LPTB October 5 2020
Assemblyman Smullen warns highway money down
LAKE PLEASANT—When the Lake Pleasant Town Board met on October 5, Supervisor Betsy Bain introduced Assemblyman Robert Smullen who is traveling around his district. He spoke about the state budget and how Covid is affecting it. Not great news. Smullen said that the CHIPS money that Towns are reimbursed for road work will be cut by 20% and tax revenues are down. He said there is a U shape recovery. Smullen also was asked by Supervisor Bain about unemployment situation as she has filed a compliment with the Labor Board and has not heard back. Smullen responded that the unemployment system because of Covid is a mess, some people who have filed for unemployment have not received benefits.
Highway Superintendent Lavarnway reported paving is winding down. Two roads completed today. Tanks to all Towns that helped. One more road to do tomorrow.
Next Thursday FEMA will be doing on site visits for inspections on Park Stream. This will let the Town know which avenue they will go. Core sampling being done tomorrow to see how stable the ground is. Lavarnway is concerned about the 20% CHIPS cut. This would equal $17,000 less for the town budget. There could be a possibility that Pave-NY and Extreme Winter Recovery funds be removed at a cost of about $40,000.
Superintendent Lavarnway informed the Board that the paperwork that he filed for the Town’s Snowmobile Trail refund was lost so he sent in another voucher. After a call to find out if it was received it, he was told that the voucher was received and has been processed.
The new filters have been installed at the Primary Care and the new siding is going up on the old bus garage. The camera’s that were ordered for the Health Center are sitting in a warehouse someplace, the $581.00 has been credited so Lavarnway has asked Matt Seifts to order a different system. Repairs were made to the garbage shed latch at the Primary Care after a bear broke into it.
BST audit: Nancy Seifts reported that she has been working on the narrative section of the AUD.
The Town Board voted to approve the new 2021 building permit fees in conjunction with the Village. The Town will advertise way in advance so the public will be aware of increases.
The Town Board voted to approve the new dumpster fees for 2021.
The Recreation Committee members Don Braunius and Nancy Seifts have met with Oak Mt. owners Laura and Matt O’Brien about the future of ski lessons for the Lake Pleasant kids. Further discussion when costs come in from Oak Mt.
Supervisor Bain has been speaking with Zoning/Codes Officer Bob Benkovich about the short-term rentals and air B&B rentals, and the safety guidelines that should be followed. Councilperson Neil McGovern and Supervisor Betsy Bain volunteered to be on a committee with Bob Benkovich to review the safety guidelines. The Village will also be setting up a committee.
Speculator Mayor Barrett mentioned about the Town and Village’s concerns on the Air B&B’s something that the Town is addressing. She also talked about the discussion the future of a septic system law. Supervisor Bain said that the Town will be setting up a committee sometime in mid- October.
The 2021 Tentative Budget was handed out to the Board by the Town Clerk.
Budget meetings were on Wed. Oct. 14, Friday Oct. 16, and Wed. Oct. 21.
Supervisor Bain asked Councilperson Cristine Meixner if she would work on updating the Town’s Employee handbook on social media. Bain did contact he Association of Towns on this so she will give Cristine all the information she received.
2021 Health Insurance quotes have come in from Bryan Moldt (Upstate Agency) the Retiree’s quote came in at -5% Worker’s quote came in at 3.7% increase a meeting was set up with Bryan Moldt.
Committee Reports
Cristine reported that the 2020 Digital Towpath held its annual meeting and adopted the 2021 budget. No increase on annual fees. Further conversation on an additional $175 a year for email archiving backup to be added.
Neil informed the Board he did receive an email from the Village Mayor about the benches. There is no more money put aside for care of the benches. The original $500 that people pay for the benches also included one facelift. Not sure if Jerry’s Wood Shop will continue to maintain them. McGovern feels that this is a group effort between the Village and Town that will hopefully be funded by outside sources. Cristine asked if the Board would consider the cost of the archiving backup cost. Neil suggested the Budget committee review this.
On September 22, the contract was signed with Williamson Law on the new Code/Zoning computer program. The Village also signed a contract with them.
Supervisor Bain and the Board wanted to thank Paul Cleveland for all his work on cleaning up the garbage along the roads from Arietta to Speculator. If you see him give him a beep and say thank you.
Supervisor Bain said that she and Nancy have been working with the Hamilton County Treasurer’s Office and NYS Comptroller’s office on correctios to the 2019 AUD.
Supervisor Bain attended a reception in honor of Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service Director Erica Mahoney who was recognized by 2020 Rural Health Champion by Adirondack Health Institute.
The Governor has continued suspension of the Open Meeting Law until Nov. 3.
Lake Pleasant is the first Town to get all the paperwork in for the Community Hazard Mitigation.
Flag is at half-staff for all the fallen firefighters.
The new carpet and flooring have been ordered for the Primary Care Center.
This article is based upon minutes provided by Deborah O’Rourke, Town Clerk.
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