Speculator VB October 15 2019
Speculator has new local laws
SPECULATOR—When the Speculator Village Board of Trustees met on October 15, it passed three new local laws as follows.
LOCAL LAW #3 OF 2019: Regulating Sewer Use and Operation was presented updating the original Local Law # 3 of 2005 to better manage and maintain section 908: Grease, Oil and Sand Interceptors. This update was made to better clarify the type of dwelling the section pertains to, cleaning, repair requirements and inspections. All businesses affected by these changes will be notified after the Local Law has been successfully filed with the State of New York.
The new local law was passed unanimously.
LOCAL LAW #4 OF 2019: Regulating Water District was presented updating the original Local Law #4 of 2009: Stating rules and regulations for metering customers in the Speculator Water District. Contact information updates were made to Section VII subsection D and section XIII subsection A, Liability information was updated in Section VII subsection E and access to premises was updated in section VIII subsection F.
The new local law was passed unanimously.
NEW LOCAL LAW #5 OF 2019: Vendor Law - Regulating Retail Vendors was presented setting rules and regulations for street vendors in the Village. This law does not exclude street vendors from selling in the Village of Speculator, but does set a standard to when, where and how long as well as setting a fee. All vendors who would like to sell within the Village will be required to bring a proposal with all necessary documentation to the Board of Trustees prior to selling any items. Local organizations like the Chamber, Historical Society, Library, Twiggs, etc. have been excluded from the fee associated with the Law but will be subject to other requirements. A notice will be sent to all representatives of these organizations upon successful filing with the State of New York.
The new local law was passed unanimously.
Edward Scharpou, WWTP Chief Operator, submitted a written report.
He said a positive hit for low level of Arochlor required the WWTP to resampled for additional testing; if the levels come back again, they will have to take curative measures.
A newsletter will be posted to bring awareness to residence regarding the problems “flushable” wipes can create for sewer pumps.
Trustee Letty Rudes inquired how the WWTP is doing with just two employees?
Scharpou explained they are learning to manage during the busy season.
The Board inquired as to hiring another part time employee for those months next year to help with the workload, to which Scharpou replied he has entertained the idea to have a full time employee who works between the DPW and WWTP and is a possibility to be discussed at a later date.
Crystal O’Brien presented the Clerk Report.
She said there are four walls planned for displaying local artwork at the Village Hall. The plan is to have an artist’s piece displayed on each wall with rotation of the artist and/or artwork quarterly to coincide with the seasons. We will be putting this notice on our website, sending out a press release to the Hamilton County Express and asking the Chamber to announce the display. We will also be encouraging local artists who may want to participate in displaying their work at the Village hall to reach out to O’Brien for details.
Trustee Donecker reported on the suggestions from bidders on the middle tree on the Point with the White Pine disease. There were several responses from Tree Contractors in our area with the recommendation to cut the tree now because it would be a waste of money to prune now and cut again in the future. After discussion about the recommendations from the forester and bidders, and understanding the tree has a disease which does not have a cure, the Board decided the best course of action would be to remove the tree using the low bidder.
Trustee McComb made a motion to have Gary Bureau remove the middle tree on the Point. Trustee Rudes seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Mayor Barrett gave an update on the LED Street Lights project. The National Grid pricing previously given to the Village is now out of date and it will take another five months to reevaluate and receive new pricing.
Trustee Donecker and Scharpou reported on the bid proposal opening for Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades Project Contract 1 of Project Phase 1 with three bidders presented. The only problem found with all bids was all bidders used the same painter and every painting estimate was nearly half of the entire cost. Painting is an option Scharpou felt could be removed from the project and revisited in the future as there are many other higher priority projects to be addressed soon. Their plan is to accept the low bidder and work with them to negotiate for removing the painting now and placing in a future. The ability of removing the painting without having to send it out to bid again is being investigated by Lamont.
Trustee Donecker made a motion to award the contract to Rozelle Industries contingent upon being able to negotiate a reduction in the scope of work to eliminate most of the proposed project painting costs and approval by the Environmental Facilities Corporation. Trustee Craven seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Trustee Donecker presented two payable options for the residences with sewer only access. Assignment of the payable option was based upon whether the residence had a well. Those residences with a well would be billed for 125% of the sewer base rate to accommodate for estimated water discharging into the sewer system. The residences with no Village water hook-up will be billed the standard sewer base rate. Going forward everyone who has access to the water system will be required to connect unless there is a pressure problem.
