Supervisors June 4 2020
County works with schools and communities
LAKE PLEASANT—When the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors met on June 4, it passed several resolutions relating to provide schools with clinical Social Worker and/or Resource Officer services.
“WHEREAS, Community Services has developed a Hamilton County School and Community Prevention Initiative that offers Hamilton County Schools Clinical Social Worker and/or Resource Officer services at a cost of $10,000 per year for one day of each service per week, and
WHEREAS, Lake Pleasant Central School has agreed to contract for one (1) day per week of School Resource Officer (SRO) services at a total cost of $10,000 for the year beginning July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, be it
RESOLVED, that upon approval of the County Attorney, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, the Director of Community Services and the County Sheriff are hereby authorized to contract with Lake Pleasant Central School for School Resource Officer services for a term of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 for an annual amount of $10,000 to be billed in ten monthly installments of $1,000 beginning September 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021.”
“WHEREAS, Community Services has developed a Hamilton County School and Community Prevention Initiative that offers Hamilton County Schools Clinical Social Worker and/or Resource Officer services at a cost of $10,000 per year for one day of each service per week, and
WHEREAS, Wells Central School has agreed to contract for one (1) day per week of School Resource Officer (SRO) services at a total cost of $10,000 for the year beginning July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, be it
RESOLVED, that upon approval of the County Attorney, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, the Director of Community Services, and the County Sheriff are hereby authorized to contract with Wells Central School for School Resource Officer services for a term of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 for an annual amount of $10,000 to be billed in ten monthly installments of $1,000 beginning September 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021.”
“WHEREAS, Community Services has developed a Hamilton County School and Community Prevention Initiative that offers Hamilton County Schools Clinical Social Worker and/or Resource Officer services at a cost of $10,000 per year for one day of each service per week, and
WHEREAS, the Indian Lake Central School has agreed to contract for one (1) day per week of School Resource Officer (SRO) services and two (2) days of Social Worker services at a total cost of $30,000 for the year beginning July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, be it
RESOLVED, that upon approval of the County Attorney, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, the Director of Community Services, and the County Sheriff are hereby authorized to contract with Indian Lake Central School for Social Work services and School Resource Officer services for an annual amount of $30,000 for a term of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 to be billed in ten monthly installments of $3,000 beginning September 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021”
“WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors has set the agenda for Shared Services Plans with all the Towns, Villages, and School Districts within Hamilton County, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Lake Pleasant has requested bookkeeping and payroll services from the Treasurer’s Office, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Lake Pleasant and the County Treasurer have worked out the details necessary to begin this implementation, be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the Town of Lake Pleasant to provide Bookkeeping and Payroll services for the remainder of 2020, with the approval of the County Attorney, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the contract is set at $7,875 for the period June through December, 2020, and be it also
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be so authorized, and the Clerk of the Board and Personnel Officer be so notified.”
“WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Hamilton County Department of Social Services to enter into an agreement with The Children’s Home of Jefferson County, and
WHEREAS, the MOU is for the Jefferson Home to be the lead agency for the NCRYJT and will act as a liaison between the NCRYJT and the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) in communication and all administrative tasks, be it
RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Social Services is hereby authorized to sign the MOU between the Department of Social Services and the Children’s Home of Jefferson County.
“WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Health through Health Research, Inc. (HRI) has offered renewal of Contract No. 1611-10 with Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service for Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, and
WHEREAS, the grant year overlaps the 2020 and 2021 County Budgeted fiscal year, and
WHEREAS, the total grant contract is for $49,625.00, and
WHEREAS, the necessary funds have been appropriated in the 2020 Municipal Budget and the remainder will be proposed for the 2021 Municipal Budget, be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors be authorized to sign the Contract with the NYS Department of Health through Health Research Inc., pending approval by the County Attorney and the County Treasurer be so advised.”
“WHEREAS, the County Treasurer can be appointed Public Administrator duties via the County Court Systems, and
WHEREAS, these appointments are becoming more and more frequent and involve up front expenditures prior to estate settlements which are falling to the County Treasurer to expend, and
WHEREAS, these expenditures routinely get reimbursed on estate closure, be it RESOLVED, that Account No. A1175.401 Public Administrator, be created and funded in the amount of $1,000 to be totally offset by creating and funding Revenue Account No. A2210.0500 Public Administrator in the amount of $1,000 to cover any up front expenditures made by the County Treasurer as Public Administrator, and the County Treasurer be so authorized and Clerk of the Board notified.”
“WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Health, Agency # 12000, requests the renewal of the Contract No. DOH01-C35458GG-3450000 with Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service to provide Women, Infant and Children Program (WIC) Services, for the period of October 1, 2020– September 30, 2021, and
WHEREAS, the grant year overlaps the 2020- 2021 County Budgeted fiscal year, and WHEREAS, the total grant contract is for 51,446, and
WHEREAS, the necessary funds have been appropriated in the 2020 Municipal Budget and the remainder will be proposed for the 2021 Municipal Budget, be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors be authorized to sign the Contract with the NYS WIC Program, and the County Treasurer be so notified.”
“WHEREAS, Public Health Vehicle #765 was involved in an accident and the repairs for the damage were completed by Warrensburg Collision Center, Inc., and
WHEREAS, the Fleet Coordinator recommends the payment of the said repairs of vehicle #765, be it
RESOLVED, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to increase Account No. A1910.0402 Repairs to Vehicles-Insurance by $2,877.01 to be totally offset by increasing Revenue Account No. A2680.0000 Insurance Recoveries by $2,877.01, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make a check payable to: Warrensburg Collison Center, Inc. for Invoice #2866 in the amount of $3,877.01 and the funds be taken out of Account No. A1910.0402 Repairs to Vehicles-Insurance and the Fleet Coordinator and Clerk of the Board be so notified.
“WHEREAS, each year the DPW Superintendent needs to purchase sand for snow & ice control, and
WHEREAS, Peckham Materials has the contract for the road rehab for State Route 28 between Blue Mountain Lake and Inlet, and
WHEREAS, Peckham put down sand for backup shoulders along this state route, and WHEREAS, the sand had to be removed and replaced with another more suitable aggregate
and Peckham has contacted the DPW Superintendent to see if Hamilton County would like to purchase the sand for snow & ice control, and
WHEREAS, because of the location of the sand related to hauling expenses the Superintendent inspected the said materials and found them to be very acceptable for snow & ice control, and
WHEREAS, there is estimated to be 4,500 to 5,500 yards of material at this location in Raquette Lake and Peckham Materials has offered the materials to Hamilton County at a price of $4 per yard, and
WHEREAS, the Superintendent recommends the purchase of sand because of location for hauling expense to the northern end of Hamilton County and because the price is less per yard than the stone & gravel bids received for 2020, be it
RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors does hereby authorize the DPW Superintendent to purchase the materials from Peckham Materials and to sign a purchase order for the purchase and the County Treasurer and Clerk of the Board be so advised.”
“WHEREAS, the DPW has a need for a tag along trailer for moving small equipment, and WHEREAS, the DPW has CHIP’s funding available for the said trailer, and
WHEREAS, the County DPW Superintendent has received a written quote for a new 2020 Tow Master Trailer from Finke Equipment under Sourcewell (Formally NJPA) Contract delivered for $19,483.80, be it
RESOLVED, that hereby the County DPW Superintendent is authorized to order said trailer from Finke Equipment under Sourcewell Contract pricing at a cost of $19,483.80 and the funds to be taken out of Account No. D5112.202 Permanent Improvements and the County Treasurer and Clerk of the Board be so notified.”
“WHEREAS, the County DPW owns a 1999 Spec-Tec Ejector trailer that needs frame repair immediately, and
WHEREAS, the Superintendent had the said trailer taken to Dunham’s Spring and Repair Shop for estimate and repairs, and
WHEREAS, the repairs have been estimated at a cost of $11,582.35 to complete, be it RESOLVED, that hereby the Fleet Coordinator is authorized to have the repairs done by Dunham’s Spring and Repair Shop, Johnstown, NY to the 1999 Spec-Tec trailer and the County Treasurer and Clerk of the Board be so notified.”
“WHEREAS, the County DPW owns a 2013 Freightliner road tractor that is powered by a Cummins engine, and
WHEREAS, during hauling of heavy stone fill the engine had a catastrophic failure and caused major internal damage to the engine, and
WHEREAS, the Superintendent had the said tractor taken to Cummins Sales and Service in Albany to diagnose the failure and it was determined that the engine needed a complete rebuild, and
WHEREAS, the Superintendent has spoken with the Public Works Committee and was approved to move forward during the May committee day concerning this engine repair, and
WHEREAS, the Superintendent has received notice the repair is complete and has picked the said tractor up, be it
RESOLVED, that hereby the County Treasurer is authorized to make payment to Cummins Sales and Service, PO Box 419404, Boston, MA 02241-9404 in the amount of $17,661.74 for the above stated engine repair and funds be taken out of Account No. DM5130.401 Repairs and the County Highway Superintendent and Clerk of the Board be so notified.”
