LPTB July 20 2018
Lake Pleasant Landfill is being monitored
LAKE PLEASANT--At the July 20 meeting of the Lake Pleasant Town Board, the board authorized Supervisor Betsy Bain to sign a contract with Adirondack Landfill Services for the post-closure monitoring services at the Town of Lake Pleasant Landfill.
The contracts states that the testing will be done once year as in the past twice a year at a cost for 2020 of $2,032.
Mayor Barrett reported that she has gotten some calls about animals going under the fence at the Community Garden. She was wondering if a trench could be dug to stop the animals from going in and destroying the gardens. She also reported that the Village has received a $10,000 grant from Adirondack Foundation to use towards the Makomis Fire Tower they still need to raise $20,000 before the Tower can go up.
No response from H2O. on testing the contaminated wells.
BST audit: Nancy Seifts reported that she has been contacted by Paul Goetze from BST about the paperwork he will need from the Town to complete the Audit by the end of August. He should be at the Town Hall first week in August to start the audit.
Cristine Meixner has called the Deacon at the North Country Bible and he said he will speak to the Board of Deacons about using the building as a tornado shelter.
Supervisor Bain reported on the Speculator Volunteer Ambulance Corps 50th Anniversary on July 13, it was a great tum out. Phil and Joyce Mulleedy were given an arrangement of flowers from the Town of Lake Pleasant and a plaque that was read by the Supervisor. Supervisor Bain received an email from Phil thanking the Town.
There have been 3 flooring companies notified for estimates on new flooring at the Primary Care Center, Galleria, Ruby & Quiri, and David Ameden Floor Covering.
Supervisor Bain met with Primary Care Carla Darrow about the concern the Town has with the way patients must sign in or pick up meds. They are walking over a hilly rough grass surface to get to the outside window. Bain is ordering a wireless doorbell and intercom for the Primary Care's main entrance door. Patients will ring the bell and they can speak to the office girls and then they will come out and take their temperatures.
Councilperson McGovern thanked Supervisor Bain for reaching out to Highway Superintendent Lavarnway on the filters for the Primary Care air conditioners. The air conditioners were turned off in both Primary Care and Library until the correct filters were order due to COVID. Nathan Littauer representative Patrice McMahon said that the filters met all codes, so the air conditioners were turned back on. New filters have been ordered for both buildings.
Town Clerk Deborah O'Rourke is still trying to get up and running with the new DECALS system. The Town of Wells is up and running but so far no-one in our Town. Hopefully, this will be resolved as soon as possible.
Supervisor Bain has been informed that the 2021 tax cap will be 1.56%. Councilperson McGovern stated that he thinks it will be a difficult job to stay under the cap.
Supervisor Bain will be meeting with Erica Mahoney from County Nursing and Chairman William Farber and Camp Fowler on a fall plan to be up and running.
This article is based upon minutes provided by Deborah O'Rourke, Town Clerk.
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