Friday, June 19, 2020

Indian Lake confronts garbage problems

ILTB June 8 2020

Indian Lake confronts garbage problems
INDIAN LAKE—When the Indian Lake Town Board met on June 8, discussion was held on the illegal dumping that residents are doing at the Parks and Rec. garage site. It was decided to start with putting up a sign stating there is NO DUMPING ALLOWED, as well as putting up cameras.
Supervisor Wells let everyone know that the Transfer Station is now open at its regular hours.
Supervisor Wells stated that he had received a letter of complaint from a second home homeowner complaining about the transfer station hours that was very offensive. He stated that there was NO intent from the Board to spite second home homeowners or any homeowner. All Board Members felt this was a very offensive letter, stating that they were trying to be equitable to ALL homeowners, second homeowners as well as full time residence. Supervisor Wells replied to the letter. Councilwoman Curry stated she would respond to the letter as well. She stated we value our second homeowners and the hours were not meant to slight anyone.
Supervisor Wells thanked Kevin King for putting together a schedule allowing two men to get back to work at the Sewer and Water plants.
Councilwoman Stanton asked if the Community Action was fluid now. Supervisor Wells stated that it was. As all Towns have been working together, the demand for food is way down. Discussion held on the flower barrels at the Memorial Site. The CDC (Community Development Committee) have purchased the flowers for the two barrels at the site.
Supervisor Brian Wells thanked Claudia Cunniff for sitting in on a webinar for him. Supervisor Wells thanked Pam Howard, Senior Account Clerk, for all her work, getting all the FEMA paperwork together. He stated she had saved the Town a lot of money doing this paperwork herself.
Supervisor Wells read the Negative Declaration page (SEQR) for the Blue Mt. Lake signage. Supervisor Wells made a motion to approve the Negative Declaration form on the SEQR, for the Blue M t. Lake signage. Seconded by, Councilman Rathbun. All approved.
Supervisor Wells told all that Dr. Erica Mahoney, Director of the Hamilton County Department of Health would be holding another Cleaning and Disinfecting webinar. If anyone would like to attend, call, 518-648-6497.
Supervisor Wells reported to all that the 90-miler annual canoe race has been canceled.
Supervisor Wells reported to all that he had been handing out masks and hand sanitizer to the area businesses that are open.
Supervisor Wells reported to all that the CDC would be sending out another letter concerning the CENSUS. He thanked them for all their work.
Supervisor Wells asked if there had been any nominations for Citizen of the Year. There were no nominations this year. Supervisor Wells stated he would like to do it differently this year and have the Board mark this year's Citizen of the year as “2020 Year of the Volunteers.” He stated there have been so many volunteers during this time and it is so appreciated he feels they all should be acknowledged but due to the numerous volunteers it would be hard to list them all, therefore, mark it as 2020 year of the volunteers. Supervisor Wells made a motion to mark Citizen of the Year as “2020 Year of the Volunteers” and it was Seconded by all.
Supervisor Wells reported that he was working on the Electric Car Station, however, due to printer/scanning problems with his computer it is causing a hold up. He stated that he is working on getting the problem fixed.
Supervisor Wells stated he is working on the policy/procedure to begin opening the Town Hall. Supervisor Wells asked the Board their feelings about the 4th of July fireworks and reopening the Beaches. Due to the complexity of the regulations that need to be in place Supervisor Wells felt it was not feasible to open the Beaches this year. Among numerous regulations, Lifeguards would also need training on how to properly disinfect. The liability for the Town is extremely high and it will be a lot of responsibility for the Lifeguards to adhere to. Social distancing is mandatory and needs to be enforced, the number of people allowed on the Beach would need to be enforced, cleaning needs to be done every hour, testing patrons need to be done before entering the Beach and many more procedures need to be followed. Councilwoman Curry volunteered to meet with Bill Laprairie, Building Grounds and Maintenance Department Head, and Jessie Bruso, swim instructor, to go over all the regulations to see if it would be feasible to open this year.
Discussion was held on the 4th of July fireworks. Supervisor Wells read some of the regulations concerning fireworks. People would have to remain in their cars, no groups standing together, no bands allowed, no parades allowed and no activities. He stated that this would need to be strongly enforced. Councilman Mahoney felt that the residence was responsible and would adhere to the protocols put in place. He also felt that there would not be as much participation this year as he felt people are staying home. Supervisor Wells made a motion to cancel the 4th of July fireworks this year and perhaps have something later in the fall. Seconded by, Councilwoman Stanton.
