Supervisors Feb 3 2022
Supervisors make appointments
LAKE PLEASANT—When the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors met on February 3, it passed over 30 resolutions and made the following appointments and hirings.
BE IT RESOLVED that Barry Baker is hereby appointed Budget Officer for a term January 1, 2022 ending December 31, 2022.
WHEREAS, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors has recommended a change to the appointments made to the Fish and Wildlife Management Board per Resolution No. 10-22 adopted January 6, 2022, and
WHEREAS, per Resolution No. 10-22 the terms for the Supervisor Representative & Alternate and the Sportsman Representative & Alternate expired December 31, 2021, be it
RESOLVED, that Resolution No. 10-22 be hereby amended so the following appointments be affirmed and made to NYS Fish & Wildlife Management Board Region 5:
January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2022 Kim Mitchell, Landowner Rep.
January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2022 Richard Clawson, Landowner Rep. Alternate
January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2023 Nick Mauro, Supervisor Rep.
January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2023 Phil Snyder, Supervisor Rep. Alternate
January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2023 Lawrence P. Foy, Sportsman Rep.
January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2023 Clay Earley, Sportsman Rep. Alternate
WHEREAS, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors has recommended a change to the appointments made to the Lake Champlain-Lake George Regional Planning Board per Resolution No. 11-22 adopted January 6, 2022, and
WHEREAS the by-laws of the Lake Champlain – Lake George Regional Planning Board state that each member-county shall appoint six directors to the Board with the Chairperson of the Board of Supervisors, the Chief Financial Officer and the Highway Superintendent of each member county being Ex-Officio members and three additional directors shall be appointed by the Chairperson of the Board of Supervisors of each member county, and
WHEREAS the tenure of Ex-Officio Officers shall be consistent with their terms of office and the additional three (3) members shall be appointed to terms of three (3) years and staggered so that one director term shall expire each year, be it
RESOLVED, that Resolution No. 11-22 is hereby amended so that the following appointments be made to the Lake Champlain-Lake George Regional Planning Board: Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, County Treasurer, Highway Superintendent
Clay Arsenault – Term of January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2022
William G. Farber – Term of January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2023
Christy Wilt – Term January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2024
BE IT RESOLVED that the County Sheriff is hereby appointed as the Hamilton County Stop DWI Coordinator, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the County Sheriff will be compensated in the amount of $1,000 annually for said position, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer by hereby authorized to create Account No. A3315.0101 Stop DWI Coordinator, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make the following transfer to fund said position: FROM: A3315.0408 Public Info & Education $500
A3315.0411 Court Related Activity $500
TO: A3315.0101 Stop DWI Coordinator $1,000.
BE IT RESOLVED that Jay Griffin is hereby appointed Fire Coordinator for the term of February 3, 2022 ending December 31, 2022 at an annual salary of $8,955.00 from Account No. A3640.0103, and be it further
RESOLVED, that Avis Warner is hereby appointed EMS Coordinator for the term of January 1, 2022 ending December 31, 2022 and the County Treasurer and Personnel Officer be so advised.
WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors, by Resolution No. 55-22 expanded the Hamilton County Public Defender’s Office to cover qualifying, non-conflicted family court cases and further established the position of Second Assistant Public Defender, effective May 1, 2022, and
WHEREAS the Public Defender and Assistant Public Defender need to be compensated for overseeing the family court cases, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that Ariel Lasher is hereby appointed to the full-time position of Hamilton County Second Assistant Public Defender effective May 1, 2022 at an annual salary of $50,000, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be hereby authorized to create Account No. A1170.0105 Second Assistant Public Defender in the 2022 budget in the amount of $50,000 and fund it by transferring $10,000 from Account No. A1170.0401 Defense (Assigned Counsel) and by increasing Revenue Account No. A3025.0100 State Aid Public Defender by $40,000, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Public Defender and Assistant Public Defender’s annual salaries be increased by $1,000 to compensate them for overseeing the family court cases, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be hereby authorized to transfer $1,000 from Account No. A1170.0401 Defense (Assigned Counsel) to Account No. A1170.0101 Public Defender, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be hereby authorized to transfer $1,000 from Account No. A1170.0401 Defense (Assigned Counsel) to Account No. A1170.0104 Assistant Public Defender, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Public Defender and the Personnel Officer be so notified.
