LLCS BOE November 12 2020
LLCS welcomes Social Service dog Reggie
LONG LAKE—At the November 12 meeting of the Long Lake Central School Board of Education, Noelle Short, Principal/Superintendent, reported Social Service dog Reggie is here Mondays and Fridays, bringing positivity and comfort to the building.
She went on to report the following.
Senior Jose Lamos voted for the first-time last week as part of the Government class.
Ms. Stewart, Mrs. Cohen, and Mrs. Combs are working together to bring the Seal of Biliteracy to our district.
Students have been receiving numerous positive office referrals based upon our Character Education Program.
Parents were sent our K-12 Temporary Remote Learning Plan.
“Caught with Character” slides have been added to our daily Morning Announcements.
Our Morning Announcements also include a virtual book talk by Mr. Tremblay.
The School Culture Committee planned a Halloween Parade which was a great success. They are also planning a Thanksgiving celebration.
Custodian Joseph Parent passed his bus driver test which is a great help to the district.
Committee minutes have been added to the board packets as an FYI.
Faculty negotiations will start soon. The Board will need to form a team for the District.
Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences were to be held Thursday, November 19.
Short updated the Board on the capital project. A pre-bid meeting was held November 10 and bids are due November 24 with the hopes to approve contractors at the December Board of Education meeting.
The Board was updated on COVID related items.
Mark Mashaw, Auditor from Pinto, Mucenski, Hooper, VanHouse and Company, presented the 2019-2020 audit. The school received a clean, unmodified opinion.
Approved: On Motion by Michael Farrell, seconded by Alexandria Harris, with all in favor, the 2019-2020 school year Audit Report as prepared by Pinto, Mucenski, Hooper, VanHouse and Company.
Approved: On Motion by Trisha Hosley, seconded by Alexandria Harris, with all in favor, the 2020-2021 school year Tax Collectors Report.
Approved: On Motion by Alexandria Harris, seconded by Michael Farrell, with all in favor the Resolution authorizing participation in Cooperative Energy Purchasing Service (NYSMEC) for Electricity.
Approved: On Motion by Trisha Hosley, seconded by Alexandria Harris, with all in favor, CSE/504 Recommendations for Student # 202201, 202755, 201907, and 202732.
Approved: On Motion by Alexandria Harris, seconded by Trisha Hosley, with all in favor, Basketball Coaches for the 2020-2021 season: Kathryn Connell – Boys’ Varsity and Hannah Klossner – Girls’ Modified, and Recognized: Eric McCauliffe – Girls’ Varsity and Travis Howe – Boys’ Modified.
The Bus Replacement Plan was reviewed. Our Dodge Caravan will need to be replaced in the upcoming school year.
A Request for Proposals for Auditing Services has been sent to various auditors.
Proposals are due back November 30, 2020.
Policy 1st Readings: A first reading on Policy #5676 Privacy and Security Data and Teacher and Principal Data was held.
Michael Farrell asked about the upcoming remote BOCES programs and how our BOCES students will participate.
Trisha Hosley said the CTSO is planning a Scavenger Hunt.
Brian Penrose said there is going to be a community wide Gingerbread House Competition.
This article is based upon the minutes of Victoria J. Snide, Clerk of the Board
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