Friday, October 23, 2020

Assemblyman Smullen warns highway money down

 LPTB October 5 2020

Assemblyman Smullen warns highway money down


LAKE PLEASANT—When the Lake Pleasant Town Board met on October 5, Supervisor Betsy Bain introduced Assemblyman Robert Smullen who is traveling around his district. He spoke about the state budget and how Covid is affecting it. Not great news. Smullen said that the CHIPS money that Towns are reimbursed for road work will be cut by 20% and tax revenues are down. He said there is a U shape recovery. Smullen also was asked by Supervisor Bain about unemployment situation as she has filed a compliment with the Labor Board and has not heard back. Smullen responded that the unemployment system because of Covid is a mess, some people who have filed for unemployment have not received benefits.


Highway Superintendent Lavarnway reported paving is winding down. Two roads completed today. Tanks to all Towns that helped. One more road to do tomorrow.

Next Thursday FEMA will be doing on site visits for inspections on Park Stream. This will let the Town know which avenue they will go. Core sampling being done tomorrow to see how stable the ground is. Lavarnway is concerned about the 20% CHIPS cut. This would equal $17,000 less for the town budget. There could be a possibility that Pave-NY and Extreme Winter Recovery funds be removed at a cost of about $40,000.

Superintendent Lavarnway informed the Board that the paperwork that he filed for the Town’s Snowmobile Trail refund was lost so he sent in another voucher. After a call to find out if it was received it, he was told that the voucher was received and has been processed.


The new filters have been installed at the Primary Care and the new siding is going up on the old bus garage. The camera’s that were ordered for the Health Center are sitting in a warehouse someplace, the $581.00 has been credited so Lavarnway has asked Matt Seifts to order a different system. Repairs were made to the garbage shed latch at the Primary Care after a bear broke into it.


BST audit: Nancy Seifts reported that she has been working on the narrative section of the AUD.


The Town Board voted to approve the new 2021 building permit fees in conjunction with the Village. The Town will advertise way in advance so the public will be aware of increases.


The Town Board voted to approve the new dumpster fees for 2021.

The Recreation Committee members Don Braunius and Nancy Seifts have met with Oak Mt. owners Laura and Matt O’Brien about the future of ski lessons for the Lake Pleasant kids. Further discussion when costs come in from Oak Mt.


Supervisor Bain has been speaking with Zoning/Codes Officer Bob Benkovich about the short-term rentals and air B&B rentals, and the safety guidelines that should be followed. Councilperson Neil McGovern and Supervisor Betsy Bain volunteered to be on a committee with Bob Benkovich to review the safety guidelines. The Village will also be setting up a committee.


Speculator Mayor Barrett mentioned about the Town and Village’s concerns on the Air B&B’s something that the Town is addressing. She also talked about the discussion the future of a septic system law. Supervisor Bain said that the Town will be setting up a committee sometime in mid- October.


The 2021 Tentative Budget was handed out to the Board by the Town Clerk.

Budget meetings were on Wed. Oct. 14, Friday Oct. 16, and Wed. Oct. 21.

Supervisor Bain asked Councilperson Cristine Meixner if she would work on updating the Town’s Employee handbook on social media. Bain did contact he Association of Towns on this so she will give Cristine all the information she received.

2021 Health Insurance quotes have come in from Bryan Moldt (Upstate Agency) the Retiree’s quote came in at -5% Worker’s quote came in at 3.7% increase a meeting was set up with Bryan Moldt.

Committee Reports

Cristine reported that the 2020 Digital Towpath held its annual meeting and adopted the 2021 budget. No increase on annual fees. Further conversation on an additional $175 a year for email archiving backup to be added.


Neil informed the Board he did receive an email from the Village Mayor about the benches. There is no more money put aside for care of the benches. The original $500 that people pay for the benches also included one facelift. Not sure if Jerry’s Wood Shop will continue to maintain them. McGovern feels that this is a group effort between the Village and Town that will hopefully be funded by outside sources. Cristine asked if the Board would consider the cost of the archiving backup cost. Neil suggested the Budget committee review this.

On September 22, the contract was signed with Williamson Law on the new Code/Zoning computer program. The Village also signed a contract with them.

Supervisor Bain and the Board wanted to thank Paul Cleveland for all his work on cleaning up the garbage along the roads from Arietta to Speculator. If you see him give him a beep and say thank you.

Supervisor Bain said that she and Nancy have been working with the Hamilton County Treasurer’s Office and NYS Comptroller’s office on correctios to the 2019 AUD.

Supervisor Bain attended a reception in honor of Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service Director Erica Mahoney who was recognized by 2020 Rural Health Champion by Adirondack Health Institute.