Trustee Rudes made a motion to accept the Wastewater Account Payable options as presented. Trustee Donecker seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
A Mutual Aid agreement with Lake Pleasant Fire Department was presented by Speculator Fire Chief Matt O’Brien.
Assistant Chief Ryan Marshall presented three grants awarded to the Speculator Fire Department. The first grant awarded was from the DEC. This is a 50/50 grant for a floating pump. The fire department has already paid for their portion with donations received this year and the Village should be seeing the grant reimbursement soon. The plan for this floating pump is to have it stationed near Tapawingo during the summer to better fight fires on the island. The second grant awarded was from FEMA to upgrade the Air Station. This is a 95/5 grant in which FEMA will support 95% of the project cost. The fire department, through donations, has the funds to cover the other 5% of the cost. After reaching out to Bauer, the company that makes the compressor for the Air Station, Marshall learned Jerome Fire Equipment Company is the only company in our region certified to perform changes to the machine; therefore, he asked the Board to approve the quote from Jerome without putting it out to bid.
Trustee Craven made a motion to accept the quote from Jerome Fire Company to complete the work for the FEMA grant for upgrades to the Air Station. Trustee McComb seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
The final grant awarded was from FEMA for a new Quint Ladder Truck. This is a 95/5 grant in which FEMA will support 95% of the cost and the Village will be responsible for the remaining 5%. The total cost of the truck is $975,000 leaving the total amount the village will be responsible for at $46,428. This new truck will be a multi-use fire truck, combining both a pumper truck and ladder truck, and will essentially be replacing three trucks, two of which are out of commission and one in need of replacement soon. The fire department plans to sell the three trucks to help offset the cost to the Village with a buyer for one already lined up. With the purchase of this truck the ISO rating for insurance improves, it is safer for the fire fighters when operating, lighter, smaller and better maneuverable and will be an overall asset to Speculator and the surrounding Towns.
Trustee Donecker recused himself from voting on the resolution for approving the cooperative purchase of the Quint Ladder Truck as his son is an officer for the Speculator Fire Department.
Trustee Craven made a motion to approve the Resolution for Approving Cooperative Purchase of Quint Ladder Truck. Trustee Rudes seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Trustee Donecker made a motion to designate the rescue truck as surplus and approve the sale of said truck. Trustee McComb seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
The lights at the Village Hall are in the process of being replaced with LED fixtures. Crystal O’Brien and Roger Blanchard researched and procured the fixtures for the Village Hall in the amount of $2,600 and installed them at a cost of approximately $1,100. They are estimated to last 25 years. National Grid has estimated annual savings by converting to LEDs across all three buildings at $3,425. National Grid presented the Village with a replacement quote of $20k, and later reduced it to $13k. Some of the Wastewater Treatment Plant lights have also been replaced and the remainder of lights at the Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Department of Public Works will be converted during the winter months.
Trustee Donecker reported he is working with Mr. Blanchard on list of assets and what vehicles will need to be replaced in the future at the Department of Public Works.
Bobbie Hoover asked a question regarding paving on Elliot Lane, as to why it was paved in its entirety when the road has always been a private road?
Village Attorney Smith explained there is a law stating a Village can take a private road over by prescription after it has been maintained and treated like a public road for ten years or more. Elliot Lane has been reported to DOT CHIPs program as a Village road. Further discussion ensued. Mayor Barrett thanked everyone for their comments and advised that this issue will be discussed at the next Board Meeting on October 28 when the DPW supervisor will be present.
William Paestella asked the board to consider inviting Dackland Radio to provide live broadcasting. Mayor Barrett asked for those who have concerns to submit them in writing so they can be addressed.
Robert Hoffman commented he and many people he knows would be sad to see the 1937 firetruck sold, stating it doesn’t cost anything to keep the truck, it is an historical item and would like to see the truck kept for historical purposes.
