Monday, November 25, 2019

The Wells Town Board held a public hearing on 2020 budget

Wells TB Oct 30 2019

The Wells Town Board held a public hearing on 2020 budget
WELLS--A Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wells was held at the Wells Ambulance Corps/Mealsite Building on October 30. The purpose was to hold a Public Hearing on the Town of Wells 2020 Preliminary Budget.
Supervisor Donald Beach reviewed the proposed 2020 budget in full. The amount to be raised by taxes will be $1,252,410, which is under the State mandated tax cap. An additional $2,500 was added to Building Repairs.
Highway Superintendent Earley asked that the Deputy Highway Superintendent line be increased to $700 from $600. The budget will be reviewed again prior to the Regular Meeting of the Board on November 18, 2019 to determine if any last-minute changes are necessary. Board members had no changes to recommend in the 2020 Preliminary Budget at this time.
On a motion of Councilperson Saltis, seconded by Councilperson Lauria, the following resolution was APPROVED by all members of the board.
“Resolved that, the Clerk having furnished proof that Notice of said Public Hearing was duly published in the October 23, 2019 issue of the Leader Herald with the same being posted on the same date at the Town Office Building and on the Town of Wells website, a Public Hearing on the proposed Town of Wells Budget for 2020 be opened at 7:03 pm.”
Dee Parker asked what the title Safety Officer was. That is the budget line name for the Building Code Enforcement Officer.
Roy Grisenthwaite thanked the Board for funding the ALS contract which is greatly needed in the Town.
Sharon Grisenthwaite asked when people/groups request money where does it come from. Supervisor responded typically from the Contingent line.
Vince Abbott-Forgione asked how the Town goes about budgeting for repairs to the dam and hydro plant, especially because they are aging. Supervisor Beach explained they used a prior 5-year average and yes, due the age of both, line items were increased anticipating more repairs needed.
Rebekah Crewell wanted clarification on the interest budgeted for the dredging project. Principal payment is $100,000 and interest is $26,500.
On a motion of Councilperson Hunt, seconded by Councilperson Stuart, the following was APPROVED by all.
“Resolved that, all members of the public wishing to speak having been heard, the Public Hearing on the proposed 2020 Town Budget be closed at 7:41 pm.”
With no further business, on a motion of Councilperson Saltis, seconded by Councilperson Lauria, the meeting was adjourned at 7:44pm.

Editor’s note: This story is based upon the minutes of Town Clerk Maryellen Stofelano.

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