WHEREAS, Resolution No 147-17 named Gordon L. Purdy, II as the 911 Coordinator for Hamilton County, and
WHEREAS, on December 31, 2021 Gordon L. Purdy, II has retired as Hamilton County Emergency Manager and 911 Coordinator, and
WHEREAS Hamilton County needs a 911 Coordinator to be a liaison between the County and the NYS 911 Coordinator’s Association, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that Undersheriff Kevin D. Braunius, of the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office, be appointed as the County 911 Coordinator, and be it further
RESOLVED, that Deputy Sheriff Justin W. Looms, of the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office, be appointed as the County 911 Administrator.
WHEREAS Katie Tomlinson has been hired as a temporary clerk to assist public health during the COVID-19 pandemic, and
WHEREAS, during this time Katie has demonstrated excellent clerical and organizational skills, and
WHEREAS there continues to be a need for additional help in the office to manage COVID related activities and answer/direct phone calls, among other public health programs due to vacant positions within the department, and
WHEREAS, this Public Health position will have specific hours claimed back to public health grants, be it
RESOLVED, that the following full-time position be created, and account A4050.0133 is hereby renamed: A4050.0132 Medical Records Clerk, and be it also
RESOLVED, that $33,217.00 be transferred from the Contingent Fund A1990.401 to fund this position starting February 21, 2022, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Public Health Director, Personnel Officer, and the County Treasurer be so authorized.
(Steve Tomlinson Abstained, as she is his daughter-in-law)
BE IT RESOLVED, that upon approval of the County Attorney, the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to sign a contract with Fulton County, within the meaning of Section 800 of County Law, to provide assistance to members of the armed forces and veterans and their dependents in Hamilton County in obtaining any benefits and awards to which they may be entitled under any Federal, State, or local legislation, and be it further
RESOLVED, that said contract shall be effective January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022, and be it further
RESOLVED, that Hamilton County shall pay to Fulton County the sum of $16,500.00 per annum in quarterly installments on March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31, 2022, plus expenses incurred by the Director for travel, postage, telephone, office supplies, printing, flags, and markers, miscellaneous, conferences, schools, and seminars not to exceed $900.
WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Emergency Management Department has been awarded the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES) Grant Project SI20- 1028-E00 in the amount of $566,267.00, be it
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be authorized to create Account No. A3645.0425 DHSES SI20-1028-E00 and fund it at $566,267.00 to be totally offset by creating and funding Revenue Account No. A3389.0129 SI20-1028-E00 in the amount of $566,267.00, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to sign said DHSES Grant, Project SI20-1028-E00 and the Director of Emergency Management and Sheriff be so notified.
WHEREAS the Hamilton County Board of Elections was awarded a Cybersecurity Remediation Grant BOE01 – C004251 – 1110000 for an amount up to $62,859.67 with the eligible expense period to be used by December 31, 2023, and
WHEREAS this grant is reimbursable for actual costs per the Work Plan submitted by the Hamilton County Board of Elections, and
WHEREAS, the funds have not entirely been spent, be it
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be authorized to increase Account No. A1450.0405 Software Support by $31,714 to be totally offset by increasing Revenue Account No. A3089.0900 by $31,714 and the Board of Elections be so notified.
WHEREAS the Public Works Committee verbally gave the Superintendent permission to have sub-frame installation repairs done to Solid Waste Trailer #956, and
WHEREAS the repairs were completed to trailer #956 at a cost of $5,514.80 and the said trailer is back in service, be it
RESOLVED, that hereby the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to send payment to Dunhams Spring Shop, Inc. in the amount of $5,514.80 for trailer #956 and the funds be taken out of Account No. DM5310.401 Repairs and Clerk of the Board and Highway Superintendent be so notified.
WHEREAS, the February Committee Day is scheduled for Monday, February 21, 2022 which is a holiday, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the February Committee Day of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors is hereby changed from February 21, 2022 to February 22, 2022.
