Supervisors March 3 2022
County purchases a road tractor
LAKE PLEASANT—The Hamilton County Board of Supervisors met on March 3 and passed numerous resolutions including one for the purchase of a road tractor.
WHEREAS Resolution No. 271-21 Authorizes the Superintendent to purchase a road tractor from Tracey Road Equipment, and
WHEREAS the Superintendent was notified from Tracey Road Equipment that the Purchase Order for the said tractor will be delayed due to market instability and have a minimum surcharge of $4,500 and possibly won’t be built until 2023, and
WHEREAS, the DPW Superintendent has met with the Public Works Committee to discuss the purchase of a different make and model road tractor from Tracey Road Equipment and cancelling the current order for a Western Star tractor, and
WHEREAS, the County DPW Superintendent has received a written quote for a new 2022 Freightliner Coronado tractor with a five-year extended warranty from Tracey Road Equipment under Onondaga County Contract currently in inventory and delivered for $163,110.72, be it
RESOLVED, that hereby the County DPW Superintendent is authorized to order said road tractor from Tracey Road Equipment under Onondaga County Contract pricing at a cost of
$163,110.72 and it will be a charge to Account DM5130.0201 Road Machinery and the County Treasurer, Clerk of the Board and County DPW Superintendent be so notified.
WHEREAS Resolution No. 47-20 duly adopted on January 27, 2020 authorized the standardization of the light vehicle fleet because of but not limited to improved maintenance efficiency, fewer diagnostic, and specialty tools, reduced parts inventory and increased operator efficiency, and
WHEREAS, since the adoption of said resolution, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a disastrous effect on global markets which has affected the ability to purchase vehicles and parts, and
WHEREAS, due to the impact of the pandemic on supply and demand, the County has needed to purchase vehicles outside the standardized list that were available and met the County fleet needs, and
WHEREAS the shortages continue to affect availability and the Fleet Coordinator recommends that Resolution No. 47-20 be rescinded for future vehicle fleet purchases, be it
RESOLVED, that hereby the County Board of Supervisors rescinds Resolution No. 47-20 effective immediately and the County Treasurer, Clerk of the Board and Fleet Coordinator be so advised.
WHEREAS recent NYS legislation amended General Municipal Law Section 11 to add permitted investments, and
WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Investment Policy needs to be updated to reflect these permitted investments, be it
RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Investment Policy under Section XI-PERMITTED INVESTMENTS, combine present language of Sections 5 and 6 and add 6 through 10 as new sections on the policy attached, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Board and County Treasurer be so advised.
WHEREAS Resolution No. 223-13 adopted September 5, 2013 authorized the Chairman of the Board to obtain a single credit card for county use and established a credit card policy, and
WHEREAS Resolution No. 70-21 adopted April 1, 2021 authorized purchases up to $500 without prior committee approval, and
WHEREAS, it has been determined that it would be beneficial for the Department Heads to have the option of having their own credit card and a policy for said credit cards has been presented to the Finance Committee, be it
RESOLVED, that Resolution No. 223-13 and Resolution No. 70-21 are hereby rescinded, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Credit Card Policy presented to the Finance Committee on February 22, 2022 and as on file with the Clerk of the Board is hereby approved.
WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Emergency Management Department has been awarded the NYS 2018 Statewide Interoperable Communications Formula Grant SI18-1047-D04 through the NYS 2018 Statewide Interoperable Communications Formula Grant program (2018 SICG Formula) in the amount of $544,803, and
WHEREAS, the funds have not been spent, be it
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be authorized to fund Account No. A3645.0402 Statewide Communications Grant SI18-1047-D04 at $282,901.93 to be totally offset by funding Revenue Account No. A3389.0302 – Statewide Communications Grant at $282,901.93 and the Director of Emergency Management and Sheriff be so notified.
