Friday, December 4, 2020

County authorizes more funding for Halloween Storm damage

 Supervisors December 3 2020

County authorizes more funding for Halloween Storm damage


LAKE PLEASANT—When the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors met on December 3, it approved several resolutions including one to increase funding for Halloween Storm damage.


WHEREAS Resolution No. 236-20 authorized appropriations of $400,000 for repairs of damage from the Halloween Storm of 2019, and

WHEREAS, the DPW has been continuing repairs from the damage and needs more funding to continue the damage repairs, and

WHEREAS DPW Superintendent recommends the transfer of $300,000 from the County Road Fund balance to fund these ongoing repairs, be it

RESOLVED, that $300,000.00 be transferred from the Unappropriated County Road Fund Balance in accordance with Section 366 Subdivision 1 of the County Law to Capital Project Account No. H7.8760.401 Halloween Storm 2019 and that hereby the County Treasurer is authorized to make the said transfer and the Clerk of the Board and County DPW Superintendent be so notified.


RESOLVED, that the attached calendar as submitted by the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors be set up through November 4, 2021 with dates for the Annual Session determined at a later date, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Committee meetings shall be held on the Monday, eleven days prior to the regular Board meeting.


WHEREAS the proposal to provide application software and support services to the Hamilton County Treasurer’s Office, as well as the towns and school districts, for their tax collection has been submitted by Systems East, Inc., and

WHEREAS the Treasurer’s Office is satisfied with the services and support received from Systems East in the past, and

WHEREAS an increase of $163 over last year’s agreement has been proposed for a total contract price of $11,853.00 to cover the period of January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021, and

WHEREAS a portion of this contract price will be charged back to the towns and schools at the same level as last year ($200.00 each), be it

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to sign the agreement as proposed and the County Treasurer be so notified.


WHEREAS the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors set the agenda for developing a Shared Services Plan with all the Towns, Villages, and School Districts within Hamilton County, and

WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Treasurer’s Office has been providing Back Office functions, including but not limited to Accounting, and

WHEREAS, Hamilton County Treasurer’s Office would like to continue these functions,

be it

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to enter into agreements with the Towns of Benson, Hope, Lake Pleasant and Morehouse to provide Bookkeeping Services for the year 2021, with the approval of the County Attorney, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Contracts will be in the following amounts: Benson - $7,800; Hope - $9,700; Lake Pleasant - $13,500; Morehouse - $7,800.

and be it also RESOLVED that the County Treasurer be so authorized, and the Clerk of the Board and Personnel Officer be so notified.


WHEREAS the County Historian required reduction in Retirement credits being reported to the NYS Retirement System due to reduced working hours in the past several months, and

WHEREAS, in reviewing current reporting to accomplish the reduction in credit, it was determined that the County Historian had not re-adjusted the Record of Activity (ROA) over the past several years revealing reporting at the 2016 hours level which was more than earned, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be authorized to send an adjustment report to the NYS Retirement System based on the corrected hours provided by the Historian and a review and reconciliation by the Treasurer’s Office of corrected versus reported hours, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Personnel Officer, County Historian, Clerk of the Board and Treasurer be so notified.


WHEREAS Hamilton County was awarded NYS Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Project # 500HR345-18 in the amount of $240,000, and

WHEREAS, this grant has not been expended, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to fund the following accounts: Revenue: CD.4089 Federal Aid, CDBG-Housing Rehab Grant #500HR345-18 $240,000. Expenditure: CD.8668.401 Community Development, Rehab Loans and Grants - $240,000.

00 Seconded by


WHEREAS Hamilton County Community Services (HCCS) participates in the Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP) grant with Citizens Advocates, Inc., and the Hudson Mohawk Area Health Education Center (HM AHEC) who is the recipient of the grant, and

WHEREAS, Citizens Advocates, Inc. receives funding from the grant from the HM AHEC as they hold the certification for Substance Use Disorder treatment services provided by HCCS, and

WHEREAS, an agreement has been authorized by Hamilton County and Citizens Advocates that will allow Citizens Advocates, Inc. to pass through funding from the grant over the next three years from the HM AHEC to HCCS to provide local services, trainings and support identified in the RCORP grant, and

WHEREAS the amount for 2020 is $10,000, be it

RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes the County Treasurer to create Revenue Account No. A2280.0300 CS RCORP Grant in the amount of $10,000 to be totally offset by creating Expenditure Account No. A4310.0413 CS RCORP Grant in the amount of $10,000 as to allow utilization of this funding by Hamilton County Community Services.


WHEREAS, the Chair of the Community Services Board can recommend reappointments to the Community Services Board and its subcommittees, and

WHEREAS one member of the Community Services Board has a term that is expiring, and

WHEREAS this same member’s term on the Community Services Board’s Alcohol and Substance Abuse Subcommittee is expiring, be it

RESOLVED, that William Farber of Morehouse be reappointed to the Community Services Board with a term expiring December 31, 2024, and be it further

RESOLVED, that William Farber also be reappointed to the Community Services Board’s Alcohol and Substance Abuse Subcommittee with a term to expire December 31, 2024 and the County Treasurer be so advised.

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