Thursday, November 14, 2019

Lake Pleasant adopts preliminary budget

LPTB Oct 21 2019

Lake Pleasant adopts preliminary budget

LAKE PLEASANT—When the Lake Pleasant Town Board met on Oct 21, it adopted the 2020 preliminary budget. What follows is a comparison of the 2020 preliminary budget and the 2019 adopted budget, with last year’s budget figures shown in (parentheses).
GENERAL FUND PART A (the entire town) shows appropriations of $1,023,374 ($1,005,835) minus estimated revenues of $110,308 ($125,159), leaving $913,066 ($880,676) to be raised by taxes.
GENERAL FUND PART B (town outside the Village of Speculator) shows appropriations of $78,147 ($81,331), minus estimated revenues of $10,891 ($13,696), leaving $64,844 ($67,635) to be raised by taxes.
HIGHWAY FUND A shows appropriations of $680,705 ($614,282), minus estimated revenues of $120,750 ($167,604), leaving $559,955 ($446,678) to be raised by taxes.
HIGHWAY FUND B shows appropriations of $487,597 ($481,842), minus estimated revenues of $86,750 ($91,580). This leaves $400,847 ($390,262) to be raised by taxes.
THE LIBRARY FUND shows appropriations of $106,466 ($84,685) minus estimated revenues of $12,510 ($11,960), leaving $93,956 ($72,725) to be raised by taxes.
THE GARBAGE FUND shows appropriations of $87,351 ($81,176), minus estimated revenues of $500 ($1,436), leaving $86,851 ($79,740) to be raised by taxes.
FIRE PROTECTION shows appropriations of $212,609 ($214,109) and $212,609 ($214,109) to be raised by taxes.
Highway Superintendent Randy Lavarnway reported that trucks 215 & 212 have been put on Auctions International they will be on until November 1. Councilperson Nancy Seifts asked if 212 had been repaired Lavarnway stated no and that was put in the description. Tandem 214 has the snowplow on and ready for State Highway.
Lavarnway reported 26 streetlights out and National Grid has been out starting repairs. Tennis courts and the Pathway signs are all set for winter. The water will be shut off at the Museum within the next two weeks.
Lavarnway has had another setback with the APA over expanding the first parking lot north of Town, Fish Hatchery. They are claiming there are wetlands. The pile of dirt that is that and waiting to be spread might not happen. The Town received a letter from DOT stating there will be no speed limit lowered from 40 MPH to 30 MPH on Fish Mt. Rd., Fawn Lake Rd and Tamarack Rd.
Lavarnway will be meeting with Code Enforcement Officer Bob Benkovich to discuss putting the propane tank that the Town took from the Library to use in the wash bay.
The procurement policy that Councilperson Meixner is working on is coming closer to be accepted. The changes that were sent out to the Board to review were not received.
Meixner will resend after the meeting so at this time it is still tabled.
Copies of the letter from Young/Sommer LLC were handed out to the Board it states that the Town is not liable for the cost of replacing a reverse osmosis system damaged by homeowner neglect so the invoices that Hawk Drilling has been sending to the Town; the Town is not liable for.
After holding an executive session, it was agreed that Supervisor Wilt will discuss with an employee that was brought up during executive sessions options for the future of their position.

Note: This report is based on the minutes of Deborah O'Rourke, Town Clerk

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