the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES) Grant Project SH19- 1020-D00 in the amount of $49,985, and
WHEREAS, the funds have not been spent, be it
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be authorized to fund Account No. A3645.0403 SHSP Grant SH19-1020-D00 at $231.67 to be totally offset by funding Revenue Account No. A3389.0124 SHSP Grant SH19-1020-D00 at $231.67 and the Director of Emergency Management and Sheriff be so notified.
the NYS 2020 SHSP Grant through FY2020 State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Project SH20-1037-D00 in the amount of $47,731, and
WHEREAS, the funds have not been spent, be it
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be authorized to fund Account No. A3645.0423 SHSP Grant SH20-1037-D00 at $37,794.00 to be totally offset by funding Revenue Account No. A3389.0127 SHSP Grant SH20-1037-D00 at $37,794 and the Director of Emergency Management and Sheriff be so notified.
WHEREAS, based on the recommendation of the Real Property Tax Services Agency, and by agreement of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors, dissemination of real property tax and assessment data in digital form through a securely hosted internet-based platform is a valuable enhancement to services provided by Hamilton County and a tangible benefit to taxpayers, real estate professionals and others, and
WHEREAS, the Real Property Tax Services Agency engaged Systems Development Group, Inc. as authorized by the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors to develop, host, upload regular software and Hamilton County data updates, and provide maintenance as stated for a Hamilton County specific version of their Image Mate Online system for a term of four (4) consecutive years commencing 03/01/2014 and subsequent approval of three (3) years through 02/28/2021 and one (1) year through 02/28/2022 all with an annual fee of $6,000, and
WHEREAS, the Real Property Tax Services Agency has received and has approved a proposal for an additional one (1) year extension agreement for the term 03/01/2022 through 02/28/2023 at an annual fee of $6,000 from Systems Development Group, Inc., therefore, be it
RESOLVED, the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes the proposed one-year annual plan agreement and payment of the annual fee of $6,000 (Six Thousand Dollars) with Systems Development Group, Inc of Utica, New York, for the Hamilton County Image Mate Online system.
WHEREAS Resolution No. 26-20 adopted January 7, 2020 authorized and funded NYS DEC Smart Growth Grant C01054G Hamilton County Trails Into Prosperity in the amount of $66,500, and
WHEREAS there are unspent funds remaining in said grant, and
WHEREAS invoices for final payments have been submitted by Wilderness Property Management, Inc. and Nancy Berkowitz, Community Development Consultant, be it
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to fund Account No. A6326.0412 Trails into Prosperity in the amount of $10,760.00 to be totally offset by funding Revenue Account No. A3789.0300 Trails into Prosperity in the amount of $10,760, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay Wilderness Property Management, Inc. for Invoice No. 289 in the amount of $10,000 from Account No. A6326.0412 Trails into Prosperity, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay Nancy Berkowitz, Community Development Consultant for Invoice No. T2P 6 in the amount of $760 from Account No. A6326.0412 Trails into Prosperity.
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 75-22 appointed Undersheriff Kevin D. Braunius as County 911 Coordinator and Deputy Justin W. Loomis as County 911 Administrator, be it
RESOLVED, that Undersheriff Braunius will be compensated in the amount of $1,000 annually for said position, and be it further
RESOLVED, that Deputy Loomis will be compensated in the amount of $1,000, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer and Personnel Officer are hereby authorized to make the following transfer and compensate Undersheriff Braunius and Deputy Loomis:
FROM: A3110.0408 – Enforcement Schools - $2,000 TO: A3110.0102 – Undersheriff - $1,000; A3110.0109 – Deputy B $1,000.
WHEREAS Resolution No. 74-22 authorized a one-year option on the Cathead Property at a cost of $10,000, with the option of a one-year renewal, for the purpose of the establishment of a long-term tower lease on the subject property, be it
RESOLVED, that upon fully executing said lease the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay the Hatchbrook Sportsman’s Club/Thomas Gang $10,000 from Account No. A3645.0402 Statewide Communications Grant SI18-1047-D04.
