LLTB Jan 29 2020
Long Lake gets organized
LONG LAKE—The Long Lake Town Board met on January 29 and began the meeting with the Pledge to the Flag of the United States of America, an opening Prayer by Councilman Craig Seaman and the Roll Call by Dixie Lee LeBlanc, Town Clerk as follows: Councilman Richard B. Dechene, Councilman Dean H. Pohl, Supervisor Clay J. Arsenault, Councilman Thomas L. Donnelly, Councilman Craig J. Seaman – all present.
This was followed by approving the following ORGANIZATION RESOLUTIONS
A Resolution that the Glens Falls Post Star is designated as an Official Daily Newspaper for the Town of Long Lake, New York in which all legal notices may be published.
A Resolution to designate Official Posting areas (Town Clerk Bulletin Board) for Public Notices as: (1) in Long Lake, the outside window box at the Town Office Building, and (2) in Long Lake, the inside (unlocked) entryway at the Town Hall, and (3) in Raquette Lake, the outside window box of the Raquette Lake Supply wall, and (4) on the Town Website at WWW.MYLONGLAKE.COM.
A Resolution to designate National Public Radio (NPR) as the official radio station for State of Emergency and Public Health notices.
A Resolution that the regular meetings of the Town Board of the Town of Long Lake be held the last Wednesday of each month at 7 PM. Additional Town Board meetings may be called by the Town Supervisor or Town Board as necessary.
All Town Board meetings will be held either at the Long Lake Town Hall, the Long Lake Meal Site (upstairs in the Town Hall), the Long Lake Geiger Arena, or the Raquette Lake Union Free School Gymnasium unless otherwise announced.
A Resolution that members of the public may speak only at the discretion of the Town Board during all open and public meetings.
A Resolution that department heads or designees may be requested to attend Board meetings where warrants are audited (end of the month) and may be requested to attend certain regular and/or special Town Board meetings.
A Resolution that the Town of Long Lake pay full-time and eligible part-time year around employees the following twelve holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, President's Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day observed, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving,
Christmas Day observed.
No additional days off with pay will be granted to Town employees, other than the above holiday dates, without prior approval of the members of the Town Board.
A Resolution designating the Town Supervisor as Chief Fiscal Officer and, as such, is authorized to invest surplus money at the best available rates as stated in the Town of Long Lake Investment Policy. (General Municipal Law 11.)
A Resolution to appoint the Town Supervisor as Budget Officer for 2020. (Town Law Section 103.)
A Resolution that the Supervisor shall submit to the Town Clerk within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year, a copy of the Adjusted Annual Update Document reported to the State Comptroller and acceptance of general, highway and water district Town monies received and disbursed throughout the year. (Town Law section 29; Subdivision l0A.) An additional 60 days is permitted with approval of the State Comptroller.
A Resolution that the Town Board establishes the Office of Deputy Supervisor.
{Town Law section 42) The Supervisor appoints D. Sean Curry as Deputy Supervisor.
A Resolution whereas the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to designate a principal account clerk and bookkeeper; the designation is D. Sean Curry. {Town Law Section 29, Subdivision 15)
A Resolution appointing D. Sean Curry and Colleen King as bookkeepers for the Highway Superintendent and for Water Districts #1 and #2 Funds.
A Resolution that the Town Supervisor appoints Dixie Lee LeBlanc as Registrar of Vital Statistics; and Dixie Lee LeBlanc appoints Amber Wamback as Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics.
A Resolution authorizing the Town Supervisor to appoint a Town Historian from Long Lake and a Town Historian from Raquette Lake who shall each promote the establishment and improvement of programs for the management and preservation of local government records with enduring value for historical or other research; encourage the coordinated collection and preservation of non- governmental historical records by libraries, historical societies, and other repositories; and carry out and actively encourage research in such records in order to add to the knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the Town of Long Lake's history. Those appointments are Jeanne F. Plumley, Long Lake and James Kammer, Raquette Lake. (Education Law Section 148.)
A Resolution that the Town Clerk appoints Amber Wamback and L. Brian Castler as Deputy Town Clerks.
A Resolution to designate the Town Clerk as FOIL Officer and the Town Supervisor as Appeals Officer. (Per recommendation of the NYS Committee on Open Government.)
A Resolution that the Town Board appoints Dixie Lee LeBlanc, Town Clerk, as Agent to Issue Parking Permits to People with Disabilities as required by the NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law.
