Wells TB November 18 2019
Wells adopts 2020 budget
WELLS—When the Wells Town Board met on November 18, it adopted its 2020 budget as follows.
On a motion of Councilperson Saltis, seconded by Councilperson Hunt, the following was APPROVED by all: WHEREAS, heretofore the Budget Officer has filed with the Town Clerk the Tentative Budget for the fiscal year beginning 1 January 2020 with his recommendations and statement, and WHEREAS, the Tentative Budget of the fiscal year 2020, as filed by the Budget Officer with the Town Clerk, respectfully reports that in his opinion the amounts in the columns headed “Appropriations” will be necessary to meet the expenditures of the Town for the ensuing year as follows: And, Contributions required by law made by tax upon this town for State Employees’ Retirement Contributions. Salaries of officers and employees heretofore authorized by this Board and the amounts necessary to pay for the equipment, supplies, materials and other expenses for each department. Amount necessary to carry out the contract with the County of Hamilton for snow removal on county roads. Town indebtedness maturing and interest payable as shown by the Budget Officer. Appropriations for snow removal on town roads and machinery fund.
Appropriations for a contingent fund. Appropriations for other specific purposes as stated in the tentative budget by the Budget Officer.
WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed the Tentative Budget and adopted a Preliminary Budget as required by Town Law, and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing on the Preliminary Budget was held on October 30, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Wells Senior Meal Site, Wells, New York, and the Town Clerk had published a notice of Public Hearing in accordance with Section 108 of Town Law, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that after further review and deliberation the 2020 Town Budget be adopted as follows contingent upon submittal to the State Comptroller’s Office, in a form or manner as prescribed containing necessary calculations to determine the tax limit for the coming fiscal year:
What follows is the Adopted Budget for 2020. Figures in (parenthesis) are from the 2019 budget.
THE GENERAL FUND shows appropriations of $1,092,491 ($1,085,343) minus estimated revenues of $246,379 ($283,965) (including fund balance), leaves $806,112 ($801,378) to be raised by taxes.
THE HIGHWAY FUND shows appropriations of $689,398 ($677,020) minus estimated revenues of $203,100 ($253,100) (including fund balance), leaves $446,298 ($423,920) to be raised by taxes.
FIRE DISTRICT shows appropriations of $157,653 ($154,900), less $15,000 from fund balance this year and last year, leaves $142,653 ($139,900) to be raised by taxes.
WATER DIST RICT shows appropriations of $175,468 ($174,340) minus estimated revenues of $36,590 ($44,590) and $5,000 from fund balance, leaves $133,878 ($129,750) to be raised by taxes.
Supervisor Beach reported on the Lake Algonquin Hydroelectric Plant for October 2019. Revenues totaled zero at this time; expenditures totaled $342.69.
On a motion of Councilperson Saltis, seconded by Councilperson Stuart, the following was APPROVED by all: RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be authorized to publish notice to Dealers for bids for heating fuel, Over-the-Road Diesel fuel and Regular Grade gasoline for the year 2020, according to specifications on file in the Town Clerk’s Office, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that bids must be received by 12:00 noon on Friday, December 6, 2019 and will be publicly opened at the Town Board meeting on Monday, December 9th, 2019 at 7:10 p.m. at the Wells Meal Site/Ambulance Building, Buttermilk Hill Road, Wells, NY.
On a motion of Councilperson Hunt, seconded by Councilperson Saltis, the following was APPROVED by all: WHEREAS, the town provides a Medicare Health Insurance Plan to its Retired Full-Time employees through a contract with Mohawk Valley Partners (MVP), and WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed rates effective January 1, 2020, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT
RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to sign an agreement with Mohawk Valley Partners (MVP) to provide Medicare supplemental coverage described in the attached agreement.
On a motion of Councilperson Hunt, seconded by Councilperson Stuart, the following was APPROVED by all: WHEREAS, the town currently provides a Medical Health Insurance plan to its Full-Time employees and to its Under-65 Retired employees under a contract with Mohawk Valley Partners (MVP), and WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed options and rates for said health insurance effective December 1, 2019, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT
RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to sign an agreement with Excellus Blue Cross/Blue Shield to provide health insurance coverage under its PPO SimplyBlue Plus Standard Gold Plan to said employees.
On a motion of Councilperson Saltis, seconded by Councilperson Hunt, the following was APPROVED by all WHEREAS, the James A. Brennan Memorial Humane Society provides Animal Shelter services to the Town of Wells,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that after due consideration, the Wells Town Board agrees to the terms of the attached Contract Agreement and hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute such document on behalf of the Town of Wells
Supervisor Beach reviewed a draft lease agreement between the Town of Wells Water District and North Country Public Radio. The draft does include that NCPR agreed to pay back rent of $200 per year for the years 2017, 2018 and 2019 and the new lease when executed would carry a five year term. Councilperson Saltis agreed with a 5 year lease rather than 10 year. The Board will adopt the new lease at the December board meeting.
