Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hamilton County seeks solid waste grant

Supervisors July 22 2019

County seeks solid waste grant
By Pete Klein
The Hamilton County Board of Supervisors met in a special session on July 22 and passed several resolutions, starting with a resolution authorizing Barton & Loguidice, P.C. to Prepare a Solid Waste Grant.
The resolution reads as follows, “WHEREAS, Resolution No. 119-17 authorized Barton and Loguidice, P.C. to complete a county-wide solid waste study for efficiency, consolidation and possible grant opportunities which
has now been completed, and
“WHEREAS, the County Public Works Committee recommends, after reviewing the study, that Barton and Loguidice, P.C prepare a New York State Consolidated Funding application for 2019 for Solid Waste Equipment, be it
RESOLVED, that Hamilton County Board of Supervisors authorizes Barton and
Loguidice, P.C. of Syracuse, NY to prepare a New York State Consolidated Funding application for 2019 for Solid Waste Equipment on behalf of Hamilton County.”
The resolution passed unanimously and further authorized and directed Hamilton County’s Chairman, William G. Farber to submit the New York State Consolidated Funding Application and was authorized to execute all other documents necessary for the implementation of this work, and is also authorized to execute all financial and/or administrative processes related to the grant program.
Seconded by
According to the following resolution New York State wishes to see County-wide Shared Services to identify, propose and implement new actions to save taxpayers money through shared, coordinated and more efficient services between local governments within the county.
The resolution passed by all states that “WHEREAS, Hamilton County relies on snowmobiling to support our winter economy and sustain our year round businesses, and Hamilton County is desirous in creating a Snowmobile Trail and Equipment Shared Services effort to avoid duplication of key equipment and create efficiencies in claiming and other associated work, and
“WHEREAS, Hamilton County is desirous to apply for the Consolidated Funding Application, and
“WHEREAS, all Hamilton County towns and village will financially benefit from the enhanced trail maintenance by having this improved central support system and therefore providing for better visitor experiences, and
“WHEREAS, the citizens of Hamilton County will also benefit from the enhanced trail system, and
“WHEREAS, Hamilton County can lighten the burden on the towns and Village by
assuming the duties of tracking the grooming routes for reimbursement, and applying for equipment grants, and
“WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Shared Services Panel recorded its unanimous support for this application, and
“WHEREAS, Consolidated Funding Applications are due by July 26, 2019, therefore, be it
“RESOLVED, that the Director of Planning Tourism & Economic Development is hereby authorized to file a CFA for this purpose and retain the necessary help to do so, and be it further
“RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby records it strong support for this funding application.”
Seconded by
The following resolution was unanimously passed by the Board of Supervisors.
“WHEREAS, because of some unforeseen fleet vehicle mechanical issues that caused two vehicles to be taken out of service, the Fleet Coordinator is recommending the purchase of one vehicle immediately, and
“WHEREAS, the Fleet Coordinator has met with the Public Works Committee to discuss the said vehicle purchase, be it
“RESOLVED, that hereby the Fleet Coordinator is authorized to purchase one (1) New 2018 Dodge Durango with options from Main Motorcar of Johnstown, NY under New York State Contract PC66680, Mini Bid #19030078 pricing at a cost of $29,317.
The following resolution was passed by all supervisors, except for William Farber who abstained.
“WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2-19 dated January 3, 2019 appointed Frank Mezzano Budget Officer for a term of January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019, and
“WHEREAS, Frank Mezzano resigned from the position on July 5, 2019, be it
“RESOLVED, that William G. Farber is hereby appointed as Budget Officer for the remainder of the term.”
The following resolution was passed by all to help ensure the success of the Hamlets to Huts program.
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes the submission of 2019 NYSDOS Local Waterfront Revitalization Project CFA – Phase 3 Adirondack Hamlets to Huts Project 2019 Empire State Development CFA – Phase 1 Adirondack Hamlets to Huts Indian Lake Lodge Project and be it further RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby records its strong support for both of these projects, asking that all due consideration be given to funding these two critical projects.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Town of Hope lists progress made

