Friday, February 21, 2020

Hope makes plans for new Town Hall

Hope TB Feb 10 2020

Hope makes plans for new Town Hall
HOPE—When the Hope Town Board met on February 10, the board discussed plans for a new Town Hall.
Supervisor Tomlinson, along with Town Board members, have met several times with the Hope Fire Department members to discuss and create a plan that would be beneficial to the Hope Fire Department as wells as the community members. The current Town Hall was cited to have several code violations. Due to the age of the building and what would be required to bring it up to date, the town board was tasked with how to make it financially sensible to do so. Since this option did not seem feasible, the members reached a decision to choose between two other options. Those would be to build a new town hall/Community Center or work with the Hope Fire Department and their existing building to recreate a space sensible for all parties. The decision was made to move forward with the Fire Department project. Final details are being worked out not only with layout, finances but through legal advice to protect all parties involved. The renovations would include a new well since currently there is no running water available. The new well would feed water to the building, pavilion and Transfer Station. Other renovations would include a new roof, generator and a compete interior remodel. The interior remodel would allow the fire department to still maintain space for vehicles and equipment in the front of the firehouse. Other interior remodel would include offices for the Town Clerk and Court staff, along with new public restrooms, a new kitchen and an open community center layout. This area would also allow for town board meeting and fire department meetings as well. More information is to follow, but the town board members, as wells as the Fire Chief agree that this seems like the most logical option to benefit the Town and Fire Department.
On a motion by Councilperson William Witts, seconded by Councilperson John Stuart Jr., the following resolution was adopted.
Resolved that the board approves moving forward with the Firehouse/Community Center Project.
Supervisor Tomlinson advises that he met with Barbara Taylor from Hamilton County. She had initially worked with three towns regarding their need to update their Emergency Action Plans. She learned that things needed to be organized and updated at the County level first before it filters to the towns. She is currently working on that project and will follow through with the towns after.
Jill Dinham is part of the Community Action Plan in Northville, which has a shelter location at Northville Central School that is Red Cross approved. The committee also owns a trailer that is equipped with Emergency Shelter items such as cots, water and essentials for an emergency in the Town of Hope. There is an upcoming meeting scheduled. Jill will notify Chief Robinson of when it is and follow through with the town board with the results of that meeting.
Highway Superintendent Zachery Colson distributed a summary report for the January. It reads as follows: “We received all the approvals on the permits for the gateway sign. The last thing that they are requiring is that the town makes a resolution for me to sign on behalf of the town.
“I am currently working on a permit to do the reconstruction work on the end of the Hope Falls Road. This process must go through the APA due to the work being performed is in the Wilcox Wild Forest. So, there are a few more permits to do.
“The Ford F350 has the dump insert installed on it. It is working great for picking up garbage. It is a little narrower than the Ram 5500, so it dumps into our dumpster.
“We repainted the chipper and sprayed the underside of it with fluid film to prevent any more rust on it and give it a longer life.
The International CV that we ordered to replace the single axle Mack is at Viking “Cives. I am waiting for the sales rep to call so we can go out and make sure the truck will be built how we want it.
“One out of the four Foresters I called, regarding the logging project for behind the Transfer Station, called back, His name is Christian Gearwar. He is from Lake George Forestry. He charges 15% of revenue received in the project. He will be on site from start to finish of the project.”
Supervisor Tomlinson, as wells as other board members, expressed that they would need more than one quote on the forestry project. In the meantime, it was agreed to move forward with getting more detailed information and schedule from the current forester. Superintendent Colson will continue to work towards another quote as wells a moving forward with estimates from Christian Gearwar.
By resolution the board approved to allow Highway Superintendent Zachery Colson to sign necessary paperwork, on behalf of the town, for the gateway sign project.
“Resolved was the approval to allow the Highway Superintendent Zachery Colson to sign necessary paperwork, on behalf of the town, for the gateway project.”
Supervisor Tomlinson distributed the monthly report delivered by Code Officer Stewart. It reads as follows: “I issued no permits in January. I am continuing to work with property owners of two properties located on the Old Northville Rd and just received a letter from the engineer that I needed and anticipate issuing both permits very soon.
“I have been working with the Racette/Kelly family on Moan and Groan Rd. to replace their camp with a modular home. Since they are increasing the building footprint, height and are within the APA setback they need a variance.
“I participated in a conference call with the APA last Thursday and things appear to be looking good for them to build this year.
“I will have an annual State report done by the end of February.”
Supervisor Tomlinson is seeking approval from the town board members to combine the Town’s utilities budget line items.
On a motion by Councilperson John Stuart Jr., seconded by Councilperson William Witts, the following resolution was adopted.
Resolved was to combine the Town’s utility budget line items.
Town Clerk Jill Dunham advises that there is a new town email. It is She also continues to work with Mike Stewart and advises the town board how hard Mike is working on the town website. She reminded everyone that the link for that is and encourages everyone to check it out. On that note, Supervisor Tomlinson advised he received a website report from Mr. Stewart regarding how many times the website was looked at. He shared those numbers and how the significant increases in viewers.
Jill also advises that tax season continues to be going well. She will also be starting the work on the annual newsletter.
Supervisor Tomlinson advises that he will be out of town at the time of the April Meeting. He is looking to move the meeting to April 6, 2020. This date was agreed upon by all member present. Jill will contact the paper to put notice of the change.
Resolved that the April 2020 will be moved to April 6, 2020.
Present were Joann Robinson, Peter Robinson and Town Historian Eliza Darling.
Darling spoke of her work as the Town Historian in 2019. She stated she spent several years on a project that she completed this past year. It was the story of Sarah Bennett. She gave a summary of this story to all those present. She wrote a 6,000-word article that was published in the Adirondack Life magazine (December 2019 Edition). She was also interviewed and will be featured on a podcast next week. She will get this information to those that were interested.
She stated for 2020 she will continue to research the history of Hope and share her findings. She asked the public that if they have historical information and/or findings and want to share them, that they reach out to her.

This story is based upon minutes provided by Jill Dunham, Town Clerk.

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