A Resolution that the Town Board appoints Bruce M. Jennings, M. John Hosley and Captain Dean Pohl as Marriage Officers for the Town of Long Lake who shall have the authority to solemnize a marriage; which marriage shall be valid if performed in accordance with other provisions of law.
A Resolution to appoint Bruce Jennings as Long Lake Cemetery Custodian to map burials and maintain cemetery records.
A Resolution to appoint Bruce Jennings as the E-911 Coordinator with Essex County.
A Resolution whereas the Town Board, as the Long Lake Board of Health (Public Health Law, Section 302 (2)), appoints Russell E. Rider, MD to the position of Health Officer of the Town of Long Lake and Chief Executive Officer of the Board of Health (Public Health Law, Section 320 (1) and 308 (a)).
A Resolution that the Town Board contracts with Russell E. Rider, MD to provide medical services to the community for $55,000 in 2020.
A Resolution that any Town officer/employee should be compensated for the use of their automobiles in the performance of their official duties at the current rate of .58 cents per mile as determined by the IRS; rate is subject to fluctuation.
A Resolution that the following bank is hereby designated as the official depository for the Town of Long Lake and that the Town Supervisor, Town Clerk, Deputy Clerks and Town Justices shall deposit all funds coming into their hands in their official capacities in said bank: Community Bank, Long Lake Branch, PO Box 215, Long Lake, NY 12847.
A Resolution whereas all elected and appointed Town officials and employees be authorized, with the approval of the Town Supervisor, or if necessary, the Town Board, to attend any authorized school or seminar with all actual and necessary expenses being a proper Town charge as stated in the Town of Long Lake Employee Handbook dated 12/09/08.
A Resolution authorizing the attendance at the 2020 Association of Towns (AOT) "Annual Meeting & Training School" in February and/or AOT with the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) for "New Town Officials Schools" held in January for all elected Town officials and appointed officials and employees with all actual and necessary expenses being a proper Town charge.
A Resolution authorizing Long Lake Town Justices to appoint or hire court clerks and/or court stenographers as necessary. The Town Justices appoint Tina Burnett as Court Clerk.
A Resolution that the Town of Long Lake Board of Assessment Review Members be compensated one hundred dollars ($100) for each day assessment review services are performed or mandated.
A Resolution that the salaries of all elected officials be fixed as to the amounts respectively specified in the notice of public hearing upon preliminary budget of 2020 as follows: Town Supervisor (2-year term) - 42,432; Town Justices, each (2) (4-year term) - 12,448; Town Council Members, each (4) (4-year term) - 4,758; Town Clerk (4-year term) - 38,555; Town Highway Superintendent (2-year term) - 44,185; Town Sole Assessor (6-year term) - 33,058.
A Resolution that year 'round Town of Long Lake Employees (unless noted as seasonal or temporary) will be paid at an hourly rate according to the salary grade schedule.
A Resolution that the following General Fund, appointed employees will be paid an annual salary as follows: Historians (2) each - 2,148.36; Dog Control Officer - 3,499.11; Deputy Dog Control Officer - 726.86; Deputy Town Supervisor - 1,536.81; Cemetery Custodian (of records) - 2,576.19; Deputy Highway Superintendent - No compensation; Town Attorney - 3,327.20; Transfer Station Supervisor - 6,000; E-911 Coordinator - 2,545.92
A Resolution that all permanent, year-round, hourly employees will receive annual longevity payments after 10 years of service; these annual payments will increase after 15 years of service, 20 years of service, 25 years of service, etc. in accordance with the longevity policy as approved by the board on 12/10/97. (Amended 10/07, amended again 11/25/14, 1/31/2018, 10/30/2019)
A Resolution whereas the Town Board establishes the position of Dog Control Officer to the Town of Long Lake: Kathleen Buxton is appointed Dog Control Officer; Dixie Lee LeBlanc is appointed Deputy Dog Control Officer.
A Resolution establishing a petty cash fund, which is used by the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department, at the maximum not-to-exceed amount of
A Resolution that the Town Supervisor shall have the authority to enter into all necessary agreements to purchase materials, supplies and equipment with a limit of $10,000 or less; and utilizing the procurement policy where applicable.
A Resolution that the Town Board appoints, Carl T. Ferrentino, Esq. as Town Attorney and to the Office of Town Attorney. Also, the Town Board by this Resolution designates Karen S. Martell, Esq. of the firm of Lemery Greisler, LLC of Saratoga Springs as bond counsel for the Town and further, designates Daniel G. Vincelette, Esq. of The Vincelette Law Firm as an attorney for the Town for real property tax assessment issues.