Hope TB July 8 2019

Town of Hope lists progress made
By Pete Klein
When the Hope Town Board met on July 8, Supervisor Steven Tomlinson presented the town board and public with a list of accomplishments made since January 1, 2017. He wrote the following: “I just want to take a moment to thank all of the Town of Hope Officials that helped make a positive change since my term as Supervisor began. All the improvements the we have recently made, have truly been a team effort. I wanted to give you a synopsis of the new and improved Town of Hope. - Initiating a shared service program allowing the County to handle our bookkeeping and payroll, saving the town thousands of dollars per year. Switched our Health Insurance and Liability Insurance to a more competitive provider saving the town money. We upgraded our main playground equipment for our town youth. We worked with the Northville Central School District allowing the girls’ varsity softball team to have a successful season utilizing our facility. We had another successful Town Picnic with more participants as well as a visit from Senator Jim Tedisco. We took on a capital improvement project insulating the Highway Garage and installing new metal siding saving 30% on heating costs this past year. We worked with Frontier Communications to upgrade our town’s internet services on Route 30. We worked diligently with Spectrum/Time Warner Cable to build a new service line servicing 180 customers with high speed internet, phone and cable services. We started a very successful first ever town wide garbage cleanup week. We started a weekly garbage pickup for our residents which is growing with more success every week. We have increased our fund balance. We have decreased our expenses.”
Tomlinson added, ‘While creating new services and improving on old, the Town of Hope has managed to stay under the 2% New York State mandated tax cap. Without all your help this would not have been possible. Thank you again for dedicating your time and services to our great town.”
Supervisor Tomlinson handed out a report given to him by Code Enforcer Mike Stewart. It read as follows: “I issued a permit for a garage addition to Frank Piazza of NYS Rte. 30. I spoke with the Town Justice and August 6 will be the court date for Dennis Lynch of 860 NYS Rte. 30 regarding trash, junk and junk vehicles. I will be following up at 750 NYS Rte. 30 tomorrow although it appears that progress has been made driving by. I am talking with Reffitt’s at 323 Hope Falls Road and am waiting to hear from their contractors regarding a ramp and bathroom modifications. I am still working with John Pertell to get information needed to issue a permit for changes he is making to a camp on NYS Rte. 30. I will be issuing the final CO for Ron Batcher’s new house on NYS Rte. 30.
Supervisor Tomlinson presented the board with a quote for $4,648 for a new dumpster. Highway Superintendent Zac Colson stated the old metal dumpster is falling apart, with the door coming off and the sides starting to give way. He would like to junk that one and replace it with either one of the garbage or C & D dumpsters and then replace that with a new one.
A resolution to purchase a new dumpster at a cost of $4,648 was approved by all.
10) Resolved is the approval of a new dumpster for the Transfer Station for $4648.00.
Highway Superintendent Zachery Colson presented the board with his written reports as follows: “Last month I drove to Pennsylvania with the Town of Benson’s Superintendent to look at a mowing tractor with him. It was a 2006 New Holland and it was in good shape. Since then, Benson has bought the tractor and has offered it to the highway department to use it under the shared service agreement.
“We finished ditching CR 21 (Maple Grove). It took us about 3 weeks to finish the ditching. The residents that live in that area were all pleased with how it turned out.
“Last week I saw-cut the black top on Creek Road where the culverts dip. We will be digging those up this week and filling them with cold patch, so they have a smoother transition.
“I met with Lenny Croote from Hamilton County Soil and Water a couple weeks ago about the issue with the under mining on river road. He has an idea to fix the erosion by placing some water bars in the river and then rip rapping the shoreline. (Zac presented the board with an aerial shot of the river and showed where this would be placed.)
“Steve and I ordered the picnic tables for the pavilion. They will be arriving this week and I also attached the new service at the pavilion, and it is powered up. (Supervisor Tomlinson thanked Zac for his hard work on the power project. He stated there was a lot to it.)”
Councilperson John Stuart Jr. asked if there is a grant available for the River Road project and if so, can we get it before winter? Superintendent Colson stated he will contact his rep at CHIPS.
Supervisor Tomlinson asked Superintendent Colson if he could talk to Lenny Croote and ask if there were any other options. Superintendent Colson said he will.
Superintendent Colson also stated he will have Mr. Croote get the permit for the rip rap and he will let him know that the board wants to table the rest of the ideas put forth to possible think of other alternatives.
Superintendent Colson also presented the board with a quote to pave the parking lot at the Highway Garage and Town Hall. Supervisor Tomlinson said this is just one idea for future projects. He said paving also needs to be done at the Firehouse and the Transfer Station road. This led to a discussion on getting something going soon to put a new well in at the pavilion area that would feed the firehouse, pavilion and possible the transfer station.
Resident and Fire Chief Peter Robinson was present and agreed that this would be a great project and he liked the idea. Currently, the pump at the firehouse won’t come on and there have been many ongoing issues with water at their building. Supervisor Tomlinson will get some quotes for this project and present to the board soon.
Superintendent Colson advised the board that the paving project on Creek Road will be covered using CHIPS money.
Supervisor Tomlinson states the cab and chasey of the new truck is not slated to arrive at Viking until November 12 of this year. The truck will not be ready for delivery to the town until January or February of 2020. Due to the truck not arriving until next year, Supervisor Tomlinson asked that we moved that money (about $100,000) from the Highway Checking to the Highway Savings until it is needed in 2020.
By resolution the full board approved transferring the truck money from the Highway Checking to the Highway Savings until it is needed in 2020.
Town Clerk Jill Dunham stated she will be calling Stanley Steamers for carpet cleaning at the Town hall. She also will be calling Derby Office Equip for service and maintenance on the copier.
Dunham advised there are only 2 rentals of the pavilion this summer. She is also looking for information on who to send the meeting notes to at Hamilton County news since the retirement of Peter Klein.
Councilperson William Witts will reach out the HCN and get back to Jill on this.
Councilperson John Stuart Jr. asked Superintendent Colson if the highway department would be ditching. Superintendent Colson they are currently doing the ditching on Schribner Hill Road and will start brush cutting on Old Route 30. He plans to rent a lift to do the brush cutting.
Councilperson John Stuart Jr. also asked for the date of the town picnic. It is September 15.
Councilperson Dianna Downing asked if Jill can make some fliers to hand out at the transfer station or on garbage pickups. Jill will print some and place them.

Editor’s note: This story is based upon meeting minutes provided by Town Clerk Jill Dunham.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Inlet’s Green New Deal