The Governor has continued suspension of the Open Meeting Law until Nov. 3.

Lake Pleasant is the first Town to get all the paperwork in for the Community Hazard Mitigation.

Flag is at half-staff for all the fallen firefighters.

The new carpet and flooring have been ordered for the Primary Care Center.

This article is based upon minutes provided by Deborah O’Rourke, Town Clerk.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Hope approves tentative budget

 Hope TB October 12 2020

Hope approves tentative budget


HOPE—At the October 12 meeting of the Hope Town Board, Town Steven Supervisor Tomlinson distributed a copy of the 2021 Tentative budget. All requested changes in line items was discussed. Supervisor Tomlinson added that Jill Dunham, Town Clerk, and himself worked on the Tentative budget, but due to the nature of the layout that has been used for many years, it was difficult to complete it for accuracy. Supervisor Tomlinson reached out to the Hamilton County Treasurer’s Office for assistance. They were able to reformat the layout and find an accurate solution to completing the budget. All members recognized the efforts of all involved. After discussion of the Tentative budget and agreeance of changes to be made, Supervisor Tomlinson asked for a resolution to accept the budget and set a time and date for the Public Hearing and presentation of the Preliminary 2021 Budget.


On a motion by Councilperson Mark Stuart, seconded by Councilperson William Witts, the following resolution - Approval of the 2021 Tentative Budget - was ADOPTED - Ayes 5 S. Tomlinson, M. Stuart, W. Witts, J. Stuart Jr., D. Downing. Nays – 0.

Supervisor Tomlinson and Town Clerk Jill Dunham will present the town board and public with a 2021 Preliminary Budget on November 9, 2020 at 6 PM.


Supervisor Tomlinson distributed a report from Mike Stewart showing the total to date Building Permits issued to residents. He also distributed a copy of the monthly Coe Officer’s report. It read as follows: Permit log for the year is attached for board member review. I have been inspecting permits as requested: Christman house has a completed foundation. Racette house is set and being competed inside. The Wood house has been relocated to the new foundation and septic is installed.


Supervisor Tomlinson advised the town board members of Joan Stuart. Two of her children are current board members and they updated on the services planned for their mother.

Supervisor Tomlinson spoke of the impact Joan had on the community, not only as a member, but a forever cherished teacher at Wells. All member gave their condolences and agreed that her loss is felt throughout the community. She will be greatly missed, and we thank her for all her years of service to the school and community. A moment of silence was recognized in her memory.


Supervisor Tomlinson distributed a letter he received from the Town of Northampton thanking the Town of Hope and its board members for the donation of two pieces of fence that was in the Willard Cemetery. Most of the fencing had to be removed due to the bad condition it was in. The Town of Northampton reached out to the Town of Hope about acquiring the two pieces that were salvageable. They wished to use to outline their historical cemetery. The town bard agrees to donate it to them for their project. They were able to remove it without causing any disruption to the Willard Cemetery. The new fencing is not expected to be delivered until sometime later this fall. Superintendent Colson added that he wanted to add painted stakes and stone makers to open plots so that they would be easier to locate when needed. All board members agreed, and he will investigate doing this at some point next spring.


Highway Superintendent Zachery Colson reported the following: We rented two excavators to finish the work on the River Road. All members were invited to go see the hard work put forth by the Highway Department.

Superintendent Colson is finishing timecards for the Halloween Storm FEMA project. Apparently, there was an error on FEMA’s end and all timecards must be resubmitted and reviewed. Once approved, they will send the reimbursement.

The Highway crew continues to remove brush Moan & Groan Road, Creek Road, and Bear Creek Road.

CHIPS forms have been submitted and Superintendent is waiting for that reimbursement.

Superintendent Colson added that along with all the above going on, Superintendent Colson is seeking the town board’s approval to set a date and time to open sealed bids turned in for the logging project. The ad to obtain a bidding packet is running in the Leader Herald from October 14-21. Superintendent Colson would like bid opening to be on October 26, 2020 at 6 PM at the Town Hall. All board members agree with this and passed a resolution to set the date of the bid opening for the logging project. It will take place October 26, 2020 at 6 PM at the Town Hall.

The next scheduled Town of Hope Town Board meeting will be held on November 9 at 1930 at the Hope Town Hall.

The Town of Hope Budget workshop will be from 6 PM-7 PM. Public discussion is scheduled from 7:00-7:30 PM.

The Regular Board Meeting will begin at 7:30 PM.

This article is based upon minutes provided by Jill Dunham, Town Clerk.