WHEREAS, the DPW has a need for a mini excavator, and
WHEREAS, the DPW has CHIP’s funding available for the said excavator, and WHEREAS, the County DPW Superintendent has received a written quote for a new 2020 Caterpillar 306 Tracked Excavator with Attachments from Milton Cat under New York State Contract PC66988 delivered for $131,356.41, be it
RESOLVED, that hereby the County DPW Superintendent is authorized to order said tracked excavator from Milton Cat under NYS PC66988 Contract pricing at a cost of $131,356.41 and the funds to be taken out of Account No. D5112.202 Permanent Improvements and the County Treasurer and Clerk of the Board be so notified.”
“WHEREAS, Hamilton County currently has a contract to sell gasoline and diesel fuel to the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), and
WHEREAS, it is a five (5) year contract and will expire on July 31, 2020, and WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation would like to extend the contract for an addition five (5) years with the same terms and conditions, and
WHEREAS, the County Highway Superintendent recommends entering the extension of the said contract, be it
RESOLVED, the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the New York State Department of Transportation for five (5) years beginning on August 1, 2020 and ending on July 31, 2025 subject to the approval of the County Attorney to procure and sell gasoline and diesel fuel to the NYSDOT and the said contract be on file with the Clerk of the Board and the County Treasurer and the Highway Superintendent be so advised.”
“WHEREAS, Resolution No. 129-20 adopted May 7, 2020 authorized an agreement with Sam Asher Computing Services (aka Hyper-Reach) with the incorrect total agreement amount because the cost of training is a onetime charge, and
WHEREAS, the Emergency Services Director and Sheriff have requested approval for an agreement with Sam Asher Computing Services, Inc. (aka Hyper-Reach) for a notification system that will enable the County to instantly send voice and text messages to any number of recipients, and
WHEREAS, Public Health and Community Services have DSRIP funding that has not been spent, and
WHEREAS, Public Health received COVID funding in the amount of $7,700 to be used for such services, be it
RESOLVED, that Resolution No. 129-20 is hereby rescinded, and be it further RESOLVED, that upon approval of the County Attorney the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Sam Asher Computing Services, Inc. (aka Hyper-Reach) for the Hyper-Reach Notification System for a 3 year term, for a total contract of $16,250, and be it further
RESOLVED, that said contract will be paid in two 18-month payments, and be it further RESOLVED, that $1,125 of DSRIP money currently in the unappropriated general fund balance be transferred from the Unappropriated General Fund Balance in accordance with Section 366 Subdivision 1 of the County Law to the following Accounts: Community Services Account No. A4310.0419 AHI DSRIP $1,125.00 and be it further
RESOLVED, that upon receipt of the invoice for the first 18 months of said services, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to issue a check in the amount of $8,825 to Sam Asher Computing Services, Inc. (aka Hyper-Reach) to be paid from the following Accounts: Public Health Account No. A4189.4540 Emergency Preparedness Misc. $7,700 Community Services Account No. A4310.0419 AHI DSRIP $1,125.
and be it further RESOLVED that Public Health commits $7,425 DSRIP funding to the second payment of said agreement, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Emergency Services Director, Sheriff, Director of Public Health, Director of Community Services and County Treasurer be so notified.”
“WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Health through Health Research, Inc (HRI) intends to award Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service continued funding to support the 2020-2021 Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Grant activities, and
WHEREAS, a coordinator is required to meet the yearly required local health department public health emergency preparedness program deliverables and maintenance deliverables, and
WHEREAS, Barbara Taylor has demonstrated experience in providing such functions as an independent contractor, whereby allowing the County to meet the grant requirements, and
WHEREAS, through said contract, Barbara Taylor would functionally serve as the Public Health Emergency Preparedness Coordinator for public health emergencies and fulfilling grant deliverables, and
WHEREAS, the term of this contract shall be from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 with the rate for said service to be $30 per hour of contractual service provided, for an amount not to exceed $33,000, plus mileage at the current IRS rate, be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with Barbara Taylor, 486 Kickerville Lane, Long Lake, NY, 12847 for Public Health Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Services, upon approval of the County Attorney, on behalf of the Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service, for the purpose of rendering services to meet the 2020-2021 PHEP Grant requirements.”