Inlet TB July 9 2019

Inlet’s Green New Deal
By Pete Klein
The Inlet Town Board unanimously supported the Green New Deal when it met on July 9 and passed the following resolution.
WHEREAS, the Town of Inlet believes that all communities can help reduce climate threats on both the local and global environments; and
WHEREAS, the effects of climate threats could endanger our infrastructure, economy and livelihoods; harm our farms, orchards, and ecological communities, including native fish and wildlife populations; spread invasive species and exotic diseases; reduce drinking water supplies and recreational opportunities; and pose health threats to our citizens; and
WHEREAS, we believe that our response to climate threats provides us with an unprecedented opportunity to save money, and to build livable, energy-independent and secure communities, vibrant innovation economies, healthy and safe schools, and resilient infrastructures; and
WHEREAS, we believe the scale of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions required for climate stabilization will require sustained and substantial efforts; and
WHEREAS, we believe that even if emissions were dramatically reduced today, communities may be required to adapt to the effects of climate threats for decades to come,
IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that Town of Inlet, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate, adopts the New York State Climate Smart Communities pledge, which comprises the following ten elements: Build a climate-smart community; Inventory emissions, set goals, and plan for climate action; Decrease energy use; Shift to clean, renewable energy; Use climate-smart materials management; Implement climate-smart land use; Enhance community resilience to climate change; Support a green innovation economy; Inform and inspire the public; Engage in an evolving process of climate action.
Highway Superintendent Shawn Hansen reported on the numerous projects being done with the Highway Department throughout the town. Some of which are hauling material for new building, hauling black top for County, working on Moose River Plains road, started mowing sides of road, and grade Uncas Roads.
Hansen thanked Peckham for use of roller. Hansen also stated that they will be chip sealing the section of 7th Lake Road, however, delays won’t be long.
Department helped plant 11 trees at Fern Park and new tree at Town Hall, worked on road in Moose River Plains, worked with new employee, worked on base for new equipment storage building and culverts on Uncas Road.
Hansen thanked Town of Webb for use of bang stage.
Hansen reported the Transfer station is open 7 days /week 9-6.  He reported that he advertised for the seasonal, full-time employee and did not find anyone.
Hansen would like to hire Cory Hansen. He cannot operate machinery and work alone, but the Board had no issues with hiring him. 
Hansen received two bids on the new bin he would like to purchase. Low bid was $6,275 with delivery included.
The board approved purchasing the bin with Bucks.
AT&T signed contract for service, however, still need to get the height needed for tower from the APA. C&S is now working on mapping that we will need for the APA permit.
Supervisor Frey reported that the DEC wants more information on the docking 6th lake dock accessibility for physically challenged people that we are looking to do still. There was discussion on possible designs of this access assistance. We need to submit possible design ideas to the DEC.
Planning Board has stamped Dave Corasanti maps. The Master Plan is near ready for public hearing.
Adele Burnett has volunteered to sit on the Youth Commission.
The board approved.
Supervisor Frey commended Peckham on a good job. They were only two days overdue on the date they said they would be out of the center of town.
Frey wanted to stress that when you are in the parks of our Town or on trails, you might encounter uneven terrain. It is important to stay alert and watch where you are walking, sitting.
Barb Murdock asked if trailers are permitted to park at all on 6th Lake Road and if any parking is allowed along the entire length of the road. It was clarified that there should be no trailer parking at all on the road, that trailers should be brought to Fern Park, however, the signs do not indicate that no parking is permitted.
Barb asked if we can get more signage and if police can enforce. Barb also inquired as to when the sand on the beach will get spread out.
Supervisor Frey stated he will get the UTV personally and put the rakes on it to spread the sand. The lifeguards can help spread and rake sand when there are no swimmers in the water.
Peggy Brownell asked if the audits were done for all years and if we were up to date.
Frey explained that the delays were due to Mary having to wait on the State to clarify and approve prior audits before moving on.
Peggy asked when we are looking to finish the Townsend Trail and if we were still on schedule for this Fall.
Shawn Hansen explained he is still waiting to find out the DOT’s plans for culvert extensions before proceeding, but still plans on continuing work this Fall.
Gary Zawatski asked the reason for the increase in this year’s sewer bill.
Frey explained that the costs to run the plant, including hauling has increased.
Peggy Brownell asked if there could be more police presence in the passing zone after Drake’s on Route 28 toward her house. Some ideas of placing unmanned cars was discussed, however, that poses additional problems.
Peggy asked if the car show could be moved in the future to Fern Park because of the problem with parking and congestion in the Town.
Connie Perry mentioned how difficult it is to pull out of The Woods Inn parking lot with the way the road is cross hatched now for parking and limited parking. There was a lengthy discussion on the crosshatched areas and pedestrian cross walks and what could be done to alleviate some of the parking and line of sight problems.
Councilman Tim Brownsell made a Motion, Seconded by Councilman Herb Schmid to cut some of the crosshatches back in town. All approved and the motion passed.
Shawn Hansen will discuss this with DOT and Peckham road crew.
Highway Superintendent Shawn Hansen asked Peggy Brownell where she would like to see the “curb your dog” signs on the Townsend Trail.

Editor’s note: This story is based upon the minutes of Yvonne Lutz, Town Clerk.