WHEREAS the County’s Cyber Liability Insurance Policy was previously with Beazley, and they declined to quote Hamilton County for 2022 until more controls are in place, and
WHEREAS CFC and Cowbell did submit proposals as follows: CFC - $16,603.20
Cowbell - $22,095.76 be it
RESOLVED, the CFC is hereby chosen for Hamilton County’s 2022 Cyber Liability Insurance, and be it further
RESOLVED, upon receipt of an invoice from CFC, the County Treasurer is authorized to make payment in the amount of $16,603.20 from Account No. A1910.0401 Unallocated Insurance.
WHEREAS two invoices have been received from Tyler Technologies for the new financial/personnel software being implemented, and
WHEREAS, per Resolution No. 288-21 dated November 10, 2021 the Board created the ARP Act accounts to cover the expenses of this implementation, be it
RESOLVED, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to fund Account No. A1325.0412 – ARP Act Financial Software in the amount of $1,170.00 to be offset by funding Revenue Account No. A4089.0200 – American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) in the amount of $1,170.00, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay Tyler Technologies $1,170.00 for Invoice No. 025-358887 ($1040.00) and Invoice No. 025-360313 ($130.00) from Account No. A1325.0412 ARP Act, Financial Software.
WHEREAS, in moving forward the Hamilton County Emergency Management project, C&S has identified the need for a Microwave connection from Blue Mountain to Inlet, and
WHEREAS, through the work of the Emergency Management team, a space on the NYSEG Tower on Blue Mt has been secured, and
WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of Hamilton County to secure this space immediately, as it provides a line-of-sight connection to the proposed Tarpon Tower in Inlet, or the Herkimer County Tower in Webb, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to enter into a five (5) year lease with NYSEG to fulfill this need contingent upon the approval of the County Attorney.
WHEREAS Blue Wing Communication provided Hamilton County with a coverage study that was the basis for the County's Homeland Security Grant, and
WHEREAS, that study identified the need for a County Emergency Communications Tower on Cathead Mountain, and
WHEREAS, due to the need for a Constitutional Amendment, the County also had C&S verify the need, plus develop the details of the proposed installation, and
WHEREAS, Hamilton County, and our Communication partners on Cathead (NYSP, DEC, Homeland Security, and Fulton County), have to finalize the plan and the Amendment in 2022, and
WHEREAS this site is critical to the microwave connections into both Hope and Wells, while providing local coverage in Benson and Hope, and
WHEREAS this step will require a more formal partnership with the Landowner (the Hatchbrook Sportsman's Club and the Thomas Gang), now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to enter into a one-year option on the Cathead Property at a cost of $10,000.00, with the option of a one-year renewal, for the purpose of the establishment of a long-term Tower lease on the subject property, with the approval of the County Attorney.
WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Office of Planning, Tourism and Economic Development and the Board of Supervisors have created a Community Development Fund, and
WHEREAS the purpose of this fund is to support a MOU with Hamilton County Soil & Water and hire two seasonal technicians with the associated contractual expenses of engaging in Trail Development work and Administration throughout Hamilton County, and
WHEREAS Hamilton County Planning, Tourism and Economic Development is supportive of projects such as this that support safe sustainable recreational opportunity and has funds budgeted to do so, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes said MOU with Hamilton County Soil & Water, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to sign said MOU with the approval of the County Attorney with the funds to be allocated from Account No. A8020.0417 Community Development in the amount of $19,000.
WHEREAS, a Part Time Sheriff Deputy has been assisting in COVID relief efforts and vaccination clinics for the last year, and
WHEREAS, his personal service time can be claimed on the ELC COVID Grant, be it RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be authorized to make the following transfer: FROM: A4189.1103 ELC COVID Grant Personal Service $9,476.18 TO: A3110.0111 Sheriff Part Time $9,476.18
WHEREAS, Hamilton County Public Health has been awarded the ELC COVID-19 Enhanced Detection Grant Contract # 6448-01 in the amount of $163,390.00, and
WHEREAS, the funds have not entirely been spent, be it
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be authorized to fund the following Accounts: A4189.1103 Personal Service $42,670.28, A4189.4104 Supplies & Misc. $24,465.17, A4189.8710 Fringe $28,729.98 to be totally offset by funding Revenue Account No. A4401.2 at $95,865.43 and the Director of Public Health be so advised.
