WCS BOE April 22 2020
Wells Central approves budget
WELLS—At its April 22 meeting, the Wells Central School Board of Education approved the proposed budget for the 2020/2021 school year in the amount of $5,885,565 on a motion made by Rachel Lauria, seconded by Ken Hoffman, and carried 5-0.
Superintendent Thomas D. Sincavage gave a presentation of the 2020-21 Budget. The school district has a fiscally healthy budget. The budget increased by $49,712, or 0.85%, and the property tax cap will be 0.82%.
Sincavage discussed the school closure due to the COVID 19 pandemic. The school is currently closed through May 15 due to NY on Pause.
The school district has been working closely with teachers who have transitioned students to online learning. Mr. Sincavage noted that the State Education department may start to check online curriculum to make sure it fulfills the requirement.
Sincavage spoke about the Capital Project. The project is about 50% complete and is expected to be completed earlier than originally planned. He reviewed the capital project budget and the contingency funds.
The Board received a tour of the building prior to the meeting with Mr. Mark Ellis, Clerk of the Works. Some of the work in progress includes new floors, ceiling tiles, lighting, electrical work, and the heat/ventilation units.
The Athletic Director’s Report was given by Jeremy J. Siddon, Building Principal who reported the spring sports season is postponed due to the COVID 19 school closure.
The board approved the March & April Enrollment Report (145).
The board approved the 2020/2021 HFM BOCES Calendar.
The board approved the 2020/2021 Wells Central School Calendar.
The board approved the 2019/2020 School District Report Card.
The board approved the Legal Notice for the Annual School District Meeting Vote and Election.
The board approved the Special Education Reports: 982420328, 560, and 982420330.
The board approved the approved the evaluation of the Superintendent on a motion by Dorman Reese, seconded by Rachel Lauria, and carried 5-0.
The board waived any required readings of policy 6.210 FERPA prior to adoption of such policy, and effectively adopted such policy retroactive to September 1, 2019, to make such policy congruent with directory information designated for the 2019-20 school year on a motion by Dorman Reese, seconded by Ken Hoffman, and carried 5-0.
The board approved the HFM BOCES Services Commitment with projected Costs for the 2020/2021 School year in the amount of $466,103.50 on motion made by Ken Hoffman, seconded by William Stuart, and carried 5-0.
The board approved the HFM BOCES Administrative Budget in the amount of $3,493,671 and casts one ballot each for John DeValve of Canajoharie Central School and Jean LaPorte of Gloversville Enlarged School District on a motion made by Ken Hoffman, seconded by William Stuart, and carried 5-0.
The board approved a merger with Lake Pleasant Central School District for modified sports in the 2020/2021 school year, if numbers of students warrant it on a motion made by Ken Hoffman, seconded by Dorman Reese, and carried 5-0.
The board approved the use of a WCS bus and bus driver for the following senior citizen trip on July 15, 2020 from 10am -5pm to the Lake George Dinner Theater. The senior group will pay for the fuel used and the salary of the bus driver. This was approved on a motion made by Rachel Lauria, seconded by Dorman Reese, and carried 5-0.
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent a motion was made by Dorman Reese and seconded by William Stuart, and carried 5-0 to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Board of Education, in accordance with General Municipal Law, has invited sealed bids to furnish materials and labor to complete the Asbestos Abatement Project, which bids were opened publicly on March 12, 2020; and
WHEREAS, the lowest responsible bidder(s) for the Asbestos Abatement Project has been identified as per the conditions stated in the bid report.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby awards the bids for the Asbestos Abatement Project to: AA - Aktor Corporation according to the Bid Report, as presented, a copy of which is incorporated by reference within the Board of Education meeting minutes (this meeting); and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education President and Superintendent of Schools are authorized to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the purposes of this resolution, as required.
The Wells Central School Board of Education accepted grant funds from Stewart’s Foundation in the amount of $750 for a student rewards program and $899 for physical education equipment on a motion made by William Stuart, seconded by Rachel Lauria, and carried 5-0.
The Wells Central School Board of Education recessed to Executive Session at 6:45 p.m. for the purpose of discussing specific personnel matters and/or negotiations on a motion made by Ken Hoffman, seconded by William Stuart, and carried 5-0.
The Wells Central School Board of Education returned to Open Session at 7:30 p.m. on a motion made by Ken Hoffman, seconded by Dorman Reese, and carried 5-0.