A Resolution that the Board appoints John Deming of Adirondack Professional Services, Elizabethtown, NY as Town Surveyor.
A Resolution that the Board appoints Thomas Suozzo of Cedarwood Engineering, Warrensburg, NY as Town Engineer.
A Resolution for the following contract for the Superintendent of Highways:
A. The Town of Long Lake Highway Department shall maintain a work force the equivalent of 5.8 full-time positions plus one non-benefitted position. The permanent work force shall consist of no more than two foremen/MEOs: one in Long Lake and one in Raquette Lake, and four MEOs/laborers.
Other part time employees may be assigned to assist the Highway Department. Any part time staffing will only be done in accordance with the Highway Budget as approved by the Town Board.
In the event the Highway Superintendent chooses not to have a foreman in Long Lake, that position can be held by an MEO/laborer.
B. The Town Highway Superintendent shall have the authority to enter into all necessary agreements to purchase parts, road materials for repairs and improvements, outside repair contracts, leases and equipment purchases up to a limit of $5,000 in value. With the agreement of the Town Supervisor, this authorization is extended to $10,000 on any of the above expenditures.
C. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 284 of the Town Highway Law, monies collected and levied for the repair and improvement of highways and received from the State for repair and improvement shall be expended as agreed upon by the Highway Superintendent, Town Supervisor, Town Board, and Hamilton County Highway Superintendent.
D. The Town Highway Superintendent shall maintain, improve and repair all Town roads, parking areas, equipment and properties as provided for in the annual budget, and furthermore, may be assigned additional duties by the Town Board, not inconsistent with Town Highway Law, which are within the general scope of his employment and which do not interfere with his ordinary duties.
A Resolution that the Town Board establishes the Office of Deputy Highway Superintendent; the Highway Superintendent appoints Michael M. Lamphear as Deputy Highway Superintendent.
A Resolution that all financial dealings and contracts between Officers of the Town of Long Lake and their relatives must be given express prior approval by vote of the Town Board. (Town of Long Lake Ethics Code.)
A Resolution that the Town Board appoints Dixie Lee LeBlanc, Records Management Officer and D. Sean Curry, Deputy Supervisor to the Supervisor as the designated persons who shall have the authority to enter the safe deposit box, which box fulfills the storage needs for small items and records required to be stored off premises in a regulated atmosphere at a safe and secure location at premises currently named Community Bank NA, Long Lake Branch, to remove all or part of its contents; and also authorizing the Town Supervisor to cancel or modify the agreement between the Town and the Bank and to surrender or exchange the box; and also states that each year the Town Board will reaffirm or renew those designated persons authorized to have access to the box.
A Resolution to officially designate all Long Lake Town roads as snowmobile roads for the 2019 - 2020 winter season as requested annually by the DEC. The Town Board reserves the right to post specific sections of Town roads for non-usage by snowmobiles.
A Resolution that the Town Board Members annually approve the contents of the Town Policy Manual.
A Resolution to allow the Town Supervisor to sign documents in support of regional efforts that directly benefit the Town of Long Lake, where timing is critical to the success of the effort.
A Resolution to authorize the County Superintendent of Highways to post weight restrictions on Town roads within the Town of Long Lake in conjunction with the County Roads when deemed necessary during spring break-up for the calendar year 2020.
A Resolution to establish the office of Confidential Secretary and that the Supervisor appoints Clark J. Seaman as Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor.
Assessor’s Annual Report for 2019 was Accepted.
Code Enforcement Officer Annual Report for 2019 was Accepted.
Long Lake Archives Annual Report for 2019 was Accepted.
Annual Contract with Cedarwood Engineering Services, PLLC was Approved.
Dean Pohl was approved as the Voting Delegate for the Association of Towns Annual Meeting on February 19, 2020.
The Part 284 Agreement was approved. This is an agreement required by Highway Law which lists the projects the Highway Superintendent plans to undertake in the coming year. This year the project listed permanent improvements to Tarbell Hill Lane.
The Employee Handbook Reproductive Health Decision Making Policy was approved.
The purpose of this policy is to make the Town compliant with NYS Labor Law 203-e which basically says the Town as an employer will not discriminate or retaliate against employees based on their or their dependents reproductive health decision making.
The board approved surplusing the old telephone equipment.
The next Town Board Meeting will be Feb. 26 at 7 P.M. at the Long Lake Town Hall.
