Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Holiday music from Long Lake and Indian Lake students available

 LLCS BOE Dec 10 2020

Holiday music from Long Lake and Indian Lake students available


LONG LAKE—The Long Lake Central School Board of Education met on December 10 and Superintendent Noelle Short reported to the board that Mr. Sass will release holiday music videos of students next week, with the last video to include a choir and a band selection with Indian Lake CSD students.

Short went on to update the board on Remote Learning Details, our Positive Case Response Plan, and Red/Yellow/Orange Zone Designations.

Grades K-6 Teachers are exploring a new math program, she said.

The School Counselor Elisha Cohen and Spanish Teacher Molly Stewart are working with Jose Lamos to earn the NYS Seal of Biliteracy.

The Student Council is selling wreaths and Grades 10 & 11 are collecting food for the Long Lake Food Pantry and for the Tri-Lakes Humane Society.

The social service dog Reggie comes to school Monday’s and Friday’s.

The child study team is working to bring people together allowing us to have a Response to Intervention process.

Grades 7-12 teachers are incorporating extra support for students into the school day.

A decision should be made by Governor Cuomo before January 4 on the playing of “high risk sports.”

Ms. Gannon, Mrs. Conboy, and the Yearbook Staff took school photos of students for the yearbook.


On Motion by Michael Farrell, seconded by Trisha Hosley, with all in favor, Janet Loyka was approved as a Substitute.

On Motion by Michael Farrell, seconded by Alexandria Harris, with all in favor, the resignation of Tina Pine as National Honor Society Advisor was approved, effective November 20, 2020.

On Motion by Trisha Hosley, seconded by Brian Penrose, with all in favor, the June 30, 2020 Audit Corrective Action Plan was approved.

On Motion by Michael Farrell, seconded by Alexandria Harris, with all in favor, Policy #5676 Privacy and Security for Student Data and Teacher and Principal Data were approved.

On Motion by Alexandria Harris, seconded by Trisha Hosley, with all in favor, Raymond G. Preusser was approved as the External Auditor for school year 2020-21, 2021-22, and 2022- 23.

On Motion by Michael Farrell, seconded by Trisha Hosley, with all in favor, the capital project bid awards for General Construction went to Le Chase Construction Services, LLC for $1,112,400; Plumbing Construction went to Pipeline Mechanical of Plattsburgh, LLC for $530,700; Electrical Construction went to S&L Electric, Inc. for $339,000; Technology Construction went to Comalli Group Inc. for $196,600; and the Network via State Contract went to ConvergeOne Inc. for $55,417.35.

On Motion by Trisha Hosley, seconded by Brian Penrose, with all in favor, a Minecraft Education Edition Club was approved with Joshua Tremblay as Advisor.


The Board reviewed preliminary budget assumptions for the 2021-22 school year.

Policy 1st Readings: A first reading on Policy #5670 Records Management took place.

The Board discussed high risk sports and the Gore Ski Program.

The next meeting date is Thursday, January 14, 2021 at 6 p.m.

This article is based upon the minutes of Clerk of the Board, Victoria J. Snide.

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