Editor Note: Story based on the minutes from Crystal O’Brien, Village Clerk - Treasurer
Speculator has new local laws
SPECULATOR—When the Speculator Village Board of Trustees met on October 15, it passed three new local laws as follows.
LOCAL LAW #3 OF 2019: Regulating Sewer Use and Operation was presented updating the original Local Law # 3 of 2005 to better manage and maintain section 908: Grease, Oil and Sand Interceptors. This update was made to better clarify the type of dwelling the section pertains to, cleaning, repair requirements and inspections. All businesses affected by these changes will be notified after the Local Law has been successfully filed with the State of New York.
The new local law was passed unanimously.
LOCAL LAW #4 OF 2019: Regulating Water District was presented updating the original Local Law #4 of 2009: Stating rules and regulations for metering customers in the Speculator Water District. Contact information updates were made to Section VII subsection D and section XIII subsection A, Liability information was updated in Section VII subsection E and access to premises was updated in section VIII subsection F.
The new local law was passed unanimously.
NEW LOCAL LAW #5 OF 2019: Vendor Law - Regulating Retail Vendors was presented setting rules and regulations for street vendors in the Village. This law does not exclude street vendors from selling in the Village of Speculator, but does set a standard to when, where and how long as well as setting a fee. All vendors who would like to sell within the Village will be required to bring a proposal with all necessary documentation to the Board of Trustees prior to selling any items. Local organizations like the Chamber, Historical Society, Library, Twiggs, etc. have been excluded from the fee associated with the Law but will be subject to other requirements. A notice will be sent to all representatives of these organizations upon successful filing with the State of New York.
The new local law was passed unanimously.
Edward Scharpou, WWTP Chief Operator, submitted a written report.
He said a positive hit for low level of Arochlor required the WWTP to resampled for additional testing; if the levels come back again, they will have to take curative measures.
A newsletter will be posted to bring awareness to residence regarding the problems “flushable” wipes can create for sewer pumps.
Trustee Letty Rudes inquired how the WWTP is doing with just two employees?
Scharpou explained they are learning to manage during the busy season.
The Board inquired as to hiring another part time employee for those months next year to help with the workload, to which Scharpou replied he has entertained the idea to have a full time employee who works between the DPW and WWTP and is a possibility to be discussed at a later date.
Crystal O’Brien presented the Clerk Report.
She said there are four walls planned for displaying local artwork at the Village Hall. The plan is to have an artist’s piece displayed on each wall with rotation of the artist and/or artwork quarterly to coincide with the seasons. We will be putting this notice on our website, sending out a press release to the Hamilton County Express and asking the Chamber to announce the display. We will also be encouraging local artists who may want to participate in displaying their work at the Village hall to reach out to O’Brien for details.
Trustee Donecker reported on the suggestions from bidders on the middle tree on the Point with the White Pine disease. There were several responses from Tree Contractors in our area with the recommendation to cut the tree now because it would be a waste of money to prune now and cut again in the future. After discussion about the recommendations from the forester and bidders, and understanding the tree has a disease which does not have a cure, the Board decided the best course of action would be to remove the tree using the low bidder.
Trustee McComb made a motion to have Gary Bureau remove the middle tree on the Point. Trustee Rudes seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Mayor Barrett gave an update on the LED Street Lights project. The National Grid pricing previously given to the Village is now out of date and it will take another five months to reevaluate and receive new pricing.
Trustee Donecker and Scharpou reported on the bid proposal opening for Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades Project Contract 1 of Project Phase 1 with three bidders presented. The only problem found with all bids was all bidders used the same painter and every painting estimate was nearly half of the entire cost. Painting is an option Scharpou felt could be removed from the project and revisited in the future as there are many other higher priority projects to be addressed soon. Their plan is to accept the low bidder and work with them to negotiate for removing the painting now and placing in a future. The ability of removing the painting without having to send it out to bid again is being investigated by Lamont.
Trustee Donecker made a motion to award the contract to Rozelle Industries contingent upon being able to negotiate a reduction in the scope of work to eliminate most of the proposed project painting costs and approval by the Environmental Facilities Corporation. Trustee Craven seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Trustee Donecker presented two payable options for the residences with sewer only access. Assignment of the payable option was based upon whether the residence had a well. Those residences with a well would be billed for 125% of the sewer base rate to accommodate for estimated water discharging into the sewer system. The residences with no Village water hook-up will be billed the standard sewer base rate. Going forward everyone who has access to the water system will be required to connect unless there is a pressure problem.