Wells Central School to join Harvard center on rural education

Wells Central School to join Harvard center on rural education

Cambridge, MA (July 22, 2019)— Today, Wells Central School District joins 50 rural schools as a part of the National Center for Rural Education Research Networks (NCRERN), an initiative of the Center for Education Policy Research (CEPR) at Harvard University. Funded by the Institute of Education Sciences at the U.S. Department of Education, the district will have the opportunity to apply the Proving Ground model of evidence-based improvement to address chronic absenteeism, college readiness, and college enrollment.
“Students who are chronically absent are at-risk for lacking the necessary skills and ultimately failing” says Thomas Sincavage, Superintendent of Wells Central Schools. “By being a part of the National Center for Rural Education Research Networks, our district anticipates learning from and collaborating with other rural districts in New York and Ohio.  We are hoping to share ideas from evidence-based research that will help students from Wells Central School meet their full potential.”
NCRERN will produce tools for identifying students most at risk for absenteeism and being unprepared for college as well as change management resources designed to guide rural schools in addressing chronic absenteeism, college readiness, and college enrollment. Throughout the five years, the Center’s member districts will collaborate on shared challenges, learning from each other to guide future work on school improvement.
“The network brings together our expertise in strategic management and analytics and our partners’ expertise in supporting rural students,” says Bi Vuong, Proving Ground director and NCRERN interim director. “We are excited to have the opportunity to collaborate with districts committed to learning with us and sharing their expertise with each other.”
Applicants were chosen based on alignment between the district’s strategic goals and the work of the Center, capacity to utilize data for decision making, commitment to continuous improvement practices, and geographic distribution.
“The districts selected to be part of the National Center for Rural Education Research Network deserve congratulations,” said Capital Region BOCES District Superintendent Anita Murphy. “Their selection represents a uniquely valuable opportunity for them to bring the power of evidence and the Proving Ground improvement model to bear on some of the most pressing issues facing rural districts including chronic absenteeism and college readiness and enrollment.  I look forward to learning alongside our districts as they work to improve student outcomes together.”
Funding: The Institute of Education Sciences is awarding $10 million to support the National Center for Rural Education Research Networks (NCRERN); it is being cost shared by IES (91%) and the Center of Education Policy Research (CEPR) at Harvard University and its partners, New York and Ohio (9%).
About NCRERN leadership: Thomas J. Kane is an economist and Walter H. Gale Professor of Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, as well as faculty director of the Center for Education Policy Research (CEPR). Douglas O. Staiger is the John French Professor in Economics at Dartmouth College. Christopher Avery is the Roy E. Larsen Professor of Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School. Bi Vuong, Proving Ground Director (CEPR), will act as interim director of the Center.
About the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University: The Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University seeks to transform education through quality research and evidence. CEPR and its partners believe all students will learn and thrive when education leaders make decisions using facts and findings, rather than untested assumptions. Learn more at cepr.harvard.edu.
About Proving Ground: Proving Ground, a CEPR initiative, works to make evidence-gathering and evidence-use an intuitive part of how education agencies conduct their daily work. Proving Ground utilizes a continuous improvement framework to help agencies rapidly identify and test solutions to specific challenges. Learn more at provingground.cepr.harvard.edu
About the Institute of Education Sciences: The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) is the independent and non-partisan statistics, research, and evaluation arm of the U.S. Department of Education. Their mission is to provide scientific evidence on which to ground education practice and policy and to share this information in formats that are useful and accessible to educators, parents, policymakers, researchers, and the public. Learn more at https://ies.ed.gov.

Counties call on DEC to appeal decision on snowmobile and hiking trails in Adirondacks

Counties call on DEC to appeal decision on snowmobile and hiking trails in Adirondacks

Earlier this month, the State Appellate Division Third Department ruled that the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) must halt planned construction of a trail intended for snowmobile and hiker use.
“This ruling is a severe setback to the people of New York State and interferes with those who choose to enjoy the stated purpose of the great state park - outdoor recreation. The Adirondack counties and communities contained therein host the outdoor recreational opportunities created by these important nature trails,” said Stephen J. Acquario, executive director of the New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC).
On behalf of its Adirondack Counties, NYSAC today stated their support for the goals of this DEC trail program and urges the Governor, the State Attorney General, and the DEC to appeal the decision.
By statutory and constitutional authority, the DEC designs, constructs, and maintains all trails in Adirondack Forest Preserve. The DEC has always created trails there with two main principles in mind: maintaining the integrity of the Adirondack Forest Preserve and allowing for sustainable access into the preserve for the public to enjoy. In 2014, in keeping with this tradition, the DEC began construction of a 27-mile trail to be used by snowmobiles in the winter and by hikers in the other seasons. DEC's goal with this trail was to protect the Adirondack Forest Preserve by minimizing existing environmental concerns and overuse on unofficial trails. Accordingly, this project would move existing snowmobile trails to the edge of the Forest Preserve and away from areas that are more susceptible to damage.
The NYS Constitution's forever wild protection provisions regarding the land with the Adirondack Park states, “nor shall timber be sold, removed or destroyed.” This recent court decision redefines “timber” to include brush (twigs) and small trees less than three inches in diameter, which had been the standard of timber.
NYSAC agrees with the dissenting opinion, which defines this project to be reasonable under the Constitution because the trail is limited in its small tree removal and whatever the advantages may be of having wild forest lands preserved in their natural state, the advantages are for everyone within the state and for the use of the people of the state.
“Ultimately, the new trail would promote and maintain the integrity of the Adirondack Forest Preserve by promoting access along a carefully constructed, sustainable trail, planned through environmental forestry management principles by expert staff at the DEC. These principles would minimize the environmental impact while also preserving and stewarding public lands for the public to enjoy. We urge the state to appeal to a higher level of authority,” said Acquario.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Wells Central school lunch program in the red