The Wells Central School Board of Education approved the addition of the name of Mike Corey to the 2019/2020 Substitute List as a certified substitute on a motion made by Rachel Lauria, seconded by Ken Hoffman, and carried 5-0.
The Wells Central School Board of Education granted tenure to Elise Russell as School Psychologist effective September 1, 2020 on a motion made by Dorman Reese, seconded by Rachel Lauria, and carried 5-0.
The Wells Central School Board of Education accepted the resignation of Karen Strevy as Computer Coordinator effective June 30, 2020 on a motion made by Dorman Reese, seconded by Rachel Lauria, and carried 5-0.
The Wells Central School Board of Education accepted the resignation of Debbie Welch as Cafeteria Manager effective June 30, 2020 on a motion made by Ken Hoffman, seconded by Rachel Lauria, and carried 5-0.
The Wells Central School Board of Education accepted the resignation of Lee Welch as Bus Driver effective June 30, 2020 on a motion made by Dorman Reese, seconded by Ken Hoffman, and carried 5-0.
WHEREAS, the Wells Central School District employs Kyle Subik as a Social Studies teacher, in the Social Studies 7-12 tenure area, since September 1, 2012 and is tenured in the Social Studies tenure area; and WHEREAS, Mr. Subik is also certified in Special Education and the District is in need of Special Education services at the elementary level; and WHEREAS, the District has requested and Mr. Subik has agreed to enter into a dual tenure appointment, in the areas of Social Education and Social Studies, therefore:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Wells Central School District, hereby accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent to appoint Kyle Subik to a 3 year probationary term in the additional tenure area of Special Education, effective September 1, 2020 and terminating August 31, 2023, unless extended or earlier terminated.
Mr. Subik will have eight (8) years seniority in the Social Studies tenure area as of June 30, 2020. Provided he continues as a full time employee, working at least 40% of his time in both the Special Education and Social Studies tenure areas, he will accrue seniority in both areas. However, time in both areas is not guaranteed and Mr. Subik’s annual assignment shall be at the sole discretion of the District.
This article is based upon minutes provided by Rachelle Dwyer, District Clerk.
Wells Central approves budget
WELLS—At its April 22 meeting, the Wells Central School Board of Education approved the proposed budget for the 2020/2021 school year in the amount of $5,885,565 on a motion made by Rachel Lauria, seconded by Ken Hoffman, and carried 5-0.
Superintendent Thomas D. Sincavage gave a presentation of the 2020-21 Budget. The school district has a fiscally healthy budget. The budget increased by $49,712, or 0.85%, and the property tax cap will be 0.82%.
Sincavage discussed the school closure due to the COVID 19 pandemic. The school is currently closed through May 15 due to NY on Pause.
The school district has been working closely with teachers who have transitioned students to online learning. Mr. Sincavage noted that the State Education department may start to check online curriculum to make sure it fulfills the requirement.
Sincavage spoke about the Capital Project. The project is about 50% complete and is expected to be completed earlier than originally planned. He reviewed the capital project budget and the contingency funds.
The Board received a tour of the building prior to the meeting with Mr. Mark Ellis, Clerk of the Works. Some of the work in progress includes new floors, ceiling tiles, lighting, electrical work, and the heat/ventilation units.
The Athletic Director’s Report was given by Jeremy J. Siddon, Building Principal who reported the spring sports season is postponed due to the COVID 19 school closure.
The board approved the March & April Enrollment Report (145).
The board approved the 2020/2021 HFM BOCES Calendar.
The board approved the 2020/2021 Wells Central School Calendar.
The board approved the 2019/2020 School District Report Card.
The board approved the Legal Notice for the Annual School District Meeting Vote and Election.
The board approved the Special Education Reports: 982420328, 560, and 982420330.
The board approved the approved the evaluation of the Superintendent on a motion by Dorman Reese, seconded by Rachel Lauria, and carried 5-0.
The board waived any required readings of policy 6.210 FERPA prior to adoption of such policy, and effectively adopted such policy retroactive to September 1, 2019, to make such policy congruent with directory information designated for the 2019-20 school year on a motion by Dorman Reese, seconded by Ken Hoffman, and carried 5-0.
