Wednesday, March 18, 2020

ILCS BOE March 17 2020

Indian Lake Central School budget under the cap
The Indian Lake Central School Board of Education met on March 17 and approved the 2020/2021 school budget under the tax levy cap.
The Maximum Allowable Tax Levy is $5,208,458.
The approved budget is showing a levy of $5,208,235, which puts it under the Maximum Allowable Tax Levy by $351.
The board approved the Office and Custodial 2020-21 Calendar.
The board approved the 2020-21 payroll schedule
The board approved the section VII merging of sports teams with Long Lake.
The board approved the claims audit for February 1-29, 2020.
The board approved Elisha Cohen and Allison Conboy, Modified girls’ softball coaches.
The board approved Allison Gonyo, Varsity girls’ softball coach (Amanda Flemington, already approved).
The board approved David Snide as Data Protection Officer.
The board approved Jim Pine as outing club advisor at a rate of $20 per hour.
The board approved the account clerk, superintendent secretary/district clerk and Guidance/CSE secretary job descriptions.
The board approved Chelsea Kennedy-Long term substitute-Special Education STEP I BA.
The board accepted the Elsa Schisler resignation as teaching assistant.
The board approved Heather Shaw’s resignation as Special Education Teacher.
The board approved Glenn Van Norstrand bus driver hourly rate at $18.50/hour.
The board approved the CSE Recommendations.

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