WCS BOE July 10 2019

Wells Central school lunch program in the red
By Pete Klein
When the Wells Central School Board of Education met on July 10, the board took the following actions to rectify a deficit in the school lunch program.
The board approved the transfer of funds on report A-2 for the 2018/2019 school year. The motion was made by Ken Hoffman, seconded by William Stuart, and carried 5-0.
Resolved, the Wells Central School District’s Board of Education declared the $27,832.50 deficit in the School Lunch an ordinary contingent expense and authorized an interfund transfer from the General Fund to the Cafeteria Fund in the amount of $28,000. Such expenditure will be offset by Appropriated Fund Balance in the General Fund. The motion was made by Ken Hoffman, seconded by Rachel Lauria, and carried 5-0.
Resolved, the Wells Central School District Board of Education authorized a General Fund budget increase of $28,000 with a transfer of funds from the General Fund to offset the operating loss in the School Lunch Fund at June 30, 2019. The motion was made by Dorman Reese, seconded by Rachel Lauria, and carried 5-0.
The Board of Education reviewed the Information and Correspondence. The July enrollment report provided by Jessica Damphier listed the current enrollment at 150.
The Board reviewed the Appropriation Status and Revenue Budget Status Reports. Superintendent Thomas D. Sincavage reviewed the fund balance report.
The board approved the 2019/2020 Art Teacher Services Contract with Lake Pleasant Central School District. The motion was made by Ken Hoffman, seconded by Rachel Lauria, and carried 5-0.
Sincavage gave the Superintendent’s Report. Sincavage discussed appointing a Clerk of the Works for the Upcoming Capital Project.
Sincavage gave an update for the Harvard Proving Ground Grant. The school was one out of the 30 schools chosen from NYS to participate in the study. The school district will have to attend at least two state meetings and at least one of the national meetings that will be held.
The June 2019 Regents results are in and the scores have consistently gone up. 92.5% of Regents exams were passed and 40% of the Regents exams had a grade of 85% or better, which indicates mastery of the subject.
The board approved for a second reading the following policies:4.340 Teacher Employment Policy, 4.500 Health Insurance Benefits - Retired Employees, 4.510 and 5.730 Meals and Refreshments, 4.520 Conference Request, 4.530 and 8.930 Sex Offender Notification Policy, and 4.540 and 8.940 Concussion Management School Policy. The motion was made by Dorman Reese, seconded by Rachel Lauria, and carried 5-0.
The board approved the Self Evaluation performed on June 19, 2019. The motion was made by Dorman Reese, seconded by William Stuart, and carried 5-0.
The Board reviewed the calendar of events.
During Public Access, a guest asked how students at Wells compared to other districts regarding the regents testing. Sincavage noted that he was unable to get the statistics regarding other districts scores.
Before the start of the regular meeting, the board held its yearly organization meeting. What follows is only a partial list of items approved. The full list may be obtained at the school offices.
Following the Pledge of Allegiance, the Board elected Board Officers.  Ken Hoffman nominated Cathie Rust for President, seconded by Dorman Reese, and carried 4-0. Cathie Rust nominated Ken Hoffman for Vice President, seconded by Dorman Reese, and carried 4-0. The Oath of Office and Certificate of Residency was conducted.
The following Personnel Appointments were approved on a motion made Ken Hoffman, seconded by Dorman Reese, and carried 4-0.
District Clerk Resolution: To appoint the Confidential Secretary to the Superintendent, Rachelle Dwyer as Clerk for the WCS BOE for the 2019/2020 school year, with an annual stipend of $1,976 from July 1, 2019 through August 31, 2020.
Purchasing Agent Resolution: To appoint the Superintendent as Purchasing Agent for the District for 2019/2020 school year.
District Treasurer/*Deputy District Treasurer Resolution: To appoint Martha Brown as District Treasurer with a contract of $31,616 and Jessica Damphier as Deputy District Treasurer for the 2019/2020 school year.
Treasurer/Deputy Treasurer for Extra Curricular Funds Resolution: To appoint Martha Brown as Central Treasurer (stipend as per teachers’ contract) and Jessica Damphier as *Deputy Central Treasurer for the Extracurricular Activities Fund for the 2019/2020 school year.
School Attorneys Resolution: To appoint the firm of Girvin and Ferlazzo as School Attorneys for the District for the 2019/2020 school year (hourly rate $170/hr. for legal services, $190/hr. for litigation; not on a retainer)
Auditing Firm Resolution: To appoint Marvin and Company as the accounting and auditing firm for the District for the 2019/2020 with a maximum stipend of $13,200.
The following Personnel Appointments were approved on a motion made Dorman Reese, seconded by Ken Hoffman, and carried 4-0. Ken Hoffman abstained from
Tax Collector/Deputy Tax Collector Resolution: To appoint Kathy Simons as Tax Collector with a stipend of $2,729 and Stephanie Hoffman as *Deputy Tax Collector for the District for the 2019/2020 school year.
School Physician Resolution: To appoint Dr. Sunkara and Nathan Littauer (Primary Care) Hospital as School Physician for the District with a per diem stipend for bus driver and student physicals as per contract, for the 2019/2020 school year.
Comptroller and Second Signature for Student Activities Account Resolution: To appoint the Superintendent of Schools as *Comptroller and the Confidential Secretary to the Superintendent as a*Second signature for the Student Activity Accounts for the 2019/2020 school year.
Attendance Officer Resolution: To appoint the Superintendent of Schools as Attendance Officer for the 2019/2020 school year.
Election Inspectors Resolution: To appoint Cherie Rene Hammer, Roselyn Simons, M. Cathy Simons, Carene Christiansen, Betty Lou Orr, Deneen Parker, Marlene Rust and Elizabeth Taylor as Election Inspectors for the 2019/2020 school year at a rate of $100.00 per vote.
Transportation Supervisor Resolution: To appoint Mindy Morrison as Transportation Supervisor for the 2019/2020 school year. The annual stipend is $10,594 for this position.
Athletic Director Resolution: To appoint Jeremy Siddon as Athletic Director for the 2019/2020 school year.
Approval of Bonding Resolution: To approve bonding in the following amounts: all employees, Faithful Performance, $100,000; Tax Collector’s Bond $1,000,000. and Treasurer’s, Deputy Treasurer’s and Claims Auditor’s Bond $1,000,000.
Cell Phone use authorization Resolution: The Superintendent of Schools is authorized to use a cell phone. In addition, the Superintendent may deem cell phone use appropriate on an “as needed” basis for other employees such as bus drivers, custodians, district employees who are attending conferences, etc.
Legal Newspapers Resolution: To designate The Hamilton County Express and The Leader Herald as the legal newspapers for the District for 2019/2020.
Mileage Reimbursement Rate Resolution: To approve the mileage reimbursement rate at the current I.R.S. rate of 58.0 cents per mile (as per contracts: rate changes when I.R.S. changes rate) for the 2019/2020 school year.
Compensation rates for Substitute Teachers/Workers Resolution: To establish the compensation rate for substitute teachers and aides at $85. per diem for non-certified teachers and $100. per diem for certified teachers, and for substitute nurses $100. per day. Resolution: To establish the compensation rate for substitute cleaners and cafeteria workers at $11.80 per hour.
Designation of Health Examiner for School Physician Resolution: The Board of Education approves Kristy Wright, School Nurse as Dr. Sunkara, School Physician’s designee to review health examinations and interval health histories.
Designation of Meal Prices for School Lunch Program Resolution: The Wells Central School Board of Education sets the meal prices for the school lunch program for the 2019/2020 school year as follows: Lunch - $1.90 2nd Lunch - $1.25 Lunch Entrée - $.75 Reduced Price - $.25 Milk $.40.

