Friday, February 21, 2020

LPTB Feb 3 2020 State aware of dangerous road problems

LPTB Feb 3 2020

State aware of dangerous road problems
LAKE PLEASANT—When the Lake Pleasant Town Board met on February 3, local resident Robert “Shorty” Hoffman reported the Lt Governor, Kathy Hochul, stopped into the local Democrat meeting and offered to help with the dangerous Route 30 and Rt 8 Road situation.
Being an important route from all directions, it should be repaired. Hoffman was in contact with DOT Utica about it, also. He is hoping things might start to improve.
Supervisor Betsy Bain reported that County Highway Superintendent Tracy Eldridge, Hamilton County Chairman William Farber, Supervisor Betsy Bain and Utica DOT had a meeting also about it.
Highway Superintendent Randy Lavarnway reported the new Dodge truck is in, Sander put on it today. County radio will be installed soon.
The Town groomed last week – not much snow left. The roads are getting groomed. The 70% voucher for grooming signed and mailed in. Randy is amending club vouchers because of not much grooming. He doesn’t want to overpay and must send money back to the state.
Job application ad for Senior Mechanic was put in paper with wrong info (Randy confessed that it was his fault) It was corrected before it went to print in all but one paper. It was put in Legals and classified ads. No one has applied yet.
Nancy Seifts will try to start up the old Town Facebook page and put the ad on that page.
ROW 175 – High Water Mark was marked. Betsy Bain read a letter that will be sent to ROW deed holders. She has a list of names. The letter will be posted in the Town Shadowbox and on the website so it won’t be missed by those we aren’t aware of who should get the letter. Hoffman pointed out the date was wrong for Monday of Memorial Day weekend. It will be corrected to read 5/25/2020. Neil moved the letter to be sent, Cris seconded and all were in favor.
Verizon Towers - Bain explained that Young and Sommers is also Verizon’s attorney and we had to get a different attorney only for this case. He will review the contract and get back to Bain.
Potenia Management Group Contract is complete for the lighting. The work will be done this week.
Consolidated Health District was over the 2019 Tax Cap due to the fly car/ALS. Seifts made a resolution that the town board is now aware of the problem of being over the tax cap. Don seconded and all were in favor.
Standard Workday - Bain read from the NYS Retirement paperwork. Neil McGovern made a motion to accept the Standard Workday info, Nancy seconded, and all were in favor.
Kathy Aird is due for a step increase (2/1/20). This was not budgeted in the 2020 budget. The increase will be about $357.60 more for this year. McGovern moved to give Kathy this step increase, Cris Meixner seconded, all in favor except Don who abstained because Kathy is his sister in law.
Rachel Nelson (she works for LIFT) reported that she works for the 2020 Census and they are looking for workers in Hamilton County. The county needs 200 workers. Pays $20 per hour and $.58 per mile.
Sammie Desrochers told of plans for Youth Rec for the year ahead.
Karen McComb reported to the board that the library got a SALS Construction Grant in the amount of $5,000 for the replacement of the stairs on the east side of the library. This can be used whenever Randy and the Highway crew can do it.
Cris asked Neil if he got any information about the Copays from NLH. He is still working on it.
Neil is going to AOT meeting is NYC and he will bring back any available information he can get to the Town.
Cris asked if there is any word from Verizon on raising our current tower by 15 feet.
Bob Benkovich said that Verizon and American Tower is working with the APA about this and when a permit is issued by the APA, Bob will issue a local permit. Also, the mayor is pushing for an LP generator up there. Don asked why the generator can’t be on the bottom of the hill and run wiring with other electric up the hill.
Betsy reported that she went through old boxes of papers this weekend. Wondering about the Mountain Bike trails that we had worked on many years ago. Randy said the road trails are fine (Perkins Clearing not possible due to logging and log trucks other areas have been logged and have huge ruts. Don asked about using the snowmobile trails. Snowmobile bridges made with boards close enough to be safe if the UMP is changed. Betsy will check with the Chamber and Village to see what info they still have about these trails.

This story based upon minutes provided by Faith Cleveland, Deputy Town Clerk.

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