Kevin Helm reported to the Board for the month of October, he received building applications for one car port, six septic systems and 3 CO’s.
Highway Superintendent Clay Earley reported all roads are now passable. Still addressing a culvert at Griffin Gorge.
Councilperson Hunt thanked all those who helped the Town and residents during and after the flood.
Councilperson Saltis especially thanked the teenagers for their help during and after the flood. They are our hope for the future!
Councilperson Saltis announced a letter writing campaign to our State and Federal elected officials as it is important that we continue communications and ask for their help and support in the aftermath of the flood. Letters and pre-addressed envelopes were made available as well as a link to the Town’s website and Town Crier Facebook page. All full time and seasonal residents are encouraged to mail or email our officials.
Town Clerk Maryellen Stofelano reported after speaking with the Association of Towns and Villages attorney that it was not protocol or advisable to post on the website the Abstract or vouchers paid for the prior month. This was suggested by a resident at the October meeting.
Councilperson Stuart thanked Tim Hunt and Clay for their hard work during the flood. Also, Jesse Stuart, Brett and Bonnie Turnbull and Jerry Wright for their hard work. The Transfer Station will remain open. He also thanked Supervisor Beach for the long hours and hard work he put in.
Supervisor Beach reported that the wiring has been repaired at the Hydro Plant. The gear box and turbine are in good shape and the generator is being looked at. Wiring has been run for the second gate and additional wiring will be done this Friday. He is seeking three proposals to repair the water line at the bridge. He also thanked everyone for what they did during the flood, especially the Fire Department, WVAC, Tim and Clay using the front loader to evacuate people, the Car Race drivers who helped over the weekend and Becky for her assistance with the Red Cross and FEMA. He also brought up the possibility of a need for a siren to alert people when something serious is taking place i.e., at the dam.
Dee Parker asked if the Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance plan included active employees, yes it does. She also asked about communicating an emergency plan. As an example, the recent boil advisory. She didn’t know about and assume others didn’t, maybe a sign at the post office.
Marlene Rust thought the siren was a good idea and could be used for other emergencies such as a forest fire or an active shooter at the school.
Supervisor Beach said GAZ Engineering suggested different sirens for each type of emergency event.
Michael Waterhouse from Adirondack Motorist Enthusiast Club (A.M.E.C.) presented the Town with a $1,000 donation from their club and an individual donation of $40 to help with the costs of rebuilding after the flood. They have appreciated sharing the lake in the winter months for the last 25 years.
Holly Hite thanked them for their donation and the physical help they provided particularly to the Senior Citizens the weekend following the flood. The Senior Group is planning a “thank you” dinner and will certainly be extending an invitation to them.
Rebekah Crewell gave an overview and update on recovery efforts. She and Supervisor Beach will be meeting with representatives from FEMA, SBA and NYS Homeland Security tomorrow to tour the devastated properties and infrastructure in the Town. 58 properties in the County, 39 of those are in Wells. She is working closely with Don Purdy, Hamilton County Emergency Services Director. As Vice President of the Speculator Chamber of Commerce she will be planning a Legislative Breakfast soon. As an Insurance Broker she encouraged anyone who sustained damage to contact your agent and/or insurance carrier to file a claim. If FEMA can provide any monetary assistance this step needs to be taken.
Roy Grisenthwaite asked if seasonal homeowners were impacted should they be writing to the elected officials. Yes, everyone even if they were not personally impacted should taking part in the letter writing campaign.
Holly Hite made everyone aware that Rick the owner of Ruby & Quiri is offering a 20% discount on furniture, substantial discounts on flooring and free delivery to anyone who was a victim of the flood.
Kevin Helm asked if anyone has inspected the rip-rap at the dam. Hamilton County Water & Soil Conservation District has looked at it and documenting information. Supervisor Beach reported the engineering firm has looked at the dam and feels it has not been compromised and is in good shape.
John Menke doesn’t understand that if he or anyone can come into the Town Office to review the Abstract why can’t it be published online.
John Margies asked if there was a station north of the Town to alert us of high water levels. No, only a station south of Town.
Supervisor Beach on behalf of his family thanked Councilperson Hunt for his insistence to have him get off the catwalk of the dam during the evening of the flood.
Steve Stofelano Jr. thanked the community and neighbors for the outpouring of support Maryellen, and he received in the aftermath of the flood.