County works with schools and communities
LAKE PLEASANT—When the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors met on June 4, it passed several resolutions relating to provide schools with clinical Social Worker and/or Resource Officer services.
“WHEREAS, Community Services has developed a Hamilton County School and Community Prevention Initiative that offers Hamilton County Schools Clinical Social Worker and/or Resource Officer services at a cost of $10,000 per year for one day of each service per week, and
WHEREAS, Lake Pleasant Central School has agreed to contract for one (1) day per week of School Resource Officer (SRO) services at a total cost of $10,000 for the year beginning July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, be it
RESOLVED, that upon approval of the County Attorney, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, the Director of Community Services and the County Sheriff are hereby authorized to contract with Lake Pleasant Central School for School Resource Officer services for a term of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 for an annual amount of $10,000 to be billed in ten monthly installments of $1,000 beginning September 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021.”
“WHEREAS, Community Services has developed a Hamilton County School and Community Prevention Initiative that offers Hamilton County Schools Clinical Social Worker and/or Resource Officer services at a cost of $10,000 per year for one day of each service per week, and
WHEREAS, Wells Central School has agreed to contract for one (1) day per week of School Resource Officer (SRO) services at a total cost of $10,000 for the year beginning July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, be it
RESOLVED, that upon approval of the County Attorney, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, the Director of Community Services, and the County Sheriff are hereby authorized to contract with Wells Central School for School Resource Officer services for a term of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 for an annual amount of $10,000 to be billed in ten monthly installments of $1,000 beginning September 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021.”
“WHEREAS, Community Services has developed a Hamilton County School and Community Prevention Initiative that offers Hamilton County Schools Clinical Social Worker and/or Resource Officer services at a cost of $10,000 per year for one day of each service per week, and
WHEREAS, the Indian Lake Central School has agreed to contract for one (1) day per week of School Resource Officer (SRO) services and two (2) days of Social Worker services at a total cost of $30,000 for the year beginning July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, be it
RESOLVED, that upon approval of the County Attorney, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, the Director of Community Services, and the County Sheriff are hereby authorized to contract with Indian Lake Central School for Social Work services and School Resource Officer services for an annual amount of $30,000 for a term of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 to be billed in ten monthly installments of $3,000 beginning September 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021”
“WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors has set the agenda for Shared Services Plans with all the Towns, Villages, and School Districts within Hamilton County, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Lake Pleasant has requested bookkeeping and payroll services from the Treasurer’s Office, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Lake Pleasant and the County Treasurer have worked out the details necessary to begin this implementation, be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the Town of Lake Pleasant to provide Bookkeeping and Payroll services for the remainder of 2020, with the approval of the County Attorney, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the contract is set at $7,875 for the period June through December, 2020, and be it also
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be so authorized, and the Clerk of the Board and Personnel Officer be so notified.”
“WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Hamilton County Department of Social Services to enter into an agreement with The Children’s Home of Jefferson County, and
WHEREAS, the MOU is for the Jefferson Home to be the lead agency for the NCRYJT and will act as a liaison between the NCRYJT and the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) in communication and all administrative tasks, be it
RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Social Services is hereby authorized to sign the MOU between the Department of Social Services and the Children’s Home of Jefferson County.
“WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Health through Health Research, Inc. (HRI) has offered renewal of Contract No. 1611-10 with Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service for Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, and
WHEREAS, the grant year overlaps the 2020 and 2021 County Budgeted fiscal year, and
WHEREAS, the total grant contract is for $49,625.00, and
WHEREAS, the necessary funds have been appropriated in the 2020 Municipal Budget and the remainder will be proposed for the 2021 Municipal Budget, be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors be authorized to sign the Contract with the NYS Department of Health through Health Research Inc., pending approval by the County Attorney and the County Treasurer be so advised.”
“WHEREAS, the County Treasurer can be appointed Public Administrator duties via the County Court Systems, and
WHEREAS, these appointments are becoming more and more frequent and involve up front expenditures prior to estate settlements which are falling to the County Treasurer to expend, and
WHEREAS, these expenditures routinely get reimbursed on estate closure, be it RESOLVED, that Account No. A1175.401 Public Administrator, be created and funded in the amount of $1,000 to be totally offset by creating and funding Revenue Account No. A2210.0500 Public Administrator in the amount of $1,000 to cover any up front expenditures made by the County Treasurer as Public Administrator, and the County Treasurer be so authorized and Clerk of the Board notified.”
“WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Health, Agency # 12000, requests the renewal of the Contract No. DOH01-C35458GG-3450000 with Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service to provide Women, Infant and Children Program (WIC) Services, for the period of October 1, 2020– September 30, 2021, and
WHEREAS, the grant year overlaps the 2020- 2021 County Budgeted fiscal year, and WHEREAS, the total grant contract is for 51,446, and
WHEREAS, the necessary funds have been appropriated in the 2020 Municipal Budget and the remainder will be proposed for the 2021 Municipal Budget, be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors be authorized to sign the Contract with the NYS WIC Program, and the County Treasurer be so notified.”
“WHEREAS, Public Health Vehicle #765 was involved in an accident and the repairs for the damage were completed by Warrensburg Collision Center, Inc., and
WHEREAS, the Fleet Coordinator recommends the payment of the said repairs of vehicle #765, be it
RESOLVED, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to increase Account No. A1910.0402 Repairs to Vehicles-Insurance by $2,877.01 to be totally offset by increasing Revenue Account No. A2680.0000 Insurance Recoveries by $2,877.01, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make a check payable to: Warrensburg Collison Center, Inc. for Invoice #2866 in the amount of $3,877.01 and the funds be taken out of Account No. A1910.0402 Repairs to Vehicles-Insurance and the Fleet Coordinator and Clerk of the Board be so notified.
“WHEREAS, each year the DPW Superintendent needs to purchase sand for snow & ice control, and
WHEREAS, Peckham Materials has the contract for the road rehab for State Route 28 between Blue Mountain Lake and Inlet, and
WHEREAS, Peckham put down sand for backup shoulders along this state route, and WHEREAS, the sand had to be removed and replaced with another more suitable aggregate
and Peckham has contacted the DPW Superintendent to see if Hamilton County would like to purchase the sand for snow & ice control, and
WHEREAS, because of the location of the sand related to hauling expenses the Superintendent inspected the said materials and found them to be very acceptable for snow & ice control, and
WHEREAS, there is estimated to be 4,500 to 5,500 yards of material at this location in Raquette Lake and Peckham Materials has offered the materials to Hamilton County at a price of $4 per yard, and
WHEREAS, the Superintendent recommends the purchase of sand because of location for hauling expense to the northern end of Hamilton County and because the price is less per yard than the stone & gravel bids received for 2020, be it
RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors does hereby authorize the DPW Superintendent to purchase the materials from Peckham Materials and to sign a purchase order for the purchase and the County Treasurer and Clerk of the Board be so advised.”
“WHEREAS, the DPW has a need for a tag along trailer for moving small equipment, and WHEREAS, the DPW has CHIP’s funding available for the said trailer, and
WHEREAS, the County DPW Superintendent has received a written quote for a new 2020 Tow Master Trailer from Finke Equipment under Sourcewell (Formally NJPA) Contract delivered for $19,483.80, be it
RESOLVED, that hereby the County DPW Superintendent is authorized to order said trailer from Finke Equipment under Sourcewell Contract pricing at a cost of $19,483.80 and the funds to be taken out of Account No. D5112.202 Permanent Improvements and the County Treasurer and Clerk of the Board be so notified.”
“WHEREAS, the County DPW owns a 1999 Spec-Tec Ejector trailer that needs frame repair immediately, and
WHEREAS, the Superintendent had the said trailer taken to Dunham’s Spring and Repair Shop for estimate and repairs, and
WHEREAS, the repairs have been estimated at a cost of $11,582.35 to complete, be it RESOLVED, that hereby the Fleet Coordinator is authorized to have the repairs done by Dunham’s Spring and Repair Shop, Johnstown, NY to the 1999 Spec-Tec trailer and the County Treasurer and Clerk of the Board be so notified.”
“WHEREAS, the County DPW owns a 2013 Freightliner road tractor that is powered by a Cummins engine, and
WHEREAS, during hauling of heavy stone fill the engine had a catastrophic failure and caused major internal damage to the engine, and
WHEREAS, the Superintendent had the said tractor taken to Cummins Sales and Service in Albany to diagnose the failure and it was determined that the engine needed a complete rebuild, and
WHEREAS, the Superintendent has spoken with the Public Works Committee and was approved to move forward during the May committee day concerning this engine repair, and
WHEREAS, the Superintendent has received notice the repair is complete and has picked the said tractor up, be it
RESOLVED, that hereby the County Treasurer is authorized to make payment to Cummins Sales and Service, PO Box 419404, Boston, MA 02241-9404 in the amount of $17,661.74 for the above stated engine repair and funds be taken out of Account No. DM5130.401 Repairs and the County Highway Superintendent and Clerk of the Board be so notified.”
