Saturday, May 2, 2020

Long Lake passes three local laws

LLTB April 29 2020

Long Lake passes three local laws
LONG LAKE—When the Long Lake Town Board held its April 29 meeting, it passed the following three local laws.
It was conducted as a virtual meeting, using the GoTo Meeting Web platform, using both the audio and visual features pursuant to the Governor's Executive Orders, because of the ongoing concerns for the health and safety of the townspeople presented by the Wuhan China Virus Epidemic.
This local law is enacted pursuant to the authority of Article 9-A of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York and shall be known as the "Games of Chance Local Law of the Town of Long Lake."
The Town Board hereby finds and declares that the raising of funds for the promotion of bona fide charitable, educational, scientific, health, religious and patriotic causes, and undertakings, where the beneficiaries are undetermined. is in the public interest, so long as the gaming herewith authorized is conducted in a manner consistent with the statutory scheme under the General Municipal Law and the measures to prevent commercialized gambling. prevent participation by criminal and other undesirable elements and prevent the diversion of funds from the purposes herein. it is therefore the intent of this local law to exercise the local option for conduct of games of chance by certain organizations as provided in Article 9-A of the General Municipal Law.
It shall be lawful for any authorized organization , upon obtaining a license , therefore, to conduct games of chance within the territorial limits of the Town of Long Lake subject to the provisions of this local law, the provisions of Article 9-A of the General Municipal Law , and the regulations set forth by the New York State Gaming Commission, or its successor.
The conduct of games of chance on Sundays is authorized, except as otherwise provided in Article 9-A of the General Municipal Law.
This local law shall take effect January I, 2021, after approval thereof by the voters of the Town of Long Lake voting thereon at the general election scheduled for November 2020 and the filing of the Local Law with the New York Secretary of State.
This local law is enacted pursuant to New York State Constitution, Art. 9 § 2(c) (1), and Municipal Home Rule Law § I 0, Subdivision I (ii)a(I), both of which vest the Town Board with the power to adopt and amend local laws concerning the mode of selection of its officers. This Local Law is entitled: Local Law for Establishment of Designated Town Board Positions.
The Town Board has determined that under the current method of biennially electing two of its four town board members - whereby voters are ordinarily provided  with the opportunity  to vote for any two candidates competing for two board member positions up for election and where both positions  are filled by the candidates who receive the two highest vote totals of all candidates running - a significant number of voters fail to vote for a second candidate out of concerns that a vote cast for any such candidate will detract from the voter's top selection. The purpose and intent of this local law is to diminish the above-noted concerns, to encourage better voter participation in all elections for town board members and to encourage competitive races for all board seats.
Town board positions shall be designated as: "Town Board Position A," "Town Board Position B," "Town Board Position C," and "Town Board Position D."
Such designations shall be determined as follows: the two Town Board Positions, which, on the effective date of this local law, are up for reelection at the first biennial Town election following the effective date of this local law shall be designated, respectively, as "Town Board Position A," and "Town Board Position B." with the position of the Board member then having relatively more seniority on the Board being designated as "Town Board Position A.", while the position of the Board member then having relatively less seniority on the Board being designated as "Town Board Position 8." The two Board positions which, on the effective date of this local law are up for reelection at the second biennial Town election following the effective date of this local law shall be designated, respectively, as "Town Board Position C" and Town Board Position D," with the position of the Board member then having relatively more seniority on the Board being designated as "Town Board Position C," while the position of the Board member then having relatively less seniority on the Board being designated as "Town Board Position
At the first biennial Town election following the effective date of this local law, electors shall be entitled to cast one vote for "Town Board Position A" and one vote for "Town Board Position B." At the second biennial Town election following the effective date of this local law, electors shall be entitled to cast one vote for "Town Board Position C" and one vote for "Town Board Position D." The petition of any candidate for any Board position shall designate the specific Board position for which she or he seeks to be elected.
In the event that more than two Board position races are held during the same biennial Town election, appropriate designations of Board positions, consistent with this local law, shall be followed and electors shall be entitled to cast one vote per Town Board Position race.
This local law shall take effect on January I, 2021 after approval by affirmative vote of a majority of the town's qualified electors voting upon the proposition during November 2020 general election and the filing of the Local Law with the New York Secretary of State. If so approved, the first town board member races affected by this local law shall be for the biennial election of the year 2021.
This local law is enacted pursuant to New York State Constitution, which vest the Town Board with the power to adopt and amend local laws concerning the term of its officers subject to mandatory referendum. This Local Law is entitled: Local Law for Restatement of Existing Terms and Extension of Terms for Elected Officers.
The Town Board has determined that New York State Town Law Section 24 entitled "Terms of office" governing the terms of office for all elective officers does not reflect the needs for efficient and orderly operation of Long Lake town government. The statute extended the terms of town board members from two to four years most recently, and the Town Board extended the term of the Town Clerk pursuant to Town Law Section 24-a authorization in 1997. The purpose of this local law is to restate the existing terms of office for Town of Long Lake elective offices and to extend to four (4) years the elective terms for the offices of Town Supervisor and Town Superintendent of Highways from the two (2) year terms as established under Town Law Section 24. Under this Local Law, the Referendum for the term extension for each office shall be at the general election of November 2020.
The table below restates Town of Long Lake elective offices terms and the extended terms, where subject to local referendum approval:
Supervisor - Four (4) year term, if approved at referendum at the general election of 2020, otherwise if not approved, Two (2) year term.
Town Board Members (4 positions) - Four (4) year term
Highway Superintendent - Four (4) year term, if approved at referendum at the general election of 2020, otherwise if not approved, Two (2) year term
Town Clerk - Four (4) year term
Town Sole Assessor - Six (6) year term
Town justices: (2 positions) - Four (4) year term
This Local Law shall take effect on January 1, 2021 upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the town's qualified electors voting upon one or both of the two referendum questions slated under this Local Law and the filing with the Secretary of State. However, the operational effectiveness of term change for the offices of Town Supervisor and Town Highway Superintendent shall be determined according to the results of each referendum question with respect to each office.
RESOLUTION authorizing an Amendment to the Overtime Policy
The purpose of this policy is to require that any overtime to be worked is pre-approved by the employee's department head and the town supervisor, with the exception of the Highway Department employees, whose overtime must be pre-approved by the Highway Superintendent.
RESOLUTION authorizing Warren County Office for the Aging Contract
This is the annual contract for providing the senior bus.
The total amount Warren County will reimburse for the senior bus is 50% of documented cost up to a total of $4,550.
There is $15,840 budgeted for bus operation
RESOLUTION appointing Senior Justice in the Town of Long Lake and Establishing a $100 per month stipend for administrative duties associated with the Court.
A resolution appointing Bryan Far as Senior Justice in the town of Long Lake, in establishing $100 per month stipend for administrative duties associated with court.
The issue of recognition of the extra services as senior justice has been discussed over the course of the last year, Bryan Far has several years on the bench, and acts as the administrator for the justice courts in the town.
He sets the hours for the court clerk and performs various other administrative duties.
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the town of Long Lake Town Board hereby establishes the designation of Senior Town Justice designates Justice far.
As Senior Town Justice for the remainder of his existing term of Office, ending on December 31, 2022.
And be it further resolved that the additional stipend of $100 per month shall be paid as salary in compensation, and be it further resolved, that this compensation shall commence effective for the month of April 2020.

The next Town Board Meeting will be 5/27/2020 at 7:00 P.M.

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