Editor’s note: This story is based upon the minutes as provided by District Clerk Rachelle Dwyer.

Indian Lake Citizen of The Year - Terry DeArmas

ILTB July 8 2019

Citizen of The Year - Terry DeArmas
By Pete Klein
Indian Lake Supervisor Brian Wells started the July 8 meeting of the Indian Lake Town Board by saying it was an honor to announce the Citizen of the Year Award to Terry DeArmas.
He asked Terry to come before the Board to accept her plaque and offered the Resolution for Citizen of The Year 2019 to Terry DeArmas.
It was Seconded by, Councilman Richard Clawson, Councilwoman Sally Stanton, Councilwoman Patricia Ryan Curry and Councilman John Rathbun.
The resolution reads as follows: “WHEREAS; The Town Board of the Town of Indian Lake wish to recognize and thank "Terry DeArmas" for her service and dedication to the Town of Indian Lake, AND WHEREAS; Terry has been involved in numerous organizations, AND WHEREAS; Terry has been an active member of the North Country Crafters for many years, AND WHEREAS; Terry has been the past President and now current Secretary of the Indian Lake Garden Club, a Club that is instrumental in the beautification of the town center, AND WHEREAS; Terry is part of the Steering Committee for the Country Christmas Tour and Co-Chair of the bake sale held annually for the Tour, AND WHEREAS; Terry has also been the Invasive Species Coordinator for the Town of Indian Lake, AND WHEREAS; Terry is the President of the Indian Lake Theater Board as well as an active member of the Indian Lake Community Development Corporation, “THEREFORE BE IT RESOLOVED; that on this day of July 8, 2019 the Town Board of the Town of Indian Lake do hereby recognize, thank and commend "Terry DeArmas" for her dedication, commitment and service to the Town of Indian Lake, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLOVED; that this Resolution# 6 in the year 2019 be put in the Official Minutes and Official Resolution Book of the Town of Indian Lake.”
Supervisor Wells thanked Terry for her service to the Town stating it was well deserved.
Meade Hutchins questioned the Abanakee Dam. Supervisor Wells stated that he had a meeting last week with Laberge, Rozell and John Smith, PE of NYS Dam safety. He stated they all went over what we would be doing this year with the Abanakee Dam and how long this would take. Supervisor Wells stated that this was like a broken record. He stated they would be starting this week. They plan on two weeks with good weather, not a lot of high water and they plan on getting it done. After all is completed there will be three to ten days of curing time. At that time, they will pull the steel plates they had made to cover up the patches and will pump the grout in. This will be filmed by the diver and reviewed. He told the Board he would like a separate Engineering Firm to review the film as it is being shown, before the Town does any sign off. He stated that before we do that, he would be talking to our Attorneys, he will be talking to Pam Howard, Senior Account Clerk about how much extra this cost us and how much of a hold back we will be entitled too. He stated that if that does not cover it all, there are fines of $250 a day since the deadline. He stated that it was about two years over the deadline so this could be substantial. He also stated he was not looking to put anyone out of business however Indian Lake is not going to pay for the mistakes.
Supervisor Wells thanked Josselyn Bennett for the 4th of July parade. Councilwoman Stanton questioned if there was any room left in the upcoming Youth program. Josselyn stated there was not, but she does have a late list of kids in case a spot open. Anyone who would like to be placed on the list should call her. Josselyn reported to the Board that she is working with the Trail Blazers at the County and she would be working with them to put together more events for kids, as she has more resources and space.
Bill LaPrairie reported the following
Beach season is here! In Blue Mountain Lake we put out our first beach of the season, new dock ropes and corner anchors were needed, and minor repairs were made to the lifeguard guard chair. The two refurbished speed signs went up and seem to be working well. We did our garbage runs and dam check as usual, regulating as needed. We mowed all town properties and put up tent on Durant Road. Some repairs were made to tennis court fence. We cleaned up two trees that fell in cemetery and a few at the transfer site. The shed at the cemetery was taken down and removed.
In Indian lake we mowed all town properties including the shooting range. At the former Townsend property, we finished grading and mowed the field. Chain lakes beach was put out and volleyball nets were put up.
At Byron park we had a sewer problem and found we must replace the two pumps in the pit. The rear pump lost a float and was dug up and replaced. Plans are under way to upgrade the system out front, a new style pump will have to be used because the ones there are no longer available.
In the building we replaced the meeting room lights with the new style LED bulbs getting away from the expensive ballasts and saving energy. We rebuilt two broken picnic tables and took down extra power after events.
The Black Fly Challenge started here this year and all cones, banners and signs were put out and set up
on Friday before event. Bill Zellner was there to help with parking and cleanup. When event was over, we did a cleanup and took down all banners and returned cones to DOT.
At the Health Center we worked on the ac unit, replaced filters in air handler unit after ice forced it to shut down. Installed a lock box on Meal Site for deliveries, replaced a rubber gasket on sink faucet, ordered replacement and will install when we find time.
At the Ski Hut we changed all the lights in the garage to LED, still must do office and storeroom. Serviced all mowers made repairs to decks and mule drives, changed blades. Worked on brakes on 2010 Chevy and plugged a tire on GMC.
Parks dept helped during town trash days, two guys went with the highway dept and one guy manned the transfer site.
Many signs have been rebuilt and repainted.
A camera was installed at the Ski Hut for Josselyn so she could see when someone pulls in, the camera gives a beep to let you know you have someone approaching the building.
BTI season has ended, we used about 60 gallons of product during the program. The wet spring has produced a lot of insects this year and unfortunately made for a bad fly year. The streams we treat were done 2-3 times and dams were done as needed.