WHEREAS, the DPW has a need for a mini excavator, and
WHEREAS, the DPW has CHIP’s funding available for the said excavator, and WHEREAS, the County DPW Superintendent has received a written quote for a new 2020 Caterpillar 306 Tracked Excavator with Attachments from Milton Cat under New York State Contract PC66988 delivered for $131,356.41, be it
RESOLVED, that hereby the County DPW Superintendent is authorized to order said tracked excavator from Milton Cat under NYS PC66988 Contract pricing at a cost of $131,356.41 and the funds to be taken out of Account No. D5112.202 Permanent Improvements and the County Treasurer and Clerk of the Board be so notified.”
“WHEREAS, Hamilton County currently has a contract to sell gasoline and diesel fuel to the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), and
WHEREAS, it is a five (5) year contract and will expire on July 31, 2020, and WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation would like to extend the contract for an addition five (5) years with the same terms and conditions, and
WHEREAS, the County Highway Superintendent recommends entering the extension of the said contract, be it
RESOLVED, the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the New York State Department of Transportation for five (5) years beginning on August 1, 2020 and ending on July 31, 2025 subject to the approval of the County Attorney to procure and sell gasoline and diesel fuel to the NYSDOT and the said contract be on file with the Clerk of the Board and the County Treasurer and the Highway Superintendent be so advised.”
“WHEREAS, Resolution No. 129-20 adopted May 7, 2020 authorized an agreement with Sam Asher Computing Services (aka Hyper-Reach) with the incorrect total agreement amount because the cost of training is a onetime charge, and
WHEREAS, the Emergency Services Director and Sheriff have requested approval for an agreement with Sam Asher Computing Services, Inc. (aka Hyper-Reach) for a notification system that will enable the County to instantly send voice and text messages to any number of recipients, and
WHEREAS, Public Health and Community Services have DSRIP funding that has not been spent, and
WHEREAS, Public Health received COVID funding in the amount of $7,700 to be used for such services, be it
RESOLVED, that Resolution No. 129-20 is hereby rescinded, and be it further RESOLVED, that upon approval of the County Attorney the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Sam Asher Computing Services, Inc. (aka Hyper-Reach) for the Hyper-Reach Notification System for a 3 year term, for a total contract of $16,250, and be it further
RESOLVED, that said contract will be paid in two 18-month payments, and be it further RESOLVED, that $1,125 of DSRIP money currently in the unappropriated general fund balance be transferred from the Unappropriated General Fund Balance in accordance with Section 366 Subdivision 1 of the County Law to the following Accounts: Community Services Account No. A4310.0419 AHI DSRIP $1,125.00 and be it further
RESOLVED, that upon receipt of the invoice for the first 18 months of said services, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to issue a check in the amount of $8,825 to Sam Asher Computing Services, Inc. (aka Hyper-Reach) to be paid from the following Accounts: Public Health Account No. A4189.4540 Emergency Preparedness Misc. $7,700 Community Services Account No. A4310.0419 AHI DSRIP $1,125.
and be it further RESOLVED that Public Health commits $7,425 DSRIP funding to the second payment of said agreement, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Emergency Services Director, Sheriff, Director of Public Health, Director of Community Services and County Treasurer be so notified.”
“WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Health through Health Research, Inc (HRI) intends to award Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service continued funding to support the 2020-2021 Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Grant activities, and
WHEREAS, a coordinator is required to meet the yearly required local health department public health emergency preparedness program deliverables and maintenance deliverables, and
WHEREAS, Barbara Taylor has demonstrated experience in providing such functions as an independent contractor, whereby allowing the County to meet the grant requirements, and
WHEREAS, through said contract, Barbara Taylor would functionally serve as the Public Health Emergency Preparedness Coordinator for public health emergencies and fulfilling grant deliverables, and
WHEREAS, the term of this contract shall be from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 with the rate for said service to be $30 per hour of contractual service provided, for an amount not to exceed $33,000, plus mileage at the current IRS rate, be it
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with Barbara Taylor, 486 Kickerville Lane, Long Lake, NY, 12847 for Public Health Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Services, upon approval of the County Attorney, on behalf of the Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service, for the purpose of rendering services to meet the 2020-2021 PHEP Grant requirements.”
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