This report is based upon minutes provided by Maryellen Stofelano, Town Clerk
Wells adopts 2020 budget
WELLS—When the Wells Town Board met on November 18, it adopted its 2020 budget as follows.
On a motion of Councilperson Saltis, seconded by Councilperson Hunt, the following was APPROVED by all: WHEREAS, heretofore the Budget Officer has filed with the Town Clerk the Tentative Budget for the fiscal year beginning 1 January 2020 with his recommendations and statement, and WHEREAS, the Tentative Budget of the fiscal year 2020, as filed by the Budget Officer with the Town Clerk, respectfully reports that in his opinion the amounts in the columns headed “Appropriations” will be necessary to meet the expenditures of the Town for the ensuing year as follows: And, Contributions required by law made by tax upon this town for State Employees’ Retirement Contributions. Salaries of officers and employees heretofore authorized by this Board and the amounts necessary to pay for the equipment, supplies, materials and other expenses for each department. Amount necessary to carry out the contract with the County of Hamilton for snow removal on county roads. Town indebtedness maturing and interest payable as shown by the Budget Officer. Appropriations for snow removal on town roads and machinery fund.
Appropriations for a contingent fund. Appropriations for other specific purposes as stated in the tentative budget by the Budget Officer.
WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed the Tentative Budget and adopted a Preliminary Budget as required by Town Law, and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing on the Preliminary Budget was held on October 30, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Wells Senior Meal Site, Wells, New York, and the Town Clerk had published a notice of Public Hearing in accordance with Section 108 of Town Law, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that after further review and deliberation the 2020 Town Budget be adopted as follows contingent upon submittal to the State Comptroller’s Office, in a form or manner as prescribed containing necessary calculations to determine the tax limit for the coming fiscal year:
What follows is the Adopted Budget for 2020. Figures in (parenthesis) are from the 2019 budget.
THE GENERAL FUND shows appropriations of $1,092,491 ($1,085,343) minus estimated revenues of $246,379 ($283,965) (including fund balance), leaves $806,112 ($801,378) to be raised by taxes.
THE HIGHWAY FUND shows appropriations of $689,398 ($677,020) minus estimated revenues of $203,100 ($253,100) (including fund balance), leaves $446,298 ($423,920) to be raised by taxes.
FIRE DISTRICT shows appropriations of $157,653 ($154,900), less $15,000 from fund balance this year and last year, leaves $142,653 ($139,900) to be raised by taxes.
WATER DIST RICT shows appropriations of $175,468 ($174,340) minus estimated revenues of $36,590 ($44,590) and $5,000 from fund balance, leaves $133,878 ($129,750) to be raised by taxes.
Supervisor Beach reported on the Lake Algonquin Hydroelectric Plant for October 2019. Revenues totaled zero at this time; expenditures totaled $342.69.
On a motion of Councilperson Saltis, seconded by Councilperson Stuart, the following was APPROVED by all: RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be authorized to publish notice to Dealers for bids for heating fuel, Over-the-Road Diesel fuel and Regular Grade gasoline for the year 2020, according to specifications on file in the Town Clerk’s Office, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that bids must be received by 12:00 noon on Friday, December 6, 2019 and will be publicly opened at the Town Board meeting on Monday, December 9th, 2019 at 7:10 p.m. at the Wells Meal Site/Ambulance Building, Buttermilk Hill Road, Wells, NY.
On a motion of Councilperson Hunt, seconded by Councilperson Saltis, the following was APPROVED by all: WHEREAS, the town provides a Medicare Health Insurance Plan to its Retired Full-Time employees through a contract with Mohawk Valley Partners (MVP), and WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed rates effective January 1, 2020, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT
RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to sign an agreement with Mohawk Valley Partners (MVP) to provide Medicare supplemental coverage described in the attached agreement.
On a motion of Councilperson Hunt, seconded by Councilperson Stuart, the following was APPROVED by all: WHEREAS, the town currently provides a Medical Health Insurance plan to its Full-Time employees and to its Under-65 Retired employees under a contract with Mohawk Valley Partners (MVP), and WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed options and rates for said health insurance effective December 1, 2019, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT
RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to sign an agreement with Excellus Blue Cross/Blue Shield to provide health insurance coverage under its PPO SimplyBlue Plus Standard Gold Plan to said employees.
On a motion of Councilperson Saltis, seconded by Councilperson Hunt, the following was APPROVED by all WHEREAS, the James A. Brennan Memorial Humane Society provides Animal Shelter services to the Town of Wells,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that after due consideration, the Wells Town Board agrees to the terms of the attached Contract Agreement and hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute such document on behalf of the Town of Wells
Supervisor Beach reviewed a draft lease agreement between the Town of Wells Water District and North Country Public Radio. The draft does include that NCPR agreed to pay back rent of $200 per year for the years 2017, 2018 and 2019 and the new lease when executed would carry a five year term. Councilperson Saltis agreed with a 5 year lease rather than 10 year. The Board will adopt the new lease at the December board meeting.