Trustee Rudes made a motion to accept the Wastewater Account Payable options as presented. Trustee Donecker seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
A Mutual Aid agreement with Lake Pleasant Fire Department was presented by Speculator Fire Chief Matt O’Brien.
Assistant Chief Ryan Marshall presented three grants awarded to the Speculator Fire Department. The first grant awarded was from the DEC. This is a 50/50 grant for a floating pump. The fire department has already paid for their portion with donations received this year and the Village should be seeing the grant reimbursement soon. The plan for this floating pump is to have it stationed near Tapawingo during the summer to better fight fires on the island. The second grant awarded was from FEMA to upgrade the Air Station. This is a 95/5 grant in which FEMA will support 95% of the project cost. The fire department, through donations, has the funds to cover the other 5% of the cost. After reaching out to Bauer, the company that makes the compressor for the Air Station, Marshall learned Jerome Fire Equipment Company is the only company in our region certified to perform changes to the machine; therefore, he asked the Board to approve the quote from Jerome without putting it out to bid.
Trustee Craven made a motion to accept the quote from Jerome Fire Company to complete the work for the FEMA grant for upgrades to the Air Station. Trustee McComb seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
The final grant awarded was from FEMA for a new Quint Ladder Truck. This is a 95/5 grant in which FEMA will support 95% of the cost and the Village will be responsible for the remaining 5%. The total cost of the truck is $975,000 leaving the total amount the village will be responsible for at $46,428. This new truck will be a multi-use fire truck, combining both a pumper truck and ladder truck, and will essentially be replacing three trucks, two of which are out of commission and one in need of replacement soon. The fire department plans to sell the three trucks to help offset the cost to the Village with a buyer for one already lined up. With the purchase of this truck the ISO rating for insurance improves, it is safer for the fire fighters when operating, lighter, smaller and better maneuverable and will be an overall asset to Speculator and the surrounding Towns.
Trustee Donecker recused himself from voting on the resolution for approving the cooperative purchase of the Quint Ladder Truck as his son is an officer for the Speculator Fire Department.
Trustee Craven made a motion to approve the Resolution for Approving Cooperative Purchase of Quint Ladder Truck. Trustee Rudes seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Trustee Donecker made a motion to designate the rescue truck as surplus and approve the sale of said truck. Trustee McComb seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
The lights at the Village Hall are in the process of being replaced with LED fixtures. Crystal O’Brien and Roger Blanchard researched and procured the fixtures for the Village Hall in the amount of $2,600 and installed them at a cost of approximately $1,100. They are estimated to last 25 years. National Grid has estimated annual savings by converting to LEDs across all three buildings at $3,425. National Grid presented the Village with a replacement quote of $20k, and later reduced it to $13k. Some of the Wastewater Treatment Plant lights have also been replaced and the remainder of lights at the Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Department of Public Works will be converted during the winter months.
Trustee Donecker reported he is working with Mr. Blanchard on list of assets and what vehicles will need to be replaced in the future at the Department of Public Works.
Bobbie Hoover asked a question regarding paving on Elliot Lane, as to why it was paved in its entirety when the road has always been a private road?
Village Attorney Smith explained there is a law stating a Village can take a private road over by prescription after it has been maintained and treated like a public road for ten years or more. Elliot Lane has been reported to DOT CHIPs program as a Village road. Further discussion ensued. Mayor Barrett thanked everyone for their comments and advised that this issue will be discussed at the next Board Meeting on October 28 when the DPW supervisor will be present.
William Paestella asked the board to consider inviting Dackland Radio to provide live broadcasting. Mayor Barrett asked for those who have concerns to submit them in writing so they can be addressed.
Robert Hoffman commented he and many people he knows would be sad to see the 1937 firetruck sold, stating it doesn’t cost anything to keep the truck, it is an historical item and would like to see the truck kept for historical purposes.
Editor Note: Story based on the minutes from Crystal O’Brien, Village Clerk - Treasurer
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