Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Free water testing in Speculator

Speculator VB Nov 12 2019

Free water testing in Speculator
SPECULATOR—When the Speculator Village Board of Trustees met on November 12,
Mayor Jeannette Barrett submitted a written report on the Emergency Halloween Storm Update. Additional commentary was made as follows: NYS authorized free water testing through December 31. Residents can sign up for this at the Disaster relief centers. This can also be accessed through the DOH website.
The Village received a delivery of 15,000 tons of road material from NYS DOT for the repair of the dirt section of Elm Lake Road and the County was providing equipment and manpower.
The Village is still waiting to hear if FEMA has declared Hamilton County a disaster area. Don Purdy, Hamilton County Emergency Management will be notifying the Village when that decision is made and when the State of Emergency will be lifted.
Trustee Karen McComb asked to modify the Clerk’s minutes stating that she believed the statements attributed to Attorney Smith were not accurately reflected.
Trustee Letty Rudes made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 28 regular meeting as presented. Mayor Barrett seconded and the motion was passed by the following vote: Barrett and Rudes – ayes. McComb – nay. Trustees Craven and Donecker were in absence.
Edward Scharpou, WWTP Chief Operator, submitted a written report and Additional commentary was made as follows: The expenditure report will be discussed at the next meeting.
Halloween Flood of 2019 was detrimental to the Wastewater department. Partially treated waste did go into the river but did not affect the wells. filed three NYS alerts for the incidents.
Lamont Engineers presented a work change order for the removal of all painting except for the new mechanical parts of the clarifiers for the WWTP. The work order included a cost decrease from $729,000 to $440,000 to be carried out by Rozell East, Inc.
Trustee McComb made a motion to approve the change order for Lamont Engineers. Trustee Rudes seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Scharpou presented a request by Mr. O’Brien to use a private contractor to install water and sewer lines for his house being built on Novosel Way. The charge by the Village to install sewer and water hookups is $1,000 each. This cost includes labor and equipment. In the past, Camp of the Woods was permitted to use a private company to install their sewer line with a $100 charge by the Village. It is suggested the same apply for Mr. O’Brien. The installation of a waterline would require the cost of a new meter and installation. Meter cost is approximately $160 with added Village installation.
Trustee Rudes made a motion to approve charging Mr. O’Brien $100 for a sewer hookup. Trustee McComb seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Trustee McComb made a motion to approve water tap charge that equals the cost of a new meter plus installation for Mr. O’Brien. Trustee Rudes seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
In Mrs. O’Brien’s absence, Mrs. Farina presented the Clerk - Treasurer report.
The financial report has been made available for review for the next two weeks and will be voted on at the next Board of Trustees meeting.
Mayor Barrett sent an e-mail to each Trustee for the NYS OSC Webinar: “Commonly Misunderstood Concepts in Budgeting” for those interested in participating.
David McComb submitted a written report. Additional commentary was made as follows: McComb addressed issues on signage for businesses no longer operating. He expressed concern with an abandoned sign for Village Rentals to which the owner has been advised must be removed. McComb recommended enforcement action for the business in the form of a verbal warning, followed by a written letter outlining the law of signage and specific actions required by the business owner. Some discussion ensued. Mayor Barrett noted that this procedure should be applied to all businesses within the Village for equal treatment in the laws of signage.
Trustee Rudes made a motion to have enforcement procedures for banners and abandoned signs applied to all that qualify within the Village. Trustee McComb seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Trees on the Point: Due to Halloween Storm flooding, the ground is too soft to cut the tree, but Gary Bureau will monitor the conditions. He will also provide a certificate of insurance to the Village.
LED Street Lights: The Village is still awaiting the National Grid buyout.
New York State Local Retirement System (NYSLRS): NYSLRS conducted a review of Standard Workday and Reporting Resolution for Elected and Appointed Officials and determined that a Village resolution was required to establish and confirm the standard workdays for Roger Blanchard and Crystal O’Brien. “Resolution for Standard Workday and Reporting for Appointed Officials” was presented by Mayor Barrett.
Trustee Rudes made a motion to approve the resolution for standard workday reporting for the two officials. Trustee McComb seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
LOSAP Transition for Fire Fighters, Legal Counsel. Mayor Barrett provided Finance Committee feedback, as requested by SVFD, on the current LOSAP design and funding health. The plan is currently funded at 85% due in part to Village contributions below that recommended by the actuary in past years, and a very conservative investment plan. There was discussion regarding the current Defined Benefit Plan versus a proposed Defined Contribution plan that would take advantage of stock market investments and offer a lump sum payment to firefighters over a 3-year period that would be NY State tax-free. The LOSAP options had been reviewed at the monthly SVFD meeting and the membership voted to affirm the DC option.
Mayor Barrett explained that to ensure the Village is compliant with IRS and NY State regulations in transitioning between plan types, it was recommended to engage a pension lawyer at a cost of approximately $2,000-$3,000, noting also that there may be some unspent SVFD monies to cover the cost. Mayor Barrett asked for a motion and Trustee McComb requested a delay until the full board was present and requested written information regarding the pros and cons of the LOSAP types of plans.
SVFD New Application. One new application for the SVFD was presented: Kyle Darlington from Piseco. It was questioned whether living in Piseco would be a disadvantage for SVFD and Chief O’Brien said this would not be an impediment to his availability. An application for Junior Firefighter was presented: Nate Greco of Lake Pleasant. Chief O’Brien stated that Lake Pleasant does not have a Junior Fire Fighter program available. As a minor, participation on calls and drills will be limited depending on the safety of operations. Junior firefighters are required to attend drills and meetings.
Trustee McComb made a motion to accept Mr. Kyle Darlington as an adult firefighter of the SVFD. Trustee Rudes seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Trustee Rudes made a motion to accept Mr. Nate Greco as a junior firefighter of the SVFD, Trustee McComb seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Medical Insurance Options. Insurance Broker will be present to discuss options for 2020 at next Board Meeting. Mayor Barrett provided highlights of four plans under consideration.
Employee Handbook. Due to the urgency of the Halloween Storm, the Employee Handbook will be addressed next month.
ANCA Farm Challenge. The ANCA program is designed to increase money to food producers in the form of grants, fill in gaps in the region’s food system, and increase prosperity by bringing in entrepreneurs. Although the program is a great concept, it is not applicable to the community in Speculator due to the lack of regional farming within the area. A decision was made not to financially support the program at this time.
Dave McComb, speaking as a private citizen, thanked Trustee Rudes and Trustee McComb for their work in the community. He deferred comments to be addressed to Trustees Craven and Donecker until the next Board of Trustees meeting.
Trustee McComb read a letter she received from resident Ms. Bobbie Lyn Hoover regarding Elliot Lane. Mayor Barrett stated that in the absence of the Village Attorney and the full board, this matter could be addressed at the next board meeting if a board member wanted to put it on the agenda. Trustee McComb indicated she would do so.
Shorty Hoffman, resident commended on the SVFD, WWTP and DPW for their exemplary work during the Halloween Storm.

This report is based upon the minutes provided by Stacey Farina, Deputy Clerk - Treasurer

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