WHEREAS, Hamilton County Public Health has been awarded the AIDS Institute ELC Schools Grant Contract # 6896-01 in the amount of $218,343.00, and
WHEREAS, the funds have not entirely been spent, be it
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be authorized to fund the following Accounts: A4189.1104 Personal Service $29,301.21, A4189.2551 Automobile $922.00, A4189.4105 Supplies & Misc. $66,094.36, A4189.8720 Fringe $16,148.30 to be totally offset by funding Revenue Account No. A4401.0300 at $112,465.87 and the Director of Public Health be so advised.
WHEREAS, Hamilton County Public Health has been awarded the OFA ADRC COVID19 Grant in the amount of $5,528.50, and WHEREAS, the funds have not entirely been spent, be it
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be authorized to fund Account No. A4050.0433 at $5,528.50 to be totally offset by funding Revenue Account No. A2280.0400 at $5,528.50 and the Director of Public Health be so advised.
WHEREAS, Hamilton County Public Health has been awarded the OFA VAC5 Grant in the amount of $6,048.50, and
WHEREAS, the funds have not entirely been spent, be it
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be authorized to fund Account No. A4050.0434 at $6,048.50 to be totally offset by funding Revenue Account No. A2280.0500 at $6,048.50and the Director of Public Health be so advised.
WHEREAS, in NYS it is the responsibility of the local health department to have a system in place for the control and suppression of rabies, and
WHEREAS the Hamilton County Nursing Service (HCPHNS) holds periodic rabies vaccination clinics throughout the County which provides for free vaccination of taxpayer’s dogs, cats, and domestic ferrets, and
WHEREAS the services of a licensed veterinarian is required to provide this service, and WHEREAS, the Glove Cities Veterinary Hospital, 35 Harrison Street, Gloversville, NY has agreed to provide veterinarian services for HCPHNS, and
WHEREAS, the Glove Cities Veterinary Hospital has agreed to maintain membership in the American Veterinary Medical Association, making them eligible to maintain professional liability insurance at the required level, and
WHEREAS one licensed veterinarian from the Glove Cities Veterinary Hospital will be reimbursed at a rate of $100.00 per hour, to include travel time and clinic hours plus travel reimbursement at the prevailing county mileage rate, be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is authorized to enter into a contract with the Glove Cities Veterinary Hospital, to provide veterinary services at HCPHNS rabies clinics, at a rate of $100.00 per clinic hour, plus travel time and mileage reimbursement, as described above, to begin May 1, 2022 to April 30, 2023 upon approval of the County Attorney and the County Treasurer be so notified.
WHEREAS children placed in the care and custody of the Commissioner of Social Services as a result of abuse, neglect, maltreatment, or voluntary surrender require out-of-home placement in Certified Foster Family Boarding homes, and
WHEREAS, these foster homes are certified by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS), and
WHEREAS, maximum state reimbursable rates are established by OCFS, be it RESOLVED, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, upon review and approval of the County Attorney, is hereby authorized and directed to enter into agreements with said Foster Family Boarding Homes.
WHEREAS Hamilton County Community Service’s Account No. A4310.0402 Telephone is underfunded in the County’s 2022 budget, and
WHEREAS the budgeted amount of $2,350.00 based upon expenses prior to the upgrade to broadband internet access completed in 2021 needs to be increased to $28,000.00 to cover anticipated costs for 2022, be it
RESOLVED, that $10,425.00 DSRIP money currently in the unappropriated general fund balance be transferred from the Unappropriated General Fund Balance in accordance with Section 366 Subdivision 1 of the County Law to Account No. A4310.0402 Telephone, and be it further
RESOLVED, that $15,225.00 of the Federal Salary Sharing currently in the unappropriated general fund balance be transferred from the Unappropriated General Fund Balance in accordance with Section 366 Subdivision 1 of the County Law to Account No. A4310.0402 Telephone, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be so authorized to make both of these transfers.
WHEREAS Hamilton County Community Services (HCCS) is required annually to file a full Consolidated Fiscal Report (CFR) for the previous state fiscal year by May 1st, and
WHEREAS a full CFR under Mental Hygiene Regulations requires that it be audited by an independent auditor and a Compliance Review Letter signed by the independent auditor be submitted with each CFR, be it
RESOLVED, that Hamilton County will sign a letter of engagement with the accounting firm Drescher and Malecki, LLP to perform these audits at a cost of between $100.00 and $200.00 per hour dependent upon the staff used to perform each audit and provide a Compliance Letter for each CFR, and be it
RESOLVED, that the cost of this service is not to exceed $5,000.00 and that it be charged to the department’s Account No. A4310.0403 Supplies and Service, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes the Chairman to sign the letter of engagement.
