Supervisors November 5 2020
County makes plans on how best to spend millions
The Hamilton County Board of Supervisors began its November 5 meeting by accepting the following REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE which began by stating: Your Committee on the tentative budget of the fiscal year 2021 as filed by the Budget Officer with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, respectfully reports that in its opinion the amounts in the columns headed “Recommended Appropriations” will be necessary to meet the expenditures of the County for the ensuing year.
1. Contributions required by the law be made by tax upon this County for State Employees’ Retirement Contributions and Conservation Fire Claims.
2. Salaries of Officers and Employees heretofore authorized by this Board and the amounts necessary to pay for the equipment, supplies and materials and other expenses for each department.
3. Amount necessary to carry out the contract with the State of New York for Snow Removal on State Highways.
4. County Indebtedness maturing and interest payable as shown by the Budget Officer.
5. Appropriations for Public Relief and care and administration expenses.
6. Appropriations for the County Road Fund, Snow Removal on County Road and County Machinery Fund.
7. Appropriations for the Contingent Fund.
8. Appropriations for reserve for uncollected taxes and assessments, tax refunds and tax sales.
9. Appropriations for other specific purposes as stated in the tentative budget by the Budget Officer.
The FINANCE COMMITTEE is composed of the following town supervisors: John Frey, John M. Stortecky, Brian Wells, Clay J. Arsenault
RESOLUTION AMENDING ANNUAL SESSION DATES (Dates to work on budget) was approved as follows.
WHEREAS Resolution No. 239-20 adopted October 1, 2020 set the Annual Session Dates,
WHEREAS, it has been determined that the November 10th date needs to be rescheduled and will now be November 9th, be it
RESOLVED, the following dates have been designated as the annual session for 2020: November 5, 10:30 A.M., November 9 10:30 A.M., November 12 10:30 A.M., November 17 10:30 A.M., November 20 10:30 A.M. PUBLIC HEARING 11:00 A.M., December 3 AUDIT 10:30 A.M., December 18 AUDIT 10:30 A.M.
WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors has received a recommendation from the Internal Management Committee to approve the 2021 Holiday Schedule, and
WHEREAS, the Internal Management Committee has reviewed the 2021 Holiday Schedule proposed by the County Personnel Office, and
RESOLVED, that this Board of Supervisors authorizes the Hamilton County Holiday Schedule for 2021 as attached and recommended by the Personnel Officer, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Personnel Officer is hereby authorized to disseminate the 2021 Hamilton County Holiday Schedule as appropriate and that a certified copy of this resolution be provided to the Hamilton County Personnel Officer.
COUNTY HOLIDAYS 2021: New Year’s Day Friday, January 1, Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Monday, January 18, President’s Day Monday, February 15, Good Friday April 2, Memorial Day Monday, May 31, Independence Day Monday, July 5, Labor Day Monday, September 6, Columbus Day Monday, October 11, Veterans Day Thursday, November 11, Thanksgiving Thursday, November 25 and Friday, November 26, Christmas Friday, December 24.
WHEREAS, a review of the current health insurance rates received for the year 2021 indicated a 9% increase in premium for Excellus BlueCross BlueShield; a 3.3% increase in premium for MVP Gold PPO; and The Hartford an increase in prescription premiums of 1.9% for all enrolled, a 8.6% increase in medical premium for all North Carolina enrollees, and no increase in medical premium for the Florida enrollee, and
WHEREAS, the Internal Management Committee has reviewed the insurance proposals offered by Burnham Financial, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Hamilton County will renew its current health insurance benefit offered under Excellus BlueCross BlueShield and will add another alternative coverage option for employees at a reduced cost which includes a Deductible and 20% coinsurance for (In-network) Maternity Care (Office Visits); Outpatient Hospital surgery; In-patient medical care, which includes Semi-Private room, Surgery-Physician, Physical Rehabilitation, Skilled Nursing, and Maternity Care; and Inpatient Mental Health and Inpatient Substance Abuse care, and be it further
RESOLVED, Hamilton County will cancel the Medicare Retiree Health Insurance coverage with MVP Gold PPO and The Hartford, effective December 31, 2020, and be it further
RESOLVED, Hamilton County will enroll with Aetna Medicare PPO effective January 1, 2021 for Retiree Health Insurance, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors authorizes the Hamilton County Personnel Officer to start meeting with employees and sending out Aetna Medicare information to Retirees to facilitate these changes effective January 1, 2021, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Personnel Officer is hereby authorized to disseminate this information as appropriate and the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors be authorized to sign the agreements with Excellus BlueCross BlueShield and Aetna Medicare PPO, for health insurance coverage for the year 2021 and the County Treasurer be so notified.
