Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Indian Lake remembers Barry Hutchins

 ILTB October 13 2020

Indian Lake remembers Barry Hutchins


INDIAN LAKE—When the Indian Lake Town Board met on October 13, Supervisor Brian Wells stated that Barry Hutchins had recently died. He stated that he had worked with Barry for 12 years on the Board, 2 years as Deputy Supervisor and then took his place as Supervisor. With a heavy heart he read a resolution honoring Hutchins for his many years of service to the town and the resolution was unanimously seconded by all.

Supervisor Wells reported that the opening ceremony for the new Stewarts was well attended. He thanked the Chamber, Nancy Hutchins, Colleen Delcore, the Town Attorney, and Meade Hutchins for all their work moving this forward. He told all it was much appreciated. He also reported that Mr. Dake, owner of Stewarts, stated that Stewarts does not invest in a dying Community so we should all feel immensely proud. He also thanked Senator Tedisco and Assemblyman Smullen for attending the ceremony.

Supervisor Wells also reported to the Board that all Town Employees must fill out their time off request and bring it in to the Town Hall prior to taking time off. He stated this was for contact tracing and told all that the virus is surging again in the state, and we cannot be complacent about it.

Supervisor Wells also reported to the Board that he had given them a procedure for quarantining. He asked them to look it over to see if they would like anything added to it. He would like to discuss this and vote on it.

Wells reported to the Board that he had held a meeting with the Weed District. He stated they are replacing two Board Members. He told them to self-nominate then bring to the Board for approval. This will not change until January. He also stated that he and Bill Laprairie, Department Head of Buildings and Grounds, will be going to check on the bogs, he told all that Ernie Pollman was going to meet them and they would begin planning.

Supervisor Wells stated he would be meeting with the Chamber soon to do a walk through and to get any suggestions they may have.

Supervisor Wells also reported to the Board that he had received a request to put the "little Walmart" back in. He stated the letter said it was a great necessity for some and they were sorry that some ruined it for others. Supervisor Wells stated when things get back to normal the Board could look it over again to see about putting it back in. He did reiterate that this would need to be done with the cooperation of the County.

Supervisor Wells reported to all that the speed limit signs have been ordered and will be put up as soon as they are received. The new speed limit on Crow Hill Road will be 25 mph in the school zone and then 35 mph for the rest of the road.


Jamie Roblee, Highway Superintendent, questioned if the Board had a procedure in place for Covid-19 and how the Town would be handling possible cases if an Employee has been exposed. Supervisor Wells stated that he had given the Board a copy of a possible procedure that they are looking over.


Supervisor Wells made a motion to re-appoint Guyowen Howard to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Seconded by Councilman Rath bun. Supervisor Wells thanked Guy and stated that the Board is much appreciative of his willingness to stay on the Board. Guys term will run from 10/13/2020 - 09/30/2025.


One bid was received from Moore Construction. Supervisor Wells made a motion to accept the bid from Moore Construction for review. Seconded by Councilwoman Stanton.

The full board approved.


Brenda Valentine, President of the Community Development Committee, reported on the work the Committee has participated in during the Covid crises. She stated they have been busy trying to get the word out to the public on the importance of filling out their Census report. She reported that they had also in conjunction with the North Country Crafters, been instrumental in giving out free face masks. She stated they were given a donation of $600, which they in turn gave to Community Action to help with their programs. Supervisor Wells thanked the CDC for their tremendous efforts to get people to fill out the Census forms. He stated that there was much confusion concerning second homeowners as they were to fill out one at their primary residence as well as their second home. He feels this could be one reason why our numbers are so low. Supervisor Wells also thanked Brenda and Lela Lewis and all who contributed to the mask program.

Valentine reported to the Board that due to the Justice Equality Resolution the Board had passed, a Committee has been formed. She stated they have held a meeting already and will be holding another one soon. She told all that the meeting was well attended and there were many suggestions and research being done. Supervisor Wells thanked Brenda for her work on this.

This article is based upon the minutes of Julie Clawson

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