Long Lake gets organized
LONG LAKE—The Long Lake Town Board met on January 29 and began the meeting with the Pledge to the Flag of the United States of America, an opening Prayer by Councilman Craig Seaman and the Roll Call by Dixie Lee LeBlanc, Town Clerk as follows: Councilman Richard B. Dechene, Councilman Dean H. Pohl, Supervisor Clay J. Arsenault, Councilman Thomas L. Donnelly, Councilman Craig J. Seaman – all present.
This was followed by approving the following ORGANIZATION RESOLUTIONS
A Resolution that the Glens Falls Post Star is designated as an Official Daily Newspaper for the Town of Long Lake, New York in which all legal notices may be published.
A Resolution to designate Official Posting areas (Town Clerk Bulletin Board) for Public Notices as: (1) in Long Lake, the outside window box at the Town Office Building, and (2) in Long Lake, the inside (unlocked) entryway at the Town Hall, and (3) in Raquette Lake, the outside window box of the Raquette Lake Supply wall, and (4) on the Town Website at WWW.MYLONGLAKE.COM.
A Resolution to designate National Public Radio (NPR) as the official radio station for State of Emergency and Public Health notices.
A Resolution that the regular meetings of the Town Board of the Town of Long Lake be held the last Wednesday of each month at 7 PM. Additional Town Board meetings may be called by the Town Supervisor or Town Board as necessary.
All Town Board meetings will be held either at the Long Lake Town Hall, the Long Lake Meal Site (upstairs in the Town Hall), the Long Lake Geiger Arena, or the Raquette Lake Union Free School Gymnasium unless otherwise announced.
A Resolution that members of the public may speak only at the discretion of the Town Board during all open and public meetings.
A Resolution that department heads or designees may be requested to attend Board meetings where warrants are audited (end of the month) and may be requested to attend certain regular and/or special Town Board meetings.
A Resolution that the Town of Long Lake pay full-time and eligible part-time year around employees the following twelve holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, President's Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day observed, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving,
Christmas Day observed.
No additional days off with pay will be granted to Town employees, other than the above holiday dates, without prior approval of the members of the Town Board.
A Resolution designating the Town Supervisor as Chief Fiscal Officer and, as such, is authorized to invest surplus money at the best available rates as stated in the Town of Long Lake Investment Policy. (General Municipal Law 11.)
A Resolution to appoint the Town Supervisor as Budget Officer for 2020. (Town Law Section 103.)
A Resolution that the Supervisor shall submit to the Town Clerk within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year, a copy of the Adjusted Annual Update Document reported to the State Comptroller and acceptance of general, highway and water district Town monies received and disbursed throughout the year. (Town Law section 29; Subdivision l0A.) An additional 60 days is permitted with approval of the State Comptroller.
A Resolution that the Town Board establishes the Office of Deputy Supervisor.
{Town Law section 42) The Supervisor appoints D. Sean Curry as Deputy Supervisor.
A Resolution whereas the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to designate a principal account clerk and bookkeeper; the designation is D. Sean Curry. {Town Law Section 29, Subdivision 15)
A Resolution appointing D. Sean Curry and Colleen King as bookkeepers for the Highway Superintendent and for Water Districts #1 and #2 Funds.
A Resolution that the Town Supervisor appoints Dixie Lee LeBlanc as Registrar of Vital Statistics; and Dixie Lee LeBlanc appoints Amber Wamback as Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics.
A Resolution authorizing the Town Supervisor to appoint a Town Historian from Long Lake and a Town Historian from Raquette Lake who shall each promote the establishment and improvement of programs for the management and preservation of local government records with enduring value for historical or other research; encourage the coordinated collection and preservation of non- governmental historical records by libraries, historical societies, and other repositories; and carry out and actively encourage research in such records in order to add to the knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the Town of Long Lake's history. Those appointments are Jeanne F. Plumley, Long Lake and James Kammer, Raquette Lake. (Education Law Section 148.)
A Resolution that the Town Clerk appoints Amber Wamback and L. Brian Castler as Deputy Town Clerks.
A Resolution to designate the Town Clerk as FOIL Officer and the Town Supervisor as Appeals Officer. (Per recommendation of the NYS Committee on Open Government.)
A Resolution that the Town Board appoints Dixie Lee LeBlanc, Town Clerk, as Agent to Issue Parking Permits to People with Disabilities as required by the NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law.