Monday, October 19, 2020

ILCS BOE September 15 2020

ILCS BOE September 15 2020

No sports at Indian Lake Central



Superintendent Dave Snide presented the Superintendent's/Principal report and said the Re-opening was going well, There will not be Section VII sports participation because of possible Wuhan Virus safety issue and Open House/Parent Teacher conference will be virtual for the same reason.


Jon Voorhees moved, seconded by Bob Lewin to approve regretfully recommendations to not participate in sports this fall season. Carried.

Jodie Seymour moved, seconded by Jon Voorhees to approve CSE Recommendation #000092027. Carried. Mrs.

Seymour moved, seconded by Corey Hutchins to approve Ben Conboy substitute teacher. Carried.

Voorhees moved, seconded by Hutchins to approve resolution for retention and disposition schedule for New York Local Government Records. Carried.

Lewin moved, seconded by Mr. Hutchins to approve policy #6570 Remote learning (with some deletion), #7150 remote learning and policy# 3520 Extraordinary circumstances. Carried.


Lewin moved, seconded by Mrs. Seymour to adjourn the regular board meeting at 6: 45 pm and go into Executive Session. Carried.

Executive session was closed by Dave Harrington. Harrington called the regular meeting to order at 7:30.

Lewin moved, seconded by Hutchins to approve sub pay increase non-certified to $15 per hour and certified sub to $17 per hour. Carried.

Mr. Lewin moved, seconded by Mr. Hutchins to approve to increase cleaner pay rate by $1.00 more per hour when the employee successfully passes the civil service custodian exam.

This article is based upon minutes by Dianna Wilder, District Clerk

Wells begins work on 2021 budget

 Wells TB October 5 2020

Wells begins work on 2021 budget


WELLS—The Wells Town Board held a budget workshop on Oct. 5, during which the following was discussed.

Budget Officer Rob Berju explained where we are at in this year’s budget process. He has put together budget templates for each Department Head with historical data from the last three years included. Once collected, Supervisor Nick Mauro will load the information into the Town budget template.

We will have 2019 Flood expenses this year to include. Councilperson Crewell asked what the typical surplus is, usually $300,000 to $400,000. Rob explained that we would create a new line item under the General Fund for the interest paid on the $705,000 Revenue Anticipation Note.

Supervisor Mauro will request an interest re-payment schedule from NBT. Supervisor Mauro and Rob were to meet on October 6, 2020. It was decided to hold the 2nd Budget Workshop on Monday, October 26, 2020 at 7pm, at the Town Offices. A Legal Notice will be published in the Leader Herald and posted on the Town Website. Salary increases were discussed. Superintendent Earley would like to see 2% across the Board. Councilperson Crewell agreed, particularly showing an effort in good faith. Jennifer Woodward, Bookkeeper addressed the Board prior to the meeting regarding an increase in her duties and a request for a 10% salary increase.


On a motion of Councilperson Crewell, seconded by Councilperson Saltis, the following was APPROVED Ayes 5 Mauro, Crewell, Hunt, Lauria, Saltis; Nays 0.

WHEREAS, the Town of Wells has recently been suffered the effects of a severe storm, and

WHEREAS the Town anticipates undertaking a significant vegetative debris removal work project that will require the use of heavy equipment that is not currently owned by the Town, and

WHEREAS the project will be managed and directed by the Town of Wells Supervisor and undertaken by a contracted provider of heavy equipment, with an operator, selected through a Request for Bid process, and

WHEREAS, debris removal bids, in accordance with specifications on file with the Town Clerk, were officially opened and read on September 14, 2020 at 7:10 p.m. as advertised and

WHEREAS one bid was received from Dan Bowler d/b/a Dock Works, and

WHEREAS, it has been determined that Dan Bowler d/b/a/ Dock Works offers the best service and experience.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Professional Debris Removal Services Contract be awarded to Dan Bowler d/b/a/ Dock Works, and BE IT 

RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute a contract with Dan Bowler d/b/a Dock Works for said services.

This article is based upon minutes provided by Maryellen Stofelano Town Clerk.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Long Lake Central is meeting COVID restrictions

 LLCS BOE October 8 2020

Long Lake Central is meeting COVID restrictions


LONG LAKE—When the Long Lake Central School Board of Education met on October 8, Noelle Short, Principal/Superintendent, said student and staff compliance with COVID restrictions have been wonderful.

She said board members will be given a health screening form at each meeting to complete.

Short dispersed Committee Rosters and board members were asked to sign up if interested in any committees.

An athletic choice board as an alternate to interscholastic sports is available for grades 7-12. The competition runs October 9 to November 6. Awards will be handed out at the end.

