Inlet TB Aug 11 2020
Inlet land sale goes to Permissive Referendum
INLET—At the Inlet Town Board meeting held on August 11, Supervisor John Frey stated that the Public Hearing currently open since the March 10 meeting is to research and hear discussion regarding selling a small portion of land to the Townsend family that currently separates two of the parcel's owned by the Estate of John Townsend. The Town and surveyor, John Deming, have provided the information to decide as to how the town will do a land swap. The property in question was gifted to the Town of Inlet. However, it offers rights to the lake from other neighboring properties. We want to make sure everyone retains their rights.
The board approved holding a PERMISSIVE REFERENDUM that started August 11 and will be at least 4S days, which will bring it to the October 13 meeting.
Superintendent Hansen's report provided is as follows: Hauled garbage and recyclables. Brush pick up was a success. Striped town hall parking lot and parking lot between the two churches. Patrolled roads in Plains. Paved Loomis Rd and backed up shoulders. Thank you to The Town of Long Lake and Hamilton County for sending trucks to haul the blacktop.
Chip sealed Uncas Rd. Thank you to the Town of Long Lake for sending us a truck. Spread gravel on Uncas Rd. Helped county with their paving projects. Hauled gravel for the new storage facility and got things up to grade. Still have more to go, letting things settle a bit. Sealed the Tobie Trail. Rebuilt mower deck on John Deere tractor. Brake job on 205 and installed a starter. Painted some of our snow removal equipment. Mowed roadsides and weed wacked.
Superintendent Hansen offered the following monthly report: Open 7 days a week from 8 AM to 7 PM. Closed from 12 to 1 dally for lunch.
There was discussion about the fact that people are coming in right before lunch or before night closing. There was a suggestion that they start closing 15 minutes before closing time so that the employees can take their scheduled lunch break without interruption.
Things are going well. Place is clean. Sorting is being kept up with. Staff is working together great.
There was discussion regarding numerous jet skis on 6th & 7th Lake that arc not following rules and becoming a nuisance. Peggy asked why the Hamilton County Sherriff cannot be present on this lake more. Supervisor Frey explained that they are so short staffed, and they are present. They are doing the best they can with the staff they have.
TOWNSEND TRAIL - Peggy Brownell asked where we are with the Townsend Trail grant. We have submitted everything and still waiting on a response. Peggy also thanked the Highway Department for keeping out with any washouts and making sure the trail is nice.
BENCHES Peggy mentioned that the benches at Cedar Creek are still too close together.
Janice Kandor expressed how loud the generator behind the town hall is and it exercises at 1 am every Sunday. Asked if there was anything that could be done. Supervisor Frey stated he would have Don Raehl change the time, however, there is nothing we can do about the noise. She also expressed that water is pooling and causing an excessive amount of water to pool around her house. The town has tried to dig draining ditches to alleviate the problem, however, she still has water into her basement and on lawn.
Hamilton County Soil and Water has come down to discuss the issues. There is discussion about a grant to help pay for remediation. There are 6 different locations that are trying to stop the current flow of water. Discussion on some ideas on how to remedy the situation followed.
John Masestri commented that the Town of Inlet and its employees have done a great job this year considering everything. Supervisor Frey explained that it takes teamwork, and everyone worked hard and thanked Mr. Maestri for his statement
Peggy commented that the parking situation in town is ridiculous and wondered if the town was contemplating any ideas on adding more parking. Supervisor Frey expressed that the town is aware of the situation and have always looked to ways to improve this situation. He stressed the importance of ride share. The Dunay parking is only available to us for events. The town also received a letter from a summer resident regarding the situation of lack of parking and tickets being issued to 6111 lake residents. A copy of the letter is provided.
There has been quite a bit of movement toward getting towers approved. A taller tower was requested and not approved; therefore, a lower tower is being pursued. The tower that is being referred to as the Eagle Bay Tower might do nothing for In1et, especially up toward Sixth and Seventh Lake. T-Mobile's early location on Corasanti property was denied because there were not enough trees to hide. The location is now being moved to back on top of the hill. The committee is looking toward two towers with emergency towers on each tower. Cell service runs below emergency. Herkimer 911 will remain our primary emergency services communication. Things seem to be constantly changing, however, Supervisor Frey wanted to reiterate that all monies donated to date have not been touched and will be used strictly toward the communications towers.
CAP 21
The Covid Relief Fund is at $206,893.71 and has helped 169 people. The question was asked if there is a fund to help businesses. Adele might have information on that.
Last lifeguard leaves Sunday. Beach will be closing the weekend of the 14th of August. Supervisor Frey thanked all the lifeguards, beach monitors, Barb Murdock, Mary Madeau, Adele, and Mitch for all their hard work and knows it was not easy with some even getting yelled at
RETIREMENT PROGRAM - Still looking to acquire the quote for the retirement. The department is still experiencing staffing issues. New vehicle will be in soon.
Assessor and Codes/Zoning Officer, Aimee VanWie provides a report each month and is available online. Aimee needs a new computer. She is having issues and Barry from Real Property thought he had fixed it; however, it was not. Need to order a new one.
Publicity/Tourism Director, Adele Burnett provides a detailed monthly report online. In addition to past events and information about her department, this report will detail upcoming events. She is still looking at having the Fall Festival, however, it will be more like a Farmer's market. She is discussing having no music and food at this year's event.
Reported revenues for the month of July. Town Clerk has reached out to UPS about possibly becoming a UPS drop off site. Now selling fishing/hunting licenses. Is considering selling EZ Passes for convenience to residents to obtain one locally.
Supervisor Frey made a MOTION to allow Town Clerk to spend the initial purchase of about $57S to try it. Passes can be returned if the service is not needed or does not work out. Councilman Levi Seconded. Motion Carried
There have been questions from residents as to how the 6th & 7th Lake Association can hold fireworks. Supervisor Frey explained that it is a private event for residents of 6th & 7th Lake and there is no issue with social distancing. No location for people to congregate to watch them and they are not advertised to the public.
Supervisor Frey reported that Town of Webb finalized a deal with MVHS, and Inlet's contribution would be $11,000 to the end of 2020. If residents can increase the number of visits and number of residents that use the facility, the funding help may be able to cease. Even Telemed counts toward the number of visits needed. Discussion followed regarding if we need 9400 total visits or additional visits. Supervisor Frey will get clarification.
Supervisor Frey reported that census numbers are extremely low. If you have not completed it, please do so at
Supervisor Frey state that with all the expenses and County going up, he is looking to have a "flat" budget No increases to any lines, including a COLA increase for employees. He feels we might be able to finish tentative budget in two sessions. The first budget work session will be September 8 at 6:30 pm.
TRAILS - Supervisor Frey reported that trail work has started with work by the Black Fly group and town staff. Thanked Dave Corasanti for his involvement
Peggy Brownsell asked if the part-time officers must live in Inlet Supervisor Frey stated they do not. They fill in shifts as needed and are often retired officers from other departments, therefore, the town does not have to pay to train, retirement and health benefits. Andrew Kalil has still been filling in where needed.
This article is based upon minutes provided by Town Clerk Yvonne Lutz.
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