WHEREAS, the employees of Hamilton County presently have MetLife Dental insurance, and
WHEREAS, the Internal Management Committee has reviewed the current dental insurance proposals offered by Burnham Financial received for the year 2021, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Hamilton County will cancel the MetLife Dental Insurance coverage effective December 31, 2020, and be it further
RESOLVED, Hamilton County will enroll with Standard Dental Insurance coverage effective January 1, 2021, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors authorizes the Hamilton County Personnel Officer to start meeting with employees to facilitate this change, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Personnel Officer is hereby authorized to disseminate this information as appropriate and the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors be authorized to sign the agreement with Standard Dental, for dental insurance coverage for the year 2021, and the County Treasurer be so authorized and Personnel Officer be notified.
WHEREAS, it has been determined that there is a need for psychiatric services, and
WHEREAS psychiatric services were requested for in the 2021 Community Services budget, be it
RESOLVED, that Psychiatrist Eileen Ehrenberg, MD, of 23 Featherfoil Way Malta, NY 12020, who provides this service, be paid $1,500 per day not to exceed an annual amount of $36,000, and be it further
RESOLVED, that said contract would be in effect from January 1, 2021 until December 31, 2021 and be it further
RESOLVED, that upon the approval of the County Attorney, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to execute a contract on behalf of the Hamilton County Community Services with Dr. Eileen Ehrenberg and the County Treasurer be so advised.
WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Community Service Board has recommended contracting with Dr. Howard Axelrod, of 13 Stony Brook Drive, Rexford, NY 12148, for psychological services at the Hamilton County Office Building, located at White Birch Lane, Indian Lake, New York, on a bi-weekly basis, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors does hereby authorize contracting with Dr. Howard Axelrod to perform psychological services at the County Office Building, located at White Birch Lane, Indian Lake, New York, on a bi-weekly basis, and be it further
RESOLVED, that Dr. Howard Axelrod shall be paid One Thousand One Hundred Dollars ($1,100) per day for the services rendered with the total annual cost not exceeding Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000), and be it further
RESOLVED that said contract would be in effect from January 1, 2021 until December 31, 2021 and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to sign a contract with Dr. Howard Axelrod, upon approval of the County Attorney, and the County Treasurer be so advised.
WHEREAS, it has been determined that during the year there may be a need to expand Community Services’ capacity for clinical evaluations and clinical counseling, and
WHEREAS, Clinical Services were requested in the 2021 Community Services budget, be it
RESOLVED, that Patrice J. Hicks, of 166 Spier Falls Rd., Gansevoort, NY 12831, a Clinical Social Worker with R Certification, who provides these services, be paid $100 per hour for clinical evaluations not to exceed an annual amount of $2,000 and $80 per hour for clinical counseling not to exceed an annual amount of $12,500 for a total of $14,500, and be it further
RESOLVED, that said contract would be in effect from January 1, 2021 until December 31, 2021, and be it further
RESOLVED, that upon approval of the County Attorney, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to execute a contract on behalf of the Hamilton County Community Services with Patrice J. Hicks and the County Treasurer be so advised.
WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Community Services Board and the Hamilton County Community Services Department (HCCS) has identified a need for substance abuse services in Hamilton County, and
WHEREAS, Citizen Advocates Inc. of Franklin County, DBA North Star Chemical Dependency Services, has agreed to maintain licensed substance abuse clinics at the Indian Lake and Lake Pleasant offices of HCCS, and
WHEREAS, Citizens Advocates, Inc. will provide administrative and management support to HCCS clinical staff co-located at these locations such that HCCS clinical staff can provide both mental health and licensed substance abuse services to Hamilton County residents, and
WHEREAS, this administrative and management support will include operational management of the substance abuse clinics, supervision of county clinical staff for the provision of substance abuse services, quarterly utilization of services reports to the Local Government Unit and other supports as necessary to comply with applicable state and federal regulations, be it
RESOLVED, that a contract with Citizens Advocated Inc. of Franklin County, in the amount of $3,158 be made, and the Chairman be authorized to sign said contract upon approval of the County Attorney, for the purpose of operating this Clinic, to be paid in monthly installments, and be it further
RESOLVED, that said contract would be in effect from January 1, 2021 until December 31, 2021, and the County Treasurer be so advised.
WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Community Services Board (HCCSB), the HCCSB’s Alcohol and Substance Abuse Subcommittee, and the Hamilton County Community Services Department has identified a need for chemical dependency related prevention programming in Hamilton County, and
WHEREAS, the New York State Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services (NYS OASAS) has approved The Hamilton Fulton Montgomery Prevention Council’s (HFM Prevention Council), 86 Briggs St., Suite 5, Johnstown, NY 12095, budget for $66,181.00, annualized, in recurring funding to support a chemical dependency prevention program in Hamilton County, and
WHEREAS, NYS OASAS has determined that it will provide this funding to the HFM Prevention Council through Hamilton County’s OASAS funding, be it
RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, upon approval of the County Attorney, is hereby authorized to enter into contract with HFM Prevention Council for the purpose of providing chemical dependency prevention services in Hamilton County, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the designated funding will be paid in quarterly installments based upon the annualized amount of $66,181 when confirmed in Hamilton County’s OASAS state aid letter for the contracted period, and be it further
RESOLVED, that said contract would be in effect from January 1, 2021 until December 31, 2021.
WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Community Services Board has identified a need to provide Telepsychiatry on location in the Hamilton County Jail, in Hamilton County Public Schools and at HCCS Clinic sites, and
WHEREAS, Comprehensive Medicine, PLLC, of 154 Cobblestone Court Plaza, Victor, NY 14564 has the capacity and appropriate licensure to develop and operate a Telepsychiatry program in New York State, be it
RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors authorizes the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to enter into a contract with Comprehensive Medicine, PLLC to provide this service at a rate of $200 per hour for treatment in the County Jail, schools for a maximum of $37,500 per year, and be it further
RESOLVED, that said contract would be in effect from January 1, 2021 until December 31, 2021 and the County Treasurer be so advised
WHEREAS the County of Hamilton is in receipt of the Resource Allocation Plan for the County’s Youth Board funding provided by the Office of Children and Family Services for 2020, and
WHEREAS the plan identifies the program and project applications as part of the required components of the County’s Comprehensive Youth Service Plan as approved by the Office of Children and Family Services, and
WHEREAS this plan will qualify the County for State reimbursement in the amount of $32,416 for the program year, be it
RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby approves the 2020 Resource Allocation Plan and authorizes the Chairman to sign, and be it further
RESOLVED, that Special Delinquency Revenue Account No. A3820.0000 be increased from $2,677 by $29,739 for a total of $32,416 and Account No. A7310.0401 be increased from $2,677 by $29,739 for a total of $32,416 and the County Treasurer be so authorized.
WHEREAS Eliza J. Darling has given her resignation effective December 31, 2020 as Hamilton County Historian, and
WHEREAS, the Education Law, Section 148, of the State of New York provides that the Board of Supervisors of each County shall appoint a County Historian, be it
RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors do hereby accept the resignation made by Eliza J. Darling as the Hamilton County Historian, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby authorize the Personnel Officer to advertise the position at an annual salary of $8,000 - $11,192 effective January 1, 2021 to fill the upcoming vacancy.