Parents were mailed a letter regarding our Positive Case Response Plan, Daily Health Screenings, Return to School for a Symptomatic Child, Siblings of a Symptomatic Child, Return to School Required Paperwork and Remote Learning While Waiting for Return to School. Public Health from different counties have interpreted the guidance differently which has created some problems. Attendance is counted if a student is being instructed remotely.

Teacher observations have not started yet. New teachers are settling into their roles.

Academic Intervention Services are starting next week. Grades K-6 services will be in person while grades 7-12 will receive instruction from 2:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. via Google Meets/Google Classroom.


Approved: On Motion by Alexandria Harris, seconded by Michael Farrell, with all in favor, the August 2020 Treasurer Reports.

Comprehensive Budget and Revenue Status Reports for the General and Lunch Funds, Budget Transfer Schedule A-1, and Warrants #A-5, C-2, and TA-3 were reviewed.


Approved: On Motion by Michael Farrell, seconded by Alexandria Harris, with all in favor, the District Wide Safety Plan dated September 1, 2020.

Approved: On Motion by Michael Farrell, seconded by Alexandria Harris, with all in favor, Policy #6550 Leaves of Absence and #8241 Patriotism, Citizenship and Human Rights Education.

Approved: On Motion by Michael Farrell, seconded by Alexandria Harris, with all in favor, 504 Recommendation for Student #202805.

Approved: On Motion by Trisha Hosley, seconded by Michael Farrell, with all in favor, RESOLVED, By the Board of Education of Long Lake Central School District that Retention and Disposition Schedule for New York Local Government Records (LGS-1), issued pursuant to Article 57-A of the Arts and Cultural Affairs Law, and containing legal minimum retention periods for local government records, is hereby adopted for use by all officers in legally disposing of valueless records listed therein.

Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with Article 57-A: only those records will be disposed of that are described in Retention and Disposition Schedule for New York Local Government Records (LGS-1), after they have met the minimum retention periods described therein;

(b) only those records will be disposed of that do not have sufficient administrative, fiscal, legal, or historical value to merit retention beyond established legal minimum periods.

Approved: On Motion by Trisha Hosley, seconded by Michael Farrell, with all in favor, Lillian Dechene as a teaching and cafeteria substitute.

Approved: On Motion by Alexandria Harris, seconded by Trisha Hosley, with all in favor, Grade 12 Spanish Textbook Adoption: The House on Mango Street.


The annual Schedule of Reserve Funds was reviewed.


Trisha Hosley asked about the arrival procedures for students of staff members, possibility of changing high school students and staff working hours and extra- curricular activities for students.

The CTSO first meeting of the school year will be October 20, 2020 at 5 p.m. at the Long View Lodge.


On Motion by Michael Farrell, seconded by Trisha Hosley, with all in favor, to enter Executive Session at 6:54 p.m. to Discuss Matters which will Imperil Student Safety if Disclosed.

Approved: On Motion by Michael Farrell, seconded by Trisha Hosley, with all in favor, to come out of Executive Session at 7:21 p.m.

Approved: On Motion by Michael Farrell, seconded by Trisha Hosley, with all in favor, the Building Level School Emergency Response Plan dated September 1, 2020.

The next meeting date is Thursday, November 12, 2020 at 6 p.m.

This article is based upon minutes provided by Clerk of the Board, Victoria J. Snide.

Wells hydroelectric plant in the black

 Wells TB September 14 2020

Wells hydroelectric plant in the black 


WELLS—At the September 14 meeting of the Wells Town Board, Supervisor Nick Mauro reported on the Lake Algonquin Hydroelectric Plant for August 2020. Revenues totaled $562.03; expenditures totaled $887.37. Year to date, revenues $85,806.69, expenditures $73,323.59.


RESOLUTION #79, Authorizing the Supervisor to enter a Professional Engineering Services Contract was TABLED

RESOLUTION #80, authorizing the Supervisor to enter a contract for debris removal was also TABLED.


Supervisor Mauro announced that unfortunately, due to the Wuhan China Virus, the town will not have a Town Picnic this year as it usually draws over 100 residents.


Position was advertised in the Hamilton County Express for two consecutive weeks and received interest from 2 applicants. Councilperson Lauria recalled holding interviews in the past with a Special Meeting, then going into Executive Session. This was to take place on Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 6 pm. Required Open Meeting Law will be followed with placement of a legal ad, posted on the Town Website and the Clerk’s bulletin board.