WHEREAS Hamilton County DPW solicited bids for Bridge Repair & Pneumatically Projected Concrete per Specification No. 1-2021, and
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 80-21 the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors awarded the Bridge Repair & Pneumatically Projected Concrete bid to R & B Construction, L.L.C., and
WHEREAS the referenced bid provides the bid pricing for a one-year contract with the option of extending the contract by one year if both parties (Hamilton County and R & B Construction, L.L.C.) agree that terms and conditions remain the same for the duration of the extension, and
WHEREAS, the County Highway Superintendent has contacted R&B Construction and that Randy Bascomb, President of R&B Construction will agree to a contract extension of the same terms and conditions for a one (1) year period, and
WHEREAS the County Highway Superintendent believes it is in Hamilton County’s best interest to extend the current contract with R&B Construction because of price stability as in no increase to 2021 contract prices and bridge repair projects to be completed in 2022, be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisor be so authorized to enter into a contract extension with R&B Construction, L.L.C. for the period of one (1) Year with approval of the County Attorney and the County Treasurer and Clerk of the board be so notified.
WHEREAS Resolution No. 260-21 duly adopted on November 9, 2021 authorizes the County Fleet Coordinator to purchase a two (2) 2021 Chevrolet Malibu’s for use by Community Services, and
WHEREAS the vehicles ordered were delivered, and
WHEREAS, the County Fleet Coordinator has inspected the said vehicles and confirms is it accepted and meet specifications and recommends payment of said vehicles, be it
RESOLVED, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make payment to LeadCar Chevrolet, 5043 Commercial Drive, Yorkville, NY 13495 in the amount of $34,540.00 and the funds to be taken out of Account No. A4310.403 Supplies & Services and the Community Service Director, Fleet Coordinator and the Clerk of the Board be so notified.
WHEREAS Resolution No. 348-20 duly adopted on December 23, 2020 authorizes the County Fleet Coordinator to purchase a one (1) 2021 Chevrolet Malibu for use by Public Health, and
WHEREAS the vehicle ordered was delivered, and
WHEREAS, the County Fleet Coordinator has inspected the said vehicle and confirms is it accepted and meet specifications and recommends payment of said vehicle, be it
RESOLVED, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make payment to LeadCar Chevrolet, 5043 Commercial Drive, Yorkville, NY 13495 in the amount of $17,270.00 and the funds to be taken out of Account No. A4050.0201 Automobile and the Public Health Director, Fleet Coordinator and the Clerk of the Board be so notified.
WHEREAS the DPW Superintendent is a member of the New York State County Highway Superintendents Association (NYSCHSA), and
WHEREAS the dues were due in January 2022 and inadvertently did not get paid, be it RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make a check payable to the NYSCHSA, 230 Washington Avenue Ext., Suite 101, Albany, NY 12203 in the amount of $300.00 for the 2022 membership and the funds be taken out of Account No. D5110.0405 Supplies and the DPW Superintendent and Clerk of the Board be so notified.
WHEREAS the budget appropriation amount for Gas and Diesel for 2021 was set and duly adopted for $700,000.00 for Account No. DM5130.405 for the purchase of Gas and Diesel Fuel, and
WHEREAS the budget revenue amount for the sale of Gas and Diesel for 2021 was set and duly adopted for $450,000.00 for Account No. DM2655.0000 for sale of fuel, and
WHEREAS the said amounts mentioned herein are estimated by the County Highway Superintendent based on the previous year’s expenditures and gallons used, and
WHEREAS the following adjustments for revenue and appropriations will need adjusting as follows for the end of fiscal year 2021: Appropriations - DM5130.405 Gas and Diesel - Increased - $56,997.31
Revenue – DM2655.000 Sale of Fuel - Increased - $56,997.31 be it
RESOLVED, the 2021 budget be amended as stated above and the County Treasurer be so authorized, and the Clerk of the Board and Highway Superintendent be so notified.