Sunday, November 29, 2020

Lake Pleasant approves 2021 budget


LPTB November 16 2020


Lake Pleasant approves 2021 budget


LAKE PLEASANT—When the Lake Pleasant Town Board met on November 16 and after more discussion on the 2021 Budge, the board passed a resolution to adopt the budget, on contingent of the $7,500 to be added from LPSA.

Cristine Meixner congratulated Neil McGovern and Supervisor Betsy Bain on all their work they did on the Budget. Bain also thanked Nancy Seifts and said how appreciative she was for all her help on the 2021 Budget.


Highway Superintendent Randy Lavarnway reported that security cameras are now installed at the Library. The highway drew is working on the Gilmantown Road, grated and new culverts going in and further FEMA work being done on Friday. The new parking by the Lewey Lake Trail is still being worked on. The highway crew is helping DOT install 60 feet of culvert to the parking area, which will run parallel to the Highway. The Town will plow it. Snowmobile bridges have been repaired and are ready to go.


Bain reported the new flooring for the Primary Care Center has arrived, but they are waiting on the carpet. The schedule for the installation will be worked out between Primary Care and Ruby & Quiri.

Bain reported the new biking trail signs are done and will be installed by Dave McComb. There will be updated trail maps too. A new computer has been ordered for Bain. The previous one she inherited was not user friendly. The cost was approximately $500 with 3 quotes. Bain has contacted the New York State Association of Town and they agreed it would be a good idea to have a 2020 audit done due to the fact that the Hamilton County Treasurer’s Office has been hired to take over the Town’s financial bookkeeping.


McGovern asked if he should contact the Mayor and those on the septic and erosion regulations committee. Bain said yes. McGovern is looking to set up the date for the first meeting. Bain said now that the Budget is done, she wants to meet with Bill Dievendorf from H2O and McGovern to create a list of what the Town should and should not pay for in the houses that have the R/O systems.


Cristine asked Bain if there has been any progress on the Smart Street Lighting program? Bain will investigate what was done by the previous Supervisor.

Court Clerk Debbie O’Rourke reported the Lake Pleasant Courts are closed until January because of COVID. Bain said she had helped the County Nursing Dept. with the testing of about 100 people. Due to COVID the County went into State of Emergency setting the stage to be prepared for different departments. Bain and Meixner will get together to update the vulnerable population list before winter. Camp of the Woods has donated $5,000 toward the Fly Car.

Next meeting will be December 7, 2020

This article is based upon the minutes of Deborah O’Rourke, Town Clerk.

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