WHEREAS Carl Turner, District #4 Coroner has requested to attend the New York State Association of County Coroners & Medical Examiners Spring Conference on March 18-20, 2022 in Munnsville, NY, and
WHEREAS the registration payment for the Spring Conference must be received prior to March 11, 2022, be it
RESOLVED, that Carl Turner is hereby authorized to attend the New York State Association of County Coroners & Medical Examiners Spring Conference, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make payment in the amount of $600 for the Spring Conference from Account No. A1185.0401 Travel to NYSACCME, 6179 Middle Road, Munnsville, NY 13409.
WHEREAS, Hamilton County has been awarded $2,217,414.00 for the replacement of the CR4 Big Brook Bridge over Big Brook located in the Town of Indian Lake through the Bridge NY 2021 program, and
WHEREAS the County Highway Superintendent sent out Request for Interest to fifteen consulting firms that are on NYSDOT Region 2 list for Locally Administered Federal Aid Projects (LAFA), and
WHEREAS, Hamilton County has a three-member committee to review and select a consulting firm that meets the needs for Hamilton County on the proposed project, and
WHEREAS the Highway Superintendent received interest from fourteen firms and the committee reviewed the firms’ qualifications and selected Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. (GPI) of Albany to proceed with the project, and
WHEREAS the Highway Superintendent recommends that the County Board approve the selection made by the selection committee, be it
RESOLVED, the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to sign a contract agreement with Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. for the CR4 Big Brook Bridge Project located on County Route 4 in the Town of Indian Lake with the approval of the County Attorney and the Treasurer, Clerk of the Board and Highway Superintendent be so notified.
WHEREAS Resolution No. 106-19 authorizes a Project for the Bridge NY 2018: County Road 24 Over Oxbow Outlet Culvert Replacement, Town of Arietta, Hamilton County, P.I.N. 2754.59.30 (“the Project") is eligible for reimbursement of qualified costs from Bridge NY funding that calls for the post-reimbursement apportionment of the qualified costs to be borne at the ratio of 100% Bridge NY funds and 0% non-Bridge NY funds, and
WHEREAS the Project was publicly bid and let to lowest responsible bidder at
$466,342.43 and was duly adopted and awarded by Resolution No. 132-21 by the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors on May 25, 2021, and
WHEREAS the County of Hamilton desires to advance the Project by making a commitment of 100% of the costs of the construction of the Project, be it
RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes the County of Hamilton to pay 100% of the cost of construction work for the Project or portions thereof, with the understanding that qualified costs will be reimbursed from Bridge NY funding up to
$248,750 per the original Bridge NY award, be it further
RESOLVED, that the sum of $217,592.43 is hereby appropriated from the Unappropriated County Road Fund Balance in accordance with Section 366 Subdivision 1 of the County Law to Account No. D5112.2022 Oxbow Outlet Culvert Replacement Project and made available to cover the cost over the Bridge NY award of the Project, be it further
RESOLVED, the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby agrees that the County of Hamilton shall be responsible for all costs of the Project, including costs which exceed the amount reimbursement available from the Bridge NY Funding awarded to the County of Hamilton, be it further
RESOLVED, that in the event the costs of the Project exceed the amount appropriated above, the Board of Supervisors shall convene as soon as possible to appropriate said excess amount immediately upon the notification by the New York State Department of Transportation thereof, be it further
RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby agrees that construction of the Project hereby commits that construction of the Project shall begin no later than twenty-four (24) months after award and that the project shall be completed within thirty (30) months, be it further
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors be and is hereby authorized to execute all necessary Agreements, certifications, or reimbursement requests on behalf of the County of Hamilton with the New York State Department of Transportation for State Aid and/or Bridge NY funding in connection with the advancement or approval of the Project and providing for the administration of the Project and the municipality’s funding of the Project costs, be it further
RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be filed with the New York State Commissioner of Transportation by attaching it to any necessary Agreement in connection with the Project, be it further
RESOLVED, this Resolution shall take effect immediately.
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