WHEREAS the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors received a resignation from Virginia Jennings, Coroner for the Long Lake Coroner District, and
WHEREAS, it has been confirmed that Carl Turner of Long Lake is interested in said position, and
WHEREAS, the Supervisor of Long Lake recommends this appointment, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby appoint Carl Turner of Long Lake to fill the vacancy created by Virginia Jennings’ resignation, for a term of November 5, 2020 – December 31, 2021, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Board of Elections be so notified. Seconded by
WHEREAS one of the requirements of all current New York State Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES) grants funding issued through the Office Interoperable Emergency Communications (OIEC) is for 24/7 monitoring of established National Interoperability Channels, and
WHEREAS to be able to monitor said National Channels, specific radio equipment must be used, and
WHEREAS Resolution No. 216-20 authorized the Hamilton County Office of Emergency Services to purchase that radio equipment to be placed on Oak Mt. from Capital Digitronics under NYS Contract #’s PT68716, PT68728, and PT68714, in the amount of $23,446.46, and
WHEREAS similar equipment is also needed for monitoring on Blue Mt. to cover the northern half of Hamilton County, and
WHEREAS, the Office of Emergency Services has received a quote from Capital Digitronics under NYS Contract #’s PT68716, PT68728, and PT68714, in the amount of $22,792.16 for National Interoperability Channels monitoring equipment for Blue Mountain, and
WHEREAS funding for this purchase is available through DHSES grant C198204, Account No. A3645.0418, be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman be authorized to approve purchase of said radio equipment from Capital Digitronics by the Hamilton County Office of Emergency Services in the amount of $22,792.16 with funding from Account No. A3645.0418, DHSES Contract C198204, and the Treasurer and the Office of Emergency Services be so notified.
WHEREAS Department of Social Services vehicle #810 was involved in an accident and the repairs for the damage was completed by Warrensburg Collison Center, Inc., and
WHEREAS an invoice for the repairs has been received and the Fleet Coordinator recommends the payment of the said repairs of vehicle #810, be it
RESOLVED, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to increase Account No. A1910.0402 Repairs to Vehicles-Insurance by $3,645.20 to be totally offset by increasing Revenue Account No. A2680.0000 Insurance Recoveries by $3,645.20, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make a check payable to: Warrensburg Collision Center, Inc. in the amount of $3,845.20 for Invoice #3107 and the funds be taken out of Account No. A1910.0402 Repairs to Vehicles-Insurance and the Fleet Coordinator and Clerk of the Board be so notified.
WHEREAS, Hamilton County operates fuel depots in six (6) locations within the County, namely Lake Pleasant, Arietta, Indian Lake, Long Lake, Inlet and Morehouse, which provide fueling for county and town fleet vehicles, emergency service fleets, school fleets and NYSDOT vehicles, and
WHEREAS the DPW office remotely manages and operates the said fuel depots through Fuelmaster software, hardware, and equipment, and
WHEREAS, each fuel depot uses Fuelmaster Fuel Management System to securely operate the pumps, record transactions, monitor inventory and usage, record and alert errors or alarms and remotely transmit all data to the DPW database server where it is also monitored and managed, and
WHEREAS the county has maintained service agreements for each depot with Fuelmaster which expire beginning in December of 2020, and
WHEREAS Fuelmaster, through the maintenance agreement, covers parts and telephone support for all Fuelmaster components, both software and hardware including updates, and replacement of all defective parts, and
WHEREAS, the Superintendent has met with the Public Works committee to discuss a five
(5) year extended maintenance agreement Fuelmaster for each depot and the Superintendent and the Public Works Committee recommend entering into a five (5) year extended maintenance agreement which includes all locations beginning on January 1, 2021 with the term expiring December 31, 2025, be it
RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors does hereby approve the five (5) year extended service agreement with Fuelmaster of Tallahassee, Florida in the amount of $30,050.64 and the DPW Superintendent be so authorized and the County Treasurer and Clerk of the Board be so advised.
