Wells TB October 5 2020
Wells begins work on 2021 budget
WELLS—The Wells Town Board held a budget workshop on Oct. 5, during which the following was discussed.
Budget Officer Rob Berju explained where we are at in this year’s budget process. He has put together budget templates for each Department Head with historical data from the last three years included. Once collected, Supervisor Nick Mauro will load the information into the Town budget template.
We will have 2019 Flood expenses this year to include. Councilperson Crewell asked what the typical surplus is, usually $300,000 to $400,000. Rob explained that we would create a new line item under the General Fund for the interest paid on the $705,000 Revenue Anticipation Note.
Supervisor Mauro will request an interest re-payment schedule from NBT. Supervisor Mauro and Rob were to meet on October 6, 2020. It was decided to hold the 2nd Budget Workshop on Monday, October 26, 2020 at 7pm, at the Town Offices. A Legal Notice will be published in the Leader Herald and posted on the Town Website. Salary increases were discussed. Superintendent Earley would like to see 2% across the Board. Councilperson Crewell agreed, particularly showing an effort in good faith. Jennifer Woodward, Bookkeeper addressed the Board prior to the meeting regarding an increase in her duties and a request for a 10% salary increase.
On a motion of Councilperson Crewell, seconded by Councilperson Saltis, the following was APPROVED Ayes 5 Mauro, Crewell, Hunt, Lauria, Saltis; Nays 0.
WHEREAS, the Town of Wells has recently been suffered the effects of a severe storm, and
WHEREAS the Town anticipates undertaking a significant vegetative debris removal work project that will require the use of heavy equipment that is not currently owned by the Town, and
WHEREAS the project will be managed and directed by the Town of Wells Supervisor and undertaken by a contracted provider of heavy equipment, with an operator, selected through a Request for Bid process, and
WHEREAS, debris removal bids, in accordance with specifications on file with the Town Clerk, were officially opened and read on September 14, 2020 at 7:10 p.m. as advertised and
WHEREAS one bid was received from Dan Bowler d/b/a Dock Works, and
WHEREAS, it has been determined that Dan Bowler d/b/a/ Dock Works offers the best service and experience.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Professional Debris Removal Services Contract be awarded to Dan Bowler d/b/a/ Dock Works, and BE IT
RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute a contract with Dan Bowler d/b/a Dock Works for said services.
This article is based upon minutes provided by Maryellen Stofelano Town Clerk.
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