Monday, November 25, 2019

Halloween storm caused damage to WCS

WCS BOE Nov 20 2019

Halloween storm caused damage to WCS
WELLS—At the November 20 meeting of the Wells Central School Board of Education meeting, Superintendent Thomas D. Sincavage reported the Halloween storm caused an electrical surge and damaged the milk cooler. The school is looking to replace the cooler with another unit. The school had investigated filing an insurance claim and decided against filing a claim due to the age of the unit and the deductible.
Sincavage said the current generator only runs a portion of the school which requires the head custodian to make several trips to the school during a power outage.
The board suggested looking into a few different possibilities of getting another small backup generator for the refrigeration units not powered by the current generator. Ken Hoffman suggested getting a usage estimate from Niagara Mohawk before a decision on a new unit is made.
Sincavage reported the school received a letter of support from Karl Abrams regarding the school zone. A letter was also sent to the New York Department of Transportation requesting a designated school zone.
Sincavage said the school hosted a Veteran’s Day Breakfast this year. The attendance was low, and the school will send out personal invitations next year to boost attendance.
Sincavage and Mrs. Richardson attended the first 2-day Harvard Proving Ground Conference. The next conference will be in Albany in February.
The recommendation for contractors based on the bids for the Capital Project are in. Sincavage noted that the district has a healthy contingency budget regarding the Capital Project.
Senior Class Advisor, Laura Kraebel presented the senior trip details to the Board of Education. The Class of 2020 has requested a four-day trip to Florida on April 3-6, 2020. Currently 11 seniors plan on participating, with two adult chaperones attending. The senior class would like to have the school provide transportation to and from Albany International Airport.
The board approved.
The Board reviewed the November Enrollment Report by Jessica Damphier. The current enrollment is at 146.
The Board of Education received a thank you from the Creative Writing Club for allowing them to attend a trip to Maine. The Board of Education also received a thank you note from Tax Collector, Kathy Simons, thanking Steve Welch, Head Custodian and Board President, Cathie Rust for always thinking of her and for going above and beyond.
The board accepted an anonymous donation in the amount of $8,072.43 which will be used to offset the cost to WCS (cost minus BOCES aid for the program) for an Arts in Education program held at WCS on November 14-15, 2019.
Jeremy J. Siddon, Building Principal, reported basketball practice has started. The girls’ varsity has 7 players and the boys varsity team has 15-16 players. The first game is scheduled for girls’ varsity on December 6th. They have 10 non-league games scheduled. The most current game and practice schedule can be found online.
A guest mentioned that at the most recent town board meeting it was suggested that the sirens be replaced at the fire station to alert those of an emergency. The suggestion included 1 ring for a fire, 2 for a flood, and 3 for a school related emergency.
The District Wide School Safety Plan was updated with verbiage to include the new school resource officer. New Education Law requires this plan to be updated yearly.
The Board of Education approved the classifications, recommendations and programs for the following students:982420497, 982420398, 982420499, 982420172, and 982420436 on a motion made by Ken Hoffman, seconded by William Stuart, and carried 4-0.
The Board approved the request by the Wells senior citizens to use a WCS bus and driver for a trip to Colonie Center Mall, Colonie on Wednesday, November 20, 2019. The Wells Seniors will pay for the fuel used and the salary of the Bus Driver on a motion made by Ken Hoffman, seconded by Dorman Reese, and carried 4-0.
The Board adopted the updated Board of Education policy 2.610 Policy Development and Review on a motion made by Ken Hoffman, seconded by William Stuart, and carried 4-0.
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools a motion was made by Dorman Reese, seconded by Ken Hoffman, and carried 4-0 to adopt the following resolution:
“WHEREAS, the Board of Education, in accordance with General Municipal Law, has invited sealed bids to furnish materials and labor to complete the Capital Improvement Project, which bids were opened publicly on October 30, 2019; and WHEREAS, the lowest responsible bidder(s) for the Capital Improvement Project has been identified as per the conditions stated in the bid report;
“THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby awards the bids for the Capital Improvement Project to: General Construction – Aktor Corporation, Plumbing Construction – Tri-Valley Plumbing & Heating Inc., Mechanical Construction – RF Gordon Mechanical, LLC Electrical Construction – Hewitt Young Electric, LLC Roofing Construction – Titan Roofing, Inc. according to the Bid Report, as presented, a copy of which is incorporated by reference within the Board of Education meeting minutes (this meeting); and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education President and Superintendent of Schools are authorized to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the purposes of this resolution, as required.
After holding an Executive Session, the board approved the addition of the name of Susan Frick to the 2019/2020 Substitute List as an uncertified substitute teacher pending fingerprint clearance on a motion made by Dorman Reese, seconded by Ken Hoffman, and carried 4-0.
The board approved the addition of the name of Chelsea Kennedy to the 2019/2020 Substitute List as an uncertified substitute teacher on a motion made by Dorman Reese, seconded by William Stuart, and carried 4-0.
The board appointed the following coaches for the winter sports season: Tammy Stankes as Modified Girls Basketball Coach and Elise Russell as Girls Time/Score Keepers on a motion made by William Stuart, seconded by Ken Hoffman, and carried 4-0.

Editor’s note: This story is based upon the minutes as provided by District Clerk Rachelle Dwyer.

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