Monday, January 13, 2020

Text of Inlet TB Dec 10 2019

Inlet TB Dec 10 2019

Inlet works on keeping roads free of snow and trails groomed
INLET--The regular meeting of the Inlet Town Board, held on December 10, was called to order by Councilman Herb Schmid, in the absence of Supervisor John Frey, at 7:30 p.m. with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present were: Highway Superintendent Shawn Hansen, Peter Funk, and Jamie Organski.
Officials present were: Councilman Levi, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Schmid, Councilman Brownsell and Town Clerk Yvonne Lutz.
Superintendent Hansen reported on the numerous projects that they have been working on, in addition to plowing, sanding, taking the plow for an update. The trails are ready to open. He also mentioned that he will need to get a shorter wing for safety reasons. With the new guiderails, it pushes the plow far over the yellow line and too far into oncoming traffic. Hansen stated that he will keep up on the sidewalks as best as possible and that during storms it is difficult. He wanted to stress that it is illegal to discharge snow on a State highway.
Town Clerk Yvonne Lutz mentioned that the paper reflected the wrong hours that the transfer station would be open to. She had reported to the paper 6:30 pm, as originally talked about, however, it was decided to stay open to 7 pm with the limited amount of days open. Peter Funk has been covering for Tina’s time off and Superintendent Hansen thanked him.
Intersection and trail signs have been ordered. The trails have been checking for downed trees and Superintendent Hansen thanked all the property owners for use of their land for trails. Repaired washouts at culvert on FX Matts trail. Reported that he cannot groom to Eagle Bay this weekend because of the bridge out on Jasper Day Trail. It will be open and repaired by Monday.
Schmid reported the town is still working on getting more height approved for a cell tower. “We are looking at strictly going with the tower as an emergency use and having the contract for the lease of the property signed with IVES,” said Schmid.
The work in the records room is just about complete. All boxes have been sorted as to the proper retention and properly indexed. Alden and Barbara Stevens have done a great job and the grant was made possible with the help of Christine Holt, as it was a mutual grant between Town and school.
There has been some concern of the safety of Tourism Director, Codes/Zoning and Town Clerk in the absence of police and/or other employees in the building at times. The distance from each office sometimes does not allow for the other employee to know what is going on in their co-worker’s office. The issue was brought to our attention with a few incidents where an irate person has gone to the Town Clerk’s office looking for police. Quick discussion as to what could be done to warn someone of an incident in another’s office. One idea was to have 911 on a quick dial button on all the phones.
There was discussion regarding an unimproved medical device for one of the employees. The employee has asked permission to use the balance of their medical deductible card to help with the costs of the device needed for the employee’s home. Councilman Brownsell made a motion to allow the use of the balance on the card, Councilman Levi seconded, and the motion carried.
After discussion, Councilman Townsend made a motion to hold the Annual Organizational Meeting for January 7 at 7:30 pm and hold the Regular Meeting on the 14 of January. Councilman Levi seconded and the motion carried.

This article is based upon the minutes provided by Yvonne Lutz, Town Clerk.

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