A Resolution that the Town Board appoints Bruce M. Jennings, M. John Hosley and Captain Dean Pohl as Marriage Officers for the Town of Long Lake who shall have the authority to solemnize a marriage; which marriage shall be valid if performed in accordance with other provisions of law.
A Resolution to appoint Bruce Jennings as Long Lake Cemetery Custodian to map burials and maintain cemetery records.
A Resolution to appoint Bruce Jennings as the E-911 Coordinator with Essex County.
A Resolution whereas the Town Board, as the Long Lake Board of Health (Public Health Law, Section 302 (2)), appoints Russell E. Rider, MD to the position of Health Officer of the Town of Long Lake and Chief Executive Officer of the Board of Health (Public Health Law, Section 320 (1) and 308 (a)).
A Resolution that the Town Board contracts with Russell E. Rider, MD to provide medical services to the community for $55,000 in 2020.
A Resolution that any Town officer/employee should be compensated for the use of their automobiles in the performance of their official duties at the current rate of .58 cents per mile as determined by the IRS; rate is subject to fluctuation.
A Resolution that the following bank is hereby designated as the official depository for the Town of Long Lake and that the Town Supervisor, Town Clerk, Deputy Clerks and Town Justices shall deposit all funds coming into their hands in their official capacities in said bank: Community Bank, Long Lake Branch, PO Box 215, Long Lake, NY 12847.
A Resolution whereas all elected and appointed Town officials and employees be authorized, with the approval of the Town Supervisor, or if necessary, the Town Board, to attend any authorized school or seminar with all actual and necessary expenses being a proper Town charge as stated in the Town of Long Lake Employee Handbook dated 12/09/08.
A Resolution authorizing the attendance at the 2020 Association of Towns (AOT) "Annual Meeting & Training School" in February and/or AOT with the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) for "New Town Officials Schools" held in January for all elected Town officials and appointed officials and employees with all actual and necessary expenses being a proper Town charge.
A Resolution authorizing Long Lake Town Justices to appoint or hire court clerks and/or court stenographers as necessary. The Town Justices appoint Tina Burnett as Court Clerk.
A Resolution that the Town of Long Lake Board of Assessment Review Members be compensated one hundred dollars ($100) for each day assessment review services are performed or mandated.
A Resolution that the salaries of all elected officials be fixed as to the amounts respectively specified in the notice of public hearing upon preliminary budget of 2020 as follows: Town Supervisor (2-year term) - 42,432; Town Justices, each (2) (4-year term) - 12,448; Town Council Members, each (4) (4-year term) - 4,758; Town Clerk (4-year term) - 38,555; Town Highway Superintendent (2-year term) - 44,185; Town Sole Assessor (6-year term) - 33,058.
A Resolution that year 'round Town of Long Lake Employees (unless noted as seasonal or temporary) will be paid at an hourly rate according to the salary grade schedule.
A Resolution that the following General Fund, appointed employees will be paid an annual salary as follows: Historians (2) each - 2,148.36; Dog Control Officer - 3,499.11; Deputy Dog Control Officer - 726.86; Deputy Town Supervisor - 1,536.81; Cemetery Custodian (of records) - 2,576.19; Deputy Highway Superintendent - No compensation; Town Attorney - 3,327.20; Transfer Station Supervisor - 6,000; E-911 Coordinator - 2,545.92
A Resolution that all permanent, year-round, hourly employees will receive annual longevity payments after 10 years of service; these annual payments will increase after 15 years of service, 20 years of service, 25 years of service, etc. in accordance with the longevity policy as approved by the board on 12/10/97. (Amended 10/07, amended again 11/25/14, 1/31/2018, 10/30/2019)
A Resolution whereas the Town Board establishes the position of Dog Control Officer to the Town of Long Lake: Kathleen Buxton is appointed Dog Control Officer; Dixie Lee LeBlanc is appointed Deputy Dog Control Officer.
A Resolution establishing a petty cash fund, which is used by the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department, at the maximum not-to-exceed amount of
A Resolution that the Town Supervisor shall have the authority to enter into all necessary agreements to purchase materials, supplies and equipment with a limit of $10,000 or less; and utilizing the procurement policy where applicable.
A Resolution that the Town Board appoints, Carl T. Ferrentino, Esq. as Town Attorney and to the Office of Town Attorney. Also, the Town Board by this Resolution designates Karen S. Martell, Esq. of the firm of Lemery Greisler, LLC of Saratoga Springs as bond counsel for the Town and further, designates Daniel G. Vincelette, Esq. of The Vincelette Law Firm as an attorney for the Town for real property tax assessment issues.