Supervisor Mauro read four letters of thanks. Resident, Dee Parker; Wells Garden Club for Town donation; Wells Historical Society for Town donation and resident Neil Higgins. Another letter received from Pricilla McBride regarding Verizon’s interest in modifying its tower on Ranger Road and AT&T’s interest to construct a tower on the same lot. AT&T is currently doing survey work and in discussion with the APA. She wanted to make sure Supervisor Mauro was aware of this and will forward via email any updates.


The Board reviewed the WVAC report for July 2020.


The Board reviewed the Building Code Enforcement Officer’s report for July 2020.


The Board reviewed the Water Department Report for July 2020.

George Paige reported work is complete at the Garth Weiss residence. Also, cleaning being done at the Hydro Plant.


The Board reviewed the Highway Superintendent’s Report for July 2020.


Councilperson Saltis thanked the Virginia Hosley Library for their donation to the Summer Rec program. Also asked if the Town was still on water restrictions, yes.

Councilperson Lauria, Buildings and Grounds Committee reported he has researched what grants there may be regarding ways to reduce electric costs. It appears all related grants are dried up, He asked Supervisor Mauro if he knew on a County level if any Town’s or the County are using solar panels. On behalf of Friends of Lake Algonquin, he asked the status of the 16 ft. dock at the boat launch. Supervisor Mauro explained that the contractor interested in removing the flood generated debris from the lake had access to a dock we might be interested in. He did not submit a bid when the first RFP was advertised. Therefore, status is unclear at this point.

Councilperson Crewell has been working with Jen Woodward, Bookkeeper and has a new appreciation of what her job entails.

Supervisor Mauro appreciated Highway Superintendent Earley and his crew for spreading new chips at the playground. Three loads were spread at $130 per load and it has really cleaned up the playground area.


John Higgins brought to the Boards attention confusion regarding the street signs on the Park Rd horseshoe and asked that they be changed clearly marking Park Rd. East and Park Rd. West where they intersect Algonquin Dr. He also suggested that the street sign for Montaigne Dr. be removed as there is no such road.

John Margies commented that there was supposed to be a road called Montaigne Rd. at one time. He also asked if there was a timetable for repairs on Griffin Rd. No, not currently and it is the Counties responsibility.

Supervisor Mauro added, Gilmantown Rd. probably will be completed sometime this fall.

Councilperson Crewell asked about our stance on watering vegetable gardens due to the restrictions. Supervisor Mauro asked everyone to be frugal and water in the evening.

This article is based on minutes provided by Maryellen Stofelano, Town Clerk.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Salt contamination levels leveling off in Lake Pleasant.

 LPTB September 21 2020

Salt contamination levels leveling off in Lake Pleasant.


LAKE PLEASANT—When the Lake Pleasant Town Board met on September 21, Supervisor Betsy Bain said she received a letter from Bill Dievendorf with the results of him testing the contaminated wells. The result being the salt contamination levels have leveled off. However, except for the Town Hall well, no significant improvement is noted.

The existing Reverse Osmosis Systems are treating the water satisfactorily, but, with time, they will require more maintenance and eventual replacement. He recommended a standby unit to be kept on hand with a quote of $3,100 McGovern suggested that money be put in the 2021 budget for the extra system.


Superintendent Randy Lavarnway stated that this Thursday September 24 will be the last Thursday garbage pick-up for the year, back to pick up on Mondays.

DOT removed the beaver dam under the Lake Pleasant bridge on Rt. 8 as there were many phone calls to the Town saying that people could not paddle through.

Head mechanic Don Pinkerton passed his Class B CDL road test today. Chip seal was done on Hamilton Lake Rd. all that needs to be done are the shoulders.

Next week, Tues. and Wed., Long View Drive and Old Indian Lake Rd. are getting 2- inch type 6 topcoat. The Highway Crew started to prep the old bus garage for fresh paint but seeing what shape the building was in Superintendent Lavarnway decided it would be less expensive to use metal siding. Some of the old broken windows are just being boarded up and covered by metal siding. The front and left side of the building is being done this year next year the other side the colors will match the other buildings.


Cristine Meixner handed out her study from 2017- 2020 on permits given out. After reviewing the figures, the new Williamson Law software should be paid off in 3 years with the new updates in fees. Supervisor Bain and Code/Zoning Officer met with the Mayor who is still working on fees so at this time the discussion is tabled until the next Board meeting, the sooner this gets decided the sooner we can inform the public of new fees.


Cristine Meixner has meet with Lake Pleasant School Superintendent about using the School for a shelter, during the pandemic the Superintendent will have to investigate where being a shelter fits in. Further discussion in the Spring.


OFFERED BY, Cristine Meixner and by Neil McGovern

RESOLVED, after much discussion the Board agreed to make the following changes to the present permit. Permit fee $75 plus $200 per 10 ft. of culvert.