WHEREAS the 1,000-gallon underground heating oil tank located at the County Clerk building in Lake Pleasant failed the annual cathodic testing, and
WHEREAS, the tank has to be removed or repaired per NYSDEC regulations, and WHEREAS, the Superintendent recommends the removal of said tank and then connecting the County Clerk Building fuel supply to the existing underground heating oil tank that currently feeds the county jail and courthouse, and
WHEREAS, this work is considered emergency work given the fact of the short window of time permitted by DEC regulations and the approaching winter months, and
WHEREAS the Superintendent received a proposal from RM Dalrymple to install new underground lines, spill buckets, and manholes on the existing underground tank located in front of the county jail in the amount of $26,438.01, and
WHEREAS the county will need to pour a new cement cap over the existing underground tank, be it
RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors does hereby approve the proposal from RM Dalrymple to perform the above-mentioned work and the Superintendent be so authorized to work with the contractor to complete the said work including the ready mix concrete purchase for the new cement cap, and be it further
RESOLVED, that $30,000 be transferred from the Unappropriated General Fund Balance in accordance with Section 366 Subdivision 1 of the County Law to Account No. A1620.0413 IL & LP Projects and the County Treasurer be so authorized and the DPW Superintendent and Clerk of the Board be so advised.
WHEREAS Hamilton County Public Works Department solicited bids for the County’s purchase of Diesel Fuel pursuant to invitation to bidders and in accordance with Specification No. 12-2020, and
WHEREAS two (2) bids were received in response to the said invitation to bidders, as follows: 1. Petroleum Traders Corporation 7120 Point Inverness Way
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46804, Bid: Lake Pleasant - $0.1975 over “OPIS” Indian Lake - $0.1975 over “OPIS” Long Lake - $0.2950 over “OPIS” Arietta - $0.1975 over “OPIS” Inlet - $0.2950 over “OPIS” Morehouse - $0.1975 over “OPIS”
2. Mansfield Oil Company of Gainsville, Inc. 1025 Airport Parkway SW
Gainesville, Georgia 30501 Bid: Lake Pleasant - $0.1119 over “OPIS” Indian Lake - $0.1557 over “OPIS” Long Lake - $0.1451 over “OPIS” Arietta - $0.1069 over “OPIS” Inlet - $0.1190 over “OPIS” Morehouse – $0.4846 over “OPIS”
WHEREAS, because of the large disparity in the bid price for the Morehouse location the Superintendent contacted Mansfield Oil Co., Inc. to inquire about the disparity and during the communication with Mansfield they realized they made an error on the bid price for the Morehouse location and revised their bid price for Morehouse to $0.1380 over OPIS, and
WHEREAS the Superintendent also contacted Petroleum Traders and they indicated that they would like to withdraw their bid for the Morehouse location, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that award be made as follows: Mansfield Oil Company of Gainesville, Inc. – Lake Pleasant - $0.1119 over “OPIS” Indian Lake - $0.1557 over “OPIS” Long Lake - $0.1451 over “OPIS” Arietta - $0.1069 over “OPIS”
Inlet - $0.1190 over “OPIS” Morehouse - $0.1380 over “OPIS”
and be it further
RESOLVED, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to enter into a purchase agreement with Mansfield Oil Company of Gainesville, Inc. for all locations for on road diesel fuel with the approval of the County Attorney and the County Treasurer, Highway Superintendent and Clerk of the Board be so notified.