Kevin King, Water/Sewer Superintendent, reported on the following.
Testing was completed at all plants daily.
Samples required by DEC and DOH were submitted to the lab.
There was a new water hookup on Adirondack Lake Rd. There was already a two-inch line that ran up the opposite side of the road as the water main. This line had never been turned on. When we found the shutoffs and turned it on there was a leak in the two-inch line that we had to dig up and fix.
We have had to do a lot of marking for both the road project up in Blue Mt, and the fiber optic that is going underground in Indian Lake.
The sewer pump at Byron Park stopped working. We worked with Parks and Rec to get it temporarily working, and we are trying to get two new pumps to have a backup. We are working with Emerick Associates to see if we can get a drop-in replacement or if we must change the slide rail system that holds the pumps.
Sienna Fence was here to fix the chain link fence at the Sewer Plant. During the winter a tree had fallen and smashed part of the fence.
The U.V. lights at the Sewer Plant require cleaning about once a week.
We had Hometown Sewer come up because we needed some sludge hauled. We sucked out the holding tank at the East Plant, the sewer pit at Byron Park, and had a load of backwash sludge from the Water Plant hauled away.
The hydrants were weed whacked in both Indian Lake and Blue Mt. Lake.
P & T Supply came back up to replace the drive at the Indian Lake Water plant that was damaged when they were working on the wells. They did replace the drive, but we are having some programming issues and are waiting for our computer guy to come up to get it straightened out.
Brenda Valentine reported that the Farmers Market has started. Councilwoman Curry stated that there was a nice article featuring Brenda Valentine concerning the Farmers Market stating that our market is a model program.
Brenda also stated that the CDC are all ready for the Adirondack Challenge and gave an overview of one of their new activities, Stamp Around. Supervisor Wells stated that this is a program of all the events Brenda mentioned. He stated that the committee is trying to bring more people down to Byron Park.
The way it works is the patrons will go around Town, get a stamp from each business they went to and bring the stamps down to Byron Park to be entered a drawing. He stated that a big thank you goes out to Adventure Sports Rafting Company for giving the Grand Prize of a rafting trip down the Hudson for two.
Terry DeArmas told all present that the Theater would be holding their Blue Jean Barbeque on August 4th at the Byron Park Pavilion.
Darrin Harr, Director of the Chamber, gave the Chamber report.
Supervisor Wells reported that Bill Murphy resigned from the Board of Assessment Review. Supervisor Wells thanked Bill for his service.
Supervisor Wells announced that the Adirondack Dam project would not be happening this year. He stated that he had received a report from DEC stating there was roughly 30 problems they found with the paperwork and procedure. He reported there was one issue that will take some negotiations concerning a difference of opinion on spill way design. Chazen will be handling this.
He stated that we will now be reopening the Byron Park Building for use.
Supervisor Wells reported to the Board that paperwork needed to be finished to close out the abandonment of property from the State to Indian Lake. Papers now needed to be signed to give the slice of land over to Donald Liddle. He reported to all this was a sliver of land that the Liddle's have a drilled well on and have been renting from the State. This needed to be turned over to the Town first, then the Town could turn over to the Liddle's.
Supervisor Wells proposed to the Board to set up and hold another Carp Tournament.
The ADHOC (Adirondack Home Owners Committee) Committee will put the proposal together and get the information to the Board. This will be a two-night event. Supervisor Wells will check with the Towns Insurance to see if this is possible.
Supervisor Wells made a motion to open Lake Adirondack for a Carp Fishing Tournament, date and time to be determined by the ADHOC Committee and to be approved by the Board. Seconded by, Councilman Rathbun.
Councilwoman Curry questioned the ADHOC Committee as it is in transition. Supervisor Wells stated the ADHOC Committee is not in transition now, the Weed District Advisory Board was. He stated that the ADHOC Committee started this so he thought we could use their help with it.
Councilwoman Curry asked when the new Board takes over how will the Town Board transition that. Supervisor Wells stated that the Town Board is ultimately responsible for Weed District and the Town Board will be holding the tournament. Supervisor Wells stated the deadline for nominations is July 31 but reiterated that the Town Board is ultimately responsible and will be holding the tournament with the help of the ADHOC Committee. Councilwoman Curry reiterated that she is hoping for a smooth transition between the ADHOC Committee and the newly appointed Weed District Advisory Board.
The board approved.
Supervisor Wells reported to the Board that he had a request from CAP 21 for the Town to become a member. Supervisor Wells feels that the Board hired Chazen to do Grant writing for the Town so feels this is a duplication of services.
Supervisor Wells reported that the Library has many events over the summer, and all should check them out.
He also reported that the Have a Seat program is up and running.
He reported to all that he had sent a letter of support to D.O.T for the annual Peaks and Brew Race that goes through Blue Mt. Lake.
Supervisor Wells reported to all that he had updated the flow chart for the Dam certification form
Supervisor Wells reported that Chazen is working with D.E.C. for the Adirondack Dam permit. Supervisor Wells reported to all that he is getting a proposal from Trampoline concerning a new Web site for the Town. The Town Board already received and heard a proposal from Tom Williams from Paradox Consulting Group, and he is working on another.
Supervisor Wells reported to the Board that there is a grant coming up that could be used to develop a Web site. Supervisor Wells offered Resolution# 9, Resolution authorizing submission of a NYS Empire State Development Market NY Consolidated Funding Application. Seconded by, Councilwoman Stanton. The board approved