Discussion on the dumpster request form - Don Braunius is concerned about the liability insurance coverage. he knows firsthand that it is not always easy to place these dumpsters where people requested. Don wants the wording added that the Town is not responsible for any property damage. Town Clerk said she would add the wording and bring it back to the table at the next Town Board Meeting.


There were two bids that were received by the Supervisor for the new flooring in the Primary Care building Ruby & Quiri $17,322 and David Ameden $19,529.

The board approved the low bid and RESOLVED, that the cost of the flooring will be covered by $10,000 in money that has been donated over the years and the balance paid by the consolidated health account. ADOPTED by all.


Supervisor Bain, Zoning/Code Officer Bob Benkovich and Speculator Mayor Barrett have been discussing a septic law there will be a committee set up to work on this.

There was a discussion on installing more electric vehicle charging stations. There are some at the Lane Emporium, and it was suggested maybe more at the Pavilion in the Village. Bain will talk to the Mayor on this.

Nancy Seifts and Don Braunius will be meeting with the O’Brien’s at Oak Mt. about kid’s ski lessons and try and draw up a youth recreation contract. This information is important for the youth rec budget line. Neil McGovern said he thinks there was one in the past maybe in the Supervisors office. Town Clerk will look in the past minutes.


Neil McGovern said he had gotten a call about the benches that the Village will no longer be responsible for the benches and their storage. Neil will investigate this and find out if this is true.

This article is based upon minutes provided by Deborah O’Rourke, Town Clerk.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Cost of Halloween storm mounts

 Supervisors Oct 1 2020

Cost of Halloween storm mounts


LAKE PLEASANT—When the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors met on October 1, continuing repair work done by the Hamilton County Highway Department on the damage done by the Halloween Storm of 2019 resulted in the need to pass the following resolution.


WHEREAS Resolution No. 89-20 Authorized Appropriations of $250,000 for repairs of damage from the Halloween Storm of 2019, and

WHEREAS, the DPW has been continuing repairs from the damage and needs more funding to continue the damage repairs, and

WHEREAS DPW Superintendent recommends the transfer of $400,000 from the County Road Fund balance to fund these ongoing repairs, be it

RESOLVED, that $400,000 be transferred from County Road Fund Balance in accordance with Section 366 Subdivision 1 of the County Law to Capital Account No. H7.8760.401 Halloween Storm 2019 and that hereby the County Treasurer is authorized to make the said transfer and the Clerk of the Board and County DPW Superintendent be so notified.


WHEREAS the 500 gallon above ground heating oil tank failed at the Indian Lake Facility for the Social Service wing, and

WHEREAS the tank must be replaced, and any contaminated soil must be removed per NYSDEC regulations, and

WHEREAS, the Superintendent has received two (2) written proposal for the replacement and installation of a new heating oil tank as follows:

RM Dalrymple Co. Inc, - $12,448.63.

Yocum Full Service Inc. - $15,850.

And WHEREAS, the Superintendent recommends accepting the proposal from RM Dalrymple, be it

RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors does hereby approve the proposal from RM Dalrymple to replace the said failed tank and the Superintendent be so authorized and the County Treasurer and Clerk of the Board be so advised.


RESOLVED, the following dates have been designated as the annual session for 2020: November 5 10:30 A.M.; November 10 10:30 A.M.; November 12 10:30 A.M.; November 17 10:30 A.M.; November 20 10:30 A.M. PUBLIC HEARING 11:00 A.M.; December 3 AUDIT 10:30 A.M.; December 18 AUDIT 10:30 A.M.

and be it further RESOLVED that any necessary changes will be subsequently arranged.


WHEREAS Hamilton County passed Resolution No 295-19 authorizing an agreement with Three+one Company, LLC, for investment analysis to help maximize the Counties investment opportunities, and

WHEREAS, Three+one Company, LLC, has provided the initial “CashVest” analysis plus two quarterly updates, which shows the necessary 3 to 1 benefit to receive the initial fee of $9,900 and the quarterly liquidity monitoring and reporting fee at .003/$1,000,000 invested, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that expenditure Account No. A1325.0411 Treasurers Investment Analysis Fees, be created in the amount of $16,120, to cover the initial fee of $9,900 plus the quarterly liquidity fee for the remainder of the year, which is to be totally offset by increasing Revenue Account No. A2401.0000 Interest and Earnings by $16,120, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to issue a check in the amount of $11,970 to Three+one, Company, LLC, from newly created Account No. A1325.0411 Treasurers Investment Analysis Fees, to cover initial fee plus four months of liquidity fee, and the Clerk of the Board be so advised.