Kevin Helm reported to the Board for the month of October, he received building applications for one car port, six septic systems and 3 CO’s.
Highway Superintendent Clay Earley reported all roads are now passable. Still addressing a culvert at Griffin Gorge.
Councilperson Hunt thanked all those who helped the Town and residents during and after the flood.
Councilperson Saltis especially thanked the teenagers for their help during and after the flood. They are our hope for the future!
Councilperson Saltis announced a letter writing campaign to our State and Federal elected officials as it is important that we continue communications and ask for their help and support in the aftermath of the flood. Letters and pre-addressed envelopes were made available as well as a link to the Town’s website and Town Crier Facebook page. All full time and seasonal residents are encouraged to mail or email our officials.
Town Clerk Maryellen Stofelano reported after speaking with the Association of Towns and Villages attorney that it was not protocol or advisable to post on the website the Abstract or vouchers paid for the prior month. This was suggested by a resident at the October meeting.
Councilperson Stuart thanked Tim Hunt and Clay for their hard work during the flood. Also, Jesse Stuart, Brett and Bonnie Turnbull and Jerry Wright for their hard work. The Transfer Station will remain open. He also thanked Supervisor Beach for the long hours and hard work he put in.
Supervisor Beach reported that the wiring has been repaired at the Hydro Plant. The gear box and turbine are in good shape and the generator is being looked at. Wiring has been run for the second gate and additional wiring will be done this Friday. He is seeking three proposals to repair the water line at the bridge. He also thanked everyone for what they did during the flood, especially the Fire Department, WVAC, Tim and Clay using the front loader to evacuate people, the Car Race drivers who helped over the weekend and Becky for her assistance with the Red Cross and FEMA. He also brought up the possibility of a need for a siren to alert people when something serious is taking place i.e., at the dam.
Dee Parker asked if the Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance plan included active employees, yes it does. She also asked about communicating an emergency plan. As an example, the recent boil advisory. She didn’t know about and assume others didn’t, maybe a sign at the post office.
Marlene Rust thought the siren was a good idea and could be used for other emergencies such as a forest fire or an active shooter at the school.
Supervisor Beach said GAZ Engineering suggested different sirens for each type of emergency event.
Michael Waterhouse from Adirondack Motorist Enthusiast Club (A.M.E.C.) presented the Town with a $1,000 donation from their club and an individual donation of $40 to help with the costs of rebuilding after the flood. They have appreciated sharing the lake in the winter months for the last 25 years.
Holly Hite thanked them for their donation and the physical help they provided particularly to the Senior Citizens the weekend following the flood. The Senior Group is planning a “thank you” dinner and will certainly be extending an invitation to them.
Rebekah Crewell gave an overview and update on recovery efforts. She and Supervisor Beach will be meeting with representatives from FEMA, SBA and NYS Homeland Security tomorrow to tour the devastated properties and infrastructure in the Town. 58 properties in the County, 39 of those are in Wells. She is working closely with Don Purdy, Hamilton County Emergency Services Director. As Vice President of the Speculator Chamber of Commerce she will be planning a Legislative Breakfast soon. As an Insurance Broker she encouraged anyone who sustained damage to contact your agent and/or insurance carrier to file a claim. If FEMA can provide any monetary assistance this step needs to be taken.
Roy Grisenthwaite asked if seasonal homeowners were impacted should they be writing to the elected officials. Yes, everyone even if they were not personally impacted should taking part in the letter writing campaign.
Holly Hite made everyone aware that Rick the owner of Ruby & Quiri is offering a 20% discount on furniture, substantial discounts on flooring and free delivery to anyone who was a victim of the flood.
Kevin Helm asked if anyone has inspected the rip-rap at the dam. Hamilton County Water & Soil Conservation District has looked at it and documenting information. Supervisor Beach reported the engineering firm has looked at the dam and feels it has not been compromised and is in good shape.
John Menke doesn’t understand that if he or anyone can come into the Town Office to review the Abstract why can’t it be published online.
John Margies asked if there was a station north of the Town to alert us of high water levels. No, only a station south of Town.
Supervisor Beach on behalf of his family thanked Councilperson Hunt for his insistence to have him get off the catwalk of the dam during the evening of the flood.
Steve Stofelano Jr. thanked the community and neighbors for the outpouring of support Maryellen, and he received in the aftermath of the flood.
This report is based upon minutes provided by Maryellen Stofelano, Town Clerk
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