The motion passed.
Motion carried.
Councilman Rathbun offered setting off the canons at a certain time to commemorate 4th of July. Supervisor Wells stated that he thought that would be a good plan. He spoke of the “Taps Around America” that was done on Memorial Day. Councilman Rathbun and Supervisor Wells will meet and come up with a plan and time to set off the canons.
Supervisor Wells reported to the Board he had received two requests for building use. He stated to all that at this time, no Town owned Buildings are open at this time. He stated that the Town Board is still doing virtual meetings as well.
Supervisor Wells reported that he has been working with Peter Burns on the rafting program and contract. He stated that he is currently working on the safety plan for the put-in site.
Supervisor Wells reported to the Board that our Engineering Firm, Cedar Wood, are ready to begin moving forward on the water project in Blue Mt. He stated they would like to hire a subcontractor, Hydro Source, to begin working. He stated that Cedar Wood would be paying this Company themselves, this would come out of the money that Cedar Wood quoted us on. Councilwoman Stanton made a motion to allow Cedar Wood to move forward on the Blue Mt. Lake Water Project allowing the subcontractor. Seconded by, Councilman Rathbun.
The motion was approved.
The Board unanimously agreed to supply disinfectant spray and paper towels for the Board of Elections use on the June 23rd polling sites.
Supervisor Wells stated that he had a request for $500 from the Shakespeare in the Park director. He reported to the Board that it would be done virtually and due to the current Budget constraints, he felt this was an unneeded expense.
Supervisor Wells reported that Moose River Plans is now open.
Discussion was held on allowing Donald Liddle to give out transfer station stickers as well as handling the money and giving receipts to those needing to bring a refrigerator or air conditioner to the transfer site. This would stop the dropping off, of refrigerators while also keeping foot traffic down at the Town Hall building. The Board concurred. Councilwoman Curry suggested someone going over the procedures with Donald.
Other Town Business
Councilwoman Curry gave an update on the Weed District, stating that Lance is working on his proposal to remove bogs. Supervisor Wells stated he had received Lances Certificate of Workman's Comp.
Discussion held on TRP's. (Temporary Revocable Permit) from the State concerning the removal of bogs. Councilwoman Curry asked Darrin Harr about a walk through at Stewarts. Supervisor Wells explained that he had suggested it so the Chamber could get a feel on what they would need once allowed to go in. Councilwoman Curry thanked the CDC for the information they have been handing out. She also thanked Andy Coney and commended the Blue Mt. Lake Newsletter. She stated it was highly informative.
Discussion held on putting in the lights at the Blue Mt. Lake Restrooms. Supervisor Wells made a motion to work in conjunction with the Blue Mt. Lake Association to begin putting the lights in the restroom by the Blue Mt. Lake Fire Department. Seconded by, Councilwoman Stanton.
The motion was approved.
Andy Coney spoke to the Board concerning the two races that are held in Blue Mt. Lake annually. He reported to the Board that they are currently working on a safety plan to see if there is a way to hold them this year. He stated they were not going to cancel them until the last minute. Discussion was held. Councilwoman Curry stated that she felt they had a good handle on the situation. Andy assured the Board he would keep them updated.
Councilman Rathbun questioned Trash Day Pick Up. Discussion held. Supervisor Wells asked Jamie Roblee, Highway Superintendent, and Bill Laprairie, Building and Maintenance Department Head to put together a plan.
Councilman Rathbun reported that he had put the ribbons up around the daffodils and would begin digging them up when the time is right. He told all that he would let them know when and he would need some volunteers.
Darrin Harr, Director of the Chamber of Commerce asked the Board when he could open the Chamber. He also questioned putting up signs so people will know that the Chamber is in the Byron Park Building temporarily. Supervisor Wells asked Darrin to put together his safety plan for reopening and get it to him, the Board will decide after going over the plan. Discussion held on signage. This will be worked on.

This article is based upon minutes provided by Town Clerk Julie Clawson.

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