Saturday, January 25, 2020

Text of ILCS BOE Jan 21 2020

ILCS BOE Jan 21 2020

ILCS 2020/2021 budget treading up
INDIAN LAKE—When the Indian Lake Central School Board of Education met on January 21, it had its first look at the budget for the next school year.
What follows is the first draft of 2020-21 budget compared to the approved 2019-2020 budget.
Total Proposed Budget of $6,992,254 compared to 2019/2020 approved budget of $6,705,567 - up 4.28% - $286,687.
Total Estimated Revenues are $1,621,250 - $1,621,250
Total Estimated Tax Levy of $5,371,004 is up 5.64% above $5,084,317 approved 2019/2020 budget.
Snide said the figures are estimates for the 2020-21 budget. The estimated revenues are carried over from prior year due to the state not yet having provided 2020·21 revenue estimates.
As of January 15, the estimated tax cap levy LIMIT is $5,208,734. The state still needs to provide estimated aid figures,
He said, “We are showing a $286,687, or a 4.82%, increase in budgeted expenditures over the prior year. Our current estimated tax levy is $5,371,004. This is $162,270 over the estimated tax cap levy limit.
Superintendent Dave Snide gave the Building Project Update as follows: “Asbestos Survey was started. They are scheduled to do the core sample on the roof on Wednesday, January 15, along with Peter Hamilton, who is with the company that met with us regarding the Tremco Coating System. I believe after they take the core samples, he will seal the roof.
“Upcoming Events: Several students will be taking January Regents. Mid-terms and Final exams will be taking place during the last three weeks of January. The 2nd Quarter ends on January 24.
“Athletics: Basketball is going well. I hope to have softball and baseball sign-up numbers for you by the meeting.”
The board approved the bond resolution for the Indian Lake School District $2,021,250 capital project.
The bond resolution, dated January 21, 2020, had the board authorizing not to exceed $1,521,250 aggregate principal amount of serial general obligation bonds and the expenditure of $500,000 from the capital reserve fund to finance the reconstruction of the school building, including site work, and the acquisition of original furnishings, equipment, machinery or apparatus, at an estimated maximum cost of $2,021,250, the expenditure of such sum for such purpose, levy of tax in annual installments in payment thereof, and determining other matters in connection therewith.
The resolution stated: “WHEREAS, the qualified voters of the Indian Lake Central School District (the "District"), at a special meeting of such voters duly held on the 10'" day of December, 2019, duly approved a proposition authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds in an aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $1,521,250 and the expenditure of $500,000 from the Capital Reserve Fund, to finance the reconstruction of the School building, including site work, acquisition of original furnishings, equipment, machinery or apparatus required for the purpose, for which such building is to be used and incidental costs related thereto at a maximum cost of $2,021,250, the expenditure of such sums for such purposes, and the levy of the necessary tax therefor, to be levied upon the taxable prope1iy of the District and collected in annual installments as provided by Section 416 of the Education Law.”
The board approved increasing Jane Hinckley from Ml5 to M30 on STEP schedule.
The board approved the old risers to be sold on Auction International web site.
The board approved Nicholas Sprague as substitute teacher pending fingerprints.
The board approval Gregg Thompson as a substitute cleaner at a rate of $15.04 per hour.
The board approved the purchase of saxophone from Mellissa Mulvey for $300.
The board approved granting Ashton Hoag and Ray Hoag granted tenure effective September 1, 2020.

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