WHEREAS Hamilton County Public Works Department solicited bids for the County’s purchase of Unleaded Gasoline pursuant to invitation to bidders and in accordance with Specification No. 11-2020, and
WHEREAS two (2) bids were received in response to the said invitation to bidders, as follows: 1. Petroleum Traders Corporation 7120 Point Inverness Way
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46804 Bid: Lake Pleasant - $0.2050 over “OPIS” Indian Lake - $0.2750 over “OPIS” Long Lake - $0.2750 over “OPIS” Arietta - $0.2750 over “OPIS” Inlet - $0.2750 over “OPIS” Morehouse - $0.2750 over “OPIS”
2. Mansfield Oil Co., Inc. 1025 Airport Parkway SW. Gainesville, GA 30501-6813 Bid: Lake Pleasant - $0.1269 over “OPIS” Indian Lake - $0.1592 over “OPIS” Long Lake – $0.1691 over “OPIS” Arietta - $0.1226 over “OPIS”
Inlet – $0.1341 over “OPIS” Morehouse – $0.1069 over “OPIS”
be it
RESOLVED, that award be made as follows: Mansfield Oil Co., Inc. – Lake Pleasant - $0.1269 over “OPIS” Indian Lake - $0.1592 over “OPIS” Long Lake - $0.1691 over “OPIS” Arietta - $0.1226 over “OPIS” Inlet - $0.1341 over “OPIS” Morehouse - $0.1069 over “OPIS” and be it further
RESOLVED, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to enter into a purchase agreement with Mansfield Oil Co., Inc. beginning on January 1, 2021 for all locations for Unleaded Gasoline with the approval of the County Attorney and the County Treasurer, Highway Superintendent and Clerk of the Board be so notified.
WHEREAS, Hamilton County DPW solicited bids for the County’s purchase of Heating Fuel Oil and Kerosene for all owned County Buildings, Facilities and the School Districts of Indian Lake and Long Lake pursuant to invitation to bidders and in accordance with Specification No. 10-2020, and
WHEREAS two (2) bids were received in response to the said invitation to bidders, as follows: 1. G. A. Bove & Sons, Inc. 1537 State Hwy 30 Wells, NY 12190 Bid: Location No. 1 - Hamilton County Nursing Dept.$0.30 over “OPIS” No. 2 - Hamilton County Highway Garage $0.30 over “OPIS” No. 3 - Hamilton County Highway Garage No Bid No. 4 - Hamilton County Clerk $0.30 over “OPIS” No. 5 - Hamilton County Jail $0.30 over “OPIS” No. 6 - Hamilton County Buildings $0.30 over “OPIS” No. 7 - Hamilton County Social Services $0.30 over “OPIS” No. 8 - Hamilton County Probation Dept. $0.30 over “OPIS” No. 9 – Indian Lake Central School Dist. $0.30 over “OPIS” No. 10 – Long Lake Central School Dist. No Bid
2. Petroleum Traders Corp. 7120 Pointe Inverness Way Fort Wayne, IN 46804 Bid: Location No. 1 - Hamilton County Nursing Dept. No Bid No. 2 - Hamilton County Highway Garage No Bid No. 3 - Hamilton County Highway Garage No Bid No. 4 - Hamilton County Clerk No Bid No. 5 - Hamilton County Jail No Bid No. 6 - Hamilton County Buildings No Bid No. 7 - Hamilton County Social Services No Bid No. 8 - Hamilton County Probation Dept. No Bid No. 9 – Indian Lake Central School Dist. $0.220 over “OPIS” No. 10 – Long Lake Central School Dist. $0.220 over “OPIS”
be it
RESOLVED, that award be made as follows:
Locations 1-2 & 4– 8 to: G. A. Bove & Sons, Inc.,1537 State Hwy 30, Wells, NY 12190 Locations 9 – 10 to: Petroleum Traders Corp., 7120 Pointe Inverness Way, Fort Wayne, IN 46804, and be it further
RESOLVED, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to enter into a purchase agreement with G. A. Bove & Sons, Inc. for the fiscal year 2021 for heating fuel with the approval of the County Attorney, and be it further
RESOLVED, that Indian Lake and Long Lake Central School Districts enter their own purchase agreements with Petroleum Traders, Corp for their locations and the County Treasurer, Building Superintendent, Clerk of the Board, Indian Lake Central School District and Long Lake Central School District be so notified.
