and unified across all state government entities. The revised schedule must be reviewed and adopted by January 1, 2021. Mrs. O’Brien will be preparing for this with the assistance of Trustee Crary.

Mayor Barrett informed the board that Humana would not be a health insurance option for our retirees because the Village does not meet the minimum number of retirees. Therefore, the Village would like to renew the MVP Gold Medicare Advantage Plan. Mayor Barrett reviewed the 2.9% increase when renewing the policy. This will be an increase of $637.44 annually.

Trustee Crary made a motion to accept the MVP Gold Medicare Advantage Plan for retirees. Trustee Smith seconded, and the motion passed with the following vote: aye – Barrett, Crary, Donecker, Smith, Rumsey; nays – none.

Mayor Barrett Recommended Dick Tesar to fill the opening on the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Trustee Smith made a motion to accept the recommendation of Dick Tesar to be on the Zoning Board of Appeals. Trustee Crary seconded, and the motion passed with the following vote: aye – Barrett, Crary, Donecker, Smith, Rumsey; nays – none.


Roger Blanchard gave a written Department of Public works Report and further commented as follows:

In the last month the DPW activities have included: Fix driveways and lawns along Route 8 sidewalk, clean out roadside ditches, shoulder work, haul winter sand, mowing and trimming grass as needed, garbage and recyclables, paving Black Bear Run and White Birch Drive , haul item four, fix pot holes, check the dirt section of Elm Lake Road and pulled in dock and stairs at the beach.

In the next 30 days: set up skating rink, dress plow trucks for winter, roadside ditches will be cleaned out, shoulder work, pick up benches and tables, garbage and recyclables, haul winter sand, work on Elm Lake Road dirt section, haul in item 4, put crusher run on burn pit road.

Mr. Blanchard reported the Keehen family bench near the Speculator Department Store was destroyed in the accident at the Four Corners. They are still trying to locate the plaque from the bench.

The Backhoe needs repair and Mr. Blanchard stated the cost is approximated at $10,000. It will need to be repaired since borrowing the backhoe from the Town will not be feasible during the winter. The board will review a resolution to move monies to cover this expense during New Business.

They are working to raise the grade at the beach parking lot. Mr. Blanchard will get pricing and would like to complete this before it snows.

Mr. Blanchard stated he is looking into needed permits for repairs to beach, Osborne Point and the mitigation work on Marion Avenue culvert.

The Chalet Drive sign is up and the sign for Ruby Lane has been ordered.

Streetlight LED plan looks to be on track. Mr. Blanchard stated the count is correct.


Crystal O’Brien gave a verbal Clerk-Treasurer Report as follows:

The Intro to Government accounting school Mrs. O’Brien attended October 14-16 was very instructional and helpful.

Quarterly reports for PERMA, NYS and IRS have been submitted as well as the Annual PERMA Payroll report.

After November 1, all outstanding Village Taxes will be sent to the County for relevy. There are currently twenty- one (21) properties to be relevied. A reminder letter went out to these residents at the beginning of October.

Mrs. O’Brien asked the board if there was any interest in the webinar on “Understanding Village Government and your place in it” scheduled for this Thursday. If so, there would be the option to view the seminar here at the village office. Several board members are interested but plan to attend from home.

Trustee Donecker made a motion to approve and pay Abstract #10 in the amount of $67,202.68. Trustee Smith seconded and the motion was passed with the following vote: aye – Barrett, Crary, Donecker, Smith; nays – none; Rumsey - Recused.

Trustee Smith made a motion to approve Financial Report #4. Trustee Crary seconded, and the motion was passed with the following vote: aye – Barrett, Crary, Donecker, Smith; nays – none; Rumsey - Recused.

This article is based upon the minutes of Tracy J. Marshall, Village Deputy Clerk/Treasurer.

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