WHEREAS, the County of Hamilton has approved the contract with Comprehensive Medicine PLLC to provide tele-psychiatry to residents of Hamilton receiving mental health services at Hamilton County Community Services, and

WHEREAS the utilization of services exceeded the cap of $45,000 specified in the 2020 contract, and

WHEREAS services projected to be provided by Comprehensive Medicine PLLC will require additional funding through the end of the current year, be it

RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby approves amending the County’s 2020 contract with Comprehensive Medicine PLLC to increase it from a $45,000 cap to a $54,000 cap and the Treasurer be so advised.


WHEREAS, this Board has received a recommendation from the Chairman of the Hamilton County Democrat Committee, in accordance with the provisions of Section 3-204 of the Election Law, to appoint Cathleen E. Rogers, a resident and qualified voter of the Town of Arietta, Commissioner of Elections, be it

RESOLVED, that the recommendation be accepted, and Cathleen E. Rogers is hereby appointed as Commissioner of Elections for a four-year term beginning January 1, 2021.


WHEREAS, New York State Urban Development Corporation, d/b/a Empire State Development (“ESD”), the New York Department of State (“DOS), and the New York Department of Labor (“DOL”), granted to Hamilton County an award of up to $20,000 from the Census 2020 Complete Count Outreach Grants program, and

WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Department of Planning, Tourism and Economy Development has been assigned the duty of forming a complete county committee for Hamilton County, and

WHEREAS, such a grant will help strengthen our efforts to provide, education, outreach, and communication to your citizens, this grant award will be contingent upon 75% of the grant proceeds must be allocated to approved Not-For-Profits or libraries while taking off the economic burden and all expenditures incurred under this grant must be in accordance with the Grant Disbursement Agreement, and

WHEREAS, ESD has described key funding requirements, award disbursement terms, and other relevant ESD terms and conditions, and

WHEREAS, Hamilton County has received 90% of the total grant, which was disbursed upon receipt of an executed GDA and a payment requisition form, and

WHEREAS, these monies are being tracked and disbursed by the Planning Tourism and Economic Development Office, and

WHEREAS expenditure and revenue lines need to be created and added to the budget of Planning, Tourism and Economic Development to accept and expend the funds, and

WHEREAS monies have already been expended for postage for an every door direct mailing charged to the Hamilton County credit card due the short amount of time left to promote the census, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that Account No. A8020.0416 Census Outreach Grant be created in the amount of $20,000 to be totally offset by creating and funding Revenue Account No. A3715 Census Outreach Grant in the amount of $20,000, and be it further

RESOLVED, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make payment to Cardmember Service (NBT Bank) in the amount of $631.94 from Account No. A8020.0416 Census Outreach Grant for said Every Door Direct Mailing.


WHEREAS Sheriff’s vehicle #619 was involved in an accident and the repairs for the damage was completed by Warrensburg Collison Center, Inc., and

WHEREAS an invoice for supplement repairs has been received and the Fleet Coordinator recommends the payment of the said repairs of vehicle #619, be it

RESOLVED, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to increase Account No. A1910.0402 Repairs to Vehicles-Insurance by $1,082.48 to be totally offset by increasing Revenue Account No. A2680.0000 Insurance Recoveries by $1,082.48, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make a check payable to Warrensburg Collision Center, Inc., Warrensburg, in the amount of $1,082.48 for Invoice #3059 and the funds be taken out of Account No. A1910.0402 Repairs to Vehicles-Insurance and the Fleet Coordinator and Clerk of the Board be so notified.


WHEREAS, Hamilton County has received the Annual Renewal Letter and Budget for the Court Cleaning Contract #C-300407 authorized by Resolution No. 301-18 adopted October 4, 2018, and

WHEREAS, said Renewal Letter covers State Fiscal Year 2020-2021 with a budget of $142,738, now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Letter of Renewal and Budget is hereby approved for State Fiscal Year 2020-2021, and the Chairman is authorized to sign the necessary documents and the County Treasurer be so notified.


WHEREAS there is a need to provide home health aide care to residents in Hamilton County, and

WHEREAS there are currently three full time home health aides providing services, and WHEREAS, there are still an average of 15 hours of home health aide service that we are unable to provide to our residents, be it

RESOLVED, that the Director of Public Health be authorized to hire Sara Smith as a temporary per-diem home health aide to be used as needed to address missed home health aide hours at a rate of $16.50 per hour with mileage reimbursement, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Hamilton County Public Health will cover the $800 cost for home health aide re-certification, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Account No. A4010.0120 Per Diem Home Health Aide be created and funded through a transfer of $10,000 from Account No. A4050.0125 P/T On Call RN, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Personnel Office be so notified, and the County Treasurer be so authorized.


WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service is required to provide for Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapy Services for children aged 3-5, who reside within Hamilton County and have a developmental delay as defined through a comprehensive evaluation, through the Committee on Pre-School Special Education (CPSE) process, and

WHEREAS, Wells Central School District can provide these related services through the New York State Department of Education, and

WHEREAS, the frequency and duration of services for each child is based on the findings of the comprehensive evaluation and rules applying to section 4410 of the NYS Education Law, as determined by the CPSE committee in preparing an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), and

WHEREAS the compensation for related services are set at rates in conjunction with the Rate Setting Unit of the NYS Department of Education, be it

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors is authorized to enter into a contract with said provider to provide the aforesaid services for the period of September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021 pursuant to an aforesaid IEP for each eligible child, with compensation for services rendered at the current approved rates set forth for Hamilton County by the Rate Setting Unit of the NYS Education Department, upon approval of  the County Attorney, and the County Treasurer be so notified.


WHEREAS Hamilton County Community Services (HCCS) participates in the Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP) grant with Citizens Advocates, Inc., and the Hudson Mohawk Area Health Education Center (HM AHEC) who is the recipient of the grant, and

WHEREAS, Citizens Advocates, Inc. receives funding from the grant from the HM AHEC as they hold the certification for Substance Use Disorder treatment services provided by HCCS, and

WHEREAS an agreement has been developed that will allow Citizens Advocates, Inc. to pass through funding from the grant from the HM AHEC to HCCS to provide local services, trainings and support identified in the RCORP grant, be it

RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes the Chairman to sign the Independent Contractor Agreement with Citizens Advocates, Inc. to allow HCCS to receive the funding.


WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Motor Vehicle Office continues to be backlogged and extremely busy due to the COVID pandemic and the DMV regulations and protocols as instituted the Governor, and State DMV which are having a direct effect on our office efficiency, and

WHEREAS, we have taken steps to help alleviate some of this back log by closing to the General Public on Wednesdays to help push through this situation, and

WHEREAS, as of October 5, 2020, we have taken an additional step to help reduce the backlog by only processing transactions for Hamilton County Taxpayers, and

WHEREAS, we have worked many hours paid and most recently unpaid, to help alleviate this backlog and the employees have done this out of a caring for the County, a strong work ethic and pride in their jobs, and

WHEREAS the employees of this office should be paid to compensate for this additional time they are working, and

WHEREAS there is additional money left in Motor Vehicle Clerk #3 (1410.106) as the new employee did not start until August 10, 2020, and

WHEREAS the Central Government Committee met on September 21, 2020 to discuss this issue and agreed that the money could be transferred to help cover these costs, and

WHEREAS, in consultation with the Hamilton County Treasurer's Office, it was determined that after the remaining payrolls for 2020 and the previous transfer, there will be a balance in the account of $14,505.20, therefore, be it

RESOLVED that $12,000 be transferred from Motor Vehicle Clerk 3, 1410.106 to Additional Hours, 1410.108 and the Hamilton County Treasurer be so notified.


WHEREAS Hamilton County was awarded a grant in the amount of $540,399 from New York State Office of Interoperable Communications, contract # C198204, and

WHEREAS, it has been determined that additional Microwave Towers are needed to achieve the interoperability required with said grant, and

WHEREAS locations for these Towers have been found in both Piseco and Morehouse, and

WHEREAS a Path Study is required to ensure that the Microwave signal can be viably sent from Lake Pleasant to Piseco and then on to Morehouse to achieve the required interoperability, and

WHEREAS, a Purchase Order in the amount of $18,699 under NYS contract PM67989 is required by Lightspeed Technologies, Inc in order to authorize the Path Study to be done to ensure the required Microwave connectivity, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Office of Emergency Services be authorized to issue the required Purchase Order for the Path Study to Lightspeed Technologies, Inc. in the amount of $18,699, with funding for said order coming from Interoperability grant # WM17198204, Contract # C198204, Account No. A3645.0418 SI17-1003-D00.


WHEREAS, Verizon Wireless has requested the County of Hamilton to enter a lease for the extension and use of the tower situated at the County Courthouse complex, Lake Pleasant, New York, and

WHEREAS the aforesaid tower extension and use by Verizon Wireless will enhance the broadband capacity for users within the County of Hamilton, now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to sign a lease with New York RSA2 Cellular Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless for the extension and use of the tower at the County Courthouse Complex, Lake Pleasant, New York.