The board approved the HFM BOCES Services Commitment with projected Costs for the 2020/2021 School year in the amount of $466,103.50 on motion made by Ken Hoffman, seconded by William Stuart, and carried 5-0.
The board approved the HFM BOCES Administrative Budget in the amount of $3,493,671 and casts one ballot each for John DeValve of Canajoharie Central School and Jean LaPorte of Gloversville Enlarged School District on a motion made by Ken Hoffman, seconded by William Stuart, and carried 5-0.
The board approved a merger with Lake Pleasant Central School District for modified sports in the 2020/2021 school year, if numbers of students warrant it on a motion made by Ken Hoffman, seconded by Dorman Reese, and carried 5-0.
The board approved the use of a WCS bus and bus driver for the following senior citizen trip on July 15, 2020 from 10am -5pm to the Lake George Dinner Theater. The senior group will pay for the fuel used and the salary of the bus driver. This was approved on a motion made by Rachel Lauria, seconded by Dorman Reese, and carried 5-0.
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent a motion was made by Dorman Reese and seconded by William Stuart, and carried 5-0 to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Board of Education, in accordance with General Municipal Law, has invited sealed bids to furnish materials and labor to complete the Asbestos Abatement Project, which bids were opened publicly on March 12, 2020; and
WHEREAS, the lowest responsible bidder(s) for the Asbestos Abatement Project has been identified as per the conditions stated in the bid report.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby awards the bids for the Asbestos Abatement Project to: AA - Aktor Corporation according to the Bid Report, as presented, a copy of which is incorporated by reference within the Board of Education meeting minutes (this meeting); and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education President and Superintendent of Schools are authorized to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the purposes of this resolution, as required.
The Wells Central School Board of Education accepted grant funds from Stewart’s Foundation in the amount of $750 for a student rewards program and $899 for physical education equipment on a motion made by William Stuart, seconded by Rachel Lauria, and carried 5-0.
The Wells Central School Board of Education recessed to Executive Session at 6:45 p.m. for the purpose of discussing specific personnel matters and/or negotiations on a motion made by Ken Hoffman, seconded by William Stuart, and carried 5-0.
The Wells Central School Board of Education returned to Open Session at 7:30 p.m. on a motion made by Ken Hoffman, seconded by Dorman Reese, and carried 5-0.
The Wells Central School Board of Education approved the addition of the name of Mike Corey to the 2019/2020 Substitute List as a certified substitute on a motion made by Rachel Lauria, seconded by Ken Hoffman, and carried 5-0.
The Wells Central School Board of Education granted tenure to Elise Russell as School Psychologist effective September 1, 2020 on a motion made by Dorman Reese, seconded by Rachel Lauria, and carried 5-0.
The Wells Central School Board of Education accepted the resignation of Karen Strevy as Computer Coordinator effective June 30, 2020 on a motion made by Dorman Reese, seconded by Rachel Lauria, and carried 5-0.
The Wells Central School Board of Education accepted the resignation of Debbie Welch as Cafeteria Manager effective June 30, 2020 on a motion made by Ken Hoffman, seconded by Rachel Lauria, and carried 5-0.
The Wells Central School Board of Education accepted the resignation of Lee Welch as Bus Driver effective June 30, 2020 on a motion made by Dorman Reese, seconded by Ken Hoffman, and carried 5-0.
WHEREAS, the Wells Central School District employs Kyle Subik as a Social Studies teacher, in the Social Studies 7-12 tenure area, since September 1, 2012 and is tenured in the Social Studies tenure area; and WHEREAS, Mr. Subik is also certified in Special Education and the District is in need of Special Education services at the elementary level; and WHEREAS, the District has requested and Mr. Subik has agreed to enter into a dual tenure appointment, in the areas of Social Education and Social Studies, therefore:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Wells Central School District, hereby accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent to appoint Kyle Subik to a 3 year probationary term in the additional tenure area of Special Education, effective September 1, 2020 and terminating August 31, 2023, unless extended or earlier terminated.
Mr. Subik will have eight (8) years seniority in the Social Studies tenure area as of June 30, 2020. Provided he continues as a full time employee, working at least 40% of his time in both the Special Education and Social Studies tenure areas, he will accrue seniority in both areas. However, time in both areas is not guaranteed and Mr. Subik’s annual assignment shall be at the sole discretion of the District.
This article is based upon minutes provided by Rachelle Dwyer, District Clerk.
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