WHEREAS, Article 6, Section 135a of the Highway Law provides that the County Highway Superintendent may contract with any town in the County for the removal of snow and ice from the County roads and for sanding or otherwise treating said roads, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the County Highway Superintendent be authorized to contract with the various towns of the County, upon the approval of the County Attorney, for said purposes for the period of: November 1, 2020 – October 31, 2021 and the County Treasurer be so advised.
WHEREAS Resolution Number 338-19 authorizes the County Fleet Coordinator to purchase a dump body and plow equipment for a 2021 single axle truck in the amount of $52,491.90, and
WHEREAS, the single axle truck is done with the plow and dump body installed and meets the satisfaction of the Superintendent, and
WHEREAS, the Superintendent made an error with the length of the dump body needed after the Purchase Order was placed and needed to lengthen the dump body by 6 inches, from 10’6” to 11’ at an extra cost of $649.68, be it
RESOLVED, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make payment to Cives Corp. DBA, Viking-Cives USA, PO Box 101768, Atlanta, GA 30392 in the amount of $53,141.58 and the funds to be taken out of Account No. DM5130.201 Road Equipment for the DPW and the County Highway Superintendent and the Clerk of the Board be so notified.
WHEREAS, County Route 16, Gilmantown received heavy damage to a 1.75 mile stretch during the Halloween Storm of 2019, and
WHEREAS the said road is 80% complete and part of damage was washing and scouring of the banks of Elbow Creek that created several areas that needs guide rail installed, and
WHEREAS, Town and County Bridge & Rail has given the Superintendent a written quote for $68,044.00 to install four (4) different runs equaling approximately 1,344 feet in length and repairing existing rail that was damaged during the said storm, and
WHEREAS, the pricing is under the awarded Franklin County Contract V, and
WHEREAS, these costs are reimbursable from FEMA for the Halloween Storm damage, be it
RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors does hereby authorize the DPW Superintendent to have the said guide rail installed on County Route 16, Gilmantown Road and the County Treasurer and Clerk of the Board be so advised.
WHEREAS the Department of Social Services requires a service agreement with a qualified provider to provide HEAP outreach and certification services to the low-income residents, be it
RESOLVED, that upon the County Attorney’s approval, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to sign an agreement with Warren/Hamilton Office for the Ageing and Community Action Agency for HEAP services for a term of October 1, 2020 – September 30, 2021.
WHEREAS, Hamilton County and the Towns of Indian Lake and Inlet have been providing road maintenance for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) in the Moose River Plains Recreational Area for the past few years, and
WHEREAS NYSDEC would like to continue the relationship with Hamilton County, Indian Lake and Inlet for the road maintenance needs in the Moose River Plains Recreational Area, and
WHEREAS Hamilton County and the Towns of Indian Lake and Inlet feel that it is also in their best interest to continue to provide the said road maintenance, be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to sign an extension of the service contract #C011662 with the Department of Environmental Conservation for an amount not to exceed $125,000 for term May 1, 2020 through December 31, 2024 for road maintenance within the Moose River Plains Recreational Area with the approval of the County Attorney and the County Treasurer, Clerk of the Board, County Highway Superintendent, Town of Indian Lake and Town of Inlet be so advised.
WHEREAS, the County of Hamilton has a total 2019-2020 CHIP’s Capital Apportionment Rollover Balance of $175,574.02, which is due the County from the New York State Department of Transportation upon submission of the appropriate claims, and
WHEREAS the NYSDOT 2020-2021 allocation for the CHIP’s award is $589,607.16, PAVE NY is $134,583.70 and EWR is $90,999.42 for a total of $815,190.28 plus the rollover amount of $175,547.02 totals $990,764.30, and
WHEREAS, the County Road Capital Projects, Account No. D5112.202 was set at
$900,000, be it
RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes that Account No. D5112.202 Capital Projects be increased by $90,764.30, and Revenue Account No. D3501-Consolidated Highway State Aid-Chips be increased by $90,764.30, to agree with the total rollover balance and CHIP’s allocation for the 2020-2021 Chip’s Capital Projects and the County Treasurer be so authorized.
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