Saturday, November 16, 2019

Inlet October meeting focuses on sewers

Inlet TB October 8 2019 Inlet Town Board

Inlet October meeting focuses on sewers
INLET--Greg Scholand, Attorney for Rocky Point, requested at the October 8 meeting of the Inlet Town Board that the Town give consent for Rocky Point to set up a corporation for the septic system operated at Rocky Point in order to obtain a SPDES permit from the DEC.
The Board was concern was that it could might be held liable to service their septic system. Verbiage in the agreement was changed to reflect that the Town would not be held liable for maintenance, repair or any liability of their septic system.
Councilman Schmid made a MOTION to give the Certificate of Consent to Rocky Point for their private septic system. Councilman Levi SECONDED.
The Escrow Agreement for the Rocky Point septic system was read, and Supervisor Frey explained that they need to prove that the system can withstand the new units load. The system can withstand 77 units and currently they are at 54 units. Councilman Townsend made the MOTION to approve the escrow agreement. Councilman Brownsell SECONDED.
Gary Zawatski expressed that the cost of the town wastewater system is becoming too high for the seasonal residents that use their facility very little and asked why it couldn’t be a metered service or billed more accordingly based on usage.
Supervisor Frey explained that to put most of the financial burden on year-round businesses or residents would just be too great. Gary expressed that he doesn’t feel the costs are distributed fairly. Supervisor Frey explained that the Town has the highest EDU and pays the largest share of the costs for Wastewater services. There was discussion regarding the expenses and what funding we have received to help with the overall financial burden. There was further discussion on what else could be possibly done to help with the increasing costs each year and Gary Zawatski expressed he would appreciate the Board looking into other ways to decrease costs or the amount of costs put on seasonal residents.
C&S and County still doing studies and research to file for an APA permit to get any height above the 90’ currently being proposed. They are working on drawings for the application also. Supervisor Frey has been busy with calls and meetings trying to get things moving.
Park’s Supervisor, Mitch Lee provides a report each month that is available online and attached to the agenda packet.
Town Clerk read a letter from Mr. Wilson thanking Brad Fox and informing the Town Board what a great asset he is. He had car trouble in Inlet and Brad helped him.
Assessor and Codes/Zoning Officer, Aimee VanWie provides a report each month and is available online and attached to the agenda packet. Supervisor Frey made a MOTION to re-appoint Aimee VanWie as Assessor/Codes Officer and added what a great job she is doing in the position.
Councilman Townsend SECONDED the motion.
Publicity Director, Adele Burnett provides a detailed monthly report online and is attached to agenda packet. In addition to past events and information about her department, this report will detail upcoming events.
Councilman Brownsell feels that there might be some lacking components to the light pollution ordinance and feels that the Planning Board should revisit it.
There was a request to increase the pay that a zoning member receives for attending meetings. It is currently $15. Planning Board members are paid $50 and that is the request. Aimee VanWie said that they are requested to attend a meeting in the Spring and Fall at the very least and must attend training.
Councilman Brownsell made a MOTION to increase the compensation for the ZBA Board Members to $50 each meeting. Councilman Schmid SECONDED.5 AYES 0 NAYS and the MOTION CARRIED.
Councilman Levi made a MOTION to appoint Barb Murdock as an alternate member of the ZBA. Councilman Schmid SECONDED. Supervisor Frey thanked Barb Murdock for agreeing to be an alternate member.
Superintendent Hansen reported on the numerous projects/works being done in town. The department has cut brush on Parkhurst Road, assisted Parks with town hall roof, hauled gravel for Uncas Road, worked on Townsend Trail, hung banners, moved stage bank, etc. They plan on continued work on the Townsend Trail and Superintendent Hansen thanked the landowners for the easements to make this possible. They are working on getting ready for winter, preparing new building for concrete. The progress for the new building slowed a bit because the contractor had to move to another job for a short time. Progress will resume now, and concrete should be done by mid-November. Shawn mentioned that he is a little short staffed currently because of vacations for employees before the end of year.
Hours for the transfer station will change to Winter hours on November 1. They will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday and the days open will be 9-6 closed for lunch from 12-1.
Reported revenues for the month of September. The unpaid sewer bills notices will go out soon.
Supervisor Frey spoke about how nice the high deductible insurance plan has worked out for us and thanked Linda Nelson for that. We self-insure the high deductible for employees and have only spent about 45% to date.
Peg Brownell complimented the work done on the Townsend Trail and questioned how much longer until further progress is made. Supervisor Frey explained we are missing easements that will be needed on both the North and South side, some that were just not recorded.
Gary Zawatski asked what the status of the snowmobile crossing work was. Supervisor Frey had told them that work cannot be started until after Columbus Day. Superintendent Hansen added that some will be left until Spring.
Peter Funk mentioned there is a hole in the floor at the transfer station. Peggy Brownell asked when the Highway Department will be done working four 10-hour days. Shawn Hansen stated November 1.
Gary Zawatski asked if we can opt in or out of the plastic bag ban or if we must follow the County in the decision, etc. The Board did not really know the answers but said they would check into the details.
Peggy Brownell asked if we will get signs for Townsend Trail reminding people to curb their dog. Shawn Hansen stated he is in the process of ordering them.

Editor’s note: This story is based upon the minutes of Yvonne Lutz, Town Clerk.

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