Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Indian Lake Central makes repairs and plans for more

ILCS BOE Aug 20 2019

Indian Lake Central makes repairs and plans for more

INDIAN LAKE—The Indian Lake Central School Board of Education met on August 20 made ready for the new school year by starting with holding a public hearing to use repair reserve funds for expenditures on parking lot and tennis court repairs that took place this summer.
Without any objections from the public, the board approved spending up to $25,000 for repairs done to the Crow Hill parking lot, which was done through shared services with the Town of Indian Lake.
Superintendent/Principal Dave Snide said, “We believe that it will be less than $25,000. We were responsible for paying for the materials and the rental of the machine.
Snide also reported on the following.
Concerning the proposed building project - Roof, Windows, Remaining Asbestos Abatement - The total for the project is $2,488, 613 which includes the following potential items are three items - Resurface Roof Coating (20 Year Warranty), Replace Roof Fascia on 1935 Building, Replace Roof Ladders, Abate Basement/Crawlspace, Replace All Exterior Windows, Reconstruct Classroom Ceiling Window and Reconstruct Classroom Ceiling (Two Phases).
The full project has a tax impact of $14/$100,000. The project has two levels of priorities.
Snide said, “Although none of the items are in the luxury category, the board is looking at cutting some of the items to potentially doing some of the items at a different time in order to cut down the cost of the project.
“Although the roof is in pretty good shape, we are past the warranty date. It doesn't need to be a total replacement right now, so we are able to use a coating method that has been proven and has been used locally on schools. The windows have seen their life expectancy with issues with windows not being able to stay open to not being able to open them due to the ballasts needing to be replaced at a significant cost.
“So, again, there is nothing romantic about the potential project, it is necessary to preserve the building and keep the kids safe.”
Snide also reported soccer is underway with all four teams.
The board approved the Tax Rate resolution for 2019-20: The Board of Education of the Indian Lake Central School has been authorized by the voters at the Special Meeting held on May 14, 2019 to expend the sum of $6,705,567 for the 2019-20 school year.
The board approved the Bus lease agreement with the Town of Indian Lake.
The board approved the bus maintenance agreement with Minerva CSD.
Shop labor will be billed to Minerva at the rate of $40.00 per hour for mechanic and at the rate of $30.00 per hour for a helper when needed.
The board approved the Parent/Teacher Handbook for 2019-20.
The board approved the Code of Conduct for 2019-20.
The board approved the AIS (Academic Interventional Services).
The board approved the following fundraisers: 9th grade Pizza Sales (Fall), 10th grade Pizza Sales (Fall), 11th grade Pizza Sales (Spring), 12th grade Pizza Sale (Spring).
Typically, each class provides concessions at a basketball game.
The Travel Club should provide a minimum of five fundraisers/year including Tricky Tray. Possible Fundraisers: Magazine Sales, Winter Festival Dinner, Circus, Budget Vote Dinner, Antique Show Concessions, Yankee Candle Sales, Concession-Basketball Games, Citrus/ Flower Sales, Superbowl Subs, Antique Show, Flower Sales.
The board approved the District Safety Plan.
The board approved setting tuition for out of district student Tuition of Out of District Students at $2,000.
The board approved the claims audit for June 1-30, 2019 and July 1-31, 2019.

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