Saturday, May 30, 2020

Indian Lake authorizes purchase of property

ILTB May 19 2020

Indian Lake authorizes purchase of property
INDIAN LAKE—The Indian Lake Town Board held a special meeting on May 19 and during the meeting towards the end of the meeting, the board passed the following resolution to purchase real property:
“WHEREAS, the Town of Indian Lake owns a certain dam along the Indian River.
“WHEREAS the Town wishes to increase its ability to access the dam for purposes ofpolentialfuturemaintenanceandreparractivtliesandfurtherwishestoprotectthedam and to regulate access to the dam; and
“WHEREAS, the dam is surrounded by privately owned land located off Chain Lakes Road and identified by tax map parcel number57.-1-25.110 (Property) and
“WHEREAS, Town ownership of the Property would ensure the Town's ability to access, maintain, repair, and rebuild the dam if ever such need arises; and
“WHEREAS, grant funding is available to reimburse the Town for the cost
associated with Property purchase; and
“WHEREAS, based upon Town assessment records, the Property is appropriately valued at $145,000, which is reflected as the purchase price of the Property in the proposed purchase contract presented to and reviewed by the Town Board; and
“WHEREAS, Property purchase would further resolve pending litigation involving
the Town of Indian Lake.
“NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Ile Town Board of the Town of Indian Lake here by finds that there is a public need and benefit associated with purchase of the Property for the protection of the Town dam and to ensure greater access to the dam for purposes of any future maintenance, repair or other associated activities that may someday become necessary and to increase the Town's ability to regulate access to the dam; and be it further
“RESOLVED, that no aspect of Property purchase constitutes an "Action• for
purposes of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) review because no physical alteration to land is currently anticipated and because purchase is not being undertaken with any intention to change the use, appearance or condition of any natural resource or structure; and be it further
“RESOLVED, that even if purchase were part of an "Action" pursuant to SEQRA, that Action would be appropriately classified as a Type II Action pursuant to 6 NYCRR 617.5(c)(1) and 617.5(c){21); and be it further
“RESOLVED, that if any purely speculative alterations to the dam ever advance, which are of such nature as to require SEQRA review, such review will be required prior to undertaking, funding, or approving such alterations; and be it further
“RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute the proposed contract as presented to the Town Board, subject to minor. non-substantive alterations and/or corrections; and be it further
“RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is further authorized to undertake all action necessary to seek and obtain grant funding for Property purchase on the Town's behalf; and be it further
“RESOLVED, that Town Counsel is hereby authorized and directed to retain the services of an Appraiser and Title Agent for purposes of obtaining an Appraisal Report and Fee title Insurance Policy on behalf of the Town; and be it further
“RESOLVED. that the Town Supervisor and Town Counsel are hereby authorized
to undertake any other action necessary to effectuate the intentions of this Resolution.”
OTHER BUSINESS conducted included the following:
Supervisor Wells told the Board that they would need to discuss whether to open the beaches this season. He stated that we are not prepared to do this. He told all present that he had the requirements from the State for them to look over. He stated that a few of the requirements, such as: the bath house had to remain closed, there can be no picnic tables, the playground has to remain closed and there would be a limit to the amount of people allowed on the beach. He stated that to manage that they would need to hire someone to police these policies. Therefore, in his opinion he feels that they should remain closed for the season.
Supervisor Wells reported to the Board that he had received a request concerning the annual 90-Miler. This event is held in September. This will be discussed closer to the time of the event depending on what phase we are in at that time.
Supervisor Wells told the Board he would be contacting Ken Cannan to discuss the Memorial Day Parade. He stated he is assuming that it will not be happening.
Supervisor Wells reported to the Board that the "5 Towns" has set up a Facebook page. Supervisor Wells stated he is looking for someone to manage the page for Indian Lake. This Facebook page would be used to attract visitors to Indian Lake such as pictures, events, and news.
Councilwoman Curry approached the Board with Weed District information. She stated that herself and the Weed Board of Commissioners have been meeting regularly. She told the Board that they are looking to hire Lance Pierson to remove bogs at a price of $500 - $600 per day, stating that this would take approximately 10 days to finish.
Supervisor Wells stated that he has told the Commissioners they need to write up a proposal for Board. He told Councilwoman Curry to have Lance write up a proposal he stated the Town will need a copy of Lance Pierson' s Business Insurance, Comp. Insurance, and Employee names on his letter head. Supervisor Wells also stated that this may have to go out to bid if it is over the procurement policy. It was decided by the Board when the bid comes in, if under the procurement policy, they will vote over email to expedite the removal of the bogs.
Councilwoman Stanton asked the Board if the Town would once again purchase the soil and fertilizer for the flower barrels at the monument site. She stated that the CDC would purchase the flowers.
Dam project is complete. It was decided that Councilman Rathbun would put up the ribbons after Memorial Day.

This article is based upon minutes provided by Julie Clawson, Town Clerk.

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