Supervisor Wells reported all that Hamilton County is working on a recyclable Grant at this time. This is a shared services grant. This could be used for equipment for the transfer station. Councilwoman Stanton questioned how the recycling was going at the transfer station. Supervisor Wells stated this is being worked on. Councilwoman Stanton also asked if there was money available to dispose of liquid material such as paint or oil? Supervisor Wells stated that there use to be days that a vehicle would come up and take all this stuff, but it is very, very expensive. Supervisor Wells stated that he would investigate it again.
Councilwoman Stanton had heard that there was a grant that would pay for this one day. Supervisor Wells stated that if it is available that should be being developed in Hamilton County. He stated he would ask. Councilman Rathbun questioned if we were going to do a shredding day. It was discussed that the school has a shred day.
Supervisor Wells reported to the Board that D.E.C. had approached him concerning the Eastern end of old Rte. 30, stating it was rough. They told him if we couldn't fix it, they could. James Roblee, Highway Superintendent, stated that it is used for hiking and walking and if it was fixed nice the cars would be driving fast on it. Supervisor Wells will tell D.E.C. no thank you.
Supervisor Wells offered Resolution # 10, Resolution authorizing the submission of an application for EFC Engineering Planning Grant to evaluate sewer collection. Seconded by, Councilwoman Stanton.
The board approved.
Supervisor Wells reported to all that the Branding Logo that Trampoline had done for the Town had received many positive remarks.
Supervisor Wells made a motion to adopt the new branding and marketing logo. Seconded by, Councilwoman Stanton. Councilwoman Curry questioned if there had been anything done with the 4-season winter logo that had been questioned at the last meeting. Supervisor Wells stated they have talked about it; they know about it but have not come up with anything specific at this time.
Councilwoman Curry asked if there was a way to hold payment until they incorporate that. Supervisor Wells stated that there is more to the contract than just this part of the logo.
The board approved
Supervisor Wells reported to the Board that he had been invited to the Governors Challenge in the Catskills and he would be attending. He stated that he is hoping to talk to some D.E.C. personal at this event.
Supervisor Wells told all that he had been working with Essex County Roost on a separate promotion of the 5 Towns in Hamilton County.
Supervisor Wells told all that he had attended the Frontier Towns Camp Ground grand opening on June 26. He told all its beautiful. He stated this is all a part of the plans started a long time ago to connect the 5 Towns and if we can get the people off the Northway into that campground and get the community connector trails, we can get them to Indian Lake.
Councilwoman Curry stated that the Appellate Court sided with the Environmentalist on the tree cutting lawsuit. She asked what this means for the connector bridge. Supervisor Wells stated that was a separate lawsuit, but they do intertwine. Supervisor Wells stated that he had met with the Lawyer that the 5 Towns hired as well as AATV and the Local Government Review Board. Supervisor Wells stated that D.E.C. has a right to appeal and the 5 Towns feel that they should. If it had been a three to two vote it would have been an automatic appeal, since it was a four to one vote it may not get appealed. Supervisor Wells stated this is so disheartening but he feels this decision as it stands now and until it gets appealed and gets decided, there is going to be a lot of people who don't enjoy snowmobiling that are going to be heard, because with this ruling, there is no tree cutting at all! So all the new hiking trails they have been promoting, all the reroutes they were proposing for the damaged trails for all the miss­ use of the hiking trails will now be put on hold or should be put on hold because that is how it reads. He stated this does not specifically state snowmobile trails, it states trails period. Councilwoman Curry stated that they are focusing on snowmobile trails when they are multi use trails.
Supervisor Wells stated that on July 19 there is supposed to be a decision on the Cedar River Bridge Lawsuit. He stated the general feeling of the 5 Towns Lawyer is that the Judge will hold off on the decision, keeping the restraining order in place, until the tree cutting Lawsuit goes to the Board of Appeals. Once they decide on that Lawsuit, then the Judge will decide on the Cedar River Bridge Lawsuit. Supervisor Wells stated unfortunately this will mean another lost season of building.
Supervisor Wells reported to the Board that he had received a call from a senior citizen asking for a ride to get groceries. He asked the Board how they felt about starting up the Van again to take seniors down for medicine and groceries.
This had been done in years past however it was not utilized enough by the seniors, so it was stopped. Councilwoman Curry questioned if there was anything like this offered by the Office of the Aging or the County Public Health. Supervisor Wells said yes, they do, however it doesn't always work out. Councilwoman Curry felt that the Town should investigate these services first. She stated that there are a lot more laws and programs for the seniors  now, to  improve  the quality of life for elderly, so she is wondering from the last time we did that until now, there be more programs available through the Office of the Aging and with Public Health on the County level. She stated she would like to check them first before utilizing Town resources as there may be already something in place. Councilwoman Stanton stated they may have someone all ready and they could utilize the Town van.
Councilman Rathbun reported to all that he is looking into starting a car show in Indian Lake again. Discussion held. He stated that he is working on this now and will have more information at the next meeting.
Councilwoman Stanton stated that Lou Spada a few years ago had a proposal to revitalize the Gooley Farm on Chain Lakes Road. He approached her stating that he would like to re-start the effort to rehabilitate that building for the purposes of maybe having an Interpretive Center, first aid station or just a place for people to rest when their hiking. She told all that he will be at the annual meeting of the Indian Lake Community Development Corporation. The date is July 17 at the Ski Hut. He will be explaining his efforts in restarting this. She stated if anyone interested, please come.

Editor’s note: This story is based upon the minutes provided by Indian Lake Town Clerk Julie Clawson