A Resolution that the Board appoints John Deming of Adirondack Professional Services, Elizabethtown, NY as Town Surveyor.
A Resolution that the Board appoints Thomas Suozzo of Cedarwood Engineering, Warrensburg, NY as Town Engineer.
A Resolution for the following contract for the Superintendent of Highways:
A. The Town of Long Lake Highway Department shall maintain a work force the equivalent of 5.8 full-time positions plus one non-benefitted position. The permanent work force shall consist of no more than two foremen/MEOs: one in Long Lake and one in Raquette Lake, and four MEOs/laborers.
Other part time employees may be assigned to assist the Highway Department. Any part time staffing will only be done in accordance with the Highway Budget as approved by the Town Board.
In the event the Highway Superintendent chooses not to have a foreman in Long Lake, that position can be held by an MEO/laborer.
B. The Town Highway Superintendent shall have the authority to enter into all necessary agreements to purchase parts, road materials for repairs and improvements, outside repair contracts, leases and equipment purchases up to a limit of $5,000 in value. With the agreement of the Town Supervisor, this authorization is extended to $10,000 on any of the above expenditures.
C. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 284 of the Town Highway Law, monies collected and levied for the repair and improvement of highways and received from the State for repair and improvement shall be expended as agreed upon by the Highway Superintendent, Town Supervisor, Town Board, and Hamilton County Highway Superintendent.
D. The Town Highway Superintendent shall maintain, improve and repair all Town roads, parking areas, equipment and properties as provided for in the annual budget, and furthermore, may be assigned additional duties by the Town Board, not inconsistent with Town Highway Law, which are within the general scope of his employment and which do not interfere with his ordinary duties.
A Resolution that the Town Board establishes the Office of Deputy Highway Superintendent; the Highway Superintendent appoints Michael M. Lamphear as Deputy Highway Superintendent.
A Resolution that all financial dealings and contracts between Officers of the Town of Long Lake and their relatives must be given express prior approval by vote of the Town Board. (Town of Long Lake Ethics Code.)
A Resolution that the Town Board appoints Dixie Lee LeBlanc, Records Management Officer and D. Sean Curry, Deputy Supervisor to the Supervisor as the designated persons who shall have the authority to enter the safe deposit box, which box fulfills the storage needs for small items and records required to be stored off premises in a regulated atmosphere at a safe and secure location at premises currently named Community Bank NA, Long Lake Branch, to remove all or part of its contents; and also authorizing the Town Supervisor to cancel or modify the agreement between the Town and the Bank and to surrender or exchange the box; and also states that each year the Town Board will reaffirm or renew those designated persons authorized to have access to the box.
A Resolution to officially designate all Long Lake Town roads as snowmobile roads for the 2019 - 2020 winter season as requested annually by the DEC. The Town Board reserves the right to post specific sections of Town roads for non-usage by snowmobiles.
A Resolution that the Town Board Members annually approve the contents of the Town Policy Manual.
A Resolution to allow the Town Supervisor to sign documents in support of regional efforts that directly benefit the Town of Long Lake, where timing is critical to the success of the effort.
A Resolution to authorize the County Superintendent of Highways to post weight restrictions on Town roads within the Town of Long Lake in conjunction with the County Roads when deemed necessary during spring break-up for the calendar year 2020.
A Resolution to establish the office of Confidential Secretary and that the Supervisor appoints Clark J. Seaman as Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor.
Assessor’s Annual Report for 2019 was Accepted.
Code Enforcement Officer Annual Report for 2019 was Accepted.
Long Lake Archives Annual Report for 2019 was Accepted.
Annual Contract with Cedarwood Engineering Services, PLLC was Approved.
Dean Pohl was approved as the Voting Delegate for the Association of Towns Annual Meeting on February 19, 2020.
The Part 284 Agreement was approved. This is an agreement required by Highway Law which lists the projects the Highway Superintendent plans to undertake in the coming year. This year the project listed permanent improvements to Tarbell Hill Lane.
The Employee Handbook Reproductive Health Decision Making Policy was approved.
The purpose of this policy is to make the Town compliant with NYS Labor Law 203-e which basically says the Town as an employer will not discriminate or retaliate against employees based on their or their dependents reproductive health decision making.
The board approved surplusing the old telephone equipment.
The next Town Board Meeting will be Feb. 26 at 